VA psychiatrist in forum discussion: “Off yourself”

| July 29, 2015

Bobo sends us a link from The Blaze which reports that this fellow, Gregg Gorton, a VA psychiatrist, according to his Facebook profile, in a discussion about guns on the Washington Times, told a pro-gun support that he should “off yourself”. The Washington Times says that he regrets the statement now;

“It’s just one of those moments you’d rather take back in your life,” Gorton told The Associated Press. “I’ve worked 30 years to treat psychiatric patients. I teach about suicide prevention. … That’s not me.”

Then who the f*** was it Greggy? At the Military Times, they report that Gorton doesn’t consider himself a gun-control activist.

Well, that’s pretty radical response for someone isn’t a gun control fascist.

Especially someone who could indiscriminately take gun owning rights from veterans.

There’s a culture thing that needs to change at the VA. Thanks for illustrating that for us, Greg.

Category: Veterans' Affairs Department

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Bingo, Jonn.

The problems at the VA aren’t resources, facilities, or in general good people. IMO most of their healthcare folks are quite decent, this tool excepted.

The problems at the VA fall IMO mainly in 3 areas: missions, leadership, and culture. And yes, those last two are definitely related.


Very well stated. One of the big problems driving all three areas is senior leadership having an annual bonus tied to performance measures. They have to make the numbers fit to get more money. Eliminate that system and I believe there would be an overall improvement. Relating annual pay increases into customer (veteran) and employee satisfaction surveys could be a positive motivator. If people would just do the right thing to start with. Guess that makes me delusional. Can I get 40% for that?

Just an Old Dog

Then they will figure out a way to manipulate surveys…


Psychiatrists are NUTS…sometime do a study of the profession with the highest rate of suicide…you will find them right there at the top!

Pinto Nag

Just because we have the right to say what we want, doesn’t absolve us of the responsibility to control ourselves. The doctor was wrong with what he said, but so was the gun-owner who was goading him. There is no honor on either side of this argument. Even a gentle dog will snap at you if you kick them in the ribs hard enough. The keyboard warriors out there need to control their emotions enough to stay civil.


I agree, but, the shrink although being goaded knows you don’t say something like that to ANYONE.
I had to see a shrink after a very horrible plane crash I was not in. I was having anxiety about the body parts, etc, to the point of chest pains my kid thought was a heart attack. They called 911, because my whole body hurts and hands, legs arms contorted into weird positions. Thank god the doc on duty was a friend. A shot of valium IV had me walking out in a couple of hours. It was a full blown panic attack.
I told the shrink and he said NOBODY DIES OF A PANIC ATTACK. Have you ever had one? No! The only way I could explain it to him is “a Cop comes to your door and tells you your whole family was killed in a car crash” the feeling in your gut, heart beats faster, sweating, etc. Oh but that’s not going to happen to me. I could only say I pray it doesn’t. I never went back and got another one that was connected to my work.
A VA doctor who hasn’t seen or been in the field shouldn’t be allowed to treat those that have. As for the other doctor, his son was diagnosed with cancer, but survived. I wrote him a card saying I was so happy his son was in remission and wished them my best. A week later a got a plant delivery from him. On the card he wrote “I’m sorry, I UNDERSTAND” I never wished ill will to him, but I bet he’s a different shrink from the experience.

Pinto Nag

When I worked as a Nurse’s Aide, we had a doctor from California, who was on vacation in the area, admitted to our hospital for emergency surgery (gallbladder attack). He was a surgeon in California. I helped get him ready for surgery, and when I worked that floor a couple of days later, he was still there, recovering post-op. I didn’t know he was a doctor when I helped get him ready for surgery, but found that out later, and so I apologized to him when I saw him the next time for “talking down” to him before his surgery, in the simpler language I used for lay people, so they knew what was about to happen. I’ll never forget what he said in response. He told me that even though he’d been a surgeon for years, he’d never been a patient in a hospital before. He said that he didn’t realize, until it happened to him, that every time he wrote an order for blood work, that it meant his patient was going to get stuck with a needle. It just never occurred to him. He said he didn’t realize how frightening it was to lay in that bed and realize your life was in someone else’s hands. And he said, far from feeling “talked down to,” he found my down-to-earth manner caring and comforting. He told me that his experience in our hospital was one he was going to carry back to his own hospital, and use it to make HIS patient’s experience under his care a better one. Doctors are human. They’re highly trained in their various fields, but that doesn’t make them any better or smarter in some ways, than any of us. You made a good point at using a doctor who’s ‘been there,’ for treatment of emotional trauma. There’s an old saying in horsemanship that fits here: no matter how many books you’ve read, you aren’t a horseman until you swing your leg over a horse. There are times when real life experience is far more important than any book learning and degree you… Read more »


