Manning “feels like a freak”

| November 9, 2015

manning tears

Bradley Manning, the traitorous former soldier who released thousands of classified documents to the media and was sentenced to 35 years in prison broke into tears (see photo above for an example) when prison officials told him that he needed a haircut according to Yahoo News;

“I felt gross — like Frankenstein’s monster wandering around the countryside avoiding angry mobs with torches and pitchforks,” she wrote in a blog post from prison. Feeling “humiliated, hurt and rejected,” she felt like “giving up” and said she “cried and cried and cried and sniffled a little bit, and then cried some more.”

But Manning, in comments sent from prison to Yahoo News, says she has now overcome her despair and is once again ready to fight the U.S. government in court.


“Plaintiff feels like a freak and a weirdo,” Manning asserts in her complaint, “not because having short hair makes a person less of a woman — but because for her, it undermines specifically recommended treatment and sends the message to everyone that she is not a ‘real’ woman.”

Yes, Manning is going to sue the Army so he can grow his hair long like a “real woman”, you know, even though he isn’t according to any DNA test that the Army wants to do on him. But, yeah, allowing transgender people to serve openly in the military is a good idea and it doesn’t present any special problems what-so-ever. By the way, Manning should feel like a freak, because he is – a freak and a gigantic crybaby.

Thanks to Marine_7002 for the link.

Category: Army News

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Give Bradley a tampon, if he can insert in correctly into this vagina, let him grow his hair, he sure as hell doesn’t have any on his arse.


You are what you feel sweetums! a freak and a weirdo!


Next female in Ranger school.


I’m sure the real Rangers would give him a proper welcome, aren’t you?

I read some of the comments. It seems that nobody likes this jackass and quite a few question his not being executed.


p.s just waiting for Lars to tag in.


MANNING..Here’s a quarter, call someone WHO GIVES A FUCK! IT should of been executed with or without a dick.

A Proud Infidel®™

The shittyassed little cotton candy-headed creampuff can cry rivers of crocodile tears DAILY and I won’t give even two hoots of a flying moldy ratshit about him, he has a mere thirty-some odd years left and then HE/it can grow all the hair in the world, maybe become Lars’s new social cause?

2/17 Air Cav

Hell, I thought this was about Peyton Manning. Just looking at that freak Babs makes me queasy.

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

What a damned crybaby. If he is confused about his gender, all he needs to do is look in his shorts. No matter how small, if there is a protuberance, he doesn’t qualify to “squat to pee”.
Bradley Manning is a little gay bitch boi, that does not make him a female.

Combat Historian

Cry me a River, you little traitorous tranny…

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Why haven’t we shot this traitorous individual yet? Oh right we don’t do that anymore….

Transgender and gave up national secrets, I’d say two for two on the oddball traitor scale already…


Were I on ‘its’ security detail to and from the barbershop, it would be not be hard to report, “Sir, it was just an awful escape attempt gone bad. I had no choice but to shoot him/her/it, in the melon…three times.”


Oh for crying out loud….

77 11C20

I went over to the article and got all warm and fuzzy. Not from the reporters article but from the comments from the readers which after reading three pages must have been reading the feelings at TAH.


Manning is a moron. If he actually WERE a woman, as opposed to just ‘feeling’ like one, he would know that ultra-short styles are VERY popular with REAL women. They require only low maintenance, they dry quickly when shampooed, and much easier to wear than long hair.

Note that there are extremely glamourous redheads, blondes, and brunettes as well as Black women with very short hair.

Manning is nothing more than an attention whore and a whiny little brat. He’s full of more than simple BS.

I think it would be a VERY good idea for the REAL women who will be part of his persecution – er, PROsecution to have short and very glamourous hairstyles.

Long hair does not make you a woman. It can be a real pain in the ass in the summertime when it takes 2 hours to dry, and tangles in the wind.

And frankly, he doesn’t look like a hill of beans as a BOY, so wearing what he thinks is a girlie hairstyle just makes him a rather homely NOT A girl.

He’s a slob.


I guess real women never have short hair…gonna shock the hell out of Demi Moore, Marisa Tomei, Charlize Theron, and quite a few others…


Wait… Demi Moore is a woman?

I thought she was a Navy Seal?


I forgot to mention, Charlize Theron is one beautiful African American woman.


Oh, you left out the real glamour girls: Liz Taylor; Hedy Lamarr; Betty Grable; Carol Burnett; Julie Andrews; Marilyn Monroe; Helen Mirren; Dame Judith Dench.

