Faisal Mohammad; the Merced stabbing suspect
Yesterday, a fellow by the name of Faisal Mohammad went on a stabbing rampage at University of California in Merced with what has been described as a 8-10 inch knife. Four people were injured, one is still recovering from surgery related to the incident according to ABC30;
The four victims included two students, one staff member and one construction worker. The Sheriff’s office said as of Thursday morning, one student remains hospitalized but is expected to recover, and the other student was treated and released. The staff member suffered a collapsed lung and was recovering Thursday after successful surgery.
The construction worker, Byron Price, tells Fresno CBS about the incident;
“Inside that room he was shooting fish in a barrel,” said Price.
The contractor is just thankful, he’s able to go home to his family, still puzzled over why.
“To become a university student and throw it all away like that, I don’t know why he’d want to do that,” said Price.
Nine staples in his side and he’s back behind the wheel, driving himself home from the hospital.
Price says he now thinks differently about having a concealed weapon.
He wishes he had one when this all unfolded.
In the video at the above link Price says “[Mohammad] had a smile on his face, he was having fun – which is more what bothers me.”
Mohammad was shot and killed by campus security after his rampage.
Category: Crime
I’ve heard it said that surviving a mugging converts a liberal to a conservative. Seems like the above supports that POV.
Seen it both ways… “A Democrat is just a Republican who hasn’t gotten mugged yet” or “a liberal is just a conservative” etc. carry a gun instead of a knife.
I’ve only been mugged once… it filled me with a burning desire to
gotta quit hitting ‘post comment’ so fast- that was “burning desire to carry a gun instead of a knife”.
The Luby’s massacre in Killeen years ago is what got Texas our CHL laws. Some people in the restaurant had guns – in their cars.
Amazing how an Oh Shit moment can suddenly change people’s minds about things.
Was Mr. Faisal a Southern Baptist?
I heard he was an enthusiastic Tea Party supporter.
This is NOT a lone weirdo type situation, these muslim bas-ards are sent here with this in mind, to start little fires here and there and kill a few infidels where they can…..when they open season on these sons of satan, we can get a lot of target practice! SOONER THAN LATER I HOPE!
“He was a pillar in the local community…”
His mama said that this couldn’t be her little cupcake because he’s a good boy …
A pillar alright. . . . one of the Five Pillars of Islam.
Now filler in the local graveyard.
From Pillar to Filler in just a few slices with a magic knife, (blended with a few rounds of the 9MM variety). Probably not ol Faisal’s most profitable day.
And TAH OPSEC reset is to “Alligator Boots”, repeat, TAH OPSEC reset is to “Alligator Boots”.
Don’t you mean Faisal’s most “prophetable” day, Frankie?
Thank you, I’ll be here all week.
Because the media can’t spin this as yet another member of the Rotary Club, or the Tea Party, going off his or her nut, and firing umpty hundred rounds from a scary black rifle, the whole thing will quickly drop off the TV screens all across the fruited plain.
Not to mention, there’ll be no lectures from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave for Christians to get off of their high horses. Faisal will turn out to be just a troubled yute, certainly not a muslim intent on martyrdom.
It has already dropped off of Yahoo “news”, but they are all over people protesting Trump being on SNL or Ben Carson theorizing in the 90’s that the pyramids were built to hold grain.
I would also add that the story about the shooting in San Diego that closed the airport dropped off the radar after the shooter ended up being black.
It dropped fast. Not one mention on the evening news.
Spencer Holt, of the Nothing But Crap network was all over pResident Buh-rock opining that, from his experience in aviation and investigative work, that the Russian Airbus was brought down by a bomb….maybe.
I saw nothing on NBC, before I changed channels, about Faisal, or about the airport shooter.
Same with the St. Louis black church fires perp being black. No way for the media to blame it on whitey and racism, so no need to keep it in the news.
What is with all these guys named “Mohammad”, or “Mohammed”, or “Muhammad” or some variation thereof going on all these violent rampages?
It’s almost like there’s some pattern or some connection or some common thread or something. I just wish I could put my finger on it…
I know, right?
The common thread lies in their surname:
Din Do Nuffin.
Some just call them suspects!
rasist! hatter! U r bad. I going to start tweet on u! Get u fired!
for the sake Muhammad. please don’t call the P.C. police 🙂
PC Police? That’s so yesterday.
I’m posting to SJW blogs!!
LMAO ! ! !
