Anti-war movement’s death throes

| September 3, 2007

Since I went to the Gathering of Eagles counter-protest last March 17th, I’ve been convinced that the pathetic and pointless, culture of personalities, anti-war movement is in its death throes. In fact, I’ve wrote about it several times on this blog. The sparse participation at the March on the Pentagon convinced me of that – it was a Saturday morning in the middle of the Spring semester in a hugely college town, yet they could barely scrape together enough people to outnumber the counter protesters – if they did.

Well, apparently, Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard arrived at the same conclusion, for different reasons, in this week’s issue;

It would be silly to make too much out of one item on a Time blog. But it does suggest that even the respectable elements of the antiwar movement have jumped the shark. Unwilling seriously to debate the choices before us, and the consequences of those choices, antiwar advocates are now down to name-calling.

Well, that’s not all. I see on the Gathering of Eagles blog, the Move America Forward tour and it’s organizer have been threatened by Daily Kos diarists (the post was obviously removed but the evidence remains). Marooned in Marin has more substantial evidence of the Left’s intentions towards the MAF caravan. When the Left resorts to threats, they’re losing – and we’re winning!Â

More evidence, in my mind, is the fact that the anti-war movement’s studly hero, a crybaby by the name of Adam Kokesh, whom I’ve written about extensively here, is calling for a longer commitment than just one day from the mindless zombies of the Left;

To kick off the week of action, after the rally we will march from the White House to the Capitol, and go straight into a mass civil-disobedience die-in around the Peace Monument. The die-in will be led by an Honor Guard of Iraq Veterans Against the War who will simulate a 21-Gun Salute before taps is played to initiate the die-in. We are asking as many members of VFP as possible to sign up to wear cammies and die-in around us to symbolize the American cost of this war. We will be encircled by bolts of red cloth to symbolize the Iraqi deaths and invite anyone else from the rally to participate in the die-in.

Sunday will be a day of teach-ins including a Truth In Recruiting Workshop led by IVAW. That evening, IVAW DC will be holding a benefit concert. Monday is National Truth In Recruiting Day, and there will be numerous activities planned and we will need your help with an action at the main recruiting office in DC. Tuesday is Congressional Challenge Day led by Tina Richards. Wednesday or Thursday will be Veterans Lobbying Day, and Friday is the Moratorium. Also, the 14th, the Friday before the rally, is the IVAW CD Release Party. All of these events are on the calendar at

I doubt very much that they’ll be able to keep the interest of 15-second attention span generation for an entire week. Especially if there’s a sign of rain, or the temp drops below 70 degrees, or they walk past the Hard Rock Cafe on their way to the protest, or if  American Idol Rewind is on their cable TVs in their hotel rooms.

I think its funny that Kokesh is pushing for a “Truth in Recruiting” day – since he lied to all of the major media outlets and told them he’d been discharged from the military before his participation in protests and that the military was targeting him for harrassment. Kokesh wouldn’t know the truth if it bit his face.

William Kristol calls for the anti-war crowd to action against Kokesh’s “Die-In”;

Will mainstream antiwar groups and antiwar politicians denounce this action, which is scheduled to begin the weeklong protest? Will the respectable parts of the antiwar movement stand with veterans and veterans’ families who intend to protest this disgusting appropriation of their loved ones’ names? Surely most critics of the war still have a sense of decency.

Obviously, Kristol has more faith in human nature than I. This last Spring, Kokesh, while still in the military, roamed the National Mall in uniform with his cohorts, pretending to be on a patrol in Iraq. They forced  tourists into makeshift prison cells and began humiliating them to simulate the way our troops treat innocent Iraqi civilians. There is no expectation of a “sense of decency” from people so steeped in their hatred for this country and the troops that defend us.

Kokesh has an axe to grind with the Marines – he was reduced in rank and placed in the inactive reserves. On his blog, in which he calls himself “Sergeant Kokesh” (which in itself is a lie – he was dischaged as a private E-2 – he was busted. I guess he thinks that he gets to call himself whatever he wants now) describes his tour as a “civil affairs specialist” and says that his first tour soured him on the war. But he neglects to mention that before his second tour (for which he volunteered, by the way) he was busted for smuggling an Iraqi pistol back to the US after the first tour. Doesn’t sound like the actions of someone destined to be the public face of the anti-war movement, does it?

Regardless, I plan on being there to bring you the photos of the pathetic end of the anti-war movement – as well as photos of the Gathering of Eagles who plan on lining Saturday’s event route for GOEIII. Tentatively, some fellow bloggers are planning to meet me there so, there should be lots to write about on September 15th.

Anyone else planning on being there, drop me a line at Â

Others blogging on the same thing as my meandering mind;

Robin at Chickenhawk Express on William Kristol

Skye at Midnight Blue on GOE III

Michele Malkin on Answering ANSWER and GOE III


The Redhunter on GOE III

DragonMG at Tanker Brothers wonders “Where’s Harry?” when the GOE is there to welcome home Nevada’s sons and daughters, but Reid isn’t. While Dadmanly recounts Reid’s conversion to surrender monkey over the death of the first Nevadan in Iraq.

Speaking of sharkjumping and the Daily Kos, Markos may have just jumped the shark by calling his readers gullible fools (from Newsbusters’ PJ Gladnik).

Category: Antiwar crowd, Gathering of Eagles, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Support the troops

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chickenhawk express

Jonn – I will be there with you in spirit! Please take care and bring us back some more pics
of the socialists in action! Give the anti-war anti-American idiots regards from me.

Jonn Lilyea wrote: Consider it done, Robin. Wish you could be here, though.


Jonn, I’m spending that weekend in DC. I hope to have the opportuntiy to meet up with you on the 15th. I’ll be mobile blogging the event as it unfolds on to MidnightBlue.

Jonn Lilyea wrote: Great! I’ll email you my cell phone number.


Jonn, I will be joining the “Fight For Victory Tour” with in Wichita KS on 9/9 and will be there too with Skye in Washington DC 9/15 and ready to document the death of the anti-war movement (this “antiwar suicide event” will be every Vietnam Veterans dream come true). How sweet the victory after 40 years…

Eagles UP!

Jonn Lilyea wrote: Welcome. I’m glad to hear more readers are going! Yeah, that 40 years was a long time coming.  




Is Rolling Thunder or PGR supporting this event? Have I missed their statement of support for GOE 3?

Jonn wrote: I haven’t seen anything either – but most of the members of GOE who were in DC in March and May were Rolling Thunder and Patriot Guard members.