Washington Post fact checker busts Clinton on gun lies

| October 16, 2015

Hillary Clinton has been pushing the lie around the media about how 40% of guns are sold at gun shows and on the internet, you know, to convince people that we should be pushing for enhanced background checks. The Washington Post’s Fact Checker takes her to task on that claim. It seems that the 40% figure comes from a poll taken in 1994, before the Brady Bill mandated background checks and established the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). It was also long before internet sales were a thing.

The survey sample was relatively small — just 251 people. (The survey was done by telephone, using a random-digit-dial method, with a response rate of 50 percent.) With this sample size, the 95 percent confidence interval will be plus or minus six percentage points.

The analysis concluded that 35.7 percent of respondents indicated they did not receive the gun from a licensed firearms dealer. Rounding up gets you to 40 percent, although the survey sample is so small it could also be rounded down to 30 percent.

Fact Checker also points out that 17 states already require NICS for all gun show sales.

The Fact Checker in 2013 asked one of the co-authors of the study, Jens Ludwig of the University of Chicago, to rerun the numbers, just looking at guns purchased in the secondary market. The result, depending on the definition, was 14 percent to 22 percent were purchased without a background check. That’s at least half the percentage cited by Clinton.

I’d add that the FBI interviewed criminals who told them that less than one percent of the criminals bought their guns at gun shows.

The recent spate of mass shootings that has reinvigorated the debate over guns were all committed with legally purchased guns by people who should have been flagged by the NICS background checks. The problem isn’t with mandating more background checks – the problem is in the actual NICS system, from local enforcement and mental health professionals all the way up to the person on the other end of line at the NICS switchboard.

Thanks to Marine_7002 for the link.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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I’m pretty sure most criminals get their guns by joining the NRA and mail-ordering assault weapons through the internet. At least that’s what I saw on an episode of “Law and Order” so it has to be true, right?


When are people going to realize, if that bitch has her mouth open, she is either about to suck on something….or lie through her teeth!!

Jon The Mechanic

You get 3 assault rifles with assault clips when you join the NRA.
A premium membership will also get you 100 rounds of explosive tipped bullets.

A Proud Infidel®™

Wait, WAIT!! Does said Assault Rifle come equipped with “30 clip magazines” like that liberal critter bawled about on TV? 😀

2/17 Air Cav

I have mine. Yeah, this guy comes running out of a bank and, as he jumps in his car, his gun fell out. Well, sirens were blaring and the getaway driver floored it before his partner had closed the door. I sauntered over and picked it up. Nice piece. And that’s my story, your honor, and I’m sticking to it.

As for H. Wideload Clinton, she lies like a rug. She ought to be indicted, arrested, and charged by now but, somehow, the wheels of justice don’t seem to be turning. Then there’s Benghazi, which her apologists and supporters dismiss as old news and a witch hunt. To that I say, I don’t give a shit how old it is. I don’t give a shit what an inquirer’s motivations are. What I want is the truth. I wonder how that DOJ/FBI investigation is going regarding Benghazi.


I’m more interested in how the DOJ/FBI investigation concerning her private email server is going. The FBI reportedly impounded 4 DoS computer systems in conjunction with their investigation.

At this point, IMO Benghazi could be politically damaging but not legally problematic for Clintoon. The private email server issue could well be both.

2/17 Air Cav

You and I would be locked up by now. The Scrotum Shaver mentioned recently that Wide Load had made a “mistake” regarding the private server. I love the way that clown reaches conclusions w/o having facts. Of course, facts just muddy things up so the less the said about them the better. I will never let go of Benghazi. I realize there are probably a handful of us across the country who still care about that fiasco and that Wide Load is smack dab in the middle of it. The server(s) issue is a DOJ matter that was late to start and will drag on and on and on until everyone follows oBaMa’s lead and dismisses it as a “mistake.”

Silentium Est Aureum

Story in the NYT linked on Drudge says the FBI is mighty pissed at Obama for declaring his view it was no big deal and nothing wrong was done, according to his interview with 60 Minutes.

Funny how he knows what the FBI doesn’t, considering they haven’t finished their investigation yet.


We’re not supposed to talk about that cause Bernie Sanders is tired of hearing about the damn emails…

Silentium Est Aureum

That’s cool. I’m tired of Bernie Sanders too.

2/17 Air Cav

Sanders? Good man. I like his chicken. Always have.

