Free 9mm Ammo; Ammo Ambassadors

| October 7, 2015

ATG Target

The folks at Ammunition To Go wrote to tell us that they want to give you some 9mm ammo, so without further adieu;

Here’s how it’ll work:

Find a new shooter who hasn’t been to the range and experienced the joy of shooting before.
Download a target off our site and take them to the range.
Snap a photo of the new shooter with their target and upload it to our site.
You’ll get a coupon code that’s good for two boxes of free 9mm ammo from Magtech – along with free shipping.

We have 100,000 rounds of Magtech 9mm ready to ship right now. We’re hoping to find 1,000 Ammo Ambassadors to take 1,000 new shooters out to the range in the next few weeks.

I’m sitting this one out – I don’t have any 9mm guns. With things going the way they are in the political world, a couple of free boxes of ammo might come in handy for you guys, though.

I’ll add that Ammo To Go is a good company – I’ve been using them for years and never had a bad bullet and just as important, their prices are competitive.

Category: Guns

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The Other Whitey

I don’t suppose they have such a deal for .45?


I hope that’s next. I was forced to secure a .45 for MS D’s birthday, in order to retain possession of my own! Another mouth to feed.

The Other Whitey

Then again, 9mm is a useful round for training young daughters in the fine art of putting rounds on target.


Yah I could use 40 cal I only have about 200 rounds left


RSR is at CSR?


I’ll have to swing by sometime with some .45, cigars, and after range Scotch.

Silentium Est Aureum

Most of the newspapers and MSM outlets would get a collective case of the vapors hearing that, Jonn.

A guy in MA got busted with a .22 rifle, a handgun, and about 400-500 rounds of .22 ammo, and the Boston Globe was referring to that as an “arsenal.”

Roger in Republic

Wow, I just found out that I have an ‘Arsenal” on my nightstand!

A Proud Infidel®™

They’d shit themselves and faint if they saw MY gun and ammo collection before it sank with the boat I was fishing on off the coast of Miami!


I call that a day at the range when I’m teaching my kid how to shoot.

If I was shooting, there would be a couple more handguns and another rifle.

Dave Hardin

This is an outrage ! You Gun Nutz won’t stop until there is a box of ammo in every house. How do they know what the intentions are of those that get shipped this Free Ammo !

So I guess it is just fine with you ammo hoarding loons if trigger happy half wits drag homeless derelicts off the streets into killing cults just to get a few boxes more of ammo.

I am so tired of you people spreading your gun crazed culture everywhere, I am sending a copy of this to Mr. S. Kastic.


Thank God for your reply.

My first thought was that this was a trick, funded by Hardin Enterprises, engineered to determine which households contain 9mm firearms for future confiscation.

Thank you for your outrage. Sincerely.


You’re trolling, right?

2/17 Air Cav

Dave is revealed at about the 2 min mark.


Sorry, but I’m only giving this a 7 because there aren’t enough exclamation points.

It also loses points because you didn’t add a “won’t somebody please think of the CHILDREN??????!?!?!?!?”

Dave Hardin

Actually I considered working the toddlers with targets angle. Striffing with strollers came to mind.

If YOU PEOPLE are not regulated 12 year olds will be meandering public wildlife areas looking to kill something.

2/17 Air Cav

There has to be something wrong with this and, if there is, you can bet that the ATF will find it.


Do they have any .222 for the “Mailbox Assassins”.

Silentium Est Aureum

Ruger .222 ammo, sapper. Gotta be specific.

The DRG won’t accept anything less, even if it doesn’t exist.

E-6 type, 1 ea

They’d be the most popular company in the US if they did this with .22 ammo.


Local store in Houston is DISCOUNTING .22 LR 20% for a weekend sale.

It ain’t plentiful… but it’s back in limited quantities. Super-X just cost me $7 a hundred.


Well, dammit! I only have .45s and .40s. No 9mm pistols in my house. 🙁


If they’ve never been to a range, there’s little chance in hell that I would associate with them.

Sam Naomi

I could use a box of Ammo for my 30/40 Krag & my 45/70 Springfield.

Where the tall corn grows

Dave Hardin

I use these for that pesky zombie that won’t come out of the block building. Seriously, I carry these in my Henry when fishing in Canada. They have been used to take down Elephant, Lion, and Grizzly. Kind of pricey but not a better round made for taking down anything big.

Did a shot at 50 feet with these, it went through 11 one gallon jugs of water. The 308 stopped at 7. Amazing ammo.

Dave Hardin

The link would be helpful:

The guy that makes these designed the xs ghost sites, great guy. If you ever want special ammo for the 45/70 he is the go to guy.


Don’t own a 9mm? Must not shoot often then.


I’m in the process of transitioning from .40 to 9mm. Ballistically there’s essentially no difference with modern self-defense rounds and 9mm is cheaper, easier to shoot (I can handle .40 but my 5’0/100 lb girlfriend could easily have issues with it when I get her out on the range and in any event why make things harder than they have to be?), and allows a greater ammo capacity. Already got a Glock 17, have a 19 waiting in Washington State purgatory that should be out by the end of next week, and will be selling my 22 and 23 shortly thereafter.


Damsammit! I don’t have a gun. (Sniff.) All I have is this ham sandwich and a t-shirt that says ‘Clyddidit).


That situation can be corrected you know.


Yes. Yes, I do know.

I had an interesting conversation today with someone who wanted to know what I thought of McCarthy in Chicago. You know how it is when you laugh so hard, soda comes right out of your nose? Yeah. That happened.


Oh noooooooooo ! ! !
Black Scary Guns ! ! !