Regarding the (Apparently) Late Mullah Omar . . .

| August 1, 2015

The Afghan intelligence services reported earlier this week that Mullah Omar, the one-eyed terrorist bastard who formerly led the Taliban, is dead. Omar reportedly died sometime in April 2013 in Karachi, Pakistan.

While this has not yet been publicly confirmed by US authorities, the Taliban has now appointed Omar’s successor – Omar’s deputy, Mullah Akhtar Mansour. So while I wouldn’t necessarily bet the farm at this point that Omar is taking the eternal dirtnap, I tend to believe that the report is very likely true.

Mullah Akhtar Mansour was reportedly not a popular choice among some Taliban factions to lead the group. I’m just heartbroken to hear that.

There have been rumors for years that Pakistan knew of Omar’s presence in Pakistan, and may have provided him protection. That would not surprise me if it were true; it would also not surprise me if the Pakistanis were keeping him under wraps for other purposes. After all, the Taliban is essentially an ethnically Pashtun group.  Pakistan has their own troubles with Pashtun tribesmen in NW Pakistan and elsewhere that are affiliated with Taliban offshoots and who don’t particularly seem to want to stay Pakistani.

Regardless, it looks like Omar’s very likely quite dead.  Good riddance, and may he enjoy Shaytan’s companionship in the afterlife.

Category: Terror War

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Well… Bye…


Thank you. Curly Bill Brocius would be proud to tell him “Well…Bye” all day.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Hopefully he’s in “paradise” getting dorked in the squeakhole by 72 Helen Thomas’ wearing the BCoS!


Too bad M’Balz Es-Hari got passed over…


May he not rest in peace.


Enjoy your dirt nap. Hope you got your Bovine Shot. Before you meet your 99 goats


SEE YA WOULDN’T WANT TO BE YA. OOPS, was I supposed to cry? Oh, I think I might have said something wrong. No, that can’t be right, LMAO ? I’m never wrong. Another one bites the dust.


IIRC, the last time the Mad Mullah was seen, he was riding bitch on a moped headed out of Kandahar and pointed in the general direction of Pok-e-stan. So color me unsurprised.
“Meet the new boss,
…same as the old boss…”


Slight change to the lyrics:

As coroner, I must be grim:
I thoroughly examined him
And he’s not only merely dead
He’s really, most sincerely dead!

Hack Stone

I guess that Ted McGinley was not available for the gig.