Dempsey worried about migration crisis
ABC News reports that the out-going Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Martin Dempsey, was wringing his hands in an interview with them over the immigration problem – not the one on our own border, but rather the one that is suddenly in the news because of a picture of dead toddler on the beach in Turkey – the thousands who are coming to Europe from the Middle East.
Dempsey said the issue of migrants flowing into Europe has been “the most prominent issue” discussed by U.S. and NATO military leaders at regular meetings the past few months…“The southern Europeans feel as though they’re not gaining enough support for this challenge, the central and northern European leaders feel as though it’s a problem that needs to be dealt with in the south,” Dempsey said. “Although, I think there’s beginning to be a bit of recognition that this is, this is a real crisis.”
Thousands of Middle Eastern folks going north is a “real crisis”, so I wonder what adjective fits the migration of millions of Central Americans going north. The solution, of course, is that if the people who are leaving put as much effort into fixing the problems in their own countries as they put into un-assing their AOs, they’d have no reason to leave and, in doing so, crush the economies and infrastructures of their intended destinations.
They, instead, think that dealing with solutions to the problems in their countries is the job of the “north” while they wait for us to fix it in the relative safety of our own neighborhoods.
Category: Illegal Immigrants
Well *DUUUUHHH-HUUUHHH*, how about sealing the Borders to protect their own citizens first, we hear lots and plenty of accounts of muzzies coming into other countries and demand that THEY conform to their traditions and customs instead of assimilating.
Actually, API, Hungary has razor wire at its borders and they are still crawling through and under it. Meantime, Hungary is building a border wall or fence of some kind to stop the flow.
Hot, high speed lead works best. And it’s cheaper. And you have the added benefit of lots of fertilizer.
As well as a visual and nasal reminder of “what happens here, stays here”.
Well, since ISIS is putting heads on pikes now….
Shouldn’t we done the same? Oops, I forgot that we’re not animals or punks wearing dresses and masks. If their so proud of their cause show your faces. They need someone with a brain to read the Qur’an. Brain dead assholes…
Do not done
Who woke Dempsey up?
He’s awake now but can’t identify the real problem (again).
7th century extremist muslim invasion of Europe that does have a direct impact on the west and their very foundation.
Dempsey’s eyes are open but he still wears rose colored glasses. Well, give credit where due, his head is no longer in obama’s ass, it’s in his own now.
Dempsey wants that new “leadership” award that they just announced… too litle and too late…
Could we give them constructive credit, and award the PLDC ribbon instead?
nah…. They don’t rate….
Could we nickname their new one “hindmost”? (Thanks to Larry Niven…)
The chance the European nations had to stop this occurred fifteen years ago, after 9/11. They didn’t have the will to do what needed to be done, and so here is the result.
We tried to tell you. We begged, pleaded, projected. We got ignored. Well, ignore THIS, you dumbasses; let’s see how you like unwashed, ignorant, illiterate, teaming masses up to your neck. You should have listened.
Washington, this goes for you, also. If you let them in, they’ll swamp us, just like they do their overloaded boats. But why do I bother? You aren’t listening, either.
Very valid points. Also, you can’t just eliminate a government, dictatorship or otherwise, and expect everyone to magically start playing nice and create a Democratic utopian society. Something has to fill the void – which is why we occupied countries we defeated in WWII for how many years?
It’s an Arab Spring, all right. They’re springing up everywhere. The other issue are those who want all the benefits of living in a “free” country, but don’t really want to become a part of it. Yes, there are cultural and other issues. But how many have said “I am happy to be here and want to be a (insert country) citizen. I completely support my new country and will work hard to integrate into THEIR society”.
Oh yeah, and how many volunteers showed up for training recently in the sandbox? The CIC is too busy trying to emulate Putin now than paying attention to what’s going on in the world. I wouldn’t be surprised if Turkey is next on the ISIS menu.
It may have changed, but a big portion of our artillery rounds were manufactured there – because of environmental concerns at our former Ammo Depots, you know. That happened quite a while ago so I’m not going to point any fingers and I don’t have all the facts.
