PressTV interview with captured Navy crew
Of course, Iran is going to milk this incident for every ounce they can squeeze out of it. I mean, the President is on television addressing the nation and ten sailors are captured and in custody of an enemy that has been at war with us since 1979 while the Preident is speaking. The word is that the 10 have been released. But, you know, the sailor in the video says that their captors approached the Navy vessels with weapons drawn. The same guys who were aiding the Iraqi rebels to blow up and kill our troops a few short years ago.
Anyway watch the body language;
We probably won’t hear the whole truth about this incident until after January next year.
Category: Terror War
Well I guess my job is safe in the Navy.
Body language translation = I have killed all you goat lovers 57 times in my head before you asked your first question.
Rosetta Stone results may vary.
That’s pretty much what I got, too. And I have some education in reading body language.
Copy that…ya can’t control your body language.. Hopefully they were released.
What in the wide world of sports does Hack Stone’s wife have to do with this?
Some of the questions the interrogator is asking in Persian Farsi has a looser interpretation when translated to english. Of course this is for their propaganda campaign that they will play to the Iranian public. I’m a proponent of SERE training to as many military personnel as possible. Granted they were not in a position to go into E&E but they would have been able to recognize various interrogation techniques and take counter measures.
But at least he thanked them for their fantastic behavior.
Yes they do go to some SEAR but it may not be Level C. They should have drill’s on it all the time especially at there command level training and mission preps they should cover it. The problem is you never know until it get’s completely real. I would say there will be re-training.
I went through SERE school in the mid 80s. I’ve never heard of different levels of training. I’m sure that, as a PARPRO crewman, I went through the whole shebang. Is that Level C? Just curious.
Yes, They have level A that is online then Level B is online and command taught and then they have modified portions and hands of level C not the hole thing. SOF and Aircrew and some Intel go to Level C. I think it was a money thing.
Level A is yearly and B is if you are deploying to a high threat con AOR.I believe they changed that for all NECC types you have to deploy you have to do level B.
Helicopter pilots, Special Operations personnel, spies, government agents, and aircraft aircrew get SERE “C”.
Aircraft Pilots and Observers (the old RIOs, WSOs, and JAFOs) get SERE Level D. The student is dropped off on a barren island and is pursued by an opposing force that is trying to trap them. There is no fresh water and no local wildlife to eat. Once caught, the student is kept awake, starved, and beaten. It briefly incorporated simulated rape (following the mistreatment of captured airmen during Desert Storm, I think).
My cousin had to undergo it in the 90s. It happened during the sweet spot between when they only allowed open-handed striking and before they added the rape simulation segment.
The USAF discontinued D for pilots after a female cadet at the Academy complained about the realistic abuse she received. I think the Navy still does SERE “D” out of concerns about operational security.
No Sidney, you’re dead wrong. There is no “island.” Do some research. Wikipedia’s entry is surprisingly accurate.,_Evasion,_Resistance_and_Escape
– SERE Level C graduate
No island dropping adventure in my SERE experiences either…one course was the hands on skills and physical stresses, resistance techniques with what looked like cadre picked from the WWE and the unfortunate guest of the Hanoi Hilton (Doug Hegdall) doing the soft sell.
The other class was an “advanced” SERE in seminar format.
They were also doing Desert SERE, but I didn’t get to attend that.
Got it. Thanks.
OT, Not to be a nit, but numbnutz Fox News & Neil Cavuto need to get their $h1t together about properly addressing vets by their rank. Cavuto was interviewing retired CMSAF James Roy about the sailors captured by Iran & kept addressing him by “Sergeant”. Same thing w/ Ret. Gunnery Sgt Jessie Jane Duff being addressed as “Sergeant” by the ignorant Fox News talking heads. Oh yeah, and they call any & every SOF unit “Special Forces”.
I agree, just saw some numb nuts on Fox railing against the Navy Lt for violating name, rank and serial# only. Should brush up on the code of conduct before speaking out of his blow hole.