You can call the PC Police, just as long as you don’t call the PC Principal.
Not the Principal…
Lars is going to be pissed at you
Lars can lick my taint.
I wonder what the odds are ?????
who says thats their real name? they probably don’t know which goat is their daddy!!
And what response comes out of WDC is… crickets.
“Mohammad was shot and killed by campus security.” I just love a story with a happy ending!
Word ^^^
There is nothing like a happy ending with a tight shoot group Lol….
Indeed, Faisal was DRT.
Yup, a follower of Christ for sure.
We obviously need Knife control legislation!! Ban Assault Knives!! Background checks at the local Steak House!! ///sarc off
These two things blurred together. In San Diego, I am shocked a convicted criminal and gang member had an “AK-47 Like” weapon. Huh?!?!? Is that anything like “An Uzi-Type Weapon”? But he was just poor misunderstood multi-convicted gang banger with a brother on Death Row. The other weasel in Merced was smiling whilst stabbing. Well, I was always told it was a Religion of Piece. You know, there’s a piece and there’s a piece over there. The media sucks!
And Fox now reports that traffic from an ISIS-linked Twitter account has praised the attack. It’s the same account that apparently recently called for “lone wolf stabbing attacks” in the US.
But of course, there’s nothing to see here. Move along, people. Move along.
This is where mil techno geo fixing is cool.
Get a fix and launch.
Damage assement later.
Edged Weapons 101 from Google:
Israel. . . knife attacks.
US. . . knife attacks.
Any connection? Beuler? Beuler?
And the born-again rush to get guns from a gooberment that normally doesn’t want/allow the ordinary joe citizen to have one?
Pepper spray and variants of of any chemical agent that might provide the same desired effect is a good thing to always carry.
When, confronted with a terrorist with a knife and have nothing but a pepper spray and or chemical agent (properly deployed) … Your chances of survival go up like a rocket and the chance that you can continue the use of force ladder to end are immediately articulated.
Spray, take knife and stab in neck … Repeat as neccesary (in most states).
I would rather get a ticket for having the spray or agent.
Use of force covers any all means providing it can be articulated.
Bernie Getz for example: he had a right to protect himself and did legally with a gun. However he got in trouble for having an illegal gun!
So, on game day … Use whatever you have regardless to save your life and lives of others.
Starting with a pair of nuts! Use your nuts and fucking fight back!
“Any chair in a bar fight”
Spray perfume can be just as effective as pepper spray and is quite legal.
Ask your Avon lady about it.
The spray perfume is also refillable, which pepper spray is not.
My criminal law professor had a discussion in class about the definition of “deadly weapon.” We covered guns and knives handily. Then he proposed a pencil. The class looked at him funny, until he changed his grip on it. That moment changed forever the way I think about pencils.
“What about if someone attacks you – holding a banana!!!”
Seriously though… the deadliest weapon on the planet is between your ears. Anything else is a means, a tool to accomplish that.
I always find it interesting that in most jurisdictions, you can be licensed to carry almost any handgun – but if you want to carry a knife equivalent to more than a pea-shooter, there is no way.
Look up stagings of Jews in Gaza, tourists in Morocco, etc. it is the latest cool form of terrorism.
‘Stabbings’, not staging
Wake up America……it only gets better from here.
God dammit fuck California! They don’t want citizens to have guns. But , when a murderous maniac executes violent acts against innocent citizens, the police arrive, WITH GUNS, to fight the maniac.
Guess what you liberal fucks!!!! Maniacal violence is ALREADY ILLEGAL!!!! And if you’re against guns then for fucks sake don’t use ANY guns when dealing with maniacs breaking the law. Just simply remind said maniac that “what you’re doing Is illegal” and said maniac will simply stop upon receiving that information. Right????
Now you anti gun politicians should go campaign and say “hell yes, I am glad no one had guns to use against the slasher because guns cause gun violence.”
Stand tall and proud you ignorant fucks!
I think you’re being far to subtle, you don’t need to hold back on this forum you are free to speak your mind!
….dude well put, idiots prancing about in favor of gun laws always seem to think disarming the non-criminals makes us all safer from criminals…with that kind of logic it’s easy to see how the idea of the ACA makes sense to those dumb bastards.
I return to the words of the construction worker who probably stopped the incident from being far worse.
Amazing how having one’s nose rubbed in reality changes one’s mind, isn’t it?
Am I the only one reminded of the San Angelese Police?