Clinton Comes “Clean” on Benghazi

| July 29, 2015

Well, she’s finally done it. Former SECSTATE Hillary Rodham Clinton has come clean!

She recently provided another 2,000 emails from her private email system to the House committee investigating Benghazi. So she must have released everything!

Yes, there’s a two-month gap in the emails released by Ms. Clinton to that House Committee. That’s because there simply weren’t any relevant emails from that private account from the months of May and June, 2012, in the material released. Per the State Department, “only those emails related to the security of the consulate or to the U.S. diplomatic presence in Libya were made public”.

It’s irrelevant that May and June 2012 were a time of escalating security issues in Libya. What does it matter now that on 22 May 2012, the IRC office in Benghazi was struck by RPGs? Or that on 6 June 2012, an IED blew a 12 foot hole in the US Consulate’s wall?  Those incidents weren’t something about which Clinton corresponded with anyone from here “private” account.  In fact, that must mean there simply was nothing of note “related to the security of the US consulate or to the U.S. diplomatic presence in Libya” about which she corresponded with anyone from her private account during  those two months – unlike the months immediately preceding and afterwards. Isn’t that obvious?

The fact that the pre-release review of those email messages recently released appears to have been done by Clinton’s lawyers and not by the State Department or Congress is a mere coincidence.  It’s understandable that they’d conduct such a review, since emails from her private account for that time are particularly sensitive; this was also the time that Clinton’s close aide Huma Abedin was obtaining her “special exemption” to work for Clinton as both a government employee and an employee of the Clinton foundation.  We all know that was completely legit and aboveboard.  Besides – Clinton’s lawyers would never put protecting their client’s interests ahead of fully disclosing the truth!

No, chicanery, political CYA, or obstruction couldn’t possibly have been the reason for the lack of independent review, or for the gap covering May and June.  No Clinton would ever withhold information, fail to testify fully, or shade the truth about a material issue of fact.  Her husband’s conduct while POTUS proves that.  So does her own past conduct while First Lady and afterwards – as well as while a member of the House Judiciary Committee investigating the Watergate Scandal.

No, nothing to see here at all; we’re done here. Next topic!

In fact, how about everybody just leave the lady alone.  I mean, really – she barely has time to get a $600 hairstyle in NYC these days due to all of these impertinent questions!   And because of the crush, her doing so requires so much security that it means a rather large building has to be put on virtual lockdown!  But like her husband proved at the LA International Airport years ago:  getting a reasonably-priced haircut of is necessary from time to time, so she simply has to do it!


(Yeah, the above is sarcasm.  Anyone who’d swallow all of that at face value has my sympathy.)

Category: Satire, Terror War

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I just cannot fathom the depths of depravity that these people have. They stand against everything there is to stand on for the good of the country.
I, like so many others am sick and tired of the DC horseshit crowd.

Pinto Nag



Then push people you know to vote AGAINST this bitch.

I couldn’t figure out why she’s the only candidate, when 16 people and Trump have thrown the hat into the ring, and then, in the midst of mixing cookie dough, I figured it out.

sKerry is lining up to challenge her. You don’t have to agree with that, but think about it.

Whatever, if people you know are grumbling about this bitch, tell them to vote AGAINST her. Period.


Plausible, Ex. I’ve read, and heard, that her horrendous numbers are causing the powers that be, Soros, cough, to lean on Fauxchahontas and/or sKerry or, even Algore, to get into the fray before it’s too late.


That lying communist bitch did not COME CLEAN on anything, you can bet your ass she screened the crap out of everything before she gave it to them! She is a disgusting p.o.s.!!


Let’s see. That’s roughly 60 days or 86,400 minutes. For reference, Nixon’s gap in his tapes was 18.5 minutes. So, Hillary’s gap is 4,678 times bigger than Nixon’s and the press could care less. SMH..


…” Hillary’s gap is 4,678 times bigger than Nixon’s”….?

Um, yeah.


OMG … I can’t believe what I have just learned!

This will come in handy!



Tricky Dick forgot to turn on the microphone for the tape recorder.


He was so dead set on recording everything that it’s too odd that no modern sound technicians can get anything off of it at all. They’ve tried repeatedly. If it had been erased, they’d be able to get something out of it, and there is nothing there

That’s why I think the tape was running, but he forgot to turn on the mike, because back then, you had to turn on the microphone ahead of starting the tape.