All these wonderfully glamourous ladies have or had short hair. Unless they wore wigs for roles they played, it was SHORT.


EX..I always wore my hair long until it became a hassle with both my hands/arms in casts. Your right long hair doesn’t make you a women.


“I feel like a freak….”

That’s because you ARE a freak you little bitch!

Al T.

Yup. He’s an SME on “freak”.

B Woodman

I have nothing more to add to the less-than-MANning dogpile. All’y’all have already said it for me. Thanks.


Does that imbecile even know how many lesbians have short haircuts? No.

He’s right: he IS a freak, and he’s enjoying every minute of it.


Oh, one more thing: if the Army command had a lick of sense, it would shut down his blog now.


DING F’ING DING!!!! Now you are truly feeling what you are. FREAK

The Other Whitey

The Wannabe-Eunuch Bradley Manning feels like a freak because he IS one. He’s a fucking traitor and a whiny little bitch who wants us all to indulge his fantasy of being a woman, which he is not and never will be.

If he wasn’t an all-around piece of shit and hadn’t sold out his country over a no-longer-interested boyfriend, maybe then I might give a flying fuck about his feelings. But that ain’t the case, so fuck him. Prison is not supposed to be a nice place where everyone cares about your special little feewings. It’s PRISON, penitentiary confinement, punishment, and his ass is in there for a reason.

So fuck his feelings. As I’ve proposed before, if he wants his junk cut off so bad, toss some rusty scissors and a Bic lighter into his cell and say, “Here ya go, asshole. Knock yourself out.”


I don’t think he knows what REAL women are like. Here’s the Reverend Franklin’s daughter Aretha on the subject.

CB Senior

Never in the entire HISTORY of Armies has an EX-PFC felt so entitled and catered to.
Whatever happened to STFU Private.


What I don’t understand is why the party that wants to prosecute Climate Change Deniers seems so very stuck on Really Bad, Disproven Science.

Why do they cling to a theory of anthropogenic global warming when the “scientists” lost their data, and more recently, have been making up data to suit their prejudices? Are they just reading the headlines?

Why don’t these people know that gender dysphoria is a mental disease like other, similar mental diseases such as anorexia, bulimia, and delusions that a person is made of glass or concrete?

People who egg those with gender dysphoria on to inappropriate, long-term drug treatment and surgery do those poor souls no service.

That is why the pioneers in gender reassignment surgery at Johns Hopkins stopped what they were doing: because they realized they were harming their patients.

I have no sympathy for this person. I see a certain poetic justice in giving him exactly what he’s been asking for: but I know bad public policy when I see it.

I also know that my malice toward him does not justify medical malpractice toward him.


And on this day, the 9th of November in the year of our Lord 2015, no fucks were given. And everyone said “amen”

The Other Whitey



Preach it, Brother!


Yea, and verily, you speak the truth.


Testify brother; testify!

A Proud Infidel®™



Here endeth the lesson.


WORD ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Club Manager

I’m missing something here. If the bitch is doing 35 in the brig how is it blogging? Has the military penal system gotten that soft?


Might have something to do with the exalted UN declaring that internet access is a basic human right(?).


Internet is a privilege. Not a right. Some people need to learn what the difference is. Including liberal hippie tech publications…


Has the military penal system gotten that soft?

What you did there….I see it. 😉

HMCS (FMF) ret.

He said … penal…. 😉


Yes, but he did not say ‘penile’.

Big diff, Senior Chief.


Yeah, I don’t have much to say about this subject. Although I am glad she, he and/or it is former Army. The Navy gets enough crap!

So, I leave you with a wee lil’ song to sum up to situation:

I think Manning would be the blond in the video!


HMCS (FMF) ret.

Dude wants to look like a lady…




OR even….

Ummm…why IS this such a recurring topic in rock music? Art imitates life? 😉

A Proud Infidel®™


Nice to see he’s finally getting SOME self awareness.


Ahhhhh be a son of a Bitch……
This has to be the Funniest thing I’ve read this year LMFAO…..

A Proud Infidel®™

HE still has thirty-WHAT years left? THEN HE/it can do all it wants to, I wonder how soon we’ll see other bleeding-heart moonbats bawling to the media for him/it, rights? He/it forfeited them the moment he/it was convicted and sentenced. am I right?