Meanwhile, I’m going to focus on food and fun this weekend. Thanks to all of you who will be On Station throughout the world while the rest of us relax. Yeah – I know it’s Labor Day, but that applies to every holiday we enjoy.
Rhetorical question alert:
Why aren’t the “migrants” from the ME migrating to ME paradises like Dubai, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, etc.? You’d think they’d go seek some love from their rich cousins.
Because those countries are doing their damnedest to prevent this from occurring.
They are “souring the milk” to ween the child, so the child goes to the other teat that has sweeter more nourishing milk.
It appears that other folks have been asking my rhetorical question too. Just found this:
The hardass folks from Oz have been under intense criticism for awhile for their tough stance against boat people, and rooting out illegals (paying people to leave).
THE NYT editorial apparently isn’t down w/ Australia’s policies:®ion=Footer&module=MoreInSection&version=WhatsNext&contentID=WhatsNext&pgtype=article&_r=0
Me like the Aussie model. . .
Make ’em SO uncomfortable in their attempts to come here, soon they’ll stop attempting to come here.
And to turn away a boatload of ignoramuses for only $30K? Cheap, at twice the price. ‘Course, the Oz Navy probably gets some of that back again (“what? you need fuel? ok, that’ll be $20k”).
And to charge “journalists” a fee to come to the detention center, with no refund if denied? Sheer GENIUS! I LOVE it! ‘Course, the NYSlime is all butt hurt, butt. . . .oh well. . .
Martin, Texas would like a word with you…..
The sorry son-of-a-bitch is not concerned that Obama will decree minimum or no pay raises for the active duty but is willing to piss away millions to the UN for what is essentially a European problem. Let the friggin oil rich countries fund the refugee crisis and let us use American tax dollars to support American fighting men and women. What’s that you say Jon, ooopsie, make that sorry son-of-a-bitch Sir!
I usually agree with most stuff posted here but these comments are pretty hard to read. Most folks here,except Ten Bears, probably had family who emigrated here. You know, the old “tired, huddled masses yearning to breathe free” thing. It appears most people are trying to get away from a particularly barbarous bunch of assholes and who can blame them? If you were a parent in one of those countries wouldn’t you want to get your children out of the shitholes in which they are fleeing? I know I would. It’s the same thing with people fleeing th violence and abject poverty of Central and South America. Where the U-ro-peeins, and their North American cousins, screwed up is not requiring the immigrants to assimilate into the societies in which they immigrated to. Call me an idiot or a simpleton, but I believe in the “Great Colossus”. It’s one of the guiding principles that has made this nation great.
“Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
There is quite a difference between legal and illegal immigrants.
The US does not force or encourage “illegal” immigrants to assimilate. They are bestowed rights, care, housing and support Americans do not receive but pay for.
The majority of the scourge freely and illegally crossing borders has no intention of honoring the traditions, history or principles of this nation. Just as the scourge invading Europe.
Well, who’s fault is that? I’d say the people in the countries in which they are immigrating to should take it upon themselves to integrate them. If they continue doing what they’ve done they will have a HUGE moose limb / islamofascist problem in 10 – 15 years. Face it, unless the countries of Europe are prepared to shoot people at the border they better get a plan together to deal with these people in a better fashion than they have been doing in the past. Those people from the ME aren’t going to stop coming to Europe any time soon.
W2, I think they’re meeting on it this weekend or next week.
W2, I sympathize with them, because I do remember Cubans who were so desperate to escape Castro that they overloaded boats to try to row the 90 miles between Havana and the southern tip of Florida. I also remember the ‘boat people’ from Vietnam, and I do understand the desperation.
But I have to ask why the rest of the Arab world is unwilling to give these people a place. That is where they should be going first, not here, and not Europe. Why are THEIR OWN PEOPLE unwilling to give them refuge?
It is neither sick nor unreasonable to ask that.
The little boy who washed up on shore was a Kurd. Arabs hate them. Arabs also hate the Palestinians. Pretty much Arabs Hate Arabs. The reason they will not help is it would cut into oil profits. That’s what is important.
And because of ancient tribal warfare, going back to the days of Moses, maybe earlier, which has nothing to do with the real world we (you and I) live in, there is no room for anyone over there except those on top of the heap at this moment.
