Tuesday morning feel good stories

| August 4, 2015

At last word, Jacksonville, Florida police are still sorting through details and evidence at the scene where a homeowner led them to a man in his backyard that he had perforated. He had life-threatening injuries, but now, unfortunately, it looks like he may survive. Sorry.

In Palo Alto, California, a family discovered a new and ingenious way to fend off three home invaders. The enterprising thief, dressed as a pizza delivery guy, pushed past one of the adult children who had answered the door with his two armed accomplices. The mother then began yelling at the intruder, soon followed by the father who also yelled, the intruder and his two accomplices decided to un-ass the AO at a high rate of speed and everyone turned out fine.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee Confederate Partisan

So, is scraming loudly the California method of arming oneself?
I have heard some screeching that would make me leave the area too, but I wouldn’t count on it to work all the time.


My day is now complete….thanks to Frankie Cee. I thought “scraming” was a typo, but in fact it is not.

I feel better!! 😉

Here’s the definitive word on scraming.


I found that loud, angry noises did intimidate two holdup guys with one gun can be effective, if applied properly. But you must be loud enough to alert the guy on the 1st floor who is in the middle of getting it on with his signif other.

A Proud Infidel®™

Loud noises CAN intimidate an intruder into fleeing, they can also spook them into firing whatever weapon they’re brandishing, it goes both ways.


A gun makes a loud noise too. Easier on the vocal cords…

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Well Dillinger always said you can get farther with a gun and a smile than you can with just a smile…I suspect the same is true with respect to screaming (scraming), it’s likely to be far more effective with the addition of a firearm than by itself.

B Woodman

You scream,
I scream,
We all scream,
For ice cream.


My wife and I used to say that rhyme to our kids, who are now (all five) in their late 30’s and early 40’s.

Brings back some fond memories.


C’mon Jonn, I needs me my DRT, DOT fix !!!!