Stuff like this happens frequently in international affairs. The chicken hawks trying to capitalize on this to weave the political narrative that Obama is weak are complete pieces of crap.
Worthless shitbags doing a disservice to our country.
Uh huh, right. There is no narrative that Obama is weak. Obama is weak. It was so nice while you were gone. That didn’t last long.
No. He is not. There is a narrative and it is a completely false one.
Don’t worry, I waste less time here than I did in the past.
So you can remain in you echo chamber without much interruption. I know how scared and uncertain you become when you hear something that is not in accordance with your preconceived worldview.
I know he not because he says so…
The only person spreading false narratives is you. That’s your only shtick. Gotta play the only card you have I guess.
The only thing I can hear (in this echo chamber) is the loud high pitched screams of Hillary in an empty public restroom of yet another empty venue!
But what do I know …
Don’t you have a drum circle that you should be attending and shouldn’t you and your fellow travelers be singing about how great Obama is and can do no wrong?
If Obama was strong, why are there currently more hot zones around the world that we’ve got our fingers in then when Bush was President? Sorry, but pResident 0bama can’t apologize his way out of this one.
You really think the current state of international affairs is due to Obama not being “strong” enough?
Moronic bullshit.
JUST HOW LONG did Iran Keep its American Hostages after Ronald Reagan was inaugurated, my fungus-brained buck-toothed booger-munching Swamp Donkey?
The correct answer is THEY DIDN’T. I remember watching the inauguration and someone announced to him “THEY’RE FREE Mr. President, they’re free!” as he was leaving the stadium after his inauguration. Qaddafi messed with the USA and before he knew it there were F-111’s blowing pieces of his fiefdom to confetti and he quieted down after that. Your Hero B. Hussein 0bama is a mom jean-wearing WUSS who caves to our adversaries and hurts the USA, but you just guzzle the Kool-Aid your potheaded freeze-dried hippie profs feed you and say “BA-A-A-A-A-A-A, that true!”.
You forgot, bowing down to foreign leaders.
NOT really, I was saving that for later, his bowing deep enough to the Saudi King to blow him and his bowing to Japanese leaders like he was apologizing for our being at Pearl Harbor when they attacked!
You need to slow down on the good stuff, dude.
“Moronic bullshit.”
…Amount of proof provided for this claim? Zero.
Lars, go look up ipse dixit.
Obama is such a bad ass he didn’t dare bring up the five US civilians currently held in Iranian prisons as hostages during his nuclear “talks” in Paris. Because he can’t be bothered in “mucking up the process” with freeing American citizens as one more requirement prior to the lifting of sanctions.
Because bad asses let their people rot.
So let me get this straight… I am a “complete piece of crap” because I don’t grovel at the shrine of the great Obama… that I think he is a weak, cowardly Douchecanoe because of multiple examples of exactly that during his tenure in the White House. That I am a “chicken hawk?”
Fuck you. Sideways. With a frozen swordfish. I spent three years of my life in sandy shitholes so fartbubbles like you can run your suck on the internet without being killed by ISIS types. Call me chicken hawk? Fucker… I wouldn’t think twice of dropping your sorry ass if you had the opportunity and stones to say that to my face.
Fuck you, asswipe.
Bartender, a drink for the FC2 if you please …
Was that too restrained, Master Chief? I won’t hold back next time… 😉
Don’t hold back, FC2. Tell us how you really feel. 🙂
Vent your spleen, brother!
You need to post more often. Your calm, pleasant, warm-hearted demeanor is an inspiration to us all.
Yet the emperor can’t take the time to utter one sentence about the 10 Sailors during the State of the Union.
Of course not… that would have taken away from that ghettofabulous message he was giving to all his peeps about giving them all of the free shit that they want, at the expense of America’s standing in the world. It’s all about rainbows, care bears and skittle shitting unicorns with this preezy of the 57 united steezy!
As for Lars, he’s still waiting for his unicorn that shits skittles and farts rainbows to be delivered to him at Berkley! God knows that he’s swallowed the Obama bullshit hook, line and sinker…
Millard Filmore, James Buchanan and Jimmy Carter are looking forward to company at the bottom of the worst president’s list come January 2017.
