NOVA politics

| November 3, 2015

Our buddy, Nicki, at The Liberty Zone, wrote a piece this morning about her local elections in Northern Virginia, and I really feel for her. The Maryland Democrats have screwed up their state so badly that they can’t stand to live there any longer, so they’re moving to Northern Virginia bringing their politics with them, and for some reason they didn’t learn their lesson and they’re trying to turn Virginia into the same type of shit hole that Maryland has become.

Living where I do, I get the political ads from both Maryland and Virginia on my television and it seems to me that usually Virginians are more concerned with their right to kill unborn children than anything else. Until this election – they want to destroy the right to protect your family-members from the criminals who also cross state lines to commit their crimes. Of course, the Virginia Democrats are taking their cue from their new carpetbagger governor, Clintonista Terry McAullife from Syracuse.

But Nicki goes off on some local politicians for dismantling a gun shop in their neighborhood. You should go read it. Because it’s Nicki, there is a language warning.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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He he… thanks, Jonn! I can’t remember if/how many times I used the F-bomb in that one! LOL

I should also mention the shop owner is a Marine Corps veteran and a constituent of the used colostomy bag with the bad toupee who is leading the charge against his small business.

If there was ever a time to throat punch a politician, this would be it!

And yes, Virginians appear to be massively concerned about vagina politics, instead of worrying about McAwful destroying our state from within! The vagina voters were largely responsible for the defeat of Ken Cuccinelli.

Dave Hardin

You Gun Nutz get cranky every time one of your meth lab equivalents gets shut down. Studies all show you Nutz cant own just one, noooooooo, you have an average of 8.

No worries, the flood of guns being sold in back alleys from West ‘By God’ Virginia will keep your addiction fed.

No mention of ammo in that article, I guess you can still cart that stuff home by the trunk load. Your days of endangering your neighbors with your addiction to firearms is coming to an end.

Just lay back and and try to enjoy the experience.


Yay. DH got his groove back!
//I was worried

Dave Hardin

No worries mate, I am afraid its genetic.


You forgot to advise us to loosen the sphincter muscles. It will hurt less, because there’s no lube available.

Dave Hardin

DAMN, its 10:23 and nobody has told me to STFU yet. I was counting on you Nicki. The day if off to a rocky start.


Shut your damn fucking mouth, Dave!

Better? 😉

Dave Hardin

Thank the Gods for you Nicki, some of these people are getting soft around here.

Even Mr Taylor said he dislike EX-PH2 less these days. Disturbing trend around here.

If they start some Kumbaya ritual around here try to avoid the purple Kool Aid.

(great article, and yes you still owe me a bottle of wine and a dance.)




May you find Scotch thistles in your oatmeal, you festering fungoid crapweasel.


Goodness, I think I just had a cussgasm!


Yes, once in a while, I do let go and speak my mind.

Dave Hardin

You had me at ANAL. I can’t resist your erotic come on’s. Please, not in front of the children.


Are you calling me a child?

Dave Hardin

Disco Inferno? Ummmm Ummmm ahhh ahhh ummm ummm ahhh ahhh That posted to the wrong place? No…..keyboard error?


White phosphorus.

B Woodman

I presume that there’s a (/sarc) tag at the end of this?


What do you think? LOL


Stop tagging me with all of this idiots bullshit.



Dave Hardin, the man who only publishes a warning when he is not being sarcastic. What a weirdo.

The Other Whitey

He’s consistent!


Gun nutz? Deez Nuts!


Great writing Nicki! Stay on them. Once JB Gates does find a spot that he is allowed to operate his legitimate business from, I am afraid it will not be over. Next they will probably coerce any banks he does business with to close his accounts via their friends at Operation Choke Point. I have a buddy who is an FFL and they have done this twice to him so far, and counting.


I have no doubt. I’m really appalled at what they’re trying to do with Gates. I may take a drive down there this weekend and pick up a few items…

…while giving the concern trolls the finger.


I think he should move to Wisconsin. It is a friendly state, with plenty of cheese, sausage and hunting available.

They are OK with GUNNZZZ, too.


It used to be quite lovely in northern Virginia and eastern Maryland. Now, it just seems like a shopping mall surrounded by quick-it-up housing. It’s almost as if these yuppies want to spread their fungoid crap everywhere.

Pinto Nag

‘It’s almost as if…’?? This is nothing more or less than a societal case of MANGE!

A Proud Infidel®™

I see this as further proof of my theory that liberals are like a parasitic or fungal infection. They infest/ infect one location and once they’ve rendered it unliveable they migrate to infest other locales like a parasite seeking a new host. Look at what they did to California over the decades, now they’ve infested WA, OR, and CO to name a few States. They’ve rendered much of the West Coast intolerable, ditto with the NE, now they’re on a migration to infest other locations!