Pretty sure Bradley is just waiting for Hillary to get elected so he can be pardoned, just in time for his marriage to cop-killer Mumia. It will be the liberal Wedding of the Century! (Puke bags will be supplied to the rest of us.)


Obama still has pardons that only need a name filled in, you heard it here first.
Maybe he’ll pardon Berdahl and Bradley, and they can go play Brokeback Mountain.


Pretty sure he feels like a freak because he is one, and he would still be no matter what the length of HIS hair is.

Bill R.

This actually brings up a question. Since the military is going to let Trans’s (trannies?) in now, which standard will they be covered under? This question also applies to PT tests.


Well since it’s all about what you identify with and feel like maybe they’ll get to pick the standards they feel are right for them. Every day that goes by I’m glad I retired.

The Other Whitey

I choose to self-identify as a porn star with an annual income of $28 million, a garage full of Maseratis, and the Yellowstone Old Faithful Lidge as my private residence. I therefore demand the government provide me with a steady supply of nubile (female) strippers for me to have daily sex with to “actualize my self-identification,” or whatever the fuck they want to call it.

MSG Eric

Yep. And guess what, the morning of the APFT, I’ll be feeling like a woman. Then, get a 300+ APFT score and go back to being a man again.

Even in my age group I have to do 3 times as many push-ups as a female in my age group.


she “cried and cried and cried and sniffled a little bit, and then cried some more.” This…makes me sick to even imagine. Da hell has become of our society?

I remember long ago in my boot camp experience, a fellow new boot crying and sobbing when the Drill Sergeant reamed him out. The DS, as mamma always said, did “give him something to cry about” afterwards.


All part of the pattern being established right in front of us, while we sit on our hands and watch.

We’re not far off from the day when Manning becomes the norm in uniformed service.

It’s no longer about the individual serving the needs of the military. It is becoming all about the military serving the wants of the individual.

MSG Eric

Anyone else find it very disconcerting that a guy who released thousands of pages of classified information and was convicted for it, has the capability to “Blog” from prison?

I mean, really. Where the fuck is the common sense in that prison? Or, the more newly determined “Critical Thinking”?

If he were found guilty of “hacking” into another computer, he wouldn’t be allowed near a computer for how many ever years. But he releases classified info and he gets to blog? What the Fuckin’ Fuckity Fuck?

L. Taylor

The kid has severe mental health issues that go way beyond gender identity.

He is where he is supposed to be right now. I doubt even the transgender community wants him to be the poster girl for transgender rights in prison. Too many military considerations could tilt any legal precedent against the larger transgender community.

However, I do not know why a group of grown ass men would invest so much time in a circle jerk of hate toward this kid.

Would you want to trade places? Would anyone want to be him?

Even if he hadn’t committed crime of releasing the information?

No, because his life, his sense of self, his sense of identity… all suck,..and he is in prison.

Seems like that should be sufficiently satisfying for most people that he is being punished.


And to think I just typed up and then deleted a comment on how much longer it was going to be before you showed up and defended this traitorous little POS.

It will only be sufficiently satisfying to me when he reaches room temperature.

L. Taylor

I am sure people on this board are all very impressed with how “patriotic” you sound.


I’m sure they are, as they understand what the words treason, espionage and aiding the enemy truly mean.

But I’m sure those words don’t mean anything to you.

2/17 Air Cav

I just read page after page of comments at Yahoo regarding this silliness and could not find one Manning sympathizer. How lucky are we?

L. Taylor

Meh, I think his punishment and his life are sufficient “punishment” for his betrayal.

We have greater traitors among us that get rewarded by our system, and revered by people, such as Cheney.

2/17 Air Cav

The life preceded the betrayal so that cannot be rationally regarded as a punishment. I suppose you mean that in some screwy poetic sense. And even assuming that there are greater traitors (whatever greater means) walking free, there are rapists and child sex offenders walking free too. Should we let those serving sentences out of prison b/c of the fact?

Manning made its choices and continues to draw attention to itself. Thus, this thread and these comments.

L. Taylor

Fair enough. Just seems to be a lot of hate on this board.

I see a fucked up soldier with severe mental health problems from a dysfunctional family who joined the Army in a desperate attempt to “fix” a gender identity disorder and “be a man.”

To me it is hard to see any of his actions as evil, or even particularly rational attempts at accomplishing anything.

He is legally accountable but he sure as hell was is acting with any rational intent or purpose.



Who are you to question one’s Patriotism?

