“Bobby Thompson”; scammer cited for prison violations

We’ve been writing about John Donald Cody (aka Bobby Thompson) since 2010 when he was first sought to answer for charges that he’d scammed thousands of people out of millions of dollars with his phony charity, U.S. Navy Veterans Association. He was sentenced to 28 years in prison (with every Veterans’ Day spent in solitary confinement, which was overturned by the 8th Circuit earlier this year) and a $6.3 million fine.
According to the Virginian Pilot, he has been cited countless times for misbehavior while behind bars. Not a very fruitful endeavor, I would think.
Most of the citations involved disrespecting officers, disobeying prison staff and refusing to carry out work assignments. Cody has been accused of violating prison rules and physically resisting an order.
Records show that Cody went to a visiting session in September 2014 wearing four pairs of socks and became combative when an officer told him only one could be worn.
“From the start, he always had to be the smartest person in the room,” said Pete Elliott, a U.S. marshal. “The problem for him now is that he is caged in a room by himself, and he can’t take it. He is creating havoc.”
In the opening days of his arrest, his defense was that because he wouldn’t tell authorities his name, they couldn’t be sure they had the right guy. So they should let him go.
Does Cody remind you of anyone we know?
Thanks to Mick for the link.
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
Yes. And he should share a cell with him.
Between the two of them they could put together a few functioning brain cells to make a coherent statement…
Remember, it was David Letterman who said, “If you sat 700 monkeys at 700 typewriters in a room for 700 years, the stench would be awful.”
So would it be with those shit flingers.
Best thing would be to just punch his frigging lights out everytime he smarts off! Even a complete idiot will learn eventually!!
They would probably kill each other. There can only be one queen bitch in the room
BERNATH…GET OFF TAH! THIS IS NIT A WEBSITE THAT POSERS BELONG TO..YEAH it took me 1/2 second to figure it was your ass after your ? filled email. See ya in court fuck nut?
No worries, Reb. I’m not Bernasty.
“From the start, he always had to be the smartest person in the room,” said Pete Elliott, a U.S. marshal. “The problem for him now is that he is caged in a room by himself…”
But…but…how else is he going to get his wish?
Looks like Danny-boi’s twin brother from another mother… and as bat-shit crazy as him!
I think someone’s catheter was pushed WAY too far in and caused them so0me brain damage.
Wouldn’t be that far since his head is firmly lodged in his fourth point of contact
Solitary is probably the only thing keeping this miserable creature alive. Five will get you ten that the next update here will announce his death at the hands of one or more fellow inmates.
That orange V-neck tee shirt does look fabulous on him.
Fuck. Him.
Fuck him and feed him fish heads! Shave his head, paint him green, and send him to Viet Nam! Oh yes, and take away his birthday!
Damned if that isn’t a Charles Mansion poser! Same M. O. with his behavior. Probably end up doing the same and marrying some delusional 20 year old before he leaves this earth. Lucky for him he’s in solitary. Shave that beard into a “V” form and he can become the unknown prison bitch.
First reaction: Bag, douche, one each.
Second reaction – he never got that close.
Phildo with a beard.
Nice. What has the phony Navy SEAL Commander Phillip Dale Monkress been up to? My guess is he’s still scamming people based on his false military claims.
Shitbag got 28 years, later reduced to 27. I don’t know what the conditions of his parole are, but generally being a fuck-stain cuts away credit for “time served” and could even get you additional time.
He looks a bit long in the tooth, hopefully he is in liong enough where he dies there.
I would suggest a frontal lobotomy, but the brain is a necessary requirement for that operation. Maybe they should just give him a live-in disbarred attorney who also lied about his service.