B Woodman

Sounds like a severe case of Robert Heinlein’s “The Puppet Masters”. Which was a thinly veiled attack/commentary on Communism.


More like the interregnum before Nehemiah Scudder – the “Crazy Years”. Heinlein thinly veiled nothing… although he seemed to veer politically off the tracks in most of his later books.

I know in Texas there are laws about misuse of public office… Rick Perry got slapped with that. Wonder if there is anything legally actionable on the Virginia books?


Doesn’t lotremin kill off fungal infections?

A Proud Infidel®™

I was thinking more of soap & water and job applications, those are to libtards like oak stakes, Crucifixes, Holy Water and garlic are to Vampires! 😀


Well, don’t look now, buut I’ve heard about hippies making it in the military.


Don’t forget the millions that Bloomberg has dumped into this election so he can buy it outright. Local elections my foot!

A Proud Infidel®™

Snooty Multimillionaire bluebloods like Nanny Bloomers are often control freaks that always have to manipulate something to try and make themselves feel important!

The Other Whitey

Bloomberg: Lars’s hero.

A Proud Infidel®™



Maybe I’m off here… But I don’t remember Lars talking 2A issues. Is he a gun grabbing freak?


More than likely. His walls of text are so infuriating that my eyes cross just at the mere sight of reading his name so that his long-winded, pedantic Berkeley hot-air-blowing doesn’t make its way past my pupils.


I grew up in what was at one time a peacefull rural Southcentral PA town along I-81 in the Cumberland Valley. After I returned from my time in the Army I found that my hometown had changed IMMENSELY due to all the ftards leaving Maryland and moving east along I-70 and then up into PA. All of a sudden property taxes shot up and farms were bought and turned into cookie cutter subdivisions… Now we have more chain restaurants than you can eat at in a month. We used to just have a red lobster and an applebees…

I said screw the valley and moved into the mountains of Michaux and it was the best choice I ever made. Although the warehouses and morons are continuing their trek north into PA along with bringing their stupid ideas.


They’re flooding south to NC, as well… I wish they’d stay put in sleep in their own pile of feces they created.

A Proud Infidel®™

Ditto that, but like I said earlier…


The Californicators have overtaken Austin, TX. All the lazy stank ass hippies that used to live in cheap rental houses and smoke weed on the front porch have been forced to relocate due to the high property taxes and increased rents.

The Other Whitey

A buddy of mine from high school (a SoCal high school) just got on with Austin PD a year or two ago. If anything, he’s more conservative than me, so I asked him about his choice of cities, given Austin’s reputation. His answer was, “It’s a nice place. Why should I let the fucking hippies have it?”

A Proud Infidel®™

He sounds like one cool Hombre I could get along with!


I currently work not just in Maryland, but Baltimore, MD at that. I absolutely hate it here, and can think of no better term to describe it other, than the “s*^t hole” adjective you so eloquently used.

I’ve only got a few more months to go in this place before I fulfill my requirements with my work, and go back to normal people land. I wish the people that create these hell holes would stay where they are, and quit trying to spread this crap to states that aren’t completely f’ed up.


I graduated from Hopkins and lived in Baltimore for five years. I feel your pain.

A Proud Infidel®™

I hated having to do Baltimore when I was an OTR Trucker, and that was ten years ago!!

Silentium Est Aureum

Vermont and New Hampshire used to be pretty conservative states back in the day, until the Massholes and other assorted flatlanders fucked it all up.

And don’t even get me started on Colorado, NM, Jackson Hole, WY, Salt Lake City, etc.


I spent my formative years in the Jackson Hole area. It’s gone to shit.


I left NM because the collective IQ keeps dropping below that of a turd cutter, I move to VA and find it starting here.


There are maybe three working farms left in my county. The rest are either now in the forest preserve, farmed by someone for the county for the time being, or they are being slowly turned into local-grow veggie farms. The veg farms I don’t mind. It’s better than seeing more crappy suburban housing going up, raising the tax base on homeowners who have been here a long time, but the yuppies still want their overblown, overbuilt, overpriced houses so that they can somehow impress people who don’t give a crap. Frankly, I’d rather see the land kept in forest preserve and local-grow farming.

I used to wonder why my father hated seeing suburban housing. Now I know.

Pinto Nag

We have about one million people in Montana now. There are areas in Montana where the mean property value is $500,000 – 4 MILLION. This is twenty acres with a house, mind you. Care to guess where the people who built those houses came from?


Ummm…. I’ll take New Yawk Ceetee for $400, thank you.

