Weekend Open Thread

| September 4, 2015

Cross orbweaver  closeup  09-03-2015

This week’s picture comes from Ex-PH2 and she says that it’s a Cross Orbweaver;

This is a Cross Orbweaver, a common European species that transferred to the Americas a long time ago. The name comes from the white spots that form a cross on her back, not because she’s cranky. The actual size of the adult spider for this species is about one inch. They eat bugs, and are mostly harmless to people. She had quite a large web going. The ‘guy-wires’ showed up nicely in this shot. Unfortunately, she was camped out on my mailbox, which has a door, and I had to evict her.

If you want to know what the latest word on the DRC is, go to the “other” TAH and the password for this week is three down, four across, multiply by seven.

Category: Open thread

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Neener Neener Back in the running.




A direct line of sight shot this week. No right turns in Albuquerque or anywhere else.

Perhaps another streak starts?

My wife is in Baton Rouge for a spell while the appearance of our next grandchild looms on the horizon.

Grandbaby vital stats will be posted when available.


May the mother have an easy delivery, followed by a healthy and happy mother and child.

Don’t go out shopping for the snare drum or clarinet until the kid’s at least 4 years old, though. (smile)


This grandbaby’s older brother will turn three in November.

I haven’t yet told my son that I have plans of turning the grandson into a symphony musician.

His preferred musical instrument will be the same one that grandpa played when he was going to school.

Which one is that, you ask? Easy, the Sousaphone. (with emphasis on cross training with both the Euphonium and Bass Tuba)

How’s that for parent revenge?


At a young age, I played the Pandemonium.


At an advanced age, I sometimes still do.


I started on drums at 9 and continue to play these days.
I was fortunate enough to have lessons from one of the best Jazz drummers in a three state area of Iowa, Illinois and Missouri.
Tommy Blew of the Don Blew Trio.
He taught me well.
Shit, I played pro including a few road bands in my day.
Those were good times.

A Proud Infidel®™

I STILL play at the expert first section level on air guitar, mouth harp, and kazoo!! 😀


When my last one was born everyone asked for the stats. I replied that “She’s bigger than my hand, heavier than a feather and was born last night.”

The guys were fine with it, but the women wanted to string me up.

John Robert Mallernee

A grampaw, eh?


You have done well.


Hugh Congrats ! ! !


Take that Claw! First!






Damnit, Jonn. When are you going to set a permanent password for the other site. It’s hard enough remembering the passwords for all of the sites I’m also involved in!

Oh, and Third!


Damn. Fourth!

John S.

5th! (Of bourbon)

HMCS (FMF) ret.

127th… and proud about it!

Silentium Est Aureum

Streak of one has ended. Such is the life of the working class.

And ain’t no way I’m going to the “other” TAH.

That’s gotta be some weapons grade fucktardery over there.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Must have missed that one…


Oh THAT other TAH??? ..let’s see…three down, four across multiply by 7….


Yup, missed it too. I’m posting a question that only a Military personnel or Veteran can answer. I watched a program and a highly decorated veteran who was not diagnosed with PTSD joined the First Responder Team. Passed all psychological tests 100%.Off duty he killed his wife then ate his gun. I’m not military and would serve with any veteran with pride.
My question is else can the Police, Sheriffs academy do to make sure this doesn’t happen again. I CAN’T IMAGINE WHAT YOU MEN AND WOMEN WENT THROUGH DURING YOUR MILITARY SERVICE.
I can’t wear a jacket with sleeves’ vests only because of a incident that happened to me. Long sleeved shirts in Extra Large in men’s and in material that keeps you warn during winter and cool during summer. I stand 110 5’2 and tried to wear a women’s size small and it caused a full blown panic attack.
I know so many veteran first responders and never heard anyone say a bad about anyone. Their also in the reserves’. So what else can the Academy do?
The Chris Kyle was by a veteran who had PTSD, so it doesn’t count.R.I.P.
Any opinion will help.

Just an Old Dog

Truth of the matter is, you simply can’t tell when someone is going to just snap.
Everytime a Combat Veteran, (or Vet) does something like this people blame it on PTSD.
It could be any trigger or mental imbalance that causes people to snap.
The Vast Majority Of Crazedf Killers never served in thew Military, much less Combat.


Thanks Jonn for getting the other site to me. Glad you keep changing the code. Actually I really like it without Bernath crying over his bullshit.


Well now I feel left out, I’m with other waiting on the DRC AAR!



Just an Old Dog

He has 5 more days he has to Appear in front Of the Ca Bar toward the end of Sept and First of October.
The Scraggy-Bearded excuse for a Human Being will be dancing like a monkey with his balls on fire in front of Judge Armendariz yet again.
After he gets disbarred Im pretty certain that in accordance with the law, ass-face will have to pay court costs. Thats 10 days shitbag.
I hope that “Squat N Gobble” you infest is sold out from under you.


Diaper boy is in for a nice surprise ?


I’m so not Tracking… But them again wasn’t really a full-timer last year


Weapons grade? Oh, yes. One look was enough. And it does make your brain hurt.

