Thursday morning feel good stories

| September 3, 2015

We start out in Phoenix, Arizona this morning where a homeowner called police to tell them that he was holding “a stranger” in his home at gunpoint. Sometime after the phone call, the “stranger” attempted to harm the homeowner who ventilated the “stranger” and he was taken to the hospital with some non-life-threatening injuries.

In Fayette County, West Virginia, a homeowner confronted a burglar in his home with a firearm. The burglar quickly un-assed the AO. The homeowner took the legal option and didn’t fire at the fleeing burglar. Police are still looking for the thief.

In Jerome, Idaho, a homeowner heard some people around his vehicle and went to investigate with his gun. He fired one of those warning shot things that I don’t understand and the criminal tried to enter his home. About that time the sheriff deputies arrived, and that’s when the crook decided to resist, so the police had an opportunity to deal out some justice before 26 year old Manuel O. Madrigal-Orozco went to the hoosegow.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Wee Crap, none of them are DRT. Oh well, maybe after they bond out and try to raise more money…


I notice that the initials of Manuel O. Madrigal-Orozco spell MOMO. Per the Urban Dictionary, MOMO is a generic insult used to describe one who is irritating, annoying, or an idiot. My money is on idiot. Doofus …


MOMO thats the best u have to say. Says alot of ur life (MOMO). U gada post insults so u can feel good in a part of ur life caus the rest ur the one being insulted


I do wonder if people lock their doors at night or any other time? Or do they think ‘low crime area, no need to lock’?

Just trying to understand.

I keep my doors locked because my cat can open them if I don’t.


So he is a cat burglar.

The Other Whitey

It’s a good day for feelgood stories, after the day I had yesterday. On the one hand, we found out we’re having a son, which is awesome. On the other hand, an hour later I found out that my aunt who I absolutely adore and cherish has cancer, which fucking sucks. And it just HAD to be the same day, not even an hour apart.

Maybe I’ll go to the range this week. Shooting inanimate paper usually does me good.


Congratulations on the news of an expected son.

May he live long and prosper.


Congrats, TOW.


Wow! Buddha blessed you with a son! Great things to those that DESERVE?