I believe you are left leaning loon who visits here because perhaps it makes you feel better about your politics and that is fine with me. But, as much as you sound like a kid with limited skills, experience and wisdom, I would never question your Patriotism.

So, since you did that above … Go order up a discount oil change, bagle with a smere and a hearty GFY!

L. Taylor

I do not question your patriotism.

I do think choosing to demonstrate such an emotional outrage over the actions of a dysfunctional junior soldier such that you will only feel satisfaction when the soldier is dead is more social signaling to others about how patriotic you are than it is genuine give a shit-ness about the issue.

If you were really this outraged there is a crap ton of other issues harming US interests going on that are more worth the emotional investment.

L. Taylor

Oh, middle age, well above average skills, well above average experience…,

not sure about the wisdom…

I will concede that point.

A Proud Infidel®™

WEEELL little “Pinky”-Lars the cotton candy-assed little creampuff of an ass pickle, your little idol just happened to divulge a dump truck load of classified info that likely cost an unknown amount of people their lives. Now that he/it is in a PMITA prison for thirtysome more years and doesn’t want to deal with the consequences of what he/it did, I and others here say “TOUGH SHIT!” to him and his sympathizers like you. You said you’re shopping around for another girlfriend, so why don’t you send him a few letters and wait for him/it to get out? And hold your breath while you do, o candyassed festering dingleberry on the lower posterior of a Swamp Donkey!!

L. Taylor

Ok kid.

A Proud Infidel®™

OOOOOO YEEESH pwecious widdwe PC-Pinky_’tardo, remember when you hypothesized about me being pushed out as a substandard E4? Nope, not me! I see that as what Psychiatric Professionals refer to as “Projection”, described by Freud as when one feels so intimidated and afraid of their own thoughts or past they “Project” it onto others like a certain Fred Phelps clone known to TAH does with people who have told the truth about his past. If you acted like you do now when you served, I’d be one of the NCOs lining you up for a Chapter 13! 😀

L. Taylor

Well, CSM’s driver is not usually an assignment for a soldier who is regarded as extremely useful to a unit.

The only time I ever had a job like that as a junior soldier was for a few weeks when I was in trouble.

L. Taylor

“I’d be one of the NCOs lining you up for a Chapter 13”

That is an interesting comment. “Lining a soldier up for a chapter 13”.

How exactly does an NCO “line a soldier up” for that?

Never mind, I have seen it being done. They do it by not doing their fucking jobs. Even intentionally setting the soldier up for failure.

If a soldier is not performing it is the NCO’s job to lead, train, motivate, or correct the soldier. Unfortunately some shitbag NCOs are more concerned about how much they like a soldier or what they personally think about a soldier to do their fucking jobs.

The NCO should be trying to save the soldier and save the army’s investment. Documenting the effort along the way so if, and only if the NCO fails to find a way to correct the soldier the NCO has the documentation necessary for the command to process the soldier out.

The NCO should do nothing to “line up” the soldier in failing. The soldier fails on his own, DESPITE very best efforts of the NCOs to save the soldier.

An NCO who decides to “line a soldier uo for chapter 13” is a piece of shit NCO and a poor leader.

Based on the ignorant shit you say about Muslims you were the type of leader to let your personal ignorance and prejudices effect whether you would effectively lead a solider.

Lucky none of the estimated 4000 to 13000 Muslims in the military served under you.

A Proud Infidel®™

OOOOHH Larsie-parsie-pinky-puddin’-tame, I win again!!
You’re just like “Lobe” on “Freakazoid”! 😀



I love your comments!

You are wrong again:

HE is not a girl yet and he is not transgendereded (whatever) yet either!

Further, you suggested that we, the men (and women) of TAH, might engage in a “circle jerk”. Most highly unlikely. In fact, it won’t happen, we have standards and I would be the first to deploy the red flag long before anyone even contemplated such a notion.

We repect to wearing his shoes (or her high heals), no one here would put them selves in that position, nor do we have empathy for those who do. None of us could be him (her and or it).

Finally, yes you are correct about the “suckage factor”, however just because it “sucks”, it does not mean it probably shouldn’t suck even more!

Because we believe it should “suck” much more!

So, there you go Lars!

We all have our opinions!

You just sucks more or less than mine or someone elses.

PS: excuse grammar and spelling!


L. Taylor

I really do not want to get into a debate as to whether Manning is a girl or a boy. I really don’t care what gender he identifies with.