Pinto Nag

A SPIDER!!!!! Eeeeeeeekkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!

Now that that’s out of the way…I actually like spiders. As long as they’re outside.

I want to wish everybody a relaxing and enjoyable Labor Day weekend. It’s going to rain here for the next three days, so I’m going to stay home, read and watch movies, and try to get over this miserable flu I’ve had now for two weeks running. *sigh*


I heard that those electrolyte drinks like Gatorade do boost your ‘getting better’ speed, along with REAL chicken soup. Try Italian Wedding Soup. Lots of real chicken broth. Comfort food. And chocolate. Gotta have chocolate! One of the five major food groups.

Pinto Nag

“Lots of real chicken broth. Comfort food. And chocolate. Gotta have chocolate! One of the five major food groups.”

That sure sounds like my kind of medicine. I like the way you think, Ex-PH2! 😀


And get well!!!!!!!!


I did find that the sports drinks boost my energy levels when I have a cold. It’s the electrolytes, but then, chicken soup is (as my sister says) Jewish penicillin. Hers would cure a broken limb… along with her stuffed cabbage rolls.



You’re making me MOAR hungry and I’m on a Diet.
AND I have a cough and sinus infection.
Now I want Gallons of homemade chicken soup with egg noodles and stuffed cabbage rolls.

Pinto Nag

No dieting when you’re sick / have an infection, Chip. And Chicken noodle soup and stuffed cabbage is pretty low-cal, anyway. Lots of vitamins and good stuff, though.

Pinto Nag

…and find a way to throw some garlic into the mix. It’s not just for chasing vampires, you know!


Pour the juice of one lemon (fresh squeezed) into a tumbler. Add a couple shots of bourbon and a fat dollop of honey. Zap in the microwave for 15 seconds or so. Sip and relax. I won’t cure you but you won’t care!


Ah! The classic hot toddy.

Pickling brine from Claussen’s dills will soothe and get rid of a sore throat, because the classic throat gargle is water, vinegar and salt.


“she’s cranky” – isn’t that redundant?


Well, considering that the women do all the work and the guys just hang around, waiting to get lucky….


I daresay you have never seen the way our household works… she has what I normally call “The World’s Most Convenient Back”


Then, you have my sympathy, Dave.


not even in the top ten WTF !!!!! 🙂

ha ha ha ha ha…..

HMCS (FMF) ret.

The password is from the song of the Tookie Tookie bird:

John Robert Mallernee

That reminds me of a song from my youth:



Now that the heat of the past 3 days is exiting my AO, I am going back into production of REAL food for REAL people. My first project will be the classic Normandy apple tart (la tarte de pommes a la Normande), for which I need apple brandy as a flavoring for the frangipane. So I have researched the various kinds available, and found that that stuff ain’t cheap.


Also, Calvados apparently gives some people weird dreams, which would be a bonus for me, so I might just spend a few and get a bottle of Calvados.

Le menu de ce soir chez moi:

Roast chicken
Mashed and gravy
Haricots verts
Radishes, carrots, peppers, zuke strips, green onions, olives stuffed with garlic, pickled mushrooms

Some time this winter, I will make ratatouille, which is simple: sliced garden veg baked over a good tomato sauce, and served with a good crusty bread, cheese and a good white wine.


Good simple food, filling and easy to fix.

Mangia! Mangia!


Ex, will apple schnapps sub for the brandy? I imagine its easier both to find and on the wallet.


Well, there is also apple cider brandy, but it’s for flavoring the frangipane (filling under the apples in the tarte. I think the more expensive stuff, which lasts forever and can likely be mixed with applesauce 🙂 is probably worth going after.


I’ve been thinking about this. Since there are so many options for flavoring here, I see nothing wrong with making smaller tartes and trying the various fermented apple products to see which one I like.

Besides, a fireball in the apple cider on a cold winter’s day may be a welcome addition to my warmup after a prolonged hike.

farmgirl with a mosin nagant

Calvados, if you can get it, is definitely more expensive but has a better mouthfeel and better results when cooking than some of the imitators, I’ve found.

B Woodman

Welcome back, farmgirl. Long time, no hear.


Calvados, it is. There is also apple brandy made from apple cider, from colonial days – applejack. I think there is one brewer who makes it commercially. I might try that, too.

A Proud Infidel®™

YES it exists, I’ve procured some from a local liquor store in the past, and I assure you as well as everyone else that it is quite an enjoyable Adult Beverage. 😀

The Other Whitey

I really hate spiders…


Most of them won’t hurt you. The palps (biting teeth) aren’t strong enough to break human skin.

On the other hand, I want them in my flowers catching insects, but not in my pots of thyme, basil, oregano and parsley.

The Other Whitey

I hate spiders. Hate ’em. Always have.

I once came across a tarantula in my bedroom after returning from the range one day. Almost shot the Goddamned thing. Only reason why I didn’t is because the demonic little bastard positioned itself between me and my only loaded mag.