The OPEC meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, is in December. The Saudis have already announced that they will no longer set the price of oil on the commodities market, no matter how much the OPEC members beg. The winter mix of US gasoline is coming on the market now, which may drive prices even lower. And Vlad Putin is not making the bucks from Europe that he used to make.
Put all that together. Even if it looks like a war to control the oil market, I think it goes deeper than that.
Absolutely. As soon as the Arabs (Saudis) found out we had more oil than they did they flooded the market with oil. They knew the price per barrel needed for fracking to be profitable. There was no way in hell they wanted that to happen. They are not our friends. Never have been, never will, Just look at where the 9/11 terrorists came from.
I agree with your comment about the rich A-rabs doing more, but when you consider most of them in the countries capable of doing something are Wahhabi assholes hell bent on turning the clock back to the 7th century, it becomes apparent why they aren’t doing diddly shit to help their “brothers”. It’s because they are, quite simply, assholes. You do bring up an interesting point about American ideas about immigration and that is it’s OK for people to flee the scourge that is communism, but not poverty. I was stationed in Key West and personally saw probably 10 Cubans who made it onto the island get asylum (one guy showed up on Duval St around 1:00 am in a Cuban border guard uniform, armed with a sidearm and driving a Cuban border guard boat). Nobody bitches about what the US goobermint does for them. They get money, citizenship and a lot of assistance. Now, if you’re from Haiti, it’s a whole different story. I remember a boatload of migrants making it to a bridge in the upper keys and when the cops found out they blocked both ends of the bridge and rounded everybody up and deported them back to Haiti. I am NOT even going down the skin color road here, just bringing up the fact both countries are in close proximity to each other and both are shitholes. Both suffer from poverty and have been / are currently being governed by sociopathic asshats. One group of migrants gets a welcoming hand from Uncle Sam, the other gets a kick in the nuts. We’ll allow since rich communist asshole from red china to buy a visa, but want to kick out some lady and her kid from Honduras that came here to work and just wants a better life for her child. You could say the rich commie from china is doing it “legally”, but is that an argument anybody here would want to make? People move from place to place because they want a better life. Because their countries are shitholes and ruled by assholes, it’s kind… Read more »
One would think that there is nothing in the Muslim world like Do unto others, wouldn’t you?
Silly W2. Ten Bears’ ancestors came here from Siberia and Europe. W2 has not heard of the Red Paint people.
Ten bears, if silly is the worst thing I get called today I must be doing something right.
Saw some interesting vids where they were interviwing people from Norway and one fool said he would gladly pay HIGHER taxes to allow Syrian Refugees to come to the Country.
I also have a Friend from the Netherlands on FB who was talking about their plight.
The only fucking difference between the refugees those who stay is who held the knife to the other one’s throat first.
Their entering the Netherlands like the one’s coming into America. France is so much stricter on who comes in and who they send packing.
Ellis Island went by two other names: Island of Tears and Heartbreak Island. Despite the flowery words about wanting poor people, we didn’t. People were turned away not only for health reasons but for financial ones as well. Unskilled workers who weren’t rejected for either of those reasons were rejected out of concern that they would end up on the public dole. And, as other have pointed out, this was legal immigration that occurred at Ellis Island, as well as at other US sites. Me, I don’t really care what this country or that does to stem the tide of immigrants, including whatever horror stories we are fed to engender the boo-hoos.
I’m with Air Cav. My grand father came first followed singularly by my father and his siblings, through Ellis Island. When I served in Republic de P, there was a travel agency in downtown Panama City and a jewelry outlet in the Free Zone, owned by same last name spelling only with one less “f”. Reason they were in Republic de P is their ancestors were turned away at Ellis Island and I guess Panama was the next stop for the boat. One European leader said it best, words to the effect if we let all in our country will lose its identity. Germany is already bad enough with third country immigrants, look what happened to France and England. Can’t say I blame those for not wanting more.
I saw some video on various non-US news outlets today showing the hordes of refugees coming into Austria and Germany. My question – where are the women and children? Looked to me like thousands of men, of military age I might add.
I say round them up, send them back and tell them to fight for their country.
Europe is going to quickly regret what they’re doing.