But from the standpoint of dealing with transgender issues the expectation is that you “respect” the gender identity the person in question prefers, even before reassignment surgery, or even if they never intend surgery.

I am not criticizing you for not doing that or arguing he is not a “girl”. I also failed to “respect” her choice by using masculine pronouns to refer to her several times.

A Proud Infidel®™

Hey Pinky-puffy-poo, I hate to step on your feelings (I LIE, I ENJOY IT!!!), but the mission of the United States Military is to fight wars, and always be ready to in the meantime. When one volunteers for service, they volunteer to hold themselves to the standards that the Military sets for them, it’s not some Care bear-group-hug while everyone sings “Kum-ba-yah” and gets a trophy. Bradley Manning DID NOT hold himself up to standard (He/it started a fight with and got his ass kicked by a Female Soldier), committed treason, and now he gets to rot in a cell for at least another thirty-some odd years. I couldn’t give two hoots of a moldy ratshit FUCK about his/its feelings, he/it is a PRISONER that needs to serve his/its time and make it for himself after the sentence is over. HE OWES US and let’s not forget that he divulged classified info that likely cost people their lives, OH, he was MI as well, wasn’t he?

L. Taylor

Espionage among other things. He was not convicted of treason.

He was a “traitor” but only in the most general use of the term.

The Other Whitey

So what would you call John Walker (may he be assraped in hell [spit])?

L. Taylor

“Traitor” according to the general use of the term.

Manning was charged with aiding the enemy but not convicted of it. His only convictions under the espionage act was not associated with aiding and enemy or transferring information to an enemy. Most of it had to do with mishandling classified information and systems.

Although it really does not much matter.

He will be remembered as a traitor. I just do not think it is accurate to say he “committed treason”.

The Other Whitey

I didn’t ask for a semantic analysis of the word “traitor,” Lars. I asked how you would describe John Walker [spit]. Please answer the question.

L. Taylor

“‘Traitor’ according to the general use of the term.

Asked and answered. Twice now.

Though, unlike Manning, Walker intentionally transferred documents directly to our primary global adversary. And the charges he would have been tried and almost certainly convicted of if he had not pled out were espionage acts associated directly with more traitorous acts of aiding our adverse directly rather than the more generalized intentional mishandling and unauthorized disclosure manning committed.

The Other Whitey

No, you didn’t answer, Lars. You dodged the question and tried to dazzle me with semantics. I’m keenly aware of the definition of “traitor.” I passed 2nd Grade English.

Even now, your answer is evasive. So how about some plain American English? Was Walker a traitor, yes or no? No Clintonian crap about what the definition of “is” is.

L. Taylor

Walker is a traitor. Without question.

Manning is an idiot. Not as clear that he is a traitor. There have been a lot of unauthorized intentional disclosures. Some more or less damaging than Manning’s. Few are quite as well known. Many have not even led to charges.

Manning’s was particularly large, particularly stupid, and particularly public. It was also during wartime.

So I understand why he is regarded as a traitor. But he was not convicted for any charge related to aiding the enemy.

The Other Whitey

Any time now, Lars.

The Other Whitey

Is there a reason why you’re not answering my simple question, Lars?

L. Taylor

I answered it originally, but I re-answered with explanation above for you.

The Other Whitey

No you didn’t, Lars. See above.


“However, I do not know why a group of grown ass men would invest so much time in a circle jerk of hate toward this kid.”

You sure found a nice place to look for brotherhood, L. Taylor.


“group of grown ass men”

Uh-Oh Lars. You fornicated the canine by deliberately excluding the fairer sex.

Prepare to be torn limb from limb by the Lionesses of TAH.

A Proud Infidel®™

I warned that roach turd-brained thin-skinned candyass about The Lionesses of TAH®™, so to hell with him, he did it to himself!! 😀


This piece of shit was sent to prison for fucking around with sensitive data. Why the fuck is he even allowed access to any computer for his blog? He already proved he couldnt be trusted with one.

Data Dawg DV X

I gives a damn for the little crazy bitch wanna be a tater twat. I wish the cadre could legally beat his bitch ass on a routine basis until they have to amputate his genitals to save his life.

L. Taylor

Humans are social animals. When a person is heavily ostracized by their community or intentionally treated as an out-group member they can lose loyalty and sense of obligation to their community and seek a new group.

It is a very well established and basic human behavior.