I still lived at home at the time. My little sister thought it was hilarious when she found me crouched in the opposite corner of my room, empty 1911 in hand, begging her to toss me the mag and get out of the way. She was still laughing when she picked up the giant fucking spider and took it outside. She laughed even harder when my Dad came home and demanded an explanation as to why I was about to shoot holes in his floor over a spider.


Speaking of things unrelated, are you smokeaters getting rain up where you are? It looks like there’s some coming up from the Baja on the weather map.

The Other Whitey

Supposedly they were going to get rain in Humboldt this week. Didn’t see it for myself, as I got relieved last week (on day 35) because I had approved vacation coming up.

According to Mrs. Whitey, a pair of thunderstorms dumped rain on our house like two cows pissing on a flat rock. Sadly, this was only localized thunderstorm activity, and didn’t have any lasting effect on our local fuel moistures. Of course, it did cause our yard to grow up like a freakin’ jungle, and my bride is way to pregnant to push a mower, so you can guess what I got to do for my first day home.

The witch doctors are saying that we should expect a wet winter, and that it might start as early as October, so I guess we’ll see. On the flip side, not coming home for over a month means I’m getting a damn-near-miraculous overtime check, so there is a silver lining.


Well, I hope you DO have a wet winter and a huge snowpack in the mountains, as well. I think we’ll have a rather normal winter here in my kingdom – cold, windy, snowy.


In our neck of the woods we have the Writing Spider. My boys and I like to feed them… catch a grasshopper and toss it into its web. Action ensues.

A Proud Infidel®™

Remember Brandon Garrison? He was the embellisher that got himself a free house and dog, the one that lied to a Gold Star mother about being with her Son when he was lost. Here’s a write-up about him on Stars and Stripes dated September 3rd, his Internet fame continues to grow!


John S.

What I find rather vexing is that, despite his outing by members in his unit, he still has his supporters at home.

A Proud Infidel®™

That happens, some people either refuse to admit they’ve been conned, or they don’t want to see the truth. I thought everyone would enjoy seeing that Brandon Garrison (Google hit!!) is still getting the recognition he deserves for the lying and con games he’s done!


41 baby …


There are some spiders in Madagascar that are as big as dinner plates. They’re quite timid souls, despite their size.


This one was about the size of my hand, very calm and unfazed by the attention. There was one in my backyard a couple of weeks ago, roughly half the size of the one in the pic. Never saw a tarantula run up the side of a house before!!

A Proud Infidel®™

Awwwwwww that’s cute. Like an 8 legged kitty.


The Darwin’s bark spider, an orb weaver found in 2009 in Madagascar, produces a silk for its webs that is 10 times tougher than Kevlar. It is the toughest biological material known. And you all know what Kevlar is. The structure of this spider’s silk is that much tougher for the same size sample.


The orbweaver on my mailbox had extremely tough bridging silk lines, which are what stabilize the web. I was impressed with it. I still don’t want her in my mailbox.

See? Finding things out about these and other critters gives us all kinds of stuff for future use.


I have these crawling all over my neighborhood right now my 2 year old loves them my wife is screaming Lol…

A Proud Infidel®™

I like the Mississippi Orb Weavers in the Midwest, they not only have a very pretty yellow and black color, they also weave gorgeous orb webs. It’s still fun to catch a grasshopper or a cricket and toss it into one of their webs and watch them wrap it up!

Hack Stone

Mailbox door? Come on guys (and gals), you’re making this too easy.


But it’s true: my mailbox does have a door.


…and I was the 5th Beatle.

Hack Stone

And I was the seventh Brady Kid. Then they replaced me with Cousin Oliver.


Gotta little spider living in my bathroom sink now; it’s been feeding on the tiny ants that invaded my bathroom, so I let it do what it does. Had a golden silk orb weaver (“banana spider”) about three inches big outside but it’s gone now. Spiders are interesting to watch, horrible to think of being the prey of, and very beneficial to eliminating truly harmful pests.

Green Thumb

I agree.

I never kill them in the garden; even Fiddlebacks.


Wondering if the long awaited DRC AAR was on Hillary’s server.


I can hardly stand the wait anymore, come on Jonn give us something lol

John Robert Mallernee

When I first arrived at the 178th Maintenance Company, 1st Logistical Brigade, in Dong Ha, Republic of Viet Nam, I didn’t like taking a shower in the middle of a bunch of cobwebs, which were EVERYWHERE.

But, I was told to leave the cobwebs alone, for the spiders ate the mosquitoes, which were a far bigger threat.

I remember using so much mosquito repellent that I made myself sick.

It’s possible that a spider bit me and made me sick when I was at the Phu Lam Signal Battalion in Saigon, for I saw the spider crawling away from me when I woke up, but nobody knows for certain, for none of the numerous medical tests indicated anything, and the source of my continued severe allergy symptoms remain a mystery to this very day.

John Robert Mallernee

Yesterday, I met with my assigned Primary Care Provider at the Department of Veterans Affairs Community Based Outpatient Clinic in Roosevelt, Utah.

