Clinton’s “new” gun law proposal

| October 5, 2015

Hillary Clinton is glomming on to the gun issue to try and rebuild her lead in her party’s primary race. According to the Associated Press, she’s hitting all of the same tired cliches that they’ve been spouting for a decade or more.

Clinton has made strengthening gun laws a centerpiece of her presidential campaign, vowing she would use her executive power as president to expand background checks for sellers at gun shows and online and back legislation banning domestic abusers from purchasing guns.

She also backed congressional efforts to stop retailers from selling guns to people with incomplete background checks, as happened when Dylann Roof, the man charged in the Charleston church shooting, bought his gun.

“I will try every way I can to get those guns out of the hands of people who shouldn’t have them,” she told voters gathered for a pancake breakfast town hall meeting in Hollis, New Hampshire. “We need to prevent these kinds of terrible crimes that are happening.”

There are already background checks for 99% of gun show and internet sales. Domestic abusers are already forbidden from buying guns. Check out question 11(i) on the ATF 4473;

ATF 4473

Of course, it won’t prevent someone with a conviction from lying on the form, especially if their names haven’t been flagged in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). She doesn’t really want to do anything to get the NICS fixed, because then she won’t be able to put gun confiscation on her agenda when nothing improves.

Clinton knows, like most politicians, that they can’t do anything to prevent criminals from committing crimes with firearms, so they just propose crap laws to make voters “feel” safer, you know, like the TSA does at the airport by molesting every one that comes through the line to make travelers feel safer during their flights.

Chief Tango sends us a link to the Washington Post, their editorial today which lists the fatalities of the Oregon shooting last week, under the headline “The Price We Pay” without mentioning the 120 people killed in Washington DC so far this year, all killed with illegal guns. No mention of the more than 2300 people who were shot in Chicago this year (resulting in 359 homicides before September 27th), either, or the 246 homicides in Baltimore.

By the way, Bernie Sanders weighed in on the issue while he was in Boston this weekend; “Guns should not be in the hands of people who should not have them”. I think we can all agree with that profound statement. By the way, I don’t think Democrats are going to like that Bernie Sanders has a higher rating from the NRA than Hillary. He couldn’t get elected in Vermont without voting in favor of guns.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Let’s outlaw texting and driving. And if that doesn’t put an end to the needless killing, let’s confiscate all cell phones.


Outstanding analogy.


Thanks, I thought so.

In 2012, from what I can tell, approximately 135 people were killed in mass shooting events.

In 2012, from what I can tell, approximately 3380 people were killed by distracted drivers.

Seems obvious to me that confiscating cell phones is the way to go. They kill.


There are 1.03 guns per individual in the US compared to 1.12 cell phones. Clearly the cell phone problem is more severe. I think they should start by mandating batteries that only hold 3 minutes of charge.


well, I’m safe…. mine goes dead faster than my wife on date night


How about we outlaw doctors,nurses and hospitals. Latest estimates are that anywhere from 175,000 to 200,000 people die annually from medical malpractice and mistakes.
And, we should ban canned dusters, too.


Well, I do take some slim comfort in the fact that there is a recession looming, and that whoever gets elected next year will inherit that looming storm.

If shrillary is somehow elected, she’ll get the blame for it and will probably do nothing more than make it much worse. And we already know what a truthful soul she is, don’t we?

I only say this because when Tricky Dick left the White House under a cloud in 1974, a recession was already underway. Jimmie da Smirker Carter only made it worse, and got blamed for the entire thing.


Actually, Ex-PH2 – the 1973-1975 recession spanning the Nixon and Ford Administrations ended almost 2 years before Carter took office. Its dates are generally accepted as Nov 1973 thru Mar 1975. Carter took office in Jan 1977.

Carter was in office for one recession, the 1980 recession. However, his failure to do a damn thing meaningful to improve US economic conditions during his Administration – as well as his contributing to future government deficits via convincing Congress to make food stamps a free vice shared-cost program – led to the early 1980s recession under Reagan. Some might say that the latter was merely a continuation of the 1980 recession after a minor interruption.


And Jimmuh had the balls to blame the People for the “Crisis of Confidence.”

