Trigger control
From North Webster, Indiana comes the story of 25-year-old Allie Carter who was accidentally shot by her dog in an ironic accident. She laid her shotgun on the ground without the safe switch engaged and the excited dog took advantage of the opportunity to prance around on the gun until it discharged, injuring the young huntress’ foot.
The irony? Oh, yeah, the dog’s name is “Trigger”. Too many obvious jokes here for me to make them, so help yourself.
Category: Guns
Jonn, this type of accidental discharge happens WAY more than people realize.
Lot’s of folks think it’s okay to lay a loaded shotgun on the ground.
Back in the day my great-aunt was hunting whitetail and tossed her shotgun on the back seat at the end of the day – made a new hole through the rear door. Guess it wasn’t cleared :). Needless to say, her husband wasn’t too happy about it…
Accidental discharge? Some of those result in zygotes, you know.
Trigger? Dog? Sorry, the dog’s name is supposed to be Bullet or Rin-Tin-Tin.
Speaking of…..Ex-PH2,
Just a little something relatable…..
spew alert….
Oh, Chip, you old softie.
Granted, I’d have no problem sticking my penis in her.
ANNNNDDDD Sarah Palin would be your Mother-In-Law.
or Rat-a-tat-tat
I told a girl some time back (waaaaay back!) it was an “accidental discharge” – but not really germane to this story…
Some shit you just can’t make up.
The HORSE is supposed to be named Trigger, not the DOG. Geez, people really need to bone up on their old western classics, don’t they?
I dunno, looks like she got it right this time. Who knows, if she had named the mutt Pegleg maybe the shot pattern would have hit a little higher. Gotta watch out for karma – she’s a bitch sometimes.
What kind of idiot is walking around with a loaded shotgun off safe anyway? and then sets it down like that?
Dick Cheney?
? ? ?
Many hunting rifles and shotguns have a trigger block safety that pushes from right to left, depending on how she laid it down, the dog could have pushed the gun off safe then fired it by merely stepping on it.
She should never have left the gun unsecured.
Concur with the trigger block scenario.
Also, those of us who have spent a day or two in the woods realize that you don’t climb under/through fences or over large fallen timber with your weapon, if you can help it. You lay it down on one side of the said obstacle (not leaning it on the fence post for instance), and retrieve it once you’re over/through the obstacle.
Not enough detail in the story, but it sounds like the young lady may have been doing just this and shit happened.
I should add, when hunting with another person, they could hold the weapon while you navigate the obstacle and then pass it back to you.
or you could unload it to be safe.
^^^^ +54
The details are murky after so many years, but the results were not. There was a cluster of unsolved deaths in Georgia, late ’70’s early 80’s timeframe. Hunters were being found dead in their hunting areas, with their weapons within a few feet of them. There were six or seven, as I recall. No prints, no witnesses, nothing. It almost tipped over into a serial killer thing, until a hunting buddy saw, and reported, the accidental death of his hunting partner. Here’s how it went: hunter crossed field, came to fence. Leaned weapon against fence. Climbed through/over fence. Reached through or over fence to retrieve weapon. Weapon snags on fence as it’s pulled over or through fence, resulting in fatal shot to head/chest. Weapon drops to ground, body a short distance away.
Case closed. No speculation on why or how so many experienced hunters made such a classic and stupid mistake.
Oh, and just out of curiosity…do I have to put a sarc tag after every facetious comment that I make? Can’t ANYBODY tell when I’m not being serious around here?
You do make it difficult at times Pinto. Sorry to have to be the one to tell you.
We were scheduling an intervention for you, but we got busy playing Sarcastoball.
Lotsa dead folks throughout history killed by “empty” or “safety on” firearms.
Allie: “Roll over, Trigger!”
Allie: “Beg, Trigger!”
Allie: “Fetch, Trigger.”
Trigger: “I’m tired of this shit. Trigger do this. Trigger do that. And do I get a treat, a long walk, anything as a reward? Hell no. Well I’ve had it! Hey, Allie, look over here!
“My dog is smart. He can do all kinds of tricks and he’s a great guard dog.”
“Really? Smart? I’ll tell you smart. I know of a dog in Indiana that doesn’t bark, growl, or bite–and he’s the best guard dog in the world. He’s called Trigger and he packs a shotgun. Damn good with it,too.”
Seems to me I saw this dog riding down the road. He was, of all things, riding “shotgun” in the woman’s van. What do you think he’d do when he got a chance to show his owner how much he appreciated riding in a hot van with no air conditioning? I don’t blame the dog one bit.
A friend of mine up in Alaska was accidentally killed by his own son. They were among a group of friends that had been hunting caribou at a camp on a river. When it came time to pack up the boats, my friend was standing in a boat and his son was handing him hunting rifles that were in hard cases. One, a 7mm Mag, discharged and hit my friend in the hip as his son was handing it to him. They made an epic attempt to get him to a hospital but he bled out on the way. I never got word on whose rifle it was that discharged. Tom was a great guy and liked by everyone.
Yes this is why we unload a gun when crossing a fence.
Boy Trigger really stepped in it this time.
Fetch Trigger! Oops, that’s not what I meant.
Call 911 Trigger….
Where was the …. trigger warning … for that article?
The more I think about this story, the more suspicious I am. How do we know Trigger did the shooting? Did they swab his leg for nitrates? Did they interview him? Were his prints on the shotgun? Seems awfully convenient to blame old Trigger. I hope he has a good lawyer.
Did he taste the blood? Usually they put an animal down for that.
Good point Inspector 2/17. If only Roy Rogers were still around to speak on behalf of Trigger’s character. You are correct in that so many questions are yet to be answered. Might he have been doing any opiates in the last 24 hours? Was Trigger potentially involved in some insurance scheme with the deceased’s husband? Had trigger been abused by the lady? Any signs the dog had been humping her leg shortly before/after the shooting? Worst speculation of all: Had Trigger been pissed off over some flag the lady was flying? You see, Trigger might have been a Yankee dog. Inquiring minds want to know.
My condolences and sympathy go out to the deceased lady’s family, but:
The outcome was inevitable since she was a Mets fan with a dyed in the wool Cubs dog.
A service dog orphaned when the disabled owner was killed next to him during the Oregon college shooting was named “Bullet”.