Monday morning feel good stories

| October 12, 2015

Our first story this morning comes from a link sent by one of our countless ninjas. It happened in Indianapolis, Indiana, where Karen Dolley awoke and found Jacob Wessel in her room – she reacted by punching him about a dozen times. She reached for her gun, but opened the wrong drawer. Time being of the essence here, she grabbed her Japanese-style sword called a ninjato instead and held young Jacob at sword-point until the police arrived and took him to his new accommodations.

In Charleston, West Virginia, a business owner was spending the night in his business after a series of burglaries had plagued him. He heard a noise outside and found someone monkeying with the vehicles in his lot. He started chasing the fellow, who turned around and appeared to have a bludgeoning object in his hands. The business owner fired at him, but the crook ran off. Police found blood evidence near the scene and then they responded to a suspicious person in neighborhood. They found Daniel Knight nearby with a butt-wound and took him away.

In Lafayette, Indiana, four men entered a convenience store and took the money that one customer proffered for her purchase. When the clerk protested, one of the thugs struck him. The clerk came up from the floor with his 9mm handgun and him and his manager chased the four from the store, both getting struck once again. The clerk fired his gun twice which seems to have ended the confrontation.

In Waterbury, Connecticut, an armed cafe patron stopped an armed armed robber from ripping off the business. The thief was DRT (dead right there).

A woman shot a man in Jackson, Mississippi, but police are unsure if it was a home invasion or a domestic dispute. Either way, the fellow’s injuries are not life threatening.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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B Woodman

Waterbury, Conn – – -one of the b(l)eating hearts of liberalism. I thought all assault rifles were supposed to be registered?
Oh, wait – there’s an estimated 90% non-compliance non-registered rate for “assault rifles” in Conn.
Oh, wait – no one in the altercation used an assault rifle. (I’d almost say “assault weapon”, but that could include anything, from a fry pan to a Bic pen).
(all of the above is /sarc)

Hack Stone

If the guy in Connecticut could have waited one more day, the customer would have not been packing, due to the influence of the Saturday Night Live anti-gun video.


Police “found Daniel Knight nearby with a butt-wound and took him away.”

Got scared, then got shot in the ass while running away? That ougta go over well with his new (hopefully) long-term “roomates”.


Yeah, if he thinks he’s sore down there now, he’s in for a surprise.


The lady in Indianapolis held the invader at bay with a ninjato. So that makes her a ninja, right?


…an elegant weapon, from more civilized times…..

Carlton G. Long

Actually, what makes her a ninja is that, being awakened and finding a stranger in her room, did not helplessly cower and shriek, but rather began pummeling the intruder, then, when unable to find her firearm, improvised with a ninjato and had apparently put enough fear into the stranger that he did not even think about at least trying to run away.


One DRT this morning still makes the coffee taste a bit sweeter !!!


Karen Dolley sounds like a certified badass! Lovin’ it.


Small world. I went to High School with Karen Dolly, She lived in my neighborhood…