Brian Michaud scammer

| October 22, 2015

Brian Michaud

Over a year ago, we first wrote about Brian Michaud and his mom, Andrea, who scammed well-meaning Americans in Wisconsin by selling coupons for local businesses that pledged their goods and services. The proceeds from the coupon sales were supposed to go to veterans, but instead the money was pocketed by Michaud. He even took the vacations that were supposed to be part of the promotions.

Last month, he was fined and punished by the courts for his malfeasance, according to Fox6, the folks who started the investigation;

In September, the court granted a default judgment against Brian Michaud for committing more than 10,000 violations of state consumer protection laws — one for each of the 10,000 books he sold.

The punishment? Fines and forfeitures of more than $40,000.

According to Fox6, Michaud may have moved on to his next scam and they add that he has a long history of criminal behavior including burglary and forgery.

Category: Phony Vet Charities

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Someone needs to find him and do this…..
NSFW cuss word


In my book, the judge should have sentenced the pair to be incarcerated for 1 hour for each crime in addition to the fine – with sentences to be served consecutively.

A non-leap-year has 8,760 hours.


A Court ordered default judgement.

Hmmmm. Where have I seen that term before….

Maybe it was here?


Lock up your stuff. He’ll be in your neighborhood next.

Gee whiz, you’d think that people would catch on that it’s a scam after a while, but they still let the thieves in through the front door.


Wonder if the IRS has read about his ill-gotten gain. Given a default judgment, it implies that he was without benefit of counsel, which counsel probably would have advised him to file tax returns and declare that income, as part of “turning his life around” before going to a federal prison.


I know this will not be a popular concept, as many of you Trekkies seem to enjoy the Sci-Fi genre… but isn’t it high time we had a serious conversation about banning Star Wars masks?
Just brainstorming.


Damn! Wrong thread! Instability in The Force!


It’s one of those wibbly woobly timey wimey things.

2/17 Air Cav

Good scam. Donors got a break with the coupons and the stores and other businesses got more customers and the scammers and their buds got some money and goodies. Toss in aid to Veterans and, really, as scams go, not bad at all.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder what his next scam will be after he gets out of jail?


Unfortunately I don’t see anyplace where it says he is incarcerated.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Too bad the judge couldn’t order a nice public caning of this asswipe and his shitbag accomplice…

Watching him get his ass beat for an hour would at least put some real hurt into the punishment….

Rat bastard, Karma’s coming your way.

Not that I would wish anyone have something bad happen or advocate anything bad happening to someone…I just won’t be surprised when it does.


“nice public caning of this asswipe and his shitbag accomplice…” HOURLY.


Dress him in Carharts, stuff a white hanky in his back pocket and turn him loose during the deer season in Wisconsin. If it’s brown its down.


I’m betting he ends up in a morning FG story before he’s done.


Absolutely NOTHING is too good for scammers like this fruit cake. Why not dress him up like a five year old cub scout in crotchless underwear and leave him to be for about five years in a place where they lock up criminally insane pedophiles? People would pay to see this! As long as it is this idiot, I’m in for five bucks. Hopefully cameras are allowed.