McClatchy worries hippies won’t be taken seriously [Jonn]

| December 20, 2008

This morning’s Miami Herald finds the dark lining in the silver clouds of lower oil prices;

Lower oil prices mean declining revenue for oil companies and oil revenue-dependent governments, and they’ve suffered as oil prices have dropped by 75 percent since July. Worries also have spread among those developing alternative energy sources, who fear that public support and financing for energy innovations will wane as oil prices tumble.

In other words, cheap gas, although it’s a boon to consumers, will make lose interest in those “alternative energy” sources that haven’t been developed yet. We may find something else to spend our money on than a hemp-powered car. And since when has the US Left worried even a moment about oil company profits…well, except when they’re planning to hit them with a windfall profits tax.

Suppose Democrats had got their windfall tax through Congress this year…would they be planning to give that money back to the oil companies as their profits fall this winter? Fat chance. In fact, the oil companies would still be paying those taxes while oil profits fell, probably causing more layoffs and higher prices at the pumps. It looks like the Republicans were the ones looking forward, doesn’t it?

Back on August 5th, I covered a Move On protest against the Republicans in Congress who occupied the floor of the House of Representatives while Democrats went home for their summer break. I recorded an interview with one of the Bethesda Chapter MoveOn rocket scientists explain why the only way out of our energy problems was to price oil right of the reach of average Americans. I’ve cut that video down to a minute or so for the purposes of this post;

So that’s where these numbnuts get the idea that the best thing we can do for our economy is to drive the price of oil to stratospheric levels so poor people can’t afford it anymore and the price of food and all of our necessities rise out of our reach. They get from the same morons in the media who told us there was an Ice Age coming, right before we started suffering from global warming, right before the ice caps started expanding. The same morons who told us we were racists if we didn’t vote for Obama. The same numbnuts who told us Iraq was a civil war. the same people who insist there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

Category: Politics

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There are three countries where falling oil prices are not only bad but catastrophic. Russia is #1. There were riots in Vladivostok yesterday because Russia has put enormous import duties on Asian vehicles to stop the loss of foreign currency and boost local production. Iran need a price of $75-90 per barrel just to stay afloat, unemployment is at an all time high, the barely have the foreign exchange to buy imported gas, their refinement capacity is less than 20% of the market. Without these sky high gas prices, Chavez will go down the tubes quicker than a flush toilet. Now is the time to make an all out effort to conserve, explore alternative sources and try drop the price of oil to $10 a barrel, that will see the end of terrorism. Oil money is what started terrorism and keeps it going, you will not hear anything about the great Satan when they will have to come cap in hand begging for food
to keep their starving masses from tearing them to shreds.


Here’s the loonie left. Criminals deserve more consideration than society.

We need to be punished so we bend to their will. Punish a criminal and they’ll be SO upset.