She’s sending me to Salt Lake City for some more tests.

There’s indications of nerve damage, and the possibility of an imminent stroke.

It’s time for me to get ready to go to the dance at the local Golden Age Senior Citizen’s Center.

In all the months I’ve lived here, I’ve never been to the dance, but I think I’ll take a chance tonight.

I doubt I can actually do any dancing, but I’ll take my guitar just in case I get a chance to sing to some gal.

John Robert Mallernee

The fine silk thread spun by the Black Widow spider is used to create gun sights for artillery pieces.

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Several gunsight manufacturers, at least in the 70s, serving both the civilian and military markets, often used a reticule by Lee Optics, called the “Lee Dot”, which was made from the silk of the Black Widow. I did not know about the application in big guns.

John Robert Mallernee

I read an article about it many years ago in “SOLDIERS” magazine, the official magazine of the United States Army.


I think it was also used in submarine periscopes during World War II.

What I found most interesting is that the strength of some species’ silk lines is higher than any molecular fiber constructed in a laboratory, which opens the door to things like improved lightweight shielding for ground troops.

I had so much fun researching all of this stuff. It doesn’t mean I’m going to make pets of spiders or take them out to dinner.

A Proud Infidel®™

I remember reading that Man has tried unsuccessfully in years past to produce spider silk en masse but they cant do so economically because the spiders commit cannibalism so often.


I’m not sure but I think the closest that science has come to it is through the production of fibers very similar in structure to spider silk. The fact that in some spiders, it’s tougher than kevlar is something I hadn’t expected, but I can certainly use that information.

John Robert Mallernee

One of the constant terrors of a soldier’s daily life in the old Republic of Viet Nam was having to go to the privy.

Just below the seat were multiple assorted creepy crawlies, including the notorious Black Widow spiders, and YES, some guys did get bit on the family jewels!

Likewise, being on guard duty during the Monsoon was scary, for the weather forced you to stay inside the sandbagged perimeter bunker, in pitch black darkness, sharing the space with all sorts of stinging, biting, venomous creepy crawlies.

C. Long

Ouch. Should have hovered.

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Heads up! Spew alert!!!
I was given the link below by a friend.
Regarding awards, either civic or military type, have any of you ever seen an award that the organization awarding it, and the person giving the award, not named either on the certificate itself or within the script describing the award? Further, have any of you seen a civilian awardee named by his last name, multiple times in the script regarding said award?
My money says this is some online device that one can use and write his own script.
But, Denny wouldn’t do that, would he?

A Proud Infidel®™

NAAAAAHH, never would think that in a million years! /SARC 😀
But gee whiz, it DOES seem kinda generic, like boiling water is kinda hot, passing gas after an XXL chili dog with extra onions and sauerkraut kinda stinks,…


Totally legit


Just like Heather Stone…just like word for word. http://civicrecognition-18.org/news/10030110310589/Heather-King-Johnson%20City-Tennessee.html

And there’s hundreds more…

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Yep, just like, exactly identical except for the name, the city and the state. Again, not claimed by any organization nor any signature of an organization’s representative.

Bwwwwwahahahaha, what else does a Walmart parking lot security guard do in his spare time. It must suck to be so stupid

Hack Stone

Wow! That is quite a set of feats that he performed to receive this prestigious award, said no one. Reminds me of the episode of The Simpsons when Homer received the C. Montgomery Burns First Annual Award For Outstanding Achievement In The Field Of Excellance.


I really did not think Fisheater McBlobcheese was as adept as that with editing CG images.

It almost makes me want to – well, sneeze.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

I wonder how much money he was scammed out of for that… like that Pee h Dee that he was bloviating about from the phony school that went tits up?

It could have paid for a lot of cheese for him to snarf down on.

Hack Stone

This award is just as prestigious and exclusive as being registered in Who’s Who. I am going to see if I can get this award presented, in absentia, to Elaine Ricci. If she ever returns to us, I also have taken the measure of registering a star in her name. Just a little more incentive for her to come back to us.

A Proud Infidel®™

#FreeElaineRicci 😀

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

This rates right up there with taking a Selfie and claiming it as someone doing a portrait of you. Arm outstretched beyond camera view, and all.

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

The DRC, Collectively, remind me of that bike gang in the Clint Eastwood Orangutan movies. Neither could get anything right, even with practice.
I sent a couple of relatives to read the crap that they posted on me, and that got a large laugh from them.


Spiders freak me out man!


How many were there in the boiler rooms, Master Chief?


Has anyone experienced Regina?

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s Northern enough to get ass-numbing cold in winter, does it ever get warm and moist?

HMCS (FMF) ret.

I’ve never experienced Regina… but have you entered Marion?

Silentium Est Aureum

What was Barney Frank’s favorite sign in his Congressional district?

Entering Dennis!

Green Thumb

I hit the college bars tonight.

I saw some creativity in the Men’s room.

Some enterprising and artistic individual dropped a steaming pile of Phil Monkress in the sink.