and never ever forget that half the doctors you met graduated in the bottom 50% of their classes, too.


The culture ain’t gonna change because we’re not willing to do what’s required to force that change… and the domestic enemy knows that for a fact.

Pinto Nag

You have brought up an interesting point: Control. Starting in the late 1950’s, and working in earnest in the 1960’s, the progressives gained control of two things: the media and our educational structure. It was a deliberate move, and and a shrewd one. That is why our nation now teeters on the 51%-49% split on almost every issue we face today. Television is a tremendously powerful medium, and who spends most of the day with your children? Teachers. These are the areas that are the bedrock of the progressive agenda that is mutilating this nation. How do we ‘force change’? Regain control of the mass media and our schools.

farmgirl with a mosin nagant

This is one of the many reasons why I want to home-school.


Me and my wife came to that conclusion before our daughter was born. And the crazy thing is anytime you get in a argument with one of our Tucson liberals. One of the first things they love to say is (you must be home schooled) ! !
Like WTF. Kind of comment is that ????


Here’s a response to that question, Skippy:

“No, I can just think critically, and can think for myself. Please give my regards to the rest of the Borg.”

Then walk away.


Is there something about the internet that destroys tact and good manners? I can be as bad as anyone else, but only when I think it’s appropriate. Even then, I may just write it and then delete it. Once you post it, you can’t take it back.

It isn’t paper. It can’t be shredded or burned.

2/17 Air Cav

“Dr. Gregg Gorton said his comment was meant to be sarcastic….” I guess the guy who says he is not Dr. Gregg Gorton needs to look up the word sarcasm in a dictionary.


If you have to say “I was joking” or “it was sarcasm” you shouldn’t say it.


Exactly ?


Disagree. Sometimes a caustic and sarcastic reply is the best way to get someone’s attention, or is fully merited.

However, these days you really should identify sarcasm when used. There are so many fools with Internet access today that it’s a virtual guarantee someone will otherwise take any very obviously sarcastic statement literally.


Lead by example.


My Brother-in-Law just posted this on Facebook. At first I thought it was satire. Sadly it was not.


The bonus system at the VA should work like this: If you do your job, you keep your job.


Whoops should have been a reply to OldSarge, not a stand alone. My mind must be going from neutron bombardment LOL

Friend S. Wilkins

But the good doctor was only being sarcastic!


There’s a simple way to avoid all the drama. Stay the hell off FB! Look at all of us who post on this site. Some times we disagree, but no one makes a big issue out of anything. Unless of course, we are discussing some shitbag who has created a life that existed only in their own mind. That plus the MF’s who take advantage of vets; seldom is heard an ill word of exchange of different opinions. But then again, we don’t give a rat’s ass what another had for breakfast or where they went for their daily enema. IMO, FB is an invitation for drama queens to make the life of someone else theirs to critique and gossip over lunch.


Oops, got so ill with the FB rant that I got off kilter with the real issue. If only those of us who have to occasionally interact with the VA shrinks could share some of the happenings with a few “special” characters in their ranks. That would be the kind of drama you’d find on FB!


Sometimes people piss you off on the internet and you say stupid crap.


Anyone that immature has no business calling themselves a professional. Someone who treats suicidal persons certainly should never tell a human being to off themselves no matter the circumstances.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Will the VA fire him?

Will they report him to the state Medical Board for disciplinary action?

Will they notify any professional groups that he is a member of about his actions?

Will the University of Pennsylvania fire or dismiss him?

I think we know the answers to the above questions?