Populist, class warfare drivel

| December 17, 2008

I found this in my inbox last evening;

See that?

In the past, presidential inauguration events have too often focused on wealthy donors and Washington lobbyists.

This year, every American will have a chance to be part of the inauguration.

I’m not a wealthy donor or a lobbyist, but I’ve been to the last two inaugurations. Granted I didn’t have the best view and I froze my behind off but so did everyone no matter what their station in life is. It’s just populist bullshit.They even let the stupid protesting hippies and their stupid placards into the inauguration.

The Secret Service and DC cops estimate that 4 million people will be here next month for inauguration. People are offering their spare rooms to out-of-towners at 2-5000 bucks for the weekend. In a city that loves gouging tourists, we’re gearing up to really gouge tourists. Yeah, all of that Hope and Change BS will end at the city limits. As soon as a resident catches the smell of tourist on you, you’ll be picked clean in no time.

You can be wearing all of the Obama hats, the Obama jackets, the Obama earmuffs that you want, you’re still going to be walking miles from the nearest Metro station they leave open and stand in the throngs waiting to get through the metal detectors, dogs and bag-searches on street corners so you can stand behind a mile-long line of cops in the freezing-ass cold just like the rest of us. Oh, and then Obama will whip by us all at about 30 miles an hour on Pennsylvania Avenue – and you’ll be wondering “I went through all of that for this?” – just like the rest of us. And he’ll be followed by a line of limousines carrying the Washington lobbyists and wealthy donors on their way to the White House.

If you think one of those limos is going to stop and take you to the White House, you’re gonna be real disappointed.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck

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Andrea Shea King

You’ve nailed it.

Wait until some of the idiots realize they’ve been duped by this slick oil salesman. Buyers’ remorse won’t begin to describe it. And then again, there’ll always be some who’ll continue to “Blame Bush’ for their woes. Idiots. Useful idiots.

And unless we on the Right reach an organized critical mass to fight for and recapture our country, these idiots will take us over the cliff right along with them.

I hope they freeze their asses off. It’ll match the gray matter between their ears.

The Radio Patriot


Sweet Lord, spare us. Yeah, let’s all us bitter-clingers git on down to Warshingtun to be a part o’ sumpin’ spayshul.

Did you catch that bit about “service opportunities?” WTF?

Bob Bakian

Yeah the Right wing has it all right. Have a foreign policy we can neither sustain nor afford.

T.N. Amaps

#3 How long did it take you to get off topic and come up with that one? By all means, let’s replace it with ‘universal health care’ and other entitlements along with an even more bloated government we can’t sustain or afford.

Bob Bakian

Pick your poison T.N.


Gosh, Bob. Perhaps you can give us all the facts and figures on a sound foreign policy that we can sustain and afford. Leave no detail untouched. And please none of the usual neo-liberal tendency to use static analysis: give all the facts and figures of the results of your desired foreign policy. And please do it from the difficult (for you) position of realizing that the rest of the world isn’t run by the League of Women Voters.


I’m fairly certain I have it in writing somewhere that you said I could stay at YOUR house for free. I’ve already sublet my “space” for $1,000. Donating to military charities – of course.

I wouldn’t be in or around DC for ANYTHING during that time.


Jonn, could you go to Redstate and borrow Moe Lane’s blam stick and use it on Bob B? I’m afraid he’s way off his meds, and has fled from the men in the white coats. Or require him to respond to Martino’s request in 1000 words or more, to head off a suspension of his posting privilege?


I got that email too – I keep my name on their list to get my laugh of the day. Money, Money Money!
Like I would want to freeze my butt off amongst so many ignorant voters…
Maybe he’ll hand out obama hand warmers – spread the WarmyHopeyChangey thingie~
I’m with Andrea! I have better things to do than welcome Socialism into the White House, like fight for our Constitution.


Hey! Wait! Yankeemom! We could have a kegger at Jonns, Loud music and all….Roast dogs and stuff ova a camp fire….What say you, Jonn?



Just like the rest of us? In the cold walking from a metro station?

My metro commute into DC today involved one major accident, three dead escaltors (I counted six others that I wasn’t on), there’s a power outage in clarendon, and the Navy Yard station still smells like an electrical fire is going on somewhere (two days now I think). And they’re gonna run how many people through that?

Hell with that, I’m staying home


Yeah, UpNorth, I didn’t really expect a reply. But it would have been fun, wouldn’t it?