Manning was wrong, he betrayed his country, the army, and his fellow soldiers.

He is being punished for it.

However, Manning was not the only failure in this incident. His leadership failed for not intervening when they saw a kid getting as strongly ostracized as he apparently was by his fellow soldiers. Either address the issue to find him a functional way to be better integrated in the unit or process him out of service for whatever mental health issues were undermining his ability to integrate well.

Manning betrayed his country because he found a new tribe and tried to gain acceptance by sharing information with them.

It was an irrational decisions by a mentally unstable kid. He is being punished for it.

But it would be unfortunate if military leaders did not learn from this and use this incident as an example in order to identify when the dynamics of their unit is pushing another soldier to the brink of going rogue.

Almost every time there is a solider that is being ostracized or isolated by the members of a unit it does not end well. Usually for that soldier, sometimes for the unit. Occasionally for the country.


“… and seek a new group.”

To that I say: Deeds, not words.

Exercise that human right to migrate L. Taylor. You can do it!

L. Taylor

I do not consider myself a member of this group. When I first learned of TAH it was in a media piece and this website was framed as an example of the sentiment of the veteran community. So I thought it would be cool to spend time here.

However, this site is not reflective of the larger veteran community. Not even close. It is an outlier. More conservative, more reactionary toward changes in the military, more bigoted, and anti-liberal than the general military overall and the veteran community overall.

This board reflects primarily one spectrum of veterans.


LL. Taylor (AKA Lars)…If you do not consider yourself a “member of this group”, then why don’t you get the fuck off?
As for Manning, I believe this is all taken out of context. My guess is if he has to have his head shaved, he’s worried that he won’t get as much trouser snake as he hungers for each day. Let him sit a bit longer. Shaved or long, his oral cavity will be visited daily by others.


Manning is hardly a ‘kid’. He is physically an adult, period. He did NOT seek a new tribe.

He was and still is an attention whore, and like you, Lars, he is a social moron.

No matter how many times he lies his ass off about it, he did what he did – releasing classified info – for the sole purpose of gaining attention and nothing else. Unfortunately for him, he was not only beat up by a girl, a female Army NCO, when he was insubordinate and tried to pick a fight with her; he ALSO made it damned clear in those idiotic selfie photos he took, that he was defying anyone senior to him to correct him for his misbehavior. This is all documented.

The only mental health issue he has is that he wants to be the center of attention, JUST LIKE YOU, LARS. The only difference between you and him is that you have some vague understanding of things that are acceptable.

He might have had that understanding but does not want to follow it.

If you think it’s anything more than a spoiled brat throwing a temper tantrum, you are sadly mistaken, Lars,

L. Taylor

Yes, he is legally adult.

He definitely has far more mental health issues than a desire to be the center of attention.

He and I are not similar. There are a lot of ways to color outside the line. He rarely is even on the page.


Lars, you really do need to learn to read for comprehension and stop skimming the paragraphs and sentences.

I said you and he both want the same thing: attention.

Your method of getting it is done in a socially acceptable way. Aside from the fact that you frequently say things that convey the impression that you are a social moron, your behavior is generally NOT intentionally offensive.

Manning’s behavior, on the other hand, was and IS intentionally offensive. He knows exactly what he is doing, and has no purpose other than doing and/or saying whatever it takes to get the attention he craves. Without any personal contact with him, and based on the media reports of his behavior and verbal output, I think it is quite fair to say that any mental ‘issues’ he has are manufactured by him for the sole purpose of getting more attention, and nothing else.

You have yet to offer or propose anything that says otherwise. He does not have mental issues, except for those he has made up out of whole cloth. Has it even once occurred to you, in any of your rather prosy interminable smatterings, that some of the classified information he released could have gotten you killed?

Just think about that for second. If that doesn’t hit home with you, you have a problem. It’s called ‘denial’.

A Proud Infidel®™

Hey Ex-PH2, my assumption is that there were plenty of other males that Manning could have squared off with, but he decided to start a scuffle with a Female Troop. That puts him in the same category as a certain Fred Phelps clone known here. Lars is trying to go to bat for him so that places him alongside a certain skydiving clown/lackey in my book!!

L. Taylor

Not going to bat for him.

Just see him as a dysfunctional person that committed a crime for which he is being appropriately punished.

There is a lot of people doing a lot more harm to our nation than he ever did.

Not much hate directed at them.

He is a waste of time.


“He is a waste of time.”

