Robert “Pegleg” Jones in the news
Back in March, we met Robert Joseph “Pegleg” Jones through our friends at Guardian of Valor. He pretended to be a wounded Army Ranger, when actually he was an entry-level separation after about a month in the Army who actually lost his leg during an accident at his civilian occupation.
Well, Top Kone sends us a link to his latest escapade. I guess he saw a fellow who he thought was shoplifting, so he fired a couple of rounds from his handgun into the fellow’s car.
Jones told police that the man got into a van and “appeared to reach for a gun,” according to the arrest report. Jones further told police that he did pull a gun.
At that point, police say Jones told them he got out of his truck, shoved a loaded magazine into his own gun and chambered a round. He then allegedly fired two or three rounds at the white male because he, “looked like he was trying to squeeze off a round.”
Jones told officers the man drove his van northbound on New Cut Road — and that the van should have two bullet holes in the hood.
Police say they found three .40 caliber shell casings at the scene, and recovered a .40 caliber handgun from Jones.
Jones was arrested and charged with one count of first degree wanton endangerment.
I can just hear Pegleg Jones tell the judge how his four weeks of military training in Drill & Ceremony and Law of Land Warfare just kicked in and he couldn’t help himself.
Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures
That’s being Nice 🙂
I’m afraid to say what I’m thinking because I’ll have to report myself
This boy needs years of training to get UP to shit-for-brains!
He’s definitely a piece of Dutch Rudder Gang/APL material!
He is definitely a storm trooper for them, I sent the four down by Ft H. Shooting pen Flairs and mortars would love to attach one to his fourth point of contact and watch him light up
Spent the fourth. Damn spell check
Wanna make his eyes light up? Just shine a flashlight in his ear! 😀
Approved! ! ! !
What a *GIANT* dumbass.
Go big or go home.
He’s lucky the guy didn’t have a gun and ventilate him, or maybe use the van in self defense and squish him like a bug on the hood.
I’d have run his fat ass over.
and then Backed up to check on him, seeing that he was maybe dead or injured, I’d have then driven over him at TOP speed, going to get assistance.
I can hear the PTSD defense already.
indeed, I hope someone drops a bug in the ear of the Prosecutors office
My thought too. Between the prosecutor’s office and the judge’s chamber.
He needs to use the defense that Sanchez is using in San Fran: “The gun just fired by itself.”
Yeah, true story. A jury of his San Fran peers will probably believe it too.
Have you actually watched that testimony? The dude acts and talks like that slow mouse from the Speedy Gonzales cartoons.
No I haven’t LOL @ mouse/Speedy.
The gun fired 3 times by itself. Any chance it was Colt SAA or derivative?
I really hate to joke around about a woman’s murder. That Sanchez guy should have been dead yesterday but somehow I bet he lives to a ripe old age.
You mean Slow Poke Rodriguez?
Funny how “You MUST follow ze law of ze land – zat is ze LAW” when it’s Obamacare or gay marriage, but sanctuary cities get a “whatever”.
What is a “sanctuary ordinance”?
Jonesboro called. They say they’ll do without their village idiot until the authorities in Louisville are done with him.
Maybe he could be Joe Teti’s next counterpart.
Bodyguard for Monkress?
More like an employee of “Turd” Bolling at Ambassador Worldwide Protection Agency.
He appears to already have been trained.
STRAIGHT UP——G ! ! ! !
1st Degree Wanton Endangerment, Class D Felony
2 to 7 years imprisonment plus $5,000 fine
There goes HIS right to vote or own a firearm once he’s convicted!
I didn’t know that shoplifting was a capital offense.
It is if your name is Beg Leg. Poser, Turd, Jones…
100 bucks says he is now claiming to be a LEO.
LMAO ! ! ! !
someone needs to contact the Prosecutors office and nip any possible service/PTSD defense in the bud
I’m hearing rumors that the Feds are finally taking this guy seriously.
Always reactive and not proactive go figure LMAO… 🙂
I thought he was peg leg not peg brain….
Square peg, round hole, no brains. Makes sense to me.
Pegleg’s Theme Song by Elvis (1955)
“I Forgot to Remember to Forget”
Once again confirming that being a shitbag poser is indicative of other mental issues or propensity for criminal behavior.
I guess he was either asleep or got shit canned before the day they taught the definition of “deadly force”.
Memo to Stumpy: Was your life in danger? Was anyone else’s life in danger? Was there a violent crime in progress?
No? Have fun with your ass plowing from Bubba and Thor.
Taking potshots at a shoplifter making a getaway, that’s a bucket of Dutch Rudder Gang STOOPID!! I wonder if Bubba & Thor have made him play “Pick up the soap, BITCH!” yet?
It’s not like he’ll be able to run away from them….
I hope they take pleasure occasionally sodomizing him with his own pegleg.
/You know, just for funzies.
I don’t think even Bubba & Thor will touch him.
That boy is so ugly the last time his momma played with him he was still in his daddies balls.
His Momma wouldn’t let him play in the sandbox because cats kept burying him!
Bet you that he’s already been offered the local “pound him in the ass” delicacy… cockmeat sammich with extra mayo!
I can hear it all now, “Sir, judge or…what do they call you around here big guy?”
It’s “Your Honor son”.
“Okay then yer honors ya see it was this PTS I caught from the military. They taught me to kill and to be vigilant and I never let my guard down after that. Otherwise I’d have helped the guy load his groceries and said have a nice day. It’t the PTS I’m tellin ya, the PTS that was doing it, not me!”
The Judge, “Well according to the Prosecutors review of your military records, you must have caught the PTS while you were the latrine queen in boot camp because you didn’t make it much farther than that. So I say, get some help with your self diagnosed PTS and as for the matter before this court today…Guilty As Charged!”
I was diagnosed with PTS (by someone other than myself) and I have yet to start taking pot shots at random strangers. I must be doing the whole PTS thing wrong.
“Jones told officers the man drove his van northbound on New Cut Road — and that the van should have two bullet holes in the hood.”
Well police DID find the van and the man, strangely enough there was no report of theft or shoplifting. There were also ZERO holes in the Van. The man said he feared for his life.
“The PTSD” made him do it… you know it’s the truth… HONEST!
/sarc off
Who the fuck empties clips at people because they are reaching for their seat belt?