Friday morning feel good stories

| November 6, 2015

In Monroe, Louisiana, police say that Donald Dade was under the influence of drugs when he forced his way into someone’s home where he sustained a leg wound when the homeowner wasn’t as ready to roll over for Dade as he had hoped.

In Falmouth, Massachusetts, one man tried to burn down another’s home, but the homeowner dissuaded the arsonist with a gun shot from his legal firearm. His brake lines had also been severed. There was no blood evidence left from the encounter.

In Lawton, Oklahoma, at 12:10 AM yesterday morning, two victims reported to police that they spotted two men trying to steal their car, but a couple of gun shots dissuaded the thieves who escaped unharmed.

In Charlotte, North Carolina, Semantha Bunce, a National Guard medic, met two intruders at the door of her bedroom. The intruders shot her, but she chased the pair away with her own handgun to protect her baby. Her injuries aren’t life-threatening and she is recovering. Her husband credits her military training for saving his family’s life.

Another homeowner in Albany, Georgia dissuaded another intruder with gunfire when the intruder broke down his door and fired his gun at the couple there.

It looks like folks need more range time across the board this morning.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee "In the clear"

All that lead in the air, and none of it laying anyone DRT. A megaphone could give a warning. Bullets, on the other hand, could cause a cessation of actions by an offender.
Nothing stops crime like a cranial exit wound, folks.


Personally, I’d recommend two rounds aimed center-mass, FC. The head is a rather smallish target. The torso gives a larger margin for error, and when someone is nervous (e.g., because someone is threatening them or breaking in their house) that margin for error might be needed.


Just like I used to teach in firearm safety class – go for the heart/lung shot when hunting.


that ruins too much of the meat and the animal can still run. My motto is “if you can’t drop them where they are, don’t take the shot”…that also works for the 2 legged varmints as well (not the meat part though, cause that would be wrong)


Most intruders are male, right? I’d aim at the midsection, and if that doesn’t stop the bad person, then somewhat lower, so he can’t reproduce.


I like the way you think ^_^


🙂 I think there’s nothing wrong with a permanent drop in that part of the gene pool.


I pointed a gun at someone a while back.
I wasn’t nervous at all.
He was, real nervous too and split…

Bubblehead Ray

Sounds like they went to Patty’s school of marksmanship.

B Woodman

Sounds like some of these fine homeowners need to go to The Double Tap School of Marksmanship.


You guys should all appreciate this surveillance video.