Isn’t that what people say about you, Lard?

L. Taylor

Sure. Some.

The Other Whitey

“Some” in this case meaning “most, if not all.” I wonder why that could be?

Climb to Glory

“His leadership failed for not intervening when they saw a kid getting as strongly ostracized as he apparently was by his fellow soldiers.”

Wrong. Somebody didn’t watch 60 Minutes last night(if you tell me you don’t own a tv all my suspicions about you will be confirmed). Shitforbrains was a little angry entitled prick long before he even joined the Army. Once again you’ve proven to be an intellectual lightweight. Try getting your talking points from places other than DU and the front for Russian intelligence Wikileaks. Fuck off outta here.

L. Taylor

What difference does it make whether he was a little shit before he joined? We recruit a fair number of little shitheads. We are essentially the only well funded mechanism for social opportunity in this country. The military attracts its fair share of dysfunctional kids.

The leadership should have intervened when they saw him being ostracized.

The military is an institutions with strong group norms and expectations. When a soldier is made to be an outgroup member it effects his life 24-7. And it undermines unit cohesion. it is an issue that needs to be addressed by the command. The army has two centuries of data showing what happens when a soldier is made to be an isolated outgroup member of his unit. Especially during a time or in a place where the soldier has no “escape” from the group dynamics.

It is a time bomb waiting to go off in the unit. Either the soldier harms himself, others harm the soldier, the soldier harms others, or the soldier harms the unit, or the soldier harms the military, or worse case the soldier harms the country.

Best case is the soldier only deserts/goes AWOL or if we are lucky ETS in time.

Climb to Glory

Good God. He was ostracized because he was a violent egomaniacal shitheel. He physically attacked a superior(a woman by the way). He was shitheel from day one. You make it sound like he was blackballed for no damn reason. Jesus, for a grad student comprehension is not your strong suit. I can see this is going nowhere.

L. Taylor

You are missing my point.

I am not defending him. I am saying the command should have intervened. Either fix the issue or chapter him. Just initiating an intervention based on mental health issues would have resulted in suspension of his access.

Climb to Glory

Do your homework. They tried to boot his ass. Higher echelon(your fellow officers)excuse was they didn’t want to chapter him out because of a manpower issue. Trying to blame it on his immediate command is not a valid argument. They had a paper trail on his ass. Bottom line is he is traitor and just because he was not formally convicted of treason, does not mean he is not a traitor. I think you need to stop refuting people on here calling him a traitor. It is all semantics.


Taylor: under the circumstances you posit, at some point it is in the best interest of a group to remove an incorrigible from their midst. This point is reached when it has become obvious that the individual in question is incapable – either through inability or willful refusal – to accept the group’s norms.

The Army does that by the Chapter 13 mechanism in many cases. Doing this is in general not a failure on the part of the unit, or the unit’s personnel. Some people literally cannot adapt to the military (or willfully refuse to do so); they should have never joined in the first place.

It is obvious to anyone who has observed this case that Manning was in this latter category. The greatest disservice his chain-of-command did was not in somehow “failing” Manning; rather, it was in failing the Army. Manning should have been shown the door long before he ever deployed to Iraq; at the very latest, he should have been court-martialed and sent home to serve his sentence after his first serious disciplinary incident there.

The fact you cannot perceive the obvious here marks you as a fool. Enjoy that status; it suits you well.

L. Taylor

I agree. They should have intervened to integrate manning and if that failed (which it likely would have) they should have either chaptered him under chapter 13 or referred him to mental health. Suspending his access in either case.

My point is that a soldier in his state as ostracized as he was, regardless of whose fault it is, is an issue that needs to be addressed. If integration is not successful or would not be successful he needs to be removed. He is a time bomb.

L. Taylor

I am not being foolish. I served with classified information for more than two decades. And I served in MI for more than a decade.

Local suspensions of access are easy and require little justification, certainly less than Manning provided.

The command left a soldier who was clearly unstable, and ostracized from the unit in a place where he could harm the mission.

L. Taylor

Referring to my original post:

“Either address the issue to find him a functional way to be better integrated in the unit or process him out of service for whatever mental health issues were undermining his ability to integrate well”.

A Proud Infidel®™

GOOD GRIEF Larsie-parsie-pinky-puddin’-tame, THREE posts in a row babbling your tripe? You really are one insecure thin-skinned little candyass!