Classy, but original.

Phildo gets around.


OPEN THREAD..If by chance you get really pissed st Bernath and bump into him, hold the anger. He wears a catheter. Since his dick is the size of a ten year old, his tiny catheter has little blue bunnies and Dallas changes it. I give Dallas a hands up ? because using tweezers and a jar of Vaseline on a screaming child has to be a challenge.


You left out the can of pepper and a mirror, Reb.


My bad ? It’s exhausting keeping track of two year old twins’ especially one that cries wolf ?

Hack Stone

I just hope that this guy did not make any money selling pirated copies of Terror In Beverly Hills. Frank Stallone needs all of the money that he can get.



The most deadly spider according to Guinness Book Of World Records is the Brazilian Wandering Spider. Allegedly components in their venom can give bite victims a prolonged painful erection…


Is that something like botox for – oh, never mind!


How many Viet Cong murders of POWs and other American Soldiers were charged with CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY? Where were the cong captured kept as POWs?

John Robert Mallernee

Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army captives were turned over to the Army of the Republic of Viet Nam (i.e., the “ARVN”).

I think their prison was on Cong Son Island (?), off the Southern coast of Viet Nam.

Many of the enemy soldiers were Hoi Chanh, having deserted the Communist forces and sought sanctuary under the Chieu Hoi (i.e., “Open Arms”) program, from whence many of those became “Kit Carson” Scouts for American military units, guiding them in the field in their operations against the Communist forces.

As a souvenir, I have several Chieu Hoi propaganda leaflets which I picked up off the ground after they’d been dropped from helicopters.

Very late in the war, one of those souvenir leaflets was not a Chieu Hoi appeal, but instead, was advising the North Vietnamese soldiers that medical evacuation helicopters in the 101st Airborne were now being painted solid white, with large red crosses, so please don’t shoot them down, for they will also evacuate and treat North Vietnamese casualties.

I’ll look and see if I can find a link to my photographs of those souvenir leaflets.

John Robert Mallernee

Here’s the URL for the photographs of my souvenir leaflets, “IF” I did it correctly:


John Robert Mallernee

When our POWs were returned from Hanoi, the captured NVA POWs imprisoned on Cong Son Island were returned to North Viet Nam.

There is archived news film of many of them wading across the Ben Hai River, which separates North Viet Nam from South Viet Nam, and in the film, you see them, many of them with missing limbs, ripping off their POW clothing.


Assholes didn’t release my POW SSGT James M. RAY. VIA all information provided via the FOIA, his file was full of bullshit DECLARATIONS signed by POWs in the same camp. Each was contacted and wrote their own DECLARATIONS THAT THEY DID NOT KNOW, WRITE OR SIGN ANYTHING. STILL PISSED I CAN’T GET A SIMPLE EXPLANATION OF WHAT HAPPENED TO JIMMY. OH, I love everything that is blacked out FOR SECURITY. THAT DAMN WAR IS OVER! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU PROTECTING?
Jimmy’s siblings Charles and Maureen told me their father split when kids were young. Jimmy took out more insurance so his mom would be taken care of. AFTER JIMMY WAS DECLARED A POW, dad comes back into the picture and spoke everywhere about the son he knew nothing about, via free trips. He got the insurance money after he had Jimmy declared KIA. HOPE YOU ROT IN HELL along with mistress who became Mrs. Ray. If I’m full of shit, both siblings are alive. Rhode Island and Florida. Ask them about the father who made money, prick.

John Robert Mallernee

If you wish to see an example of a “Kit Carson” Scout, watch the DVD of the Hollywood movie, “HAMBURGER HILL”.

So far as I know, “HAMBURGER HILL”, is also the only Viet Nam war movie which depicts the special toothpaste with which all new arrivals were required to brush.

Whenever I tell a dentist about that, they don’t believe me, for they’ve never heard of such a thing.

But, it’s true, for I was there, and as directed, I brushed my teeth with that special protective toothpaste.


Thank you for all the information you supplied. I’ve read books about Vietnam but can’t watch movies about any war. It’s the only thing that makes me cry and pissed when I watched on called Rambo My kids say Band of brothers and others are awesome. People tortured and dying stays in dreams. Thank you for your service JOHN ROBERT MALLERNEE❤


I rarely do this, but please try to find some time for some thoughts and prayers for the family of CPT John Mark of NYC. John passed away suddenly last night and it is truly a loss for everyone. He was a Judge Advocate, Afghanistan veteran, former college baseball player, but more importantly, was loved and respected by everyone he came into contact. The guy was selfless and did whatever it took to help people out, whether he knew them or not. He carried himself as a big goofball, but you could tell he was brilliant as well. CPT Mark will be missed.




On my list.

Green Thumb

Good news travels fast.

It appears Turd Bolling at Ambassador Worldwide Protection Agency (both national and international) is getting some good reviews.

What a fat shitbag.


HMCS (FMF) ret.



Green Thumb

I check in on him on occasion.

