Schakowsky; Paris proves we need tighter gun control here
According to BuzzFeed, Illinois Democrat Representative Jan Schakowsky told a radio audience that the terrorist attack in Paris is a “chilling reminder” that “These people used the kinds of weapons that are still available in the United States of America. And I think it ought cause us to have another consideration of sensible gun safety laws.” She continued with more unadulterated BS;
“I do want to remind you, before we killed a jihadist named Awlaki, he did a video that said to Americans, ‘join the jihad and get guns, because it’s so easy in the United States of America to get a weapon,’”
Well, first of all, the gun laws in France are the kinds of laws that the Left is always holding up as an example of the types of restrictions we should have in the US, you know, the “civilized world” as opposed to the US uncivilized world. That didn’t work so well for France. The terrorists used fully automatic weapons and those are absolutely prohibited in France – they’re also heavily regulated in the United States. Semi-automatic weapons are heavily restricted in France and handguns are generally prohibited with very narrow exceptions.
Secondly, as the BuzzFeed article points out, it wasn’t Awlaki who said that it’s so easy to get weapons in the US. It was the late Adam Gadahn who said;
“America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms. You can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle, without a background check, and most likely without having to show an identification card.”
Gadahn’s assessment of the availability of guns in the US is what the Left and Congresswoman Schakowsky would like us to believe. He said that four years ago, and there’s no one taking his advice.
The guns used in Paris last week actually came from Belgium, which has more restrictive firearms laws than France, but somehow criminals disregarded actual laws and still acquired firearms, and apparently they avoided background checks (France not only requires background checks, but also third-party references for firearm licensing). I guess that’s why we call them criminals, but that’s probably of little comfort to the families of their victims. You know, like that free-fire zone in Schakowsky’s Congressional District just north of Chicago.
In order to take advantage of the tragedy, on her website, Jan Schakowsky used the Paris attacks to go after guns in her Statement on the Paris Attacks to her constituents;
As we now consider enhanced national security strategies here at home, we should make, as a top priority, reducing the easy availability of the kinds of weapons that can and have been used in mass shootings. A now dead terrorist called on would-be American recruits in a video to take advantage of the easy access to such weapons to commit acts of terror. If we are to address violence, terrorism and security at home, we must enact sensible gun safety laws.
“Sensible gun safety laws”. OK, let’s hear them. I think the Congresswoman’s idea of safety is not the same as mine.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
This bitch is weapons grade stupid. So are those who voted for her dumb ass.
Almost as stupid as that wine stain (feinstein) ..she said if a terrorist goes into a building and no one is armed, the terrorist will lay down his gun and turn himself in…its human nature…..! The bitch is as insane as the hilldabeast, can anyone tell us which planet the bitch is from?
Yes, the guns came from Belgium and before that, they were transported to Belgium in the trunk of a car from eastern Europe.
Gun ‘control’? I think that those who can obtain them illegally are quite good at controlling that kind of traffic, aren’t they?
Schakowsky is an embarrassment to her district. She’s just looking for votes and nothing else.
Every time I write her to express my opposition to some gun control bill under consideration, she has her minions send out her canned response letter about the evils of firearms (30k shot/killed(?) annually-a meaningless number by itself, as well as her wanting a ban on so-called assault weapons).
That “Open Borders, No Customs Checks” European Union thing isn’t working out the way the Europeans thought it would, it seems.
It isn’t about gun control, it’s people control that lowlives such as he and her ilk want. They don’t want people to be able to defend themselves, they want hordes of victims dependent on them and the Government for everything, giving them more control over people’s lives.
Baaa, baaa, the sheeple. Just remember, Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.
Oh so right Infidel. This has been the Dem’s plan since 1964 with guns, welfare, housing projects etc. Keep the poor oppressed and make them think you are on their side doing them good and they will vote for you.
The problem is it has worked.
The Chicago machine has them believing guns are the problem, get rid of guns and their neighborhoods won’t be violent. But we will keep letting the bad guys out to keep shooting you.
Deliberate actions to keep the violence high to keep the areas hostage and oppressed yet thinking the machine is on their side.
If we all had laws like Chicago, we would not at all resemble the current state of Chicago.
Brilliant. Simply brilliant.
