Iraqi troops flee ISIS with the “refugees”
Andy11M sends us a link to Reuters which reports that some of the Iraqis who are supposed to be saving their country from the Islamic State are, instead, throwing down their weapons and joining the refugees headed north to Europe;
A spokesman for the Iraqi defense ministry said the military was not concerned about the migration of soldiers, which he put in the “tens” out of a security force estimated to number in the tens of thousands.
“The armed forces are performing their duties. There is no reason to be worried,” said General Tahsin Ibrahim Sadiq.
“Iraq is worth fighting for but the government is not,” said a 22-year-old SWAT policeman who decided to emigrate after his brother was killed in battle earlier this year at the northern Baiji refinery where he was also posted.
“There is no concern for us at all. The government has destroyed us,” he told Reuters, saying Baghdad’s failure to reinforce soldiers had caused avoidable losses in a battle that has dragged on for more than a year.
So I wonder where he’s going to go when he discovers that the European governments don’t live up to his expectations.
John Kerry announced yesterday that the US will accept more immigrants in the next two years in order to accommodate more of the refugees from the Levant, according to CNN;
“This step that I am announcing today, I believe is in keeping with the best tradition of America as a land of second chances and a beacon of hope,” Kerry said. “And it will be accompanied by additional financial contributions to the humanitarian effort, not only from our government but from the American people. And that will become more specific in the next days.”
Many of the additional refugees would be Syrian. The U.S. had previously indicated it was going to increase to 10,000 the number of Syrian refugees the United States planned to take in next year; so far this year has taken in about 1,500 Syrian refugees.
This from the State Department which hardly lifts a finger to bring the interpreters and scouts that we used in Iraq and Afghanistan to safety here. We’re not the world’s policemen, but apparently, we’re the world’s Section 8 housing.
Category: Terror War
“This step that I am announcing today, I believe is in keeping with the best tradition of America as a land of second chances and a beacon of hope,” Kerry said. “And it will be accompanied by additional financial contributions to the humanitarian effort, not only from our government but from the American people. And that will become more specific in the next days.” Well, kiss my ass in the county square!!! This shit is NOT about hard working immigrants arriving legally and gazing upon the Statue of Liberty. These are, many of them, terrorist sided Muslim screw ups who will be practicing their crafts here soon. And many will be Iraqis posing as Syrians. By the way, “additional financial contributions not only from our government but from the American people” is a F–cking lie! It is ALL tax money from the American people. So, I guess in the “next days” as Kerry put it, means a new check box on my 1040 tax form in the event I want to contribute part of my refund or taxes to these Muslim illegals. I don’t care if the government calls them legal of not, I say they are not legal and my money says not on of these bastards will be signing up for citizenship classes anytime soon. Screw them. How come none, I mean none of their Muslim brother nations in the mid east are taking any of them? Why? Because they know sure as shit and 2 is four that they are malcontent ass holes and don’t want them in their backyards. So how come we have to take their lame asses? Fuck them if I didn’t say it before just fuck them. When we make an effort to find and import the truly pro Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan who stood against the wall and took their lives in their hands to help us and our troops get here then I say that is worth my help. Aside form them screw the rest. We are not the saviors of the world’s screw ups and cowards! Especially these Iraqi… Read more »
You pointed out their fellow muslims don’t want to take them in. Same problem with the Palestinians: their turds that they don’t want to deal with. Look at what the PLO did when they were invited into Tunisia: attempted revolution, Jordan: Attempted revolution, Libya: Attempted revolution, Lebannon: Revolution, and they haven’t recovered yet.
Their muslim brothers know them for what they are and won’t take them, that should tell the rest of the world.
Sure, maybe some of them are hard working individuals, but experience has shown those are few and far between.
Sad but the ‘refugees’ think the world owes them and are looking for a better life. What they need to do is fight instead of run and make a better life. Looking at still pictures you see a woman and a child or two, but those are staged to draw sympathy. Look at the moving footage and you’ll see most are military age males able to use both hands and both feet. Those should be given food for a couple of days journey back to where they came from and turned away at the first border they come to.
OTOH, if they expect us to fix the problm then maybe we should and keep the country for our own. Most is sand and barren, we could send the environmentalists that continually tell us the realities of global warming and ask them daily if its getting warmer.
