Wanna See ALL of Clintoon’s “Private” Email? Come Up With $500k and Maybe You Can.
Gee, what a surprise. We’re talking a private server, operated for a long time in an open environment and possibly without any effective information security controls. What could possibly go wrong?
My question is: if some unidentified hacker managed to get access and download all of that . . . who else did?
Category: "Teh Stoopid", "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Crime, Foreign Policy
Donald Trump pocket cash…
Yep. Chump change.
In this case, Trump change.
lol. that’s a good one.
+1, nice!
Wave the 500K and apply for a high paying position with the FBI, phoebe couldn’t find shyt and you got the whole enchilada!! LOL
If he’s not in the US and not a US citizen, then he “might” be able to offer it up.
If he’s a US citizen, the FBI will find him and get it for free because it is evidence in an ongoing investigation.
Plus, since there is “at the least” official use only (FOUO) types of information (though Secret and TS stuff in there too), by having those documents, he is violating federal law. Among a few other law violations.
He sounds like a fairly dumb smart person to me. More and more of those these days.
I believe it’s the Romanian hacker, Guccifer.
And then there’s this……
I am above the law…
A former aide to Hillary Clinton who helped set up her private email server has told at least three congressional committees that he will invoke the Fifth Amendment to avoid testifying against his former boss
Do what the Fed did to the MOB.. give him immunity for the information on the server then he can’t has nothing to worry about…
. . . . Except the Clintoon’s “Foster’s Payback”.
Taking the 5th is not above the law, it’s a constitutional right. The fact it looks like shit and seems he’s hiding something or somethings is just bonus.
True. But when one is granted full immunity, the ability to claim 5th Amendment protection and refuse to answer questions on that basis ends.
I would dearly love to see this guy plead the fifth – then the Master at Arms or Presiding Officer in that hearing present them with a letter of immunity.
I plead the FIF!
I plead the FIF!
Maybe we should try a “GoFundMe” campaign to raise the funds to pay the Hacker to release the data? May be the only way to get the full skinny on what was on the server. (Though not sure how “trust worthy” and “untampered” said Hacker and the information would be).
I will leave the actual legal and ethics questions out of doing such to the more wiser and legally inclined. Just brainstorming ideas, and by no means condone hacking or compromising classified information. (Something tells me doing such could be considered criminal and have charges brought, if some in the administration were so inclined. Receiving “stolen” property and accomplice after the fact are few of the charges that come easily to mind)
To my nose this smells of a fraud hoping for something like that.
Anti-Hillary sentiment (which I absolutely share) is strong enough to blind people to the extreme unlikelihood of this being real. Someone who got $500,000 all in one place, one hopes, is self-controlled enough not to fall for it…but a big enough crowd might bite.
O completely agree with you which is why my comment was more meant as a jest than a serious lets actually do it.
Umm… Radar Online?
As much as I would love this to be true, I think I’ll wait for confirmation from a more reliable source, like maybe Infowars or the Duffel Blog.
Yeah, they’re staffed by the National Enquirer.
Hoewver . . . as I recall, it was the National Enquirer that ended up exposing the wrongdoing that forced John Edwards out of the 2008 Presidential race and nearly put him in jail. Only a hung jury and the government’s decision not to retry him in 2012 prevented him from doing time.
As Bobo notes below, this one passes the initial “smell test”. We’ll see if it’s legit or not soon enough.
Dunno, Hondo. Any paper sleazy enough to auto-play a Toyota ad is capable of just about anything.
On the other hand, who wouldn’t be curious to learn the grim details of, say, a “Space Aliens Made Me Elvis’ Sex Slave” story?
So THAT’S why she threw the ashtray at BJ Willie! (smile)
So BJ Willie is a space alien?
This explains much…
Well, I know for a fact Hillary is from Uranus….
Not saying El’Rushbo is an authoritative source, but he just mentioned the Hacker selling the e-mails and how he’s tempted to buy them and donate them to the FBI…
Again could have been off the cuff, and not saying he’s a paragon of journalism, but I would think if he mentioned the “fact of” he or his staff may have vetted it a little bit….
If he does that, he can actually get in trouble. If one knowingly or purposely takes poccession of such material with knowledge that some of it may contain classified information, there could be violation there.
Unless of course if he facilitates securing the information, he may get a that-a-boy for his efforts.
Certainly his lawyer(s) know what to do, if he decides to ride that train.
Exactly why my commemt above is meant in jest as I’m sure his commemt was.
Usually I’d pass on this, but it is interesting in that the e-mails appear to be from “Sid” who I would assume to be Sid Blumenthal. The only reason why the private e-mail server became public knowledge was because of the Guccifer hack on Blumenthal’s e-mail. It is foolish to think that Guccifer wouldn’t have either targeted the Clinton e-mail account or passed the information to other hackers for them to access Clinton’s account. Clinton didn’t move her e-mail to the “professionals” until after the Guccifer hack and she knew that she was in trouble.
Either this stuff will show up and be proven or disproven as legitimate, or some anonymous “computer specialist” will end up a victim of violent crime or suicide.
That or die in a high speed car wreck, heart attack, hit-and-run,…
Or a suicide with 3 bullets in the back of his head
Or, all of the above.