Well, as you point on, Nixon was barely mechanical enough to turn the thing on, and the precise amount of dialogue recorded and then erased had to done by someone who knew exactly where to start the erasure and where to stop it.

If it was erased that many times, I doubt that Nixon did it himself. I would be inclined to believe that he it was done by someone who knew exactly how to do that, either in the military or in civil service, and frankly, the MOPIC department at the Navy Photo Center is the only place I can think of where that might have happened. I say this, because before I left in 1970, there were two new, and very precise editing tables – NOT movieolas – in MOPIC. They were extremely precise, much more so than the Movieola.

The Steenbeck flatbed editing table was capable of high speed and extreme precision, much more so than a tape recorder’s ‘erase’ feature. You mark the spot where you start and stop. It was suitable for exactly this kind of thing. While most of them were used for 35mm film, size did not matter. I saw 16mm and Super8 and 8mm film edited on the Steenbeck.


The Secret Squirrels set up the recording equipment. It was reel-to-reel on a Sony TC800B. The speed was slower than usual. Most important: those reels of magnetic tape would fit on a Steenbeck spindle.


Oh, but think what a mystery novel it would make, if someone (Haig) took the tape over to NPC to someone with a secret clearance, who made a secret dupe of it without Haig knowing about it, and then erased it. It would have to be someone not involved in politics… some anonymous soul.


Most likely it was “hey, you know anyone who knows how to work these things?” “Yeah, got a kid who really understands this stuff” “Get him over here… then figure out a way he’ll keep his mouth shut. You got anything on him?”

Frankie Cee "In the clear"

The comparison between Nixon and Hitlary that I like to point out is that in Nixon’s case, he was covering up his complicity in an election campaign burglary, while Hitlary is covering up Classified material, and her culpability in the lack of security at the Benghazi location. Hers involved lives, while Nixon’s only involved election cycle secret stealing. Apples and Oranges to me.


And you have to ask exactly what is she covering up, and why is she doing so?

Hondo’s obssessed (kidding!) with Nixon and those tapes. I’m not, but what a spy story that would make, wouldn’t it?


I hope that she gets the nomination….and then they *BURN HER TO THE *GROUND*, just like they did the embassy.


If things get really bad for Hillzy, the statement from her will be along the lines of, “a sudden and irreversible medical problem has arisen. Therefore, to spend as much time as I can with my daughter, and her husband and my grand daughter, I am withdrawing from the race for the nomination for POTUS. It has nothing to do with me being a lying, calculating, cold-hearted bitch”.


Yeah, that alleged concussion she had? Total BS! The amount of time that she was ‘out’ was about how long it takes to recover from cosmetic surgery and serious skin treatments like thermophage. She probably had her ass vaccumed, too.


Enough time to recover from the gin-induced drunken fall down, where she hit her noggin. That’s where those goofy glasses she wore came in. She was having eye problems after the fall, and the lens on her left eye was to correct that problem.


Yeah, I’m in a foul mood about this cow, anyway.

Bill M

Hillary lies; water is wet; the Pope is Catholic; wild bears s**t in the woods.

I can’t believe she hasn’t been shamed out of the race by all this. And I can’t believe the Democrat Party is still pushing her. What is wrong with them? Are they so morally out of touch that they can’t see what she is?

Sorry. I just can’t get my mind around how anyone could accept the thought of running, let alone electing someone like that.


“Are they so morally out of touch that they can’t see what she is”? In a word, yes. And, they don’t care.

Mr. Blue

I’m wondering where is the talent pool on the Democrats side?
I would speculate that the Clintons have pretty much suppressed any up & coming politicians with potential in order to clear the decks for Hilliary… they failed to do the same in 2008.


Oh, you small people have to catch up with the times …

Nothing to see here, move along, let the adults deal with this issue …

In an attempt to clear this distraction up, let me remind you what SEC Clinton had to say about this issue a little while ago …

2/17 Air Cav

Hillary approximating the width of her ass, by half.

B Woodman

Wrong hole. The OTHER hole down there.
(pass the mind bleach, STAT)


What difference does it make? Those people asked her for help way ahead of the attack. They knew it was coming. She ignored their requests. She was their supervisor. She was responsible for them and for what happened to them. Their blood is on her hands.

