Bring him home

| December 17, 2008

Ray sends this.

I got nuthin’ to add.

Category: Politics

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Thanks a lot John! You need to put tear warnings on these things!


Yeah, I needed a tissue or three for the sobbing. It also made me think of those who won’t be coming home, ever. That was amazing.


I refuse to watch things like this, or those ones of dudes coming home to their kids. I’d cry like I did when the Pats lost the Super Bowl.


I was ok until the last part, with the little boy in the classroom, then it was sob city. Thanks for the reminder of what our troops give up to keep us free.

Bob Bakian

Yeah fighting wars we shouldn’t be involved in is a great reason do die. I don’t hate the troops rather the fact they were duped into putting their lives on the line through lie after lie.


Ah geez Louise…I need another box of tissues now 🙁


Bob Bakian,
Go Away.
There are other sites that seek your BDS hateful remarks. It’s totally uncalled for here.

Just A Grunt

Damn you Jonn. Let me go figure out what flew into my eye. Oh yeah and hug the not so young one now that I missed a few Christmases, birthdays, and other events when she was young.
It will drive her crazy not knowing why.


Ya know – I’ve seen this before and I KNEW NOT to watch it again. But….Jonn posted it so I just HAD too. Dang you Jonn – it’s one thing to be menapausal. But do you have to encourage my emotional state? Grrrrrr to you. LOL!

It is a difficult video to watch. Not just because of those who will be away this year but, as defendUSA said, those who won’t be coming home again ever. God Bless and keep them and their families.


mtngrandpa, thanks, you beat me to it. Bob, dkos called, they found your thorazine, and lithium. Please return, so that you can be medicated and become the warm fuzzy left wing a**hole they love.
And don’t lie, you DO hate the troops.


Geez, Bob, you’re just chockful of good cheer aren’t you?
Duped??? Duped??? As the mother of a soldier, them’s fightin’ words, Bob. That’s my family you’re talking about. You might want to think before you hit submit comment…


Oh, and Jonn – we’re on the same page today (I got distracted there for a minute reading the comments) – I posted that video too as I was thinking about all the military kids out there missing their Dads and Moms and how they have every reason to be proud.
Thanks, Jonn ~


BozoBOB…I normally don’t feed asshats like yourself. Unfortunately, you are a dumbass. As a soldier who signs the dotted line VOL-UN-TEERS!! Did you get that? Volunteer= free-willed decision. Apparently, you have no idea how duped and “dupid” you are letting yourself be led around by CodePinkos.



STFU. You do not know of what you speak. Go back to what ever hole you crawled out of and die. Just curl up into the same fetal position and expire. Please. Your ability to spew such asshattery is bought and paid for by men and women much, much better than you. So give us all an early Xmas present and kill yourself. Preferably in some fashion that won’t result in somebody having to clean up the mess. I am thinking bridge over a tall gorge or a lion’s den. No, wait, scratch the lion’s den. The lions wouldn’t eat you since you are dead from the neck up and you would most likely spoil their appetites or give them diarrhea, similar to what you spew here. So stick with the tall bridge over a waterway so we don;t have to worry about recovering your body. If you did that, I might start believing in Santa Claus again.

Bob Bakian

Thanks for those very touching words. Let me guess, you were or are currently enlisted?

Bob Bakian

I hope you smiled when you wrote that.


Enlisted Jokes Bob? You must be fun to hang out with.

I thought it was a lovely story, and Matt told it so well.


So Bob-o, have anything besides a bumper sticker to convince me that it’s a war we sholdn’t be involved in?

During the 90s, you left wing Hate America traitors didn’t have a word to say about the troops that were killed in places like Khobar and on the USS Cole.

You didn’t support the troops then, nor did you have any position on terrorism. You just ignored it all.

Bob Bakian

Good rant Raoul! Before you continue let me put my tinfoil hat on!

Bob Bakian

Must have touched a nerve there eh TSO?



Come on, explain it or just admit that your knowledge of anything you espouse is no deeper than the bumpersticker you’re quoting.

And again, I make it plain, you lie when you claim to support the troops.

Here’s your chance to explain why it’s a war we should not be in and why you never supported the troops.

Bob Bakian

I will explain as soon as I find a bumper sticker that expresses my thoughts well enough, standby…



I have more respect for the turbaned asshats I have killed aplenty in Baghdad. At least they don’t pretend. They pick a side and pick up a gun. Which in that case, we got to kill them. Hostile intent. Gotta love the ROE during the Surge.

Yes, I was enlisted. I am not enlisted anymore. Enough about me. Let’s continue to chat about your lack of character. When I kill the enemy, I do not have malice in my heart. (Ok, I take that back, there was one night that I felt something close to joy when we killed 6-8 asshats who had killed one of our guys. We collapsed the house on top of them.) Your comments make me feel malice. That does not make me feel good inside. I don’t want to hate people. But I hate you and your ilk. Your type (which my own uncle is) make me ill and weep for my nation. Cowardly, fifth columnists who hide behind the protections fought, paid for, and protected by those who will always be better than you.


OK guys… let’s stop feeding the Troll. Merry Christmas Bob. FOAD 🙂