“Shelter in place” at Walter Reed
According to local DC news, someone heard a shot fired at the campus of the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland (formerly the Bethesda Naval Hospital). According to the local media, there have been no casualties nor has a shooter been seen. I’m thinking that some joe set off a post-July 4th firecracker, but the local authorities are taking it seriously, as they should;
Armed police were spotted escorting what appeared to be employees out of a building. Employees and members of the media were moved away from the front gate.
A Walter Reed employee tweeted that they were under a “code white.” Another employee told WUSA9 that they practice “code white,” the code for an active shooter, each year. An employee who called into WUSA9 said that she did not hear any shot but that she had gotten the alert for a code white and was in a secure building. She also said that she felt that there needed to be more drills.
Chief Tango sends us a link to the live stream if that kind of stuff mesmerizes you;
12:57 PM; Nevermind – they’re standing down now.
Category: Breaking News
Probably a firecracker.
Cool. FIRST!!!
Why is it no longer Bethesda??
They started calling it National Naval Medical Center… probably because some heathen were offended by the implication(s) of Bethesda–it’s sort of Old Testament and Christian related. Libs really hate that sort of thing.
t’s official name is now the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center–Bethesda. It’s currently commande by an Army general, by the way. The Army folks call it Walter Reed, the Navy folks still call it Bethesda.
…meanwhile in someone’s “home” town, 40 people were shot and 7 killed. Any takers on who was doing the shooting and whether the weapons were registered. Anyone? Buehler?
Can’t be Chicago. Guns are illegal there.
All clear now. No indication of shots fired or injuries.
I’d rather have the authorities rush in and find nothing than say, “Again?? maybe we’ll send a unit when we have time…” While some nutjob shoots up the place.
The “workplace muslim” that murdered and shot anyone he could at Ft. Hood graduated from the military medical school, just down the street from the location reported in the story. I think it used to be called USSHS–Uniformed Services School of Health Sciences?
Where will the weasels pull their next training exercise, Andrews? Pentagon? There are only about six major roads in or out of the metro area.
The islams have already left their calling card at the CIA HQ.
UniformedServices University of the Health Sciencs. It’s on the same campus. They used to call it USUHS, which could also be called “useless,” so they changed it to USU, for Uniformed Services University. And Hasan had not one, but two degrees from there–an MD and an MPH.
The DC government pulled that “active shooter” stunt last Friday, in morning rush hour, at the Navy Yard in DC. Now, it sounds like they are pulling a similar stunt in one of the most congested areas on Wisconsin Avenue.
Call it whatever they want, that was Bethesda Naval Hospital, Walter Reed was located between Georgia Ave./Alaska Ave/16th Street, NW when I was stationed there, a beautiful campus, just above Rock Creek Parkway.
By any means, may it be that no one was injured during or as a result of the “incident.”
Another non-event. Don’t get me wrong. I am certainly glad that it was a false alarm. But, like the Navy Yard non-event the other day, I guess everyone will be rushing to the podium to say what a swell job they did and to congratulate one another. It all works out in disaster drills absent a disaster just as the targets never shoot back on a firearm range.
I cast my vote for the last M-80 some guy had left over.
Everyone wants ore drill until somebody(like me) tries to plan them and then it’s the usual “well as long as we get our lunch break and it doesn’t effect normal ops and oh this section/group won’t be able to participate.”
On another note; shelter in place is the last thing you want for an active shooter, “lockdown” is the term that s normally used.
Should be “more drills” damn eyboard.!
I was actually there when it happened. I was in a waiting area, a staff member grabbed me, another patient, and his service dog and took us into her office, locked the door, turned off the lights, and turned off her computer. She said the intent, per training, was to make the office look unoccupied. And so we sat for the next three and a half hours. And the service dog snored and talked in his sleep.
To add insult to injury, they closed the hospital after the all clear was given, and it took me thirty minutes to get out of the parking garage. But I agree, I ould rather they overreact than undereact.
Yeah, I like that. Let’s see, it’s a business day, there’s an office or a suite, it’s dark, the computers are off–no, no one could possibly be in there! That’s brilliant. As someone else wrote, to shelter in place is to die in place. No bad guy would ever think to turn on the lights or just shoot the shit out of the cubicles. Now, if you said that two people in every suite were armed, I’d say you had a chance.
And in other news, several Chicago residents called police to report loud banging noises this weekend. Once reassured that what they were hearing were not illegal fireworks but were in fact gun shots, they expressed grateful relief.
If you want to know the real story behind this incident, stroll on over to my FaceBook page. Since Jonn has enough to deal with lately, I decided to not post it here.
Could it be someone calling in “fake” attacks to see how they are responded to now,after the Navy yard shooting? I mean hasn’t there been threats against anyone in uniform or calls for attacks on anyone in uniform? Could be someone is trying to get more organized. Just what popped into my pea brain.
No, they identified th person who made the call, it was a hospital employee who thought they heard a gunshot inside the bulding. The individual was interviewed by the police. I suspect it was overreaction to a loud noise.
“Shelter in place” means die right here.