Russians deny striking US-trained Syrian rebels

| October 1, 2015

The internet is alive with rumors that the Russian airstrikes yesterday targeted the Syrian rebels that the US trained to fight against the Assad government. The Russians, of course, deny that’s what happened, according to the Washington Post;

One monitoring group, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, said Russian airstrikes again struck strongholds for an American-backed rebel group, Tajamu Alezzah, in the central Hama province.

The account could not be independently assessed, but the main focus of the Russian attacks appear in areas not known to have strong Islamic State footholds.

U.S. officials also dispute Moscow’s portrayal of its missions. Washington says the air attacks have hit U.S.-backed units that were trained and armed by the CIA, officials said.

In Moscow, the reply was blunt.

“Total rubbish” was how Gennady Zyuganov, a member of parliament and leader of Russia’s Communist party, called the U.S. accusations.

Maps at the Post show that the nearest ISIS group to the targeted areas was 40 miles away.

Russian airstrikes

The US has largely been frittering away our time in the conflict, not having any real impact on the ground war and the Russians seemed to have seized the day with their airstrikes and in another Post article, John Kerry and the White House are downplaying the Russian effect on the battle space, while they try to take the lead back.

Administration officials countered that the airstrikes showed only Russian weakness and what White House press secretary Josh Earnest said was growing concern “about losing influence in the one client state they have in the Middle East.”

Beyond debates about motives and the meaning of the strikes, conducted as world leaders are gathered here this week for the U.N. General Assembly, Kerry worked to marshal a common front among leading members of the U.S.-led coalition. The surprise of European leaders at the timing of the Russian actions — before promised military talks with the United States and with only an hour’s notice — appeared to have trumped any lingering doubts about U.S. strategy.

The Obama Administration shouldn’t act so surprised. The whole world noticed that the Russians were moving aircraft and Marines into Syria weeks ago. The Russians were ready to seize the initiative…they’re not like this administration which only wants to APPEAR to be fighting in Syria. When the US isn’t really leading efforts anywhere in the world, they have to expect that one of our rivals will do so in our stead.

Category: Terror War

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Yah, I forgot about this one, I’m ashamed that he’s our POTUS, may cost us in blood…


They hit all four of the trained rebels?


No, but they did take out the #2 guy and destroy a training camp…..

B Woodman

“Russian airstrikes yesterday targeted the Syrian rebels that the US trained to fight against the Assad government.”

What? All five of them that haven’t thrown down their weapons and run away?


These were the aircraft that are in Syria for “force protection” according to the SECSTATE?

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder what Obumbles’s teleprompter will have to say about this when he gets back from the golf course?


The Rooskies have taken a page from the Iranian playbook and now they’re just fuckin’ with us. I can see Putin thinking of new ways to do that all day long. You can just see the contempt whenever Vladimir is in Dear Leader’s presence.


I have a brilliant idea. Let’s send them a red plastic “reset” button.


yeah, yeah! THAT’S the ticket!

B Woodman

Living in O’Bumbles head (he only has one) rent-free. That’s a low bar to hurdle.

Pinto Nag

So, we’re fighting the Russians by proxy again, the CIA and rebels and advisors and arms shipments, and all the rest? It’s the 1980’s all over again?

Welcome to the most f**ked up time machine in the world — the US government.


I can only imagine how the ISIS fighters, captured by Russian/Syrian forces, came by near real-time satellite imagery……couldn’t possibly be via American support.


who’s more dangerous to the world Assad or ISIS? FFS this administration makes POTUS #42 look legit.


Russia is in Syria to save Assads ass in exchange for a significant presence in the region. When he wipes out the opposition to Assad, and cleans out ISIS, he isn’t leaving.
The Obama Administration made this. Unlike Jobs, which they have not made… Completely and utterly incompetent foreign policy.
We can thank Obama for making the world a much more dangerous place today, than it was in 2008.


What trained troops? The whole 5 that defected to the Islamist groups months ago along with our equipment?

Again go get them, Russia!

Just an Old Dog

Dead Commies, Dead Syrians, Dead ISIS. Popcorn please.

2/17 Air Cav

The reason many Americans view Assad as some sort of enemy is:

A) oBaMa said so;
B) oBaMa said so;
C) oBaMa said so; or
D) oBaMa said so.

2/17 Air Cav

I would rather the Russians say, “Sure, we may have whacked some American-backed rebels. Tell you what. As soon as they lay down arms and cease their treasonous attacks against the legitimate Syrian government, the sooner our cross hairs will be on ISIS only. Right now, we see no difference in the behavior of the terrorists and the rebels and neither group is wearing uniforms.”


Syria & Russia have been allied since Assad’s old man was ruler. Yelstin & Putin were regular visitors of the old man’s. Obama wants Assad Jr gone, like he did Qaddafi and whats his name in Egypt. We’re seeing junior grade stupid from a useless idiot trying to play big dawg with a real deal hard core communist. heh.