You effete intellectual snob. So you’re fine with the ragheads filming and showing sailors with their hands up? You ok with sailors and their vessels being captured and their equipment (probably including COMSEC) being exploited? You libs are all about women’s issues…how about the female sailor with a towel on her head?
YOUR fucking P U S S Y president is a fucking disgrace as are any of you fucking assholes that join him in fucking over this once great nation.
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
Strong message follows.
You claim your great international experience. Well, I’m no slouch in that arena. I can verify if challenged.
Senior NATO colleagues in my era told me they did not like Reagan but respected him so much because he stood by his convictions: if he drew a red line, they knew he meant it. They said that Euros wanted US predictability because that stopped provocative actions.
PS: FUCK YOU LARS. Your Pres is a P U S SY and the bad guys know it.
That’s the main problem I have with Lars. He’s such a partisan hack. His made up facts and general attitude are the reason he gets so much shit around here. Obama, or any Democrat for that matter could light the American flag on fire on live TV and put it out by pissing on it and he would come up with some way to excuse the action.
Y’ALL could prove to Larsie-parsie Rudy-poo that he misspelled a word by showing it to him in a dictionary and he’d look you RIGHT in the eye and tell you that the dictionary is also wrong!
In regards to the two posts above by SJ. I am standing in my living room rendering the formal golf clap. Well said Sir!
Cool story bro.
HERE WE GO AGAIN, Larsie-poo parroting his professors’ Kool-Aid – “*B-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-AH!*, 0Bama good it all Bush’s fault, *BA-A-A-A-A-AH!*”…
Cracks like “Chicken hawks” are a lousy way to present an argument, especially here.
If all you’re going to do is drive-by trolling, why not migrate to Democratic Underground? You’d fit right in over there.
Many of RIVRON Forces have advanced training, although I know not everyone attends SERE, some do and for those who don’t advanced training should at least prepare for such incidents.
Reminds me of the P-3 incident with the Chineeze.
Yep…. They should always cover in command level or unit level training especially in the 5th fleet AOR.. I know they do it’s on them to get it and understand it…
By the way, I r a CSST type!
I new you were NSW. What coast?
East … but spent much time back and forth! I was in EOD com, helped them with CSST, then jumped ship to NSW in 2004 … and that is where I ended.
Then you new CUCM out there we call him king of CSST did some good work. No names were good to go.
Yes …
My biggest issue remains to be how two boats could suffer the same maintenance problem at the same time.
Latest I’ve read is one developed a malfunction, the other began to render aid, but too late. They drifted into Iran waters and were faced with RG gunboats’ trained weapons.
How long does it take to rig a towline? I know I’m a lowly Army Signal Puke, but I also know it’s not rocket science to tow a disabled boat. A little help from my Naval brethren, please?
I’m sure they were either totally inept and couldn’t do their jobs or purposely f*cked around and allowed themselves to be captured, right? I mean, geez, how long to rig a towline? No way there were extenuating circumstances like sea conditions, miscommunication, or Murphy’s Law. Nope, these guys are the worst, let’s judge judge judge, and blame blame blame before we get any solid official info on what transpired. Yay TAH!
I’m not blaming anyone or casting aspersions on their abilities. I’m just asking a question. There’s a lot of things that are just not right with this incident. Too many things have to go wrong at once for this to have happened as it’s being presented.
Valid question SFC D. Assuming they had the proper gear to tow, optimally it could take a trained crew 20~30 minutes to lay out all gear, rig for tow and accomplish the evolution. As with any of these OPs there are a ton of factors and one right off the bat I can see is given the minimal manning of these vessels and their primary mission of Naval Expeditionary Warfare, I would not be surprised if they were not outfitted to rig for tow and if they would have spent much time practicing it.
I thought every one working on that type of detail went through SERE training, I was voluntold to do it in 2009… fun fun fun 🙂
and I always thought the P-3 incident was a hardware transfer from the Clintons
because they the Chicom’s did a long donation to thier foundation????