Brown Neck Gaitor

“Because it’s Nicki, there is a language warning.”

There are at least 3 vets that got the PTSD only after getting into a car with her driving.

True story…


Duuuuuude…. just one!

Roger in Republic

Out where I live we call this Libtard hoard Califonicators. They screwed califonia up and then they moved on and brought their screwed up politics with them. The have converted half of Washington, Oregon, Nevada, and Colorado into Libtard Shitholeistans. They bring their Stupid to the local population centers, take over, and enforce their idiocy on the rest of the state. In Washington all statewide offices are controlled by just four counties. All located on the west side around Puget sound. In Oregon they control the three large cities and in Nevada only one county. They turned Colorado Blue by taking Denver, Boulder, and Colorado Springs. In the west we have lost the populated cities and that means that the rest of the state has to follow whatever the liberal cities dictate. The thing that galls me the most is that they are like Muslims in that they refuse to adapt to the local lifestyle and demand that the natives meet their demands in all things.

Pinto Nag



They’re more like locusts than anything else. They move into a fertile, pleasant area, wipe it out, turn it into a mess, and move on to the next plot of land to ruin.


I think it might be a good time to remember that everything has a cycle that begins, reaches its conclusion and then withers away, especially if it’s not really as successful as it was supposed to be. Witness the decline and fall of the Soviet Union. The blindworms who call themselves ‘liberals’ (a political corruption of that usage) have not yet learned what Mrs. Thatcher said so eloquently: the problem with socialism is that at some point, you run out of other people’s money. No shit, Margaret! Not being a coffee drinker, I never saw a point in patronizing Starbuck’s because they don’t serve tea. That may have changed, but I don’t care. McDonald’s beat them to it and it’s less expensive. The cycle of this bunch of nitwit poli-sci fungi in charge will end at some point, probably sooner than you may expect. Lots of things can destroy a pseudo-political system, such as a drought that prevents harvest or a winter with no end in sight. Weather has a great influence on politics. How much noise are you hearing coming out of Yemen nowadays? Not much. They’re being flooded (again) by Tropical Cyclone Chapala. Oman’s been getting flooding rains for 5 years now. The ground is supersaturated and can’t hold any more water, so it floods. The Chilean Atacama Desert is in full bloom right now, just like the occasional event in the Mojave Desert. There’s been snow in Johannesburg (2006) and snow in Jerusalem (2015), Brazil (2014) and it may still be snowing in New Zealand. What does that mean? It’s simple. We can’t control anything on this planet. We can only get out of the way. But these libertard crapweasels who want YOU and ME to pay for their shit think they can control it. Just think about that for a second: The US left coast has a history of megadrought. They’re running out of water. Hmmm… does that mean no oranges? No, they can come from Florida, too, and my lemons and limes come from Mexico, my wines come from the Rapel Valley in Chile and… Read more »

A Proud Infidel®™

Like the tale of the grasshopper and the ant, and liberals are grasshoppers, let ’em dance in the snow!!


lol. I watched the identical thing happen to Vermont. A good state ruined by carpetbaggers like Sanders and Dean. Destroyed their own states and moved up to Vermont to start in on us. I finally had to move 900 miles south to find work after they got done turning it into a socialist paradise.

Open Channel D

I moved from NOVA to Arizona last year. This is still a free state, but California seems to be sending a lot of their free-range libtards into Tucson.

You can tell who the Californicators are–they won’t stop talking about how great it was out there. They just had to move because taxes got too high or some such shit.

I swear, it’s enough to make a guy move to Texas.

The Other Whitey

My fellow Californians and I rejoice every time a hippy moves out, for two reasons. One, it’s one less that we have to deal with. Two, misery loves company.

Besides, as I’ve said before, roughly 53 of California’s 58 counties are sick to death of hippies fucking up our otherwise nice state, but LA (may William Mulholland be sodomized in hell) and San Francisco seem to have each bought and paid for disproportionately large chunks of the domed cesspool in downtown Sacramento.


I’m stunned that every body seems to be not catching on… to what is going on and the money flowing in from outside of the US when it comes to gun, or should I say Gun Control….


Not to point out the obvious, skippy, but it would help a lot if you cite a source for that.


And… it didn’t matter. The colostomy bag with the bad toupee won anyway. Even though he was shown to be a lying, opportunist piece of shit who tried to destroy his own constituent for political expediency. That festering cunt Murphy and Favola also won.

Even in a low turnout election year, the zombie demonrats just came out in droves and blindly voted for any shitbag with a “D” behind its name.

The Republicans have pretty much given up Fairfax county. They have no game there. They give their candidates no support. And they just suck.