She has no conscience, you see, so none of it matters… to her.


Referring to her as “SEC Clinton” does not do her justice, as she was the liberal Secretary of State! Or, LSOS if you prefer.


BTW …. There is a wee little thing I just picked up at the Daily Beast …

Uma wife of selfie taking Weiner was promoted during this same time period and was the one who controlled the data!

But what do we wee little people know ….

2/17 Air Cav

Yeah, I saw that. She was hired bu Wide Load as a ‘special government employee’–freeing her from some of the ethics issues that would otherwise apply. Cute.

2/17 Air Cav

Private citizen H. “Wide Load” Clinton continues to be treated as if she were still a member of the oBaMa team. Her campaign says that she will testify on 22 October but her attorney is still talking terms. WTH? Will she not be under oath AGAIN? The very question of whether she will be testifying on that date (some Repubs say nothing is firm) signals that no subpoena was issued, either for her body or the server. This is all horseshit.


And yet, the odds are still about 60-40 in her favor of being our next President. Don’t believe it? Who else would likely be the Dem nominee? And the Democrat nominee can reliably count on at least 200 electoral votes from the get go (I consider that a conservative estimate BTW).

So, what does that say about how far our country has fallen? Hondo’s post hasn’t even touched on the shenanigans involving “fundraising” at the Clinton foundation, but she is still chugging along towards the nomination in spite of all that is, or at least should be, widespread public knowledge.

2/17 Air Cav

And her main opposition is a socialist. I think we need to start another country, using the Constitution as our starting point and foundation. One change though: This time around, the Supreme Court is limited to those powers specified in the Constitution. Oh, and the number of jurists will be an even number, maybe eight or ten. This way a tie will maintain the status quo and no sonovabitch gets to hold sway. Yeah, this is dreamland and I’m liking it.


We don’t need another country. We need to get rid of political dynasties and open people’s eyes and ears.


Here are a bunch of guys that really don’t like Hillary:

Climb to Glory

Those guys are some real Rhodes Scholars. Probably all future OPM employees.


Employees? Hell, they’ll be SES level supervisors.


And let’s take a trip back to those whacky good times in the early 2000’s …


Hell yeah, and love me some Vince Foster anomalies too!


But… but… she said she didn’t know anything in her e-mail was classified! What is going on here? Sa-a-a-y, do youse guys know something we shouldn’t know?

Real question: what is she really afraid of?

I want to see this slime stumble and fail so badly that she will never recover.



OK, continue …


N-O. NO!


Tom Brady (Red Sox QB suspension), Mike Huckabee (oven door comment controversy), and Walter Palmer (Cecil the Lion slayer) have mostly sucked up the airwaves today anyway.

Just an Old Dog

Red Sox Quarterback……


Im still stuck on that too


Neither of the Clintons could come clean, even with the assistance of 1000 professional cleaners using pressure washers, thousands of gallons of bleach, and spermicide.

Frankie Cee Confederate Partisan

And what is Hitlary pushing as a distraction during her campaign for POTUS? One reader here has it down pat, and may share that with all of us. And, it is a distraction that those who would vote for her will love, (Suggesting more of what appears to be a free ride, but really won’t be.).


Wait for it. I have a small bit of editing to do, and I will submit it.


13 Hours: The Secret …

The trailer is out for the movie based on Septemeber 2014 book that sheds the truth about the clusterfucht and the men who defied orders to save their team mates, recover dead and wounded and secure the compounds …

They were told not to go!

From my friends at the most FABULOUS Hollywood web site:


Will it have magnificent show tunes?


For you morons who don’t know how to use the Google.web:


Thanks for linking that Chief. I didn’t even know about it, but now I do.

B Woodman

Clinton(s)? Come clean?
There ain’t enough soap and water in the entire history of the world to do that.

Just an Old Dog

The last time a Clinton “Came clean” there was a blue dress, a cigar and an intern involved……


Yep, and cyberbullying Victim Zero was born.

Hack Stone

Almost as good as another Elton John parody that was posted on this blog a little over two years ago.


I WANT a Clinton and O’Malley ticket.

Same as the democrats want a Trump and Palin ticket.

In the event that the democrats come up with a decent (electable) alternative, I hope that Bernie stays in the race. In fact it might be fun if both sides had a split ticket. Imagine Trump and Graham and Clinton and Sanders all running for president. Should I have posted a spew alert?