Still the usual threats of violence, arrest, etc. when you ask for a real deal Navy Seal to help you with your security issues. He ducks calls and hands them off to employees who do not seem to have any guts or willpower.

My best guess is that he is either out back sexually harassing his employees or down the street at Hardees shoving a big, juicy Thickburger down his suck.


A Proud Infidel®™

“My best guess is that he is either out back sexually harassing his employees or down the street at Hardees shoving a big, juicy Thickburger down his suck.”

That or he’s racing to be first in line at the doughnut shop for the day-old half price deal! 😀

Green Thumb

More like the dildo shop.

Turd Bolling is probably one of the sorriest excuses for a human being alive.

I am sure Memphis is proud to call him one of their very own.

“I can neither confirm or deny….”


I saw this piece this morning on Ace of Spade HQ and it really hit home to me. It is titled “The Politics of Star Trek” and it demonstrates how the show (and its offshoots) echoes the decline of the morally confident liberalism of the post WWII years into the relativistic, morally weak soft leftism that western elites wallow in today. Pretty good stuff: https://www.claremont.org/article/the-politics-of-star-trek/#.Ver7qpeYG-X


I read that. The analysis does not surprise me, and it was good to be reminded of the episodes that I thought were populated by some of the dumbest characters ever, especially the ‘Eden’ episode.

A Proud Infidel®™

Hey folks, it looks like we have a new troll/sockpuppet to accompany C.Long the rudy-poo, it’s over on the Bradford thread.


API, Clong is not Kratman. They are two separate people.

A Proud Infidel®™

I noticed that later, I meant to say that he was either/or. Clong has apparently become to him like the *SLURRP*41 is to a certain non-CPO!

Sam Naomi

Not to get off of the subject, but I’d like to make one little mention that many of you might want to be on the lookout for if your out in the country just walking around. theres a real bad Spider in most of the states that with leave its web to hunt for our Milermor Birds, theres only a few of our Milermor Birds left, so ever bird we can protect will help to build the population back again. If you’d like more information on our Milermor bird I’d be very glad to exlpain everything to you on the blog before the day is over with.

Sam Naomi-Where the tall corn grows

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, those Milermor birds, you don’t want to be near when they “whistle’ either, GO SPIDERS!!

John Robert Mallernee

Several years ago, I remember seeing the annual collection of unusual Christmas gifts.

Among them was an invention by a fellow in North Carolina, which was basically a large wooden platform designed to fit around an ordinary flush toilet.

I don’t remember what the invention was called, nor who the inventor was, but the unusual Christmas gift was the object of joking and mockery.

Well, TODAY, guess who has the last laugh?

I don’t know whether or not he patented and sold his idea to someone else, but now, a variation of that invention is being marketed as the, “SQUATTY POTTY”, currently based in Saint George, Utah.

Here is the URL for the “SQUATTY POTTY”:


They market several variations, depending on a customer’s weight, the size of the toilet, and how much money an individual wants to spend.

I purchased the cheapest one, which was twenty-five dollars ($25.00), plus shipping and sales tax.

It was delivered to my apartment door on the following day by United Parcel Service.

I’ve used it, and in my opinion, it works as advertised.

Also, when I first arrived in Utah from Mississippi, the George E. Wahlen Department of Veterans Affairs Salt Lake City Health Care System ordered a colonoscopy, which was performed locally in Vernal, Utah at the Ashley Regional Medical Center, by Dr. Trevor Mathis.

Preparing for the colonoscopy is the worst part, for you must take powerful laxatives in order to be totally flushed out, with your bowels completely empty, and as you might well imagine, doing that can be messy and inconvenient.

BUT – – – ,

That colonoscopy is one of the best things that ever happened to me, for now, my bowels are functioning normally again, just as if I were many years younger.

So, if you haven’t yet had a colonoscopy, and you can financially afford to get one done (the Department of Veterans Affairs paid for mine), then, by all means, go and get it scheduled.

It’s probably one of the healthiest things you’ll ever do.

Sam Naomi

That Cross Orbweaver Spider that Ex-Ph2 is talking about is about half the size of the Cross Orbweaver of our Milermor Bird. just thought I’d make mention


Ah! The milermor bird. A noble, if tiny, feathered critter that sticks its beak in the mud and whistles through its butt. You can hear it a milermor away.

Despite the difficulty of getting a sample, owing to its small size and elusive behavior, there is some speculation that it may be genetically related to the Phoo bird.

And you do know what they say about the Phoo bird, don’t you?

A Proud Infidel®™

Are they relatives of the Poot Bird?


Or a relative of the Ooh Aah bird?


No, sillies. The story goes that a Phoo bird took a dump on a gopher. When the gopher tried to clean it off his head, he dropped dead.
The moral of the story is this: when the Phoo shits, wear it.

John Robert Mallernee

I had to do some thinking before I finally figured out what you were saying.


One last one, and then lights out.

My cat did his business in the litter box, but failed to cover it. I looked at his big, fat business and said, ‘You didn’t cover your shit.’
He blinked and answered, ‘Why should I? I’m proud of my shit.’