Or like Vince Foster. Found with gun in right hand but was left handed.
Oh, you guys really need to stop thinking inside the cereal box. A mere bump against someone, an ‘excuse me’, and walk away, throwing the poisoned glove into the local trashbin. A quickly metabolized poison that breaks down into, shall we say, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen and evaporates away, leaving the impression that the dead person had drunk himself into a stupor and hit his head when he fell to the pavement.
What?!? I saw it on some mystery show back in the days of black-&-white TV.
Who else might have that info? Guys named Vlad, Ho Lee Fuk and probably an ayatollah or 3.
I have it. I have it all. It’s in my sock drawer with the cat treats. My cat is guarding it fiercely. I want that $500K NOW! Cough it up!
Well, I think I found a photo of Ho’s “brother” . . . . (smile)
“Unidentified hacker” = Ed Snowden?
We all know he could use the money, but I don’t know enough about his computer skills if he could pull this off.
Waiting for this to show up in my E-Mail Junk Folder with the title “Greetings, Dear Beneficiary” and a signature block “Nigerian Prince”.
Hey, who took my 500K stash from the cookie jar? I was saving it just for this “opportunity”.
Like, she was only the U.S. SoS, WHAT could go wrong with what she did?
Let’s hope this turns out to be real enough to make the former SoS SOL enough to where she could be put on KP long enough to be declared MIA!
Today she’s saying that “the server was setup for my husband and guarded by the Secret Service. There were no intrusions, it was safe, it wasn’t my server, etc etc.”
Which is funny because when this whole thing started Billy said that he never used email, so why would he need a private server.
Hard for her to keep all the lies straight. At least Bill was smart enough not to write it all down.
Just out of curiosity, is there enough stuff here to write it up as a complete satire? Or am I reading too much into it.
“I didn’t do it.
Nobody saw me do it.
You can’t prove anything.”
Bart Simpson, legal counsel to HRC.
While this current “email dump” may turn out to be road-apples, I strongly suspect that the “missing” backups/duplicates/stolen-copies will surface.
Just imagine (spew alert) that HRC pulls off a win in 2016. Then, about a month before inauguration, some hostile foreign power (or other bad actor) causes the whole wretched mess to surface in public, copies to various law enforcement agencies, rival politicians, press, etc.
Can you swear in an indicted and arrested president-elect?
Just how pear-shaped do things get if the above becomes the headline on that January morning of 2017?
Don’t toy with me, 11B.
Good question. While the 20th Amendment to the Constitution does prescribe what to do if a POTUS-elect dies or “fails to qualify” prior to inauguration, it doesn’t appear to define precisely what it means by “fails to qualify”. Being under indictment for a Federal felony may or may not count – but I’m betting it doesn’t.
Hondo, no one is immune to indictment, not even Nixon. 😉
True. But whether or not indictment – or even a post-election conviction – would be sufficient reason under the Constitution to prevent the inauguration of a POTUS-elect is an open question.
IMO incarceration probably would, as it would qualify as something rendering the POTUS temporarily incapable of performing the duties of the office. Put prior to incarceration? Damn good question.
Let’s hope we never find out.
Clinton was impeached and they still couldn’t get rid of him. What does that tell you? That no one was willing? Or that he ‘had something on someone’?
And despite Hollywood’s attempts to say otherwise, indictment usually means facing judgment, being tried, appearing at a trial, etc., and frequently sitting in a cell awaiting trial.
I should think that, if an elected president is under indictment but not yet sworn in, he’d be barred from taking office until it’s settled.
I would respectfully submit that while Clinton did lie under oath, it was about a topic completely irrelevant to the investigation at hand. Recall all that started during the Whitewater investigation. In fact, one could use this as an example of special prosecutor over-reach. To date I don’t think a single special prosecutor has successfully convicted the person(s) in question for the original crime.
So, yes, Clinton lied, but it was about grabbing a piece, not about (oh) using the IRS to persecute anyone or using secret email accounts to avoid legal supervision.
Actually, Star’s investigation as Independent Counsel included three main areas, only one of which was Whitewater. The other two were possible abuses of FBI files by Clintoon Administration officials and BJ Willie’s conduct during a sex-discrimination lawsuit.
The specific questioning during which BJ Willie perjured himself occurred during the last. The questioning was intended to determine if his alleged conduct constituted a pattern of wrongdoing. Clintoon then lied, apparently in an attempt to “wriggle off the hook” – and got caught doing so.
Office of Special Counsel (AKA “Special Prosecutor”) investigations had broad latitude to investigate wrongdoing. They could – and often did – investigate potential wrongdoing far beyond the original matter brought to them. In this case, Clintoon tried to lie his way out of an embarrassing lawsuit, committing perjury in the process. Regrettably, because one political party thought maintaining control of the Presidency was more important than upholding the law and seeking justice, he did just that.
I have given this offer a lot of thought – at least 5 minutes’ worth, anyway – and my response is ‘No, I don’t really want to see shrillary’s e-mails. I think just I’ll keep my $500.00 and go one about my business.’
Good ole Daily Mail on it:
“Someone’s got some ‘splainin’ to do . . . . “