RIVRON is not SWCC and does not attend SERE Level C.
A question? Our boats were armed, correct? I’m not for escalating tensions(at least not all the time) but Iranian personnel boarded our vessels without much resistance it appears. I didn’t see anything larger than a couple of speedboats the Iranians brought out. What would have been the Captains standing orders in such a situation? Also, if we captured a female Iranian armed forces member would it be fair to demand her to remove her head scarf to follow more western customs. Crazy to see them having our female personnel being forced to wear a hijab? Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad they were released but what a propaganda score for the Iran.
Apparently they were dead in the water (DITW).
A shoot out would have been dumb and deadly!
So this is what I would have said:
“We were operating in international waters in close proximity to Iranian territorial waters”.
“We may have unknowingly and or inadvertently entered Iranian territorial waters while one of boats suffered an engineering casualty”.
“Our boats and equipment were seized by armed Iranian Repubulican Guard members”.
“We have been treated adequately (food, water and medical attention) and look forward to being returned to the US Navy Fifth Fleet without further delay”.
I would NOT have have apologized (as it is NOT required, there is no provision for an apology between mariners when aid is needed) and I would not have allowed female to cover unless ROE say females must be covered.
But what do I know …
I think that was the Chief next to him and when he said that shit you could see it in his head he like oh shit what a dumb ass.
Yes, and he sat up and moved back to the wall!
Given a chance, the CPO would have pimp slapped the O into another time zone.
The investigation into this is going to be an ass ugly one…
Yeah, I was kinda getting that vibe, too.
Don’t know about other branches, but Army generally has a very low opinion of O-1s as it is. In his defense however, we don’t know what was going on off-camera, or what was said to them before the filming began.
And what with the most transparent Administration in US History, I’m sure we’ll find out in a few days, at most …
I’m actually surprised the female wasn’t separated from her crew mates. Let’s hope they had and followed a destruction plan for any crypto or sensitive items prior to being boarded. I agree escalating to a shooting match with no maneuverability would have made a bad international incident a really bad international incident.
You know Tony I hope they did. We always Patrice CCI Destruction plans but the way these guy’s acted I don’t know. The Women thing they have to try out for Riverine unit’s so they do not have many woman because of the PT and qualifications are one for all and if not see you later. We have an SOP if you take a Female out on a Detachment or Convoy Security or any thing like that you take two. This is for the reason you are thinking if they separate them at least two may stop them from doing shit and they both have each other.
Watching the captain speaking, I’m reminded of what I was taught in interrogation training a few years back. When the interrogatee looks to his left and sometimes to the left and down, he’s lying. So, I think the Captain may have been sending the message to anyone watching that everything he said was bullshit and he was lying his way out of Iran.
While that may have been the Captain’s goal, I’d point out that the notion that you can ascertain truthfulness from the direction the eyes look has largely been discredited by recent studies using eye-tracking software.
I believe it’s still taught to spooks and in SERE, but it’s basically a well-propagated myth that’s mostly peddled by people selling books and offering training on it.
A pretty good take on the situation.
One final thought! I am NOT questioning the actions of the senior man, I was not there.
Based on what I was trained to do, what I know to be outlined in the CoC and my instincts … I would have handled this differently.
Command at sea is different …
MC, I have the distinct feeling that there is a whole chain of fail here starting at the top and manifesting itself in the (in)actions of this Lieutenant. You’re steaming in an area that should have you in at least GQ III if not GQ II and at Zebra and yet it appears that from some of the photos of the initial confrontation not all mounts had weapons in them and no one appears to be in any thing resembling Battle Dress. Having steamed in Patrol Boats and on larger vessels in that area I am dismayed by what this looks like. Sickening to see this Lt issuing an apology to these fucking lawless cocksuckers while wearing the uniform of our country with the Don’t Tread on me flag firmly affixed to the shoulder.
They do travel gear up or kited is what we say.