A Proud Infidel®™

Gas, Kansas – it’s a sleepy little “Blink Town” on US 54 in the Southeast part of the State. On this road trip, I was hungry, so I pulled in to Bonnie’s Cafe where they served me an awesome lunch. I can now honestly say I didn’t just pass Gas, I stopped and enjoyed it!!


API, if you ever get the chance and want to see a real “Blink Town”, you can stop by for a visit in my old stomping grounds in northern Indiana.

The name of the place is Toto (Yes, just like Dorothy’s little dog) and it has a 30 foot “Muffler Man” wooden Indian as it’s calling card.

The restaurant there also serves an awesome lunch and then you can say “Well, Toto, it looks like we’re not in Kansas anymore.”

The Indian just had his left arm amputated by some dickheads (that they caught on video) last month, but the fiberglass surgeon was able to reattach it this month, so he is now good to go.

Just a thought for your next road trip.

A Proud Infidel®™

When I’m road tripping I always prefer small town “Mom & Pop” places over the chain restaurants. As for small towns, I once lived in one SO SMALL, the courthouse only held one pigeon!


Yep, I grew up nearby one of those small towns.

No movie theater, so once a week a different house left their shades up for two hours.

No village idiot, everybody took turns.

OK, I’ll stop before it gets too silly.


Okay, I have both of you beat. My brother lives in a town that is literally so small, if you blink when you drive through, you really will miss it.

A Proud Infidel®™

NO JOKE Ex-PH2, the town I lived in at that time was so small, the nearest traffic light was at least fifteen miles away, we’re talking about being in the STICKS!! Anyway, on another road trip, I drove right past Minneapolis and Detroit in less than 45 minutes and was where I needed to be.

Yes, I was headed to Salina, KS and decided to take the old highway versus I-70 which took me right through the “Blink Towns” of Detroit and Minneapolis, KS!


API, if you had stayed on US54 and not turned north to go to Salina, you would have went through El Dorado and Eureka and found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Ah, life can be great if we all could be Gozillionaires like Forrest Gump.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’ve been through El Dorado and its lovely aroma of the refineries. People there just say “It’s the smell of peoples’ paychecks.”!

Silentium Est Aureum

Intercourse, PA.

Not to be confused with nearby Loyalsock, PA.

A Proud Infidel®™

Kinda like the vacation from hell when my missus woke up half the town when she shrieked that loud in Eek, AK that I wished I was in Embarrass, WI. I felt weird enough to belong in Peculiar, MO!


I’d rather have Intercourse than Humptulips (WA).


That’s kinda like when the wife and I were living in Park County, Wyoming.

I knew things were going to go right that night when she’d say: “Let’s go for a Sunday drive. I’ve got a good feeling something is going on in Meeteetse”.

Silentium Est Aureum

Is that a hotbed like Dingle, Idaho?


Yep, pretty much.

Same deal in Ten Sleep, WY.

On the way to Meeteetse though, the wife and I would always stop off at Corbett’s Shebang for a little adult libation before continuing our Sunday drive.

Hack Stone

They say that Virginia is for lovers, but I always thought that it was Intercourse PA was for lovers.


Supposedly, West Virginia was working on a new slogan for its tourist industry.

They liked “Virginia is for lovers”, but they wanted something that would be distinctive and more closely reflect the state.

The best they could come up with was “West Virginia is for cousins.”


3/17 Air Cav

Claw…….Mule update, she’s up and running. Charged the battery, drained the fuel filter. Bingo, she’s purring like a kitten! Loaded up all my hand tools, and took them up thehill to the garden shed.

Next project, charging the batteries in the M38A1


OK, Thumbs Up. Keep us posted on progress.


For the first time in my life, I went to a gun show today. I really think that every liberal, anti-gun, anti-2nd Amendment person should attend one. Never have I seen any type of similar show where the attendees were as nice, polite and friendly as this event was. There were people that were passionate about their wares, avocation and profession, but I saw none that I would consider a gun “nut.” The person with whom I attended the show was looking for a “modern” hand gun and or long gun. I spent my time looking at older weapons. One gentleman had a cache of pre-Civil War weapons, most of which had been converted to percussion caps, but they were still wonderful to look at. We spent a long time talking about different armories innovations the making of weapons. It was like we were old friends after 5 minutes of chatting. I spoke with another dealer who said they nearly had a horrible night. They had come to the show from out of town and like many displayers, taken their inventory into their hotel room. Last night as they were asleep, they heard a rustle at the door. Thinking they were about the be attacked / robbed / assaulted, the man and his wife both grabbed loaded weapons and pointed them at the door. The door opened and a couple walked in facing the occupants of the rooms and looking at the working end of some weapons. People screamed, cursed, yelled directions at each other and then calmed down. It turns out the the hotel had accidentally given the second couple the key to the room thinking it was unoccupied. What could have been a disaster and a tragedy was averted. I also met some people from the local gun range / club that I had no idea even existed. They have an open house on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month and they invited me to come, watch, and even take a lesson on gun safety, handling and shooting. When I told them about my liking older… Read more »

Green Thumb

They can be cool (gun shows) but a very weird crowd at times.