Sensible gun laws, yes:
Armed Forces Safety Act of 2016 – Permit all armed forces personnel (active, reserve and retired) who currently or previously maintained high profiency in firearms to be permitted with unrestricted conceal carry. Eliminate gun free zones. Enforce current federal gun laws and repeal rediculous state laws that endanger the public.
That is all.
Common sense is a super-power, you win, Captain America
Why did you leave out all us Veterans that didn’t retire? You got a problem with us, Master Chief? Are you being an elitist, just because you’re a retiree??
Maybe because you are a member of the militia (as defined by the 2nd Amendment and Federal law). Retirees, technically, are still affiliated with the standing army, by nature of our retention pay, benefits, and id card, until age 65.
Sorry, should have put a sarcasm tag on that for those that didn’t get that I was messin’ with the Master Chief.
I think we need to have a protest.
Ex-PH2, let’s get together and go stomping and hollering through an old folks home to get our message out. It worked for those little Cambridge University brats…
And Dartmouth though their mileage is varying.
Waiting for some more photos/video to surface.
It was a great “demonstration” of how not to win friends…
I’m up for that! And I don’t even need a walker yet.
yeah, but you’re over 65
All Veterans who qualify under the program. Yes, I am am elitist as compared to some, especially phony CPO’s.
Follow Maine’s example:
No permits, licenses, or registration(s) required for firearm ownership. No permit or license required for concealed carry. Private sales between individuals are perfectly legal, and no background checks or records of the sale are required.
The only time you need to do any paperwork is if you purchase your firearm through an FFL holder, or a gun store. The only time you need a license is if you want to hunt. 🙂
I encourage folks up here to buy locally, from private sellers (who advertise in “Uncle Henry’s” or their local classified ads, and to pay cash. No one but you needs to know what you may or may not own.
Unfortunately, not all states are equal.
And whatever you do, do NOT drive through New Jersey with any kind of a weapon in your car, truck or motorcycle!
And the guy with the .22 rifle with tubular mag that holds 15 rounds.
And his guns were grabbed with one degree of separation.
The restraining order was against his wife from her father.
Nice state they have down there.
Gun control worked for the law abiding French men and women.
I’m just waiting for our next monthly SAXET gun show in Slammintonio so I can go buy a suicide vest. You know, since the weapons used in Paris are the same that are available here. Maybe I’ll get two of them in case I need to practice on the range first.
Guess I missed the laws that permit the ownership/possession of grenades, suicide vests, unlicensed machine guns/fully automatic weapons, and military grade explosives…..
Yeah, make guns illegal. Look at how well that worked for say, meth, pot, cocaine and heroin!
That’s how it works with these idiots. Things go this way they use it as an example to prove their point. Things go the opposite way, they use it as an example anyways.
The really sad thing is that there are enough stupid people to fall for their crap regardless of the illogical bs they spew.
Here, Jonn – let me fix that headline for ya.
“Schakowsky: My comments on Paris prove I am an idiot”
We really need a like/dislike/you really are a stupid asshole so fuck off, button on this site !!!
↑↑↑↑ Like ↑↑↑↑
That last one is a wee bit wordy. Can we call it the Lars Button?
I use to live in Schitkowsky’s district. She’s just a vote whore and nothing else. She’d go to district meetings, yap and yap, and then leave and real issues that needed to be addressed were not. What else can you expect from a Chicago politician?
Lots of golf, perhaps?
Bike rides through Lincoln Park, perhaps.
They brought down that Russian Airliner with a soda can you can buy at any neighborhood convenience store.
And if they bought a six-pack, that means there’s 5 more out there. That’s some potent shit in that soda.
All I have to say is this:
“Following the terrorist attacks earlier this year at Charlie Hebdo, Westgate, and Mumbai, the Secretary General of International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) Ronald Noble recommended that having armed civilians is an effective way to prevent or halt terrorist attacks.”
Read more:
If nothing else, it confounds their planning assumptions.
I got to be in a room with her and several general officers during a CODEL in Afghanistan. Her suggestions on how to achieve success there (one was to offer the Afghans goats and camels instead of money as an incentive to turn in AQ operatives because they didn’t understand what $1M was) were just as stupid.