There is one shot that did show looked like they had kit’s on. I believe a lot of the shot’s were staged they took the gear off of them and shot the photo’s. Believe me they are not running around with out all their shit on.
Something just doesn’t look right about this; that Sailor just tanked his career and could be subject to charges for violating the Code of Conduct (that pesky – V. When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause).
When you go through SERE or even just the Code of Conduct briefs its hammered into you that you do not disclose your unit (even if you have an identifying patch, you do not talk about the circumstances of your capture and you sure do not willingly participate in a propaganda film.
Obumbles doesn’t need any help looking weak but that video was painful to watch and I can’t help but think there is something else going on here.
Serious question, and asking because I don’t know.
Is this a code of conduct issue? Were these sailors POWs being held as a result of capture by the enemy? If not, what were they and what were their responsibilities? I would think that this scenario would have been anticipated, briefed ad nauseum, and perhaps rehearsed.
We are not at war so I don’t think they were POW’s. I think this is what happen some what. One boat had some sort of failure maybe fuel problems because report has it they missed their Fuel times. Plus these boats are costal boats not open water boats so they travel close to the shorelines. So that being said you know Iran had eyes on at all times. So boat broke down and started drifting at same time Iran started to send their coast guard out. All nations have to render aid to vessels in distress no matter what it’s the law. So they waited till it crossed what ever Lat/long They go by. I think they went into lend aid and just maid a side show of it. This is why they let them go at day brake and did not consider them a threat to Iran. The Iran guy in the video said they new the boat was broke.
Yes GDC. they should do drill’s just like PCC’s/PCI’s. Just like when do a patrol brief or convoy brief and read 5 paragraph patrol order you should cover what if’s and what to do’s. Just my thought and that is what we always did.
BODY LANGUAGE is a long class I took while in law enforcement. Our boys were told what to say, because body language, facial expressions and lack of, fella can’t set still, eyebrows, etc. If I was to interpretate what their really thinking… IF I HAD A WEAPON I WOULDN’T BE SITTING HERE, YOU’D ALREADY BE DEAD…
For what it’s worth, and I’m going going to make a VERY plain statement here. I understand that a fair number of the members on this site are not fans of my CIC. That’s your call. I’m currently serving with the army. What occurred in this instance is no different than what we would have done had the opposite occurred. Hell we probably would have turned them over to the CIA or shipped them to gitmo. It’s called maritime law people. Please pull your heads out of your 4th point of contact and take a quick sneaky-peak at the way the Iranians viewed it. I am defending them. They did what any other flipping nation would do when they found 2 foreign nation boats in THEIR waters! Kerry was on the phone with them same day, making sure they would be released, and they were. Problem solved, issue over…now let’s go piss on the guy who has to handle these issues a thousand times a day! Does anyone on this board aspire to be POTUS? Please, if you do, run for the office. Please. I want to see how you handle everyone bashing the f$ck out of you for every little thing that they consider you did wrong. Do I want that office? Hell no! I’m happy serving as a company 1Sgt, and I’ll be even happier being retired in 2017. Oh, and yes he didn’t mention it in the state of the union, because, f&cknuts, his speech had already been written, and their release had already been secured! Now, if any veteran who still has their flipping head stuck in that 4th point wants to refute any of the factual claims I’ve made tonight, please contact me at Have a pleasant evening, my rant is over
Actually you are incorrect regarding maritime law and having sailed those exact same waters many times I can state unequivocally that the IRGC intentionally tries to provoke international incidents on a regular basis and claims territorial waters that are not internationally recognized. I find it interesting that a supposed serving NCO gives credence to the Iranians claims of territorial incursion without having all of the facts. As far as your whining defense of the President, criticism comes with the territory. Apparently you were completely absent from the years 2001~2008 when every time Bush so much as farted the dregs of the left screamed bloody murder.
As you have sailed those waters, you know that there is a policy in place that prohibited getting within so many nautical miles of the Iranian territorial waters.
Farsi island’s limit is recognized by treaty between Saudi and Iran (a line we recognize) and well marked on navigational charts which are viewable on the internet.