I remember those times far too well. Wouldn’t want to go through that again.


But at least he didn’t tell everyone to be immoral, like his predecessor:

(Yeah, I know the actual slogan used by the Ford administration was “WIN – Whip Inflation Now”. But I thought this joke from that era was worth remembering.)


NBC has been attempting to pump up the volume the last couple days.
SNL skit and this mornings Today Show town hall thingy.
The best part was watching the folks in the background. The only one buying it was the one guy at the table and he was working it.
Rest looked like someone had ripped one.

C. Long

My God! They’re multiplying!

MSG Eric

I recall back in the 90s a supporter of a different Democratic candidate complaining about how every channel was backing Clinton and only talking about them.

NBC: Nothing but Clinton
ABC: All ’bout Clinton
CNN: Clinton News Network
CBS: Clinton Broadcasting Service

It seems like it applies again. She can do no wrong and whatever happens, it was someone just spinning politics for votes. Except of course if its a Republican, then they are evil and trying to kill kids on campus and do anything for a vote and getting their votes bought by rich people.


Gun control and gun laws are about three things: Guns, Gun owners, and the law.

The funny thing is, anti-gunners know NOTHING about any of these three things. In fact, not only do they know nothing, they actually seem proud of the fact that they know nothing, as if knowledge will somehow pollute the purity of their opinions.

The simple truth is that the can be no sweeping gun control measures without the assent and the active cooperation of millions and millions of gun owners and people who sympathize with gun owners. That is a fact, not an opinion.

So I say, keep it up, anti-gunners! Keep calling anyone who disagrees with you a stooped hillbilly redneck Nazi inbred psycho with a small penis.

Please, by all means, keep it up because all you are doing is alienating and pissing off the very people whose help you will need in passing your “comprehensive gun safety” laws.

There are people out there who own guns and who might be amenable to passing stricter laws, but as soon as gun controllers start saying gun owners are all redneck crackers with low IQs, those gun owners just check out.

They might not like the NRA but it’s not the NRA that is insulting them or calling them callous, unfeeling assholes.

Silentium Est Aureum

I pretty much checked out when Congress passed, and Clinton signed, the AWB in 1994.

The only thing preventing me from becoming a Life Member of the NRA is the $1000 bill. I’ll stick with paying $125 every five years.

And exercising my rights often.


SEA, check out Gun Owners of America. Their life member fee is 500 bucks and they’ve got an easy pay plan.
I’m a life member of NRA, but sometimes GOA does a more forceful, rabid dog approach. NRA is more willing to give in for “the bigger picture”.

2/17 Air Cav

“vowing she would use her executive power as president to….” Yeah, screw the Congress and the Constitution. All it takes is a phone and a pen for the new imperial presidency of the United States.


Yeah, and from my perspective “I have a pen” is just as coercive as “I have a gun”.

On another note, asking one’s medical provider if they are gay was sheer genius. I can’t wait to try it.


Asking them if they had sex with their partner last night should work about equally well. (smile)

Silentium Est Aureum

Remember, it was Clintonista Jimmy Neutron, aka Paul Begala who said, “Stroke of the pen, law of the land. Pretty cool.”

The Constitution is exactly what the framers intended it to be–an impediment to tyranny. Too bad most politicians have either found a way around it, or allow it to happen.

2/17 Air Cav

Politicians and lawyers sitting on the Supreme Court and the Circuit Courts of Appeal. That impediment is effective only if the branches do not collude or grow indifferent. The assumption was that each branch would guard its power jealously. The framers did not foresee that one branch (the legislative) would cede its power to another (the executive.) As for the lesser courts, they are wholly dependent on Congress for their their very existence but, again, Congress will not do what it can to curtail their power grab or to restrict the Sup Ct’s power. As a result, we have decisions that are repugnant to the People and are not traceable to the Constitution, except by sheer invention and fanciful interpretation.

A Proud Infidel®™

It doesn’t take much looking around to find foaming-at-the-mouth liberals openly calling for the torture and murder of lawful Gun Owners. Since when have we seen any Conservatives making open threatsike that on lefties? I see it as further proof that liberalism is a mental disorder.