I’d have more faith in her if she were advocating for mandatory sentencing for bank fraud, particularly for lobbyists who run “public action funds.”
Or, mandatory sentences for those who run “Foundations” that are nothing more than fronts for money laundering billions of dollars one of the family scored in a high government job?
The best gun control law we have is to spay and neuter our mewling politicians — and I’ve gotten to the point that I’m not really fussy about the letter behind their name, either.
“…COULD have…”
Sorry, not enough caffeine yet this morning.
“Politicians and diapers both need to be changed often and for the same reason.” – Sam Clemens (Mark Twain)
Once again The Left showing their true distain for civil rights and their tyrannical aspirations. These power hungry ghouls using any excuse and lies they can to trample the US Constitution in order to make everyone as cowardly as they are. No wonder during the Democratic debate all “enemies” listed by the candidates except Jim Webb were fellow Ameicans.
Stay classy, Libtards.
French gun laws are much more strict than those of America. Belgian gun laws are even more strict than those of France. These fucking jihadist scumbags ignored the laws of both nations, as well as laws concerning international transportation of firearms, by buying guns, ammo, and explosives from a black market dealer in Belgium and smuggling them all the way to Paris through one of those nice, friendly “open borders” that European Unionists so love. All of these things are also quite illegal (like “federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison” illegal) here in the United States.
And somehow the “esteemed” congresswomen from Shitcago thinks that this means we need stricter gun laws here. I can’t wrap my head around that. It’s just blatant bullshit, with no logic behind it, pure and simple. Not only that, but it’s pretty fucking despicable politicizing this tragedy to push an agenda that would have demonstrably ZERO positive impact on the horrible event in question.
They ALREADY HAVE the laws she wants. Those anti-gun laws DID NOT SAVE ANYBODY because THEY DO NOT WORK. They had no difficulty finding some shady character in a back alley who would get them whatever they wanted for cash. The laws didn’t do a Goddamned thing to stop them.
I never purchasing a fully automatic “Scary Gun” was so easy! Especially at Gunshows! Now I feel really stupid for having put my self thru the mental anguish of completing a background check at my favorite gunstore all those times! Ya know, now that I think about it, I betcha I could go to an automobile auction and pickup a slightly used Soviet T-72 or at least a BRDM complete with basic combat loadout. Thank you Rep. Schakowksy!
Yeah. I guess I’ll have to go and get my very own BAR or M60 at my next local gun show. Been wanting one of each for a loooooooong time!
I’ll pass on the T72 or BRDM, though. Way too much maintenance required; getting parts is reportedly a pain; and the price of fuel will eventually go up again.
(Yes, the above is sarcasm.)
Two months ago, 72 members of the House signed a letter urging Scrotum Shaver to up the Syrian intake to 100,000. All of the signers were Democrats and included Jan Schakowsky. She was joined by Tammy Duckworth, by the way. Yeah, I can see by your faces that you are as shocked as I am.
If the dems have such a hardon for bringing refugees over, they should let them live in their district residences while Congress is in session.
My wife had a great idea. Paul Ryan should introduce a bill that requires all Congressman and woman who block any measure to stop muslim “refugees” to resettle all of the refugees they want to bring in their districts.
I have an idea. Bear with me because I think this will work.
Every time a tragedy happens like this, Congresscritters are demanding more and more restrictions. I hereby propose the following law: Every Congresscritter who votes for any gun control law will be held legally liable for all shootings within their state.
Why, you may ask? You see; these people promise that the next law will cause the heavens to open up and unicorns to shit skittles upon us as we are all suddenly more safe. Make them back up those words with their freedoms.
Wait – what?!? You want THEM to be responsible for what happens? Are you absolutely mad? Why on earth would you expect these – these POLITISHUNS to do anything except suck up your tax money and live in big, expensive houses at your expense? Madman!
Let me be the first to drop a “your a stupid c-bomb” on that dumbshit. Shut the fuck up already.
If a few of the victums in Paris were armed I am going to go out on a limb and say that not so many would have been murdered. Paris is one gigantic fish in a barrel gun free zone.
Speaking of gun free zones, I had the misfortune to go to a new VA facility near my home. On both of the new sliding doors that allowed entry to veterans and the public were signs that said, “For Your Safety, No Guns or Knives. Thank you”.