I don’t know if the crew was definitely over the line when detained, but they were definitely operating outside of the published navigational policies established for the region.
From the video, looks like the crew was detained near sunset, then released early the next morning when it was safe and prudent to do so.
My guess is the Iranians just gave the LT an opportunity to do something stupid, which he promptly did.
Negative, I was present. Been serving since 97. Please see Luddite4change comments below. I believe it is 10 nautical miles. If you would like my most recent 214, I’d be more than happy to send.
Ah General we covered most of these points earlier and yes you are mostly correct in my view. It was an unintentional act and one mariner needed assistance from another. So happens the dicks of the Persian Gulf were the aid providers so they called the shots.
I would have been a wee bit more coy then the young LT though …
You sound a little butt hurt, what with YOUR ardent defense of the CIC. What facts. SSG and you’re the company 1SG. As I suspected you’re just a POG fuck dipshit. Let me guess 92G.
I like the excuse about the speech being written before the incident. So I guess the most brilliant man to ever grace the oval office couldn’t improvise his little bullshit diatribe even one iota cuz his teleprompter didn’t tell him to. But remember, he’s soooo fucking smart and quick and brilliant and wonderful and deep and intellectual…..right up until he’s forced to give any type of an answer outside his standard talking points and rehearsed nonsense.
Negative Glory,
I am a POG, not a fuck dipshit. I’m the guy who gets in a Blackhawk with a Forward Surgical Team and stabilizes you to get you to a FOB to be fixed up. Try 68D/68WM6. Please call me a POG next time you’re bleeding.
He left out “We are Borg. You will be assimilated.”
He’s going to be hard to unbrainwash when a Republican is elected to POTUS.
Listen you sycophantic dribble dick, just because its okay to serve openly now doesn’t mean you can wear your frilly panties in public. First of all you are a fraud, if your in a 1SG slot you are the 1SG period….there is no acting 1SG.
Second of all, the US Navy has at least twice to my knowledge come to the aide of Iranian Naval vessels in trouble including one that sank….and their crews were given commemorative hats, shirts, a good meal and then transported back to the Iranian Navy as soon as they could link up….unlike the treatment of our Sailors.
Go back to jerking off to the naked pictures of your heroes; they may be photo shopped but they are more real than the crap coming out of your poop dick loving mouth.
Sycophantic dribble dick. Interesting. As for my title, I sit in a UMR slot of an E-8, so call me a company NCOIC. With regards to the remainder of your comments, have some flipping decorum, post some actual facts with web links, and please stop shitting on your fellow soldiers.
Oh and I’m married to a woman, with 3 kids under the age of 7. Please restrain your homophobic replies until you know people, guardian of Bums
Looks like your whole story is unraveling there fuzznuts, and I doubt you are anything close to a medic because all of the real medics I relied on in 5 combat tours knew the Code of Conduct unlike your sorry pog ass.
Something stinks about this whole thing and if you can’t understand how its wrong for Iran to do what they did and how the US is bound by International law not to do the same then your just an ignorant fuck that has proven your not even a POG SSG.
This is a board of real veterans and serving military members of all political persuasions but we can spot phonies and you are obviously one of them. You obviously do not like being called out son in that regards I will leave you with this…cry me a river bitch.
Mr. Guard Bum. I am a 68 W/68D with almost 19 years in. Yes that makes me a POG as I serve with a forward surgical team. The 691st to be specific. I am a real veteran, and still serving, so please close your oral cavity, until I decide you need an ET tube shoved down it.
Isn’t it embarrassing when you post on the wrong blog? Happens all the time. You probably meant to post this on the Huffington Post site, didn’t you? Of course you did. You couldn’t possibly be so tone-deaf or masochistic as to come here and make excuses for a hostile foreign nation manhandling our sailors and using them for propaganda purposes. Now you run along, and remember to check your website address before you post next time. You’re welcome. Please be careful that the door doesn’t hit you in the ass on your way out.
