Stolen Valor Act discussed in Maryland

| July 30, 2015

Maryland lawmakers are discussing a state solution to the problem of Stolen Valor, according to ABC2.

State Sen. Bryan Simonaire, R-Anne Arundel, a member of the legislatures military veterans caucus said he is getting involved because he wanted to see the state get involved to target anyone found to be committing an act of stolen valor.

“We have had cases here in Maryland,” Simonaire said.

Right off the top of my head, in Maryland, there’s Jason Scaletta, who conned a charity out of several thousands of dollars and was arrested for being a felon in possession of a firearm. If Maryland had arrested him for stolen valor when we busted him in December, he wouldn’t have committed either of those crimes.

You may recognize a few faces from our community in this video report;

Category: Stolen Valor Act

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They can pass all the damn laws they want. If the local D.A.(ssholes) refuse to enforce the laws, then it’s just a waste of time.
/you embarrassment.

Daniel Solomon

I’m not familiar with the monkey county reference. What is that?


Believe that’s a somewhat pejorative reference to Montgomery County.


🙄 😀 “Bingo” and it has no racial affiliations to it, more like “a barrel of monkeys”…Similar to the People’s Republic of Maryland.

Daniel Solomon

For a second there I thought I wandered on to the stormfront message boards, and not a forum for Veterans of all backgrounds to discuss stolen valor.


Yeah, that’s kind of why I clarified that. They act like a bunch of ignorant *CLOWNS* rather than law makers and law enforcers. (Ask Jonn)

Just FYI In 2013:

Black or African American-18.6%
American Indian and Alaska Native – 0.7%
Asian- 14.9% 6.1%
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander- 0.1%
Two or More Races, – 3.1%
Hispanic or Latino – 18.3%


“Monkey” county is one of the three counties that run Maryland’s Democratic machine. Prince George’s and Baltimore counties are the other two. Southern and Western Maryland are solidly conservative, but lack the population to counter those three.


A law to help prevent stolen valor is simple, first time,2 years in prison…second time…5 years in prison…third time 10 years in prison and a tattoo across the forehead saying, “I am a liar and guilty of stolen valor”..that should be a bit a deterrent to at least those that can read and comprehend!


Just the IDEA of the People’s Republic of Maryland even THINKING about this phenomenal! They’re already a sanctuary STATE for illegal aliens, I’ll be surprised if they QUIT being a sanctuary state for Stolen Valor (Scaletta was busted for a different felony)!!!


With the extensive trend of SV idiots committing other, often serious, crimes WHY doesn’t the LE community start digging into these guys? With all the felons in possession of firearms, chomos, sex crimes, etc that exemplify this hall of shame… Look Detectives, wanna make your numbers? Go after SV! Fish where the GD fish are!

Roger in Republic

Any political unit that elected Martin O’Malley to any office is to stupid to be taken seriously.


Good video. I see some white in that beard though… getting ready to play Santa already?


I wish I had the stones (and ability) to grow such an epic beard. I tried a mustache once for about 2 weeks and realized that a stache and hay fever don’t play nicely together.