Sort of a subset of society within another subset of society.

But I agree, they usually are entertaining.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’ve rarely been to a gun show that I didn’t like. Black Powder shooting is fun, I’ve done it off and on over the years. Firing flintlocks takes some getting used to, there’s often up to a one second delay between the flint striking and the gun firing.

John Robert Mallernee

When I was stationed at Fort Hood, Texas, my wife and I visited the Alamo and Goliad.

Unfortunately, we did not visit San Jacinto.

The Alamo is a VERY sacred place.

John Robert Mallernee
John Robert Mallernee

“BALLAD OF THE ALAMO” Lyrics By: PAUL FRANCIS WEBSTER Music By: DIMITRI TIOMKIN In the southern part of Texas, In the town of San Antone, There’s a fortress all in ruins That the weeds have overgrown. You may look in vain for crosses And you’ll never see a one, But sometimes between the setting And the rising of the sun, You can hear a ghostly bugle As the men go marching by. You can hear them as they answer To that roll call in the sky: Colonel Travis, Davy Crockett And a hundred and eighty more; Captain Dickenson, Jim Bowie, Present and accounted for. Back in 1836, Houston said to Travis: “Get some volunteers and go Fortify the Alamo.” Well, the men came from Texas And from old Tennessee, And they joined up with Travis Just to fight for the right to be free. Indian scouts with squirrel guns, Men with muzzle loaders, Stood together heel and toe To defend the Alamo. “You may ne’er see your loved ones,” Travis told them that day. “Those that want to can leave now. Those who’ll fight to the death, Let ’em stay.” In the sand, he drew a line With his army sabre. Out of a hundred and eighty five, Not a soldier crossed the line. With his banners a-dancing In the dawn’s golden light, Santa Anna came prancing On a horse that was black As the night. Sent an officer to tell Travis to surrender. Travis answered with a shell And a rousing Rebel yell. Santa Anna turned scarlet, “Play Deguello,” he roared. “I will show them no quarter. Everyone will be put to the sword.” One hundred and eighty five Holding back five thousand. Five days, six days, eight days, ten; Travis held and held again. Then he sent for replacements For his wounded and lame, But the troops that were coming Never came, never came, never came. Twice he charged, then blew recall. On the fatal third time, Santa Anna breached the wall And he killed them, one and all. Now the bugles are silent And there’s rust on… Read more »


This morning’s BMNT temp out here was 36 degrees.

The high temp yesterday was 62 with an all day 25 MPH wind straight out of the south.

Flipped the switch on the HVAC from cool to heat and readjusted the ceiling fans.

Here’s the little catch phrase for all you people who just can’t seem to remember which way the switch on the ceiling fans should be for the season:

“Heat Up — Cool down”

I like Fall, it’s the best season of all.


The switches on mine are horizontal, CLAW.


I killed a black bear with my bear hands yesterday!


It must have hurt to write that.

Give us DETAILS!!


I killed a wild hog with a revolver yesterday (he was in my hog trap). Just finished grinding him up!

A Proud Infidel®™

I think Ted Nugent was right when he said that dinner always seems to taste better when you shot it or caught it yourself!



It was tearing up a 60 dollar bird feeder at 0630. I went outside and confronted the ‘lil bastard. I yelled, “hey bear” and got big! As I approached I noticed that things were a bit blurry … I forgot my glasses! So, then I stubbed my toe (because I was wearing a pair of flip flops I purchased in VB in the 80’s). I think that fuckin’ bear laughed at me!

So I rung his neck!

Me and my neighbors enjoyed bear steaks all weekend and I have a new hide for a hat and gloves for the winter!

The End …


Where’s Bergdahl?


I saw this when I was searching for Home Depot to look for fridges.


Somebody tell me what the hell is wrong with the people who do these things?


I will take the risk! Have you ever tried shopping at Lowes?

NO ONE KNOWS ANYTHING about what really matters!

Gettin’ it done cheap and fast!

Silentium Est Aureum

Don’t knock Lowe’s. Just picked up a full bathroom vanity, brushed nickel faucet, and mirror, all for well under $200.


Depends. I have had some outstanding, professional, counsel in many departments. Many times they talk me out of the expensive option. The tile lady at our store spent a LONG time with us and knew every in and out and tricks of the trade. Same with paint.

But, it depends on the store. Some are good some are not. Normal Distribution thing.


Yes, I have shopped at Loewe’s. Depending on what time of day or night, some people know stuff, others are dumber than a pair of ants in a box of salt.

I know the people at Menard’s are nice and know their stuff and the store gives discounts and has sales all the time, and ditto Home Depot.

But I will get replace my stove with a reconditioned one from a different store because they’ll give me credit for the old one, do the install, back up their service and give me a service contract. And the cost is lower than new.