Pinto Nag,
I apologize for being masochistic…oh wait, I wasn’t, and with regards to tone-deaf, I thought I was posting on a board, not the republican national committee. Oh, also, please look up the definition of masochist. You are way off..maybe narcissistic? Sado-masochist?neuropathic? Please choose from one of the ic’s above.
I just see this as these troops having zero faith in their commander in chief and thus playing ball as fast as possible to remove that incompetence from the equation to secure the best out come for themselves. I don’t know if I blame them for doing this so quickly considering Obama’s previous inability to do anything beneficial in the US favor when dealing with these iranian scum.
Sir, does this mean Ann Margaret’s not coming?
This thing is a big shit sandwich and we’re all gonna have to take a bite
I work in the Riverine community. That LT was a student of ours. He was an arrogant ass who felt that the training he was receiving was irrelevant and outdated. Unfortunately, we do not teach Code of Conduct at our school house. From what I am hearing, there was no mechanical problems with the boats, it was navigational. Of course, it is too soon to have a definitive cause for this incident. But if it was strictly navigational, and the Iranians approached in those Boston Whalers and displayed hostile intent, why were our sailors not lighting them the fuck up? I know they have been trained on the weapons systems on the boats. I have run the ranges that they received their weapons training on. Unless our ROE are MUCH worse than I imagine, our vessels have the right of self defense. This is a clusterfuck.
Yeah I think we all know by now it looks like small unit leadership failed but why the hell didn’t the senior leader step the fuck up. I would think that he was a Chief or senior 1st class.
We have the same type of officers they think they know it all and want a 0 sum solution the problem is contingencies are just that, not always a 0 sum solution. I trained some of these guy’s back in 2007 in convoy op’s and some of them thought they new it all until we brought a convoy team up from Gulf Port MS. that had just got back from a 7 month Iraq deployment and then they woke the fuck up. They thought that they were the only Navy types that would do that shit so thought they were bad ass until they came across a real trained and hands on experience CST (Convoy Security Team). Thank you brother….
That is because we no longer intiate Chiefs we “Transition” them or what ever the fuck the MCPON is calling it these days.
Salior 365. must have missed day 32.
Good point Brother. I left in 2013 wonder WTF.. But I know their not Bees but I know that some of that influence is in that command and you know we always get down to that small unit leadership.
Your right brother. I left in 2013 wondering WTF would happen. I know that that command has Bee influence and you know how we teach small unit leadership all the way down the chain. They have Seabee as NECC Command Master Chief and I know he believes in small unit leadership he put me through initiation and yes I went through with the food so I get it. Plus the CO is all about small unit shit also EOD (Honorary Master Chief 1996) so I don’t get it.
Well, that explains a lot.
That’s the kind of officer that gets all his men killed. I would be unsurprised if the Nav error originated with him, also.
Definitely a clusterfuck.
I like how Obama is so weak that these Iranian scumfuckers even thought they could hold our sailors for any length of time without consequences. I’d like to see them try this shit when the US is represented by a real leader. No other country would tolerate this treatment of its troops for even five fucking minutes.
Remember the P3 incident with the Chinese? Not a fan of this administration but this is not the fault of this President just as everything wasn’t the fault of President Bush.
I do remember something along those lines. IMO however, these two situations are only vaguely similar.
Iran is a very active and different kind of enemy. And then there is the Nuke Deal, the constant provocations like the two rocket/missile tests, the IRGC/Quds Force fingers in crap all over the place, etc.
If memory serves me correctly the P3 was in international airspace when it had a collision with the Chinese fighter and had to make an emergency landing on Hainan Island. That crew was detained and interrogated by the Chinese while they went thru that P3 with a fine tooth comb. The crew was held for 11 days and the disassembled P3 was eventually shipped back to the US aboard a Russian Airline Antonov. Technically, we didn’t apologize but our Ambassador to China delivered an expression of regret and sorrow to the Chinese Foreign Ministry.
The Iranian activity is not surprising it’s in their immediate sphere of influence. We do the same thing.