Odierno speaks

| August 13, 2015


Army Chief of Staff Ray Odierno is on his way out and everyone wants to ask him questions. The Washington Post is happy that he disagrees with Trump that we should actually make the war in Iraq and Syria a “war for oil”. Stars & Stripes quotes Odierno when he wants to embed US troops with the Iraqis and the peshmerga in the war against ISIS. AFP says that Odierno thinks that Iraq should be partitioned in order to be made more peaceful.

However, no one is quoting another portion of all of these interviews; the part where he says that the second war against Saddam Hussein was necessary. Not only does the general who served four years in that war say that the war was necessary, he also says that all of the Iraqi generals that he talked to thought that were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, too. I saw that portion of the interview on the news this morning, but funny how I can’t find him quoted, or find the video on the internet.

Geez, I wonder why.

Category: Terror War

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You won’t find him quoted. It doesn’t fit the Liberal narative.


Why won’t you find it? Because… what Twist said, in spades.

Remember, the truth about these things hurts their feelings. They can’t handle the truth.


Regardless of how you feel about Trump, the public’s response to him is a clear demonstration of how fed up with the media’s selective reporting most Americans are. What those liberal media fools don’t realize is that in the Internet Age you simply can’t keep the truth from the people.

The only folks who listen to, care about and believe in the media’s importance are politicians, and again, the public’s response to Trump is demonstrating how out of touch with their constituents they are.


There are plenty of people who say they are ‘liberal’ but who in reality are fairly conservative in the way they think and react to things. Those are not the people I was referring to.

It’s the Liberals (capital L) who can’t handle the truth and don’t want to hear it. They inhabit places like DU and Code Pink.

2/17 Air Cav

Whatever. I’ll wait for the book–and not borrow or buy it. Nearly 40 years ago he entered service. He’s leaving that service a tad different than he found it. In fact, he helped to break it. It’s gotten so that any rank above captain (in the Army) is not worth listening to. No need. Just check the WH for the higher-up’s views. I wish they would all STHU and soldier.

Bernie Hackett

Very well put, from those trained in History, to those trained in Political science. I also like Sowells comment, to the effect that the history of the last 30 years has been going from what works, to what sounds good.


John, I agree, having spent 15 months embedded with the Iraqi Army, part of 2006 to all of 2007 as a MiTT member I can say that the only result was the Iraqi’s became solely dependent upon the US for everything from Fuel to Ammo to Med supplys. They became very reluctant to handle any tactical situation themselves to the point that if some bad shit was happening in their AO their initial response was to request the MiTT team to respond and handle it.


“but funny how I can’t find him quoted, or find the video on the internet. ” That’s because a useful idiot is only useful when they they help or espouse your cause…


When the media interviews a soldier, they are only interested in the stuff that he says about topics where he has no expertise. Interviewing a soldier about military matters may produce statements unpopular with their viewers. I’m sorta surprised that they even asked the questions – maybe they were hoping for a miracle. Maybe they looked at the stuff that “Oh Dear No” said over the past few years and hoped for a repeat. Military guys talking trash about the military, politicians, or conservative candidates is what they want.


Well there is some merit to one of his suggestions: if we had troops embedded with the peshmerga, maybe that would prevent the Turks from attacking the peshmerga? It may just be an impression, but it seems like half of the Turkish strikes have been against Kurds, not ISIS or Syrians.


From the Turkish perspective, that makes perfect sense. The two things that seem worry the secular Turkish factions (who by and large appear to run Turkey) are (1) a Kurdish uprising in eastern Turkey, and (2) Islamic fundamentalism taking over Turkey. Plus, they’re also likely worried about ISIS/ISIL – predominantly Syrian/Iraqi/other Arab – settling some old scores from Ottoman days.

The Turks know they can handle Syria if it comes to it, so they’ll devote their attention (and efforts) to countering the other two.


He should have a book coming out right after he leaves his post. I’m sure that book will tell how opposed he as to everything this administration has done( but he was too chicken-sh!t to say anything when it mattered.

I wish that we could have seen Carter Hamm in this position, but he was too outspoken for this bunch.


“Ham” not Hamm, fat fingers.

Sam Naoki

To all you Trump Haters,
Say what you may,my money is still going on Trump. Anytime we can find someone willing to stand up to the likes of Obama and some of the others that are running for the White House, well they have my vote, like it or lump it. Mr. Trump is our man, and the rest running can go tak a good flying shit. Right now I have some field spraying to do, but I’ll be back to this blog sometime this evening to see what some of you block heads have to say. Enjoy the rest of the day.

Where the tall corn grows



Sam, I can’t get behind Trump because he’s changed his stripes too often on many things, chief among them our beloved 2nd Amendment.
Cruz did take on that feckless McConnell, in the Senate chamber no less. I’m liking him and Walker so far.

Hope you have a good crop.


Sam Naoki

Sorry about the mispelling of my last name, where ever the K came up is unknown, Guess what??????? we all make mistakes


Well, it appears Odierno (as well as GENs MIlley & Dunford) agreed w/ Mitt Romney about that Russia thing:



Effing leg. He now finds one ball as he is retiring. Another “tabless seaunt” running (ruining) the show.
Good riddance…don’t let the swinging door hit his fourth point of contact as he leaves.