John Lesnak

Was that before his Col commission?

Pinto Nag

The American people have always treated facts as disposable — useful but not permanent or even relevant, depending on multiple other factors that might be involved at the moment. We will have guns until we decide we don’t want them anymore. It’s just as simple as that, and all the facts and truth in the world won’t sway us in choosing the path we take concerning them.

Dave Hardin

Interesting comment. I have found that one should never confuse people with facts when they have already made up their mind.

All too often I witness people clutching to an opinion even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Pinto Nag

This is my opinion, and it wouldn’t be the first time I was wrong, but I’ll put it out here anyway. The logic of the existence of the Second Amendment will not withstand the anguish and anger that is building in this country about gun deaths. More and more people are survivors of gun violence. They are the grieving families and loved ones who have lost someone to suicide, or a criminal activity that involved guns. These people will lash out at the tool they feel is the cause of their pain, while simultaneously attacking the belief systems that support gun ownership as a legitimate enterprise. Remember what happened with smoking? I’m old enough to remember when the attack on Big Tobacco started. Now look where we are with that. And I understand the argument that the ‘right’ to smoke was never an Amendment to the Constitution, but my point above comes into play here: we know that an Amendment will stand only as long as we want it to. We can, and will, change our Constitution to suit our purpose of the moment, whether that is actually and FACTUALLY a good idea or not.

Dave Hardin

I have observed the same thing. The slow corrosive effect on personal responsibility and accountability. Usually done in the name of some benevolent cause.

Seat belts were once an option. Slowly they became mandated and their use mandatory. Car seats for children, same thing.

My father could reach all the way to the back of a 1967 Buick station wagon, knock me a good one off the back window and never lose the ash from his cigarette while driving down the highway.

He would be arrested in today’s world on a multitude of charges for doing that today.

Emotional foundation to actions has become the norm. It is now a more severe crime to beat someone to death because they are ‘Gay’ than to do it because they drink the wrong kind of beer. The emotional uproar over the few that stood against special ‘hate crime’ laws bordered on hate crime itself.

There is that annoying little amendment to our Constitution that specifically mentions gun rights.

I get pissed and sickened every time people hide behind victims to justify eroding my personal freedoms.

If the cost of preserving Freedom is Freedom itself……what is the point?

A Proud Infidel®™

I remember riding in my Parents’ 1955 Bel Air in the early 70’s when I was a kid, we’d stand uo in the seats while Dad was driving, (WHAT seatbelts?)played around in the car,… According to today’s liberals it should be an extreme miracle that I’m still alive! I rode my bike and skateboard sans a helmet, drank water straight from a garden hose in the summer, played with bottle rockets, M80’s and Cherry bombs bought from fireworks stands, and if one messed themselves up, folks though “Well TOUGH SHIT! You get stupid, you pay the price!”

Silentium Est Aureum

And in other happy news, there’s a big gun show in town this weekend. Be interesting to see how many guns jump into my pocket without a background check.

Yeah, I’m going to put that number at somewhere around zero.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m gonna have to go to a Gun Show again sometime. If guns kill peoe, then HOW THE HELL does anyone make it out of a Gun Show alive? They’re nice and peaceful, but according to the gun-ban moonbats all those guns that don’t kill people should be turning the surviving attendees into foaming-at-the-mouth mass-murdering lunatics, but we all know the opposite is true, just like when they bawled that CCW shall-issue laws would turn every street into an Old West-style bloodbath, but we hear about dozens of shootings every weekend in places like Chicago, what a surprise – NOT!! Has Das Hildebeast ever told the truth about ANYTHING in her life?


1994? Well, considering that 1994 is sorta kinda pre-intertubes wide-user days, before it became what it became by – what, 1999? – is shrillary saying that people used the Wayback Machine to go back in time and buy their guns?

It’s always going to be the fault of the thing, not the person.


Somebody at WaPo is going to lose their job over this.
I mean, how dare they fact check the next One We’ve Been Waiting for?
The audacity!

Old 1SG, US Army (Retired)

Hillary is an idiot…

Yes, most criminals purchase their firearms from legitimate dealers at gun shows and via the internet… yeah, right… what a dipsh*t!

Don’t even get me started on her comments (and Weekend at Bernie’s Sanders) during the debate… a bunch of socialists lookig to confiscate your money, guns and anything else they can get their hands on!