Generals plot against Obama [Jonn]

| December 20, 2008

There’s an article floating around the Left side of the web written by a goofball named Gareth Porter in which he claims that the generals are plotting against Obama’s (and Bush’s, by the way) to withdraw combat troops from the cities and towns of Iraq to isolated posts in the countryside.I found a linkable copy of the story in the Asia Times.

Apparently the plot is to redesignate combat forces as non-combat forces to get around the wording of the status of forces agreement between the US and Iraq.

By redesignating tens of thousands of combat troops as support troops, those officials apparently hope to make it difficult, if not impossible, for Obama to insist on getting all combat troops of the country by mid-2010.

General David Petraeus, now commander of CENTCOM, and General Ray Odierno, the top US commander in Iraq, who opposed Obama’s 16-month withdrawal plan during the election campaign, have drawn up their own alternative plan rejecting that timeline, as the New York Times reported on Thursday. That plan was communicated to Obama in general terms by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen when he met with his national security team in Chicago on December 15, according to the Times.

First of all Professor Porter, the goal is to remove the troops by the end of 2011, not the middle of 2010. Please pay attention. Secondly, the generals are subordinates of the President, they are required by law to obey his orders, not find a way around his orders. And believe me, if the job is done, the generals want to get out of Iraq as badly as we want them out. Why would they want to sit around on their dead asses directing public works projects when they can be somewhere else killing jihadists? We are not an Army that likes occupation duties.

Porter writes that Petreaus and Odierno opposed Obama’s 16-month withdrawal plan without mentioning that Obama first started that blather 21 months before the election. In the nearly two years of the Obama campaign, Patreaus’ and Odierno’s efforts changed the events on the ground for a 16-month withdrawal schedule to be possible. Time marches on, Gareth, situations change and they don’t remain static.

So what’s Porter’s evidence that the Bushites are plotting to keep combat troops in cities and town of Iraq?

The determination of the military leadership to ignore the US-Iraq Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) and to pressure Obama on his withdrawal policy was clear from remarks made by Mullen in a news conference on November 17 – after US ambassador Ryan Crocker had signed the agreement in Baghdad.

Mullen declared he considered it “important” that withdrawal of US forces from Iraq “be conditions-based”.

Gasp! Condition-based!? Ya mean, if there’s a war going on, we want to be part of it? Of course we do, ya dumbass. This isn’t a withdrawal for the sake of withdrawing. This isn’t an evacuation under fire, it’s not a retreat. I know you idiots on the Left aren’t used to it, but this is what victory looks like, Gareth, m’boy.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy, Liberals suck, Terror War

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Holger Awakens

I think the other part of Mensa member Porter’s theory that is shaky is his assumption that Obama will TRY to get troops withdrawn in 16 months. The record is clear: Barack Hussein Obama has never executed a policy plan of his in his entire political career. And for a guy that graduated law school and ended up handing out zip loc bags of Chex mix to welfare frauds in Chicago, I’d say he hasn’t followed through on any plan in his life.


Well, it begins. The left, unhappy over some of the Obamunist’s picks for his cabinet, have their panties in a bunch over words. As Holger said, the Obamunist has never done anything he said he would. He doesn’t watch the news, hell, he had to be shamed into even going to Iraq or Afghanistan, anyone want to bet he’ll ignore the briefings on Iraq and A-stan?

LT Nixon

The Coup De Tat in DC has been the biggest strawman since the election happened and it’s beginning to get annoying. It’s just a big plan by weenie lefties to dredge up anti-military rhetoric so they can justify budget cuts for the Defense Department to fund unicorns for 3rd graders or whatever.


The research on Porter is good stuff. Who here is surprised to learn he is with World Can’t Wait, has appeared at functions with Kokesh, and speaks at events where 911 Truth stuff is taking place.

Anyone surprised?

Some journalist, bet his sources are unimpeachable.


Not surprised in the least. Looney Toons seem to congregate in large packs. These genious’ are no exception. Everywhere I go in the Iraq/Afghanistan Veteran community, LCPL Kokesh’s name seems to come up. He calls himself SGT Kokesh, but was busted down for attempting to smuggle an Iraqi pistol home, and transport it across state lines. Real MENSA candidate right there. And if you confront him, Kokesh’s standard response is to foam at the mouth and start screaming aboujt how you are obviously not a combat veteran (or even going so far as to call me on one occasion a “Phony Soldier”). Real piece of work. TSO, how did Darwinism fail us with these rejects?

Jonn wrote: He claims he was fine until they sent him to Fallujah. Then he started chugging xanax and vodka and storing his urine in the refrigerator.


Xanax and Vodka? and Urine in a fridge? Does this sound like a sane individual? I can’t believe anybody would ever take this sociopath seriously! I have friends who served in Fallujah, and none of them started saving their piss, nor did they begin to get wasted on Xanax and Vodka. In fact, it turned one of them around. Adam Kokesh is a disgrace to the Civil Affairs community.