Gallup: Americans think that more guns make us safer

| October 22, 2015

This should have the anti-gunners in the media spinning like a loom. Gallup reports that in their latest poll (October 7-11) which asked Americans, with a random sample of 1,015 adults, aged 18 and older, living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, if trained armed and licensed citizens would make us safer. More than half responded that it would. Here are the demographics of the respondents;


Most states have some sort of permitting process allowing the carrying of concealed weapons, but the requirements and procedures to carry weapons vary significantly by state. The Gallup question did not get into detail on specific requirements other than mentioning that the person with the concealed weapon would have to pass a criminal background check and training course.

Among key subgroups, Democrats and those with postgraduate education are least likely to believe that more concealed weapons would make the U.S. safer. Republicans and gun owners are most likely to say it would make the nation safer. Younger Americans are more likely to choose the “safer” option than those aged 30 and above.

The poll also said those same people supported stronger background checks, whatever that means, and that 3/4 of respondents opposed banning handguns. According to the article, an overwhelming majority of Americans believe that the Second Amendment protects our right to own firearms, privately.

Category: Guns

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NR Pax

Someone let that Winkler pinhead know about this.

Dave Hardin

More propaganda from the Gun Nutz bunker. This clearly shows that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 65% of those with some college believe this to be true. Clearly we need to make sure people complete their education.

It also appears those of you living in the corn fields of America need to brush up on your social skills, or at least visit the “Big City” more often.

More thorough background checks should include an inspection of private bunkers. I understand winter is coming on and you Gun Nutz need to squirrel away all you can right now.

Dave Hardin

Oh, I didn’t mention the glaringly obvious solution to the problem this survey points out.

REPUBLICANS……they are obviously a menace to society.



B Woodman

Or (/sarc). Can’t tell for sure right now.


Stop sending me copies of everything this idiot posts. I think he has a Veterans for Jane Fonda GoFundMe account.





“visit the ‘Big City’ more often?
why? are y’all running out of people to shoot in those gun control utopias?


And here, I thought you were serious about food. I can see how I was fooled by your masquerade of eggs and bacon.

It’s really guns you love. Happiness is a warm gun.

You ham.

Dave Hardin

You are nobody’s fool. That really is what I made for dinner last night, (I wasn’t thinking of HOBO either)

Now you have inspired me to do a MUSHROOM AND GRUYÈRE QUICHE, I haven’t been inspired like that in a long time.

I don’t even need a gun to hunt down those Morel mushrooms.

A Proud Infidel®™

Critters like John Kerry eat quiche.


sKerry eats whatever is put on his plate. His taste is in his feet. If you handed him an open-faced grilled cheese made with Velveeta and told him it was brie, he’d swallow it.

A Proud Infidel®™

That and he’d tell you he didn’t like it before he liked it! 😀


Happiness is a warm gun.

Lennon and McCartney agree.



Bang bang, shoot shoot. 🙂

A Proud Infidel®™

The article also says that “Democrats and those with post graduate education are least likely to believe that more concealed weapons would make the U.S. safer.” THERE YOU GO, education and being properly cultured (or is it reeducated?” by liberals in big cities is the cure to us knuckle dragging Neanderthals’ love of and passion for our ugly evil bang sticks, ain’t it?

The Other Whitey

Winter Is Coming! I need to get me a badass Ned Stark wolfskin cloak so that I can stare forebodingly to the north while anxiously holding my Scary Black Rifle.

Now THAT would be a picture for the Facebook page!

If I had a Facebook page. Which I don’t. Fuck it.


… and you could label it:

Conan the Other Whitey

The Other Whitey

Or maybe the Garand with the M1942 bayonet mounted. The 14-inch blade might fit better with the Winterfell theme.

Now I just need to find a stone wall on a high vantage point facing north on a cloudy day…


Again it amazes me that people tout the 1st amendment all the time…but are keen to restrict and erode the other rights guaranteed by the Constitution. Right to privacy…pfft Right to own a firearm…pfft.

But by God you better not come after me if I shit on some canvas…that’s protected speech.

A Proud Infidel®™

Kinda like the same moonbats that wanted to prosecute someone who burned a rainbow foo-foo flag for “hate crimes” but damned if you aren’t an “intolerant racist Christian Fundamentalist” if you utter even a peep about things like the Robert Mappelthorpe exhibit of the “art piece” that was an icon of the Virgin Mary smeared with animal dung. According to that crowd it’s OK to make as many obscene cartoons and images of say GW Bush, but the moment you do even a spoof of B. Hussein 0bama or Das Hildebeast you’re a “hateful racist or sexist”.


Did either of you dingalings actually read that article?

Just tryin’ to understand if you missed the message or you’re just bitchin’ for the sake of it.

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s the latter for me. 😀


Well, Friday’s comin’. Keep yer pants on, toots.

A Proud Infidel®™



Yes. Nobody wants to see the mouse out of its house.


aw, you peeked….


I think mine was in response the the person who responded right before me…I just didn’t do it right and hit the reply button.


Want some kleenex?


I’m not sure a Gallup poll is ever a good source of true public opinion. Reading the question, I wonder what some of the respondents thought a ‘background check and training course’ really involved, and if that impacted their answer.

Thinking about it, I personally don’t think having more armed Americans makes the country safer. I believe that at best it would wash out fairly evenly with a certain percentage of idiots being idiots, and all. I do, however, think it would make America more American, and that’s worth something too.

The Other Whitey

America should be American. Plenty of idiots like (master)Bateman have praised the British way to the heavens. Well, my family’s Irish, so perhaps you could understand why we instinctively don’t favor the British way (historically speaking, the British way entailed fucking us over, after all). Then there’s that whole pesky issue of how our American forefathers fought two rather difficult wars against the British way.

I say those who want the British way are welcome to move to the UK and stay there. Their immigration laws are fairly gentle, so it shouldn’t be a problem. At the same time, plenty of native Brits (and Welsh and Scots and Cornish) have crossed the pond because they don’t care so much for the British way after having grown up under it. They can do it their way, we will do it our way. That’s the beauty of national sovereignty!

2/17 Air Cav

I’m with you on polls, but not just Gallup which is actually one of the few reliable ones. I really dislike polls, despite all of the math and +/- stuff that is presumed to add reliability. I earnestly believe that if the same respondents were asked the same questions at 11:30 a.m. (i.e., before lunch) and again at 1:30 p.m. (i.e., after lunch) on the same day, the outcomes would be significantly different in many instances. The only polls that matters to me occur in votes–in elections, in Congress, and in Supreme Court decisions.

Perry Gaskill

My own thought is that the sample size of the Gallup poll was large enough to draw a general conclusion, but not large enough to make the demographic variables useful.


My response to any pole is ‘if I need it, I’ll get it. If I don’t, I won’t.’

E-6 type, 1 ea