2/17 Air Cav

Lars. Why do you refer to this blog as a board? Why not call it a committee or a congregation or–heaven help us–a blog? What’s up with that persistent board business of yours?

L. Taylor

Meh, the distinction is pretty pedantic when members of the community are also posting content.

A blog only allows the owner to post, and there might be a comment section.

A board allows anyone to post.

This is more blog than board but a pretty close hybrid.


Pedantic? This bunch of blowhards is pedantic?

It is frequently defined as a narrow, often ostentatious concern for academic knowledge and formal rules. Or if you prefer the Oxford Unabridged: Excessively concerned with minor details or rules.

No, Lars, you’re completely wrong ALL OVER AGAIN! You are describing yourself.

That word does NOT apply or relate to ANY of the rest of us who frequently post comments on TAH.

This is why I said more than once that you are a social moron. You keep projecting yourself into everything you post.

A Proud Infidel®™

He can’t tell his ass from a pizza box while outside at high noon!!

L. Taylor

Damnit, I want pizza now.

Just An Old Dog

Why are people so quick to say that character flaws are mental issues.
Manning is an evil person. For whatever fucked up rational he decided to betray his country.
He had the mental capacity to understand that the information he released could be used to directly and indirectly aid the enemy.
I strongly suspect his gender issues were either fabricated or exagerated by himself to garner sympathy from the left.
If he was just a traitorous scumbag the left would support him. Throwing in that he has gender identity issues will garner him MORE attention and sympathy, which is what he wants.
I lay odds that if this fuck face was picked apart by experts in the field he would just be a plain old cocksucker, not someone who needed a sex change.
Nothing wrong with that, but if you are a cocksucker just say ” Hi, my name is Bradley, and I suck Dick”. Don’t Say ” Call me Chelsea, and the reason I’m such a tratorious fuck is because I dont have lady-parts”.

2/17 Air Cav

“…but if you are a cocksucker just say,
”Hi, my name is Bradley, and I suck Dick.” Don’t say, “Call me Chelsea, and the reason I’m such a traitorous fuck is because I don’t have lady-parts.”


NR Pax

That picture of him crying warms my dark little heart every single time.

The Other Whitey

Lars is back? Go figure, he would troll about this.


After getting out of the Army the first time, I went to med school then became a psychiatrist. Don’t ask me how those two go together, kinda like oil and vinegar. But I see two sides to this topic. On one hand, I feel sorry for Bradley Manning- no matter what he did in life, he was eventually going to be miserable. Even if he was a hairdresser for a transgender pride float company, he is a female trapped inside a man’s body. That being said, he chose to join the Army and i know for a fact that they ask you shit about your mental health and there is no way he would ever have passed the physical – which includes mental health history accurately described on penalty of felony/fine/both, with his personal history. Next, regardless of what he felt about the activities of the US Government, he swore an oath to protect and defend but instead he betrayed it. So he is getting what he deserves. He should get no different or better treatment than other inmates- I am certain he stated his gender 1,000 times on official army forms, if he stated it once and he checked the M box. So he gets a haircut once a week and he can pee standing up. After he gets out, he can go find a comfortable place to grow his hair and take his hormones. By the way, the miserable idiots who didn’t see this coming ie his recruiter, DI, OIC etc, should share at least a bit of his punishment. What idiot could not see that coming.

L. Taylor

At the time he joined his reasoning was it would “fix” his gender identity issues and turn him into a “man.”

It was a doomed path from the day he signed the contract.

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s obvious that the Army was in a “We need every warm body we can get” mode when he/it was oozed through Basic & AIT when he/it should have been ELS’ed.

Dalton Coldiron

What has the world come to? The new army is too politically correct! In my platoon Manning wouldn’t have lasted a week!


WTF are you talking about Bunni-Boi?

Manning entered the Army in 2008, a full three years before your “distinguished” career of 46 days in 2011.

In your case the Army did the right thing by kicking you to the curb. Manning not so much, and you see where he ended up.

BTW, where is that new DD214 you’ve been bragging about? Or are you still too busy licking bunny butt to send it in?


Instead of commenting on here, shouldn’t you be busy trying to pull that DD-214 out of thin air?

The Other Whitey

Your “platoon,” huh? I didn’t know that “Call of Duty” servers grouped players into platoons.


You had a role in ‘Platoon’? As what? A gook infant?

You don’t have a platoon, Bunnysniffer, so quit lying and go back to your room.


There is one word and one word only that fits his situation…*PUSSY*!