Here is a video of sKerry speaking regarding the US taking in ME refugees. Note that the caption says ‘85,000 in 2016. 100,000 in 2017.’
I wonder just how many of these ME runaways will be provided for and housed by rich Learjet liberals like Kerry? Probably ZERO because snotnosed candyassed like him regard tasks like that as for us taxpaying peasants!
The sharks of the world are hungry, feed’em, starting with Kerry!
I said this last week: just wait for the ‘to whom it concerns’ or ‘Dear So-and-so’ message that reads something like this:
‘Your property has been assessed as having 3 bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms. Due to the influx of Middle Eastern refugees, you are being requested to house a family of (pick a number: 6, 10, 15, 20) pro tempore (meaning for as long as we feel like dumping them on you). You will, of course, be compensated on a per capita basis ($5/per person per day and payment will be delayed).
N.B.: I’m being sarcastic, of course, but I wouldn’t put it past the current clown car posse in WDC to do something like that.
Send ’em . In addition to the extra bedrooms / bathrooms . I have access to a backhoe .
Time to play Cowboys and muzzies .
And practice “The Three S’s”, Shoot, Shovel, and Shut up! 😀
Don’t forget the first of the FOUR Esses: Suppress(or). Don’t want to spook the neighbors or alert the po-po to your activities.
If later asked, where your new house guests are, you can honestly answer, they just decided to leave in the middle of the night, didn’t tell me, didn’t say a word, don’t know where they went.
A backhoe? Are there wild hogs in your area? They’ll eat anything, period, and so will black bears and grizzlies. Bears, in fact, like their meat kind of rotten, so they bury it and come back after it’s ‘cooked’ a bit.
Tons of wild hogs in East Texas , but I hunt / eat them . Why would I want to do that to the hogs ?? Wouldn’t that taint the meat ?
No, it would just make them fat.
There is footage from the Vietnam War of Vietnamese pigs eating roast human after villages were napalmed. Hogs will literally eat anything.
Ex-PH2, there’s no telling what kind of infections and parasites a wild hog could infect itself with by consuming a hadji!
But you don’t want to have any bones left lying around for evidence. So bury ’em, and bury ’em deep.
This is, of course, a rhetorical question, but is this burgeoning, oozing mess an intentional act, or is it the sheer, unadulterated, imbecilic, dimwittedness that borders on the braindead antics of one Dullass Whipitnflogit?
I only ask, because I detect a strong similarity in what can only be described in terms that would make an old-time bosun’s mate blush.
In Germany this weekend, John “Jungle Stroll w/ Cameraman” Kerry said that the US will take considerably more refugees than the administration said it would last week. Ain’t that nice? More boy lovers and terrorists. Great stuff. Makes ya proud, no?
Ditto that no, and add a hearty fuck off to the geniuses behind the plan.
I’m just drawing a parallel here and not making some kind of supernatural prediction. However, when Rome was already struggling with internal issues – Senate elitism, working class decline, etc. the emperor decided to accept the Gauls into Roman society.
Keep in mind the Gauls had some fairly extreme political/religious practices. They never integrated into society and destroyed the remains of the Roman Empire from within in about two years or so.
If you take into consideration human nature, statistics, and historical trends, it does give one – or should – reason to be concerned. I also think in today’s technological society that things happen at an accelerated rate. Just a thought. I’m probably wrong.
Harry Truman phrased it nicely: The only new thing under the sun is the history you don’t know.
History is made by people, who behave pretty much the same under like situations. Or, to switch great quotes: “History doesn’t repeat itself – but it does rhyme”.
France (Denmark too) is probably on to something…
Oh, mais si! Si! Les crapeaux conaissent bien ralentir le système.
“We’re not the world’s policemen, but apparently, we’re the world’s Section 8 housing.” Jonn Lilyea
How I missed that the first time around I do not know. That’s a scream–and an instant classic.
Too funny.
But somehow I took that “section 8” in the context of MASH – Klinger wants a “went nuts” discharge.
it kinda fits. Send us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses of Bug House Nuts….
Gives new context to “seeking asylum in the USA”.