Silentium Est Aureum

And what exactly are they going to use to kill us? Naughty looks?

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, true! But one foaming-at-the-mouth moonbat was advocating the “SWATting” of known Gun owners.


True, API, but SWATting people is rapidly becoming a felony in many places and the SWATters are subject to arrest. Enough of that, and the moonbat libretards will find themselves even further behind in credibility.

A Proud Indidel®™

It already has been for a few years in many, Ex-PH2. One kid was extradited from the Dakotas to Florida a few years ago for his SWATting someone there.


Proud, I think that gun owners have thought about what violence actually looks like. I think that gun owners have thought about their personal reaction to killing someone – how would they feel and could they handle it. I think that most of those foamy liberals spout such drivel like they were in a cartoon because, they are. They don’t have to think about violence because (a) they won’t think about it, (b) they won’t do it, and (c) it will never happen to them. I also think that this partly explains why they have such a horrified reaction to violence – in their universe it is impossible except for “those others, not us”. By throwing all gun owners into “other” they have an mentally simple but intellectually vacuous solution for the problem – not encumbered by the thought process.


Richard has nailed it. I often attend meetings of The Police and Militia Committee in the Virginia Legislature. The anti crowd there are easy to spot as they tend to foam at the mouth. They seem to see it as normal behavior, certainly not violent. Last year one of them actually approached the table we were at and pounded on it while yelling. The law says that a clenched fist and loud aggressive talk legally constitutes a threat.
But we are the violence prone people.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I can’t wait for the first use of the nuclear option by Republicans in much the same way I can’t wait for an executive order from a Republican president that irritates the liberal elite….it doesn’t seem to take much to get those silly bastards upset anyway and stupid shit like this with Hillary is part and parcel of why these morons can’t even work together in their own party.

Although the republicans aren’t always a house of harmony either.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’ve YET to see a liberal that can take what it dishes out!

Sam Naomi

What Da You Know, look who’s under the desk now,. no other then Hillary, and he’s going to make a big change in our gun law. Like the Farmer say’s.


Where the tall corn grows.

Silentium Est Aureum

She wants to make gun control an issue in a national election year?

Please, fucking pretty please, go ahead and pick that hill to die on, Cankles. Do it!


I don’t use LOL, except when I actually laugh out loud.

So: LOL!


Yup, this x 1000.

There is no dumber thing to do in politics than to start believing your own propaganda.


Sometimes, you just have to let the Evil Empire think they’ve won.

Silentium Est Aureum

And IIRC, she made these remarks in New Hampshire, of all places.

High gun ownership, some of the lowest crime rates in the country, shall-issue state. Good choice of audience, Cankles. Way to go.

A Proud Indidel®™

Why should anyone running against Das Hildebeast bother engaging her? She’s already cutting her own throat!


and unfortunately in the southern half of the state a rising tide of liberal Massholes who moved up for Taxachussetts and have the whole liberal socialist Democratic mindset… she’s appealing to them.

The funny thing is that her “loopholes” she’s campaigning against don’t exist. Buy off the Internet? Not across state lines without a background check. Buy from a dealer at a gun show? Not without a background check. Buy from a private guy who sells tons of his guns from his “private collection” at every gun show but isn’t a dealer? You sell more than a few guns annually and you are a dealer per the ATF and selling without a license gets you serious jail time. Straw buyers? That’s been beaten to death… So really almost all of what she wants to curtail is already illegal.
To add to what martinjmpr said above” Gin control isn’t about guns, it’s about control.”


Hillary Rotten-crotch Clinton.

Poor Bill… it’s the only twinge of sympathy I’ve ever felt for that bastard!


They both deserve each other.
I just wonder if his adventures on the “Lolita Express” will be part of the GOP strategy to marginalize her.
Of course, if Rove, Priebus and the rest of the RINO’s have their way that will be on the don’t talk about it list and we will have another milquetoast moderate to vote for…
For the life of me, I cannot understand why they keep Rove around.
It was his policies of not fighting back against the libs that trashed the war and all those that served. He and Bush are responsible for oblowme, nobody else.