Enough sarcasm. Here is what I really want. The republican / conservative candidates to explain slowly and clearly what their platforms are and show respect for each other. In the convention we will pick one and I want every other candidate to convince his supporters to move their support to the nominee. That convincing part is a lot harder when the candidates treat each other like shit. If Bob loses the nomination and his supporters do not support the nominee, that is fewer votes on the conservative side and that is bad.

It is that Reagan thing – “I won’t hold my opponent’s youth and inexperience against him.” I suppose that it is too late for this.


You want civilized discourse in a period of history when everyone and his uncle are in a pissing match about which way the wind blows?

(Heavy sigh.) Even gekkos have dreams.

Hack Stone

Let me see if I understand the situation. She conducted all of her duties using her own server instead of one under control of the State Department, and during that entire time she never received or sent any email containing classified information? So what the hell was she doing during her term? And no one at the State Department, particularly the SSO shop, noticed emails going back and forth to her server? Of course, she did not realize that this violated policy, since their is no record of completing mandatory Information Assurance training, the same training that all of us military, civilian workers and contractors have to complete every year, or they will suspend our accounts. I guess that at this point, what difference does it make?


Damn, I am so deeply disturbed this evening. Until tonight I had always believed every word the Clinton’s said. Now I suppose you’re going to ruin my entire life and tell me there’s no Santa, no Tooth Fairy, and Richard Nixon was not an honest man. You miserable sadistic punishers; right for the jugular vein you head with no warning. Have you no sympathy for an old feller? The way you’ve ruined my day, probably tomorrow I’ll awaken to find out one of our German Shepherds is a lesbian. The girl one at that! I can’t take it no more!


Bill Clinton also had sex with at least 15 different women while he was Governor of Arkansas. don’t know the actual count of how many while he was President.

We also don’t know how many women Hillary had Sex with while she was the Co-President either.

Sam Naomi

Go get-em Hillary, never mind what the others say about you. You have my vote, even if I am the only person voting for you,
Lol and Kisses, while your thinking up your next lie you can climb under your desk and kiss my ass.

Where the tall corn grows,


Well, if you were a Woman Sam, she probably would crawl up under your desk. Especially if it meant you’d vote for her.


When this witch dies, I get first dibbs on offering a burial site for her. Right in our own back yard. With a fat pig buried there, the likelihood of geehotists trying to take over our property is minimized down to “Not a chance in hell”.


Nothing will ever grow on that spot if you do that.


Top Ten Hillary Clinton Political Moments:


You all realize that H.Clint will probably waltz into the white house, right? Don’t get me wrong – I don’t like her. and wouldn’t vote for he. But much like the prior election there isn’t enough votes to get Trump or even Scott Walker elected. The GOP’s only chance is someone like Jeb, someone where centrist/independent voters will actually cast a ballot for. Romney got every conservative vote out there and got crushed. The GOP MUST make concessions in order to win. Because every damned election the candidate goes too far right and alienates a vast majority of potential republican voters and then we get Obama in office. The same thing will happen again next year, unless the GOP make a an effort to stay as center as possible. Pander to outspoken tea party minority? and we lose yet again. This time we’ll get awarded with another Clinton in office. The GOP needs to practice a little pragmatism.


Yeah, that’s the approach they’ve been using, and it just doesn’t seem to be working. Whenever they do it, they convince more people to stay home from the polls.

Given a choice between a socialist and a socialist-light, why would “independents” vote for the socialist-light who seems so confused, what with all that pandering?

2/17 Air Cav

The more the media shun Cruz and, when they don’t, seek to cast him in a bad light, the more encouraged I am that he is an actual threat to the status quo. Jebinski Bush is the personification of the status quo.

2/17 Air Cav

Well, it’s time. Wide Load is to appear today at 10:00 a.m. to testify regarding Benghazi. This go ’round she will be under oath and this time she is an official candidate for president, so it should be interesting. Get this. According to ABC News (online) Wide Load may be sworn in private. Private? This isn’t a swearing-in ceremony. She is a private citizen and she may be sworn in private? I guess that being required to swear to tell the truth is demeaning. After all, doesn’t she always tell the truth? Besides, ‘what difference does it make now?’