Obama to get update on war against ISIS

| July 6, 2015

The Associated Press reports that the President, that Obama fellow. is going to make a trip to the Pentagon today to get an update on the war against those bloody murdering fellows in Iraq and Syria who we occasionally call ISIS. Oh, by the way, ten months into the deployment of US troops to the region, this Obama fellow will supposedly outline a strategy for the war. I can’t help but think the media and the stank-ass hippies wouldn’t give a Republican president ten months to figure out a strategy after a deployment. In fact, I remember the stank-ass hippies protesting the war against Afghanistan a few weeks after 9-11 and weeks before the first US boot hit the ground there.

President Barack Obama is making a rare visit to the Pentagon to get an update from military leaders on the campaign against the Islamic State.

Obama’s meetings follow a wave of weekend airstrikes by the U.S.-led coalition in eastern Syria. The coalition says it was one of the most sustained aerial operations carried out in Syria to date.

Yeah, our “most sustained aerial operations” killed ten whole ISIS members, so great job!

From ABCNews;

IS said at least 10 people were killed and many others wounded in the attacks which activists said triggered successive explosions that shook the city and created panic among residents. The U.S.-led coalition often targets IS-held towns and cities in Syria, but the overnight strikes on Raqqa were rare in their intensity.

In a statement, the coalition said it carried out 18 airstrikes throughout Raqqa province, destroying a number of IS vehicles and 16 bridges. An earlier statement said the attacks also destroyed vital IS-controlled structures and transit routes in Syria.

“The significant airstrikes tonight were executed to deny Daesh the ability to move military capabilities throughout Syria and into Iraq,” said coalition spokesman Lt. Col. Thomas Gilleran, using the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State group.

“This was one of the largest deliberate engagements we have conducted to date in Syria, and it will have debilitating effects on Daesh’s ability to move” from Raqqa, he said.

Yeah, at this rate, we should have them down to just a few hundred thousand in no time.

It was just a few weeks ago that President Obama criticized the Pentagon for not having a clear strategy in the war. The Pentagon answered that they gave to the President several options and he hadn’t come back with an answer to their proposals. I guess that’s why we have a meeting today, you know, during the second rotation of US troops to Iraq.

Category: Terror War

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Ahem, It’s ISIL, not ISIS says Barry.


I think this meeting today is just to agree on what to call the goat loving bastards we are at war with. ISIS, ISIL, IS, Daesh, Islamic extremists, or “mean bullies”.

Once there is an agreement on that, watch out. Could get ugly.


You left out ‘random killers’ and ‘troubled disadvantaged youths’.


and,,,, guys just needing jobs!


These are obamas buddies, and one of their spawn, a 14 year old, just blew himself up along with 50 other people!! Should make obama proud!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Waging a high tech war against a low tech opponent is never as cost effective as those in favor of the high tech solution would like you to believe. I’m still in favor of a fairly low-tech solution like napalm…although FAEs aren’t a bad second choice…

That said we’re not actually waging any war here we’re just once again pissing in the wind without a strategy.

You are correct in stating those stank-ass hippies would have been screaming and protesting every day over a Republican waiting ten months to outline what the hell our troops are doing there and why we have them there. Obama gets more than a little latitude from the media.

We need to get the hell out of there or get in there and finish this fucking mess once and for all…without a plan I’m a firm believer in letting it all go to hell and then working out whatever deal works best for us when they are done exterminating each other.

But that’s me…and my opinions are generally not in the popular vernacular.


I’m with you

B Woodman

“Waging a high tech war against a low tech opponent is never as cost effective as those in favor of the high tech solution would like you to believe. I’m still in favor of a fairly low-tech solution like napalm…although FAEs aren’t a bad second choice…”

Ok – I give up. What is an FAE? I tried to look it up, but got nothing pertaining to the current conversation.

Second – How about “Bouncing Bettys” (or other land mines), set to trigger only over a predetermined “adult” weight. If you’re a child or small animal, no problem.
Low tech enough for ya?


FAE – Fuel Air Explosive….fairly nasty and effective weapon


Is that like a F.A.R.T plus lighter?


Actually, it kinda is! Just fookin’ huge!


B Woodman, on my man, you should see one deployed. It will warm your heart indeed. I saw the “jungle cutter” C-130 dropped, FAE’s in Vietman. Man, could they cut a swath out of the jungle in a microsecond or what! An instant helo landing zone at your disposal.


Is that kind of like the flameballs they’ve been experimenting with on the space station? Some sort of incendiary device that could be rained down on a planet full of invading Snakes?
Come on, Sparks, I need some imaginary weapons so that I can win the Dragon Wars!


Come on, they are only the JV Team…


That’s no way to refer to King Barry’s krew.


They aren’t even on the level of the Freshman team. More like the taxi squad or Arena Football…


I hope someone posts a picture of Obama’s surprised face when he’s told someone is waging a war on ISIS…


Theoretically he knows. He just isn’t sure what “ISIS” “war” or “foreign policy” are. Although I hear he has some vague notion that the last term is somehow similar to the word “apologize”.


Knowing the Apologist/Muslim-in-Chief, he’ll finally agree to call them “misunderstood freedom fighters”!

2/17 Air Cav

“Here’s the update, Mr. President. Good is losing to evil. Any questions, sir?”

E-6 type, 1 ea

I know this is a basic question, and you have to understand that it’s based of my lack of experience in these matters, but…



Standard response: “It’s complicated”

Standard implicit non-answered question: “Who made it that way?”


Goals are for rigid people who aren’t adaptable to nuanced changing situations and who are trying to do something. We and our way are superior and we don’t need goals.

/sarc <– in case it wasn't blindingly obvious.

Did I show you my new plan for improving the country? Did you know that we spend almost $700 billion a year on the DOD? Think of what we could do with all that money if we just put off that, "provide for the common defense" thing. Small change; big payoff!

/sarc <– in case it wasn't blindingly obvious.


If the assclown in chief ever bothered to attend his daily security briefings, there’d be no need for a trip to the pentagon. I’d be surpised if he could formulate a strategy to piss standing up!


1 Slide; 1 bullet Power Point briefing to Barry:



Some demented soul threatened last week to shoot bodaprez. When he was arrested, he told the police he absolutely planned to carry out that intention. (Do I have that backwards?)

Considering that this jackass (for whom I did NOT vote) is likely to go down in history as the worst F/U president EVAH, I would have to say that he’s not worth the cost ($.29) of a .9 round of Luger ammo and should be allowed to fade away into the anus of Time.

Should an actual crisis arise before the elections next year and before January 2017, I suggest that all of us take steps to acquire and store what we think we need to avert disaster – basically, whatever your favorite thing is to buy, get it while it’s cheap and use coupons wherever you can. I will say, however, that in any recent crises, things have functioned as they should have without the presence of bodaprez, so it’s possible that he could just vacate that seat in the Oval Office and go play golf, and no one would really notice.


I am pretty sure that he already has hit the links… Jarrett runs the White House, giving Barry time to work on his game.


In my opinion, the phrase “fade away into the anus of time” is a divinely inspired description. You have said a lot of excellent things but that is truly superior.

Could I be privileged to know why you rejected “into the sphincter of time”? Too vague? “Lower intestine” doesn’t flow but “colon” could have been a contender.


I really do not know exactly why I used that. It just popped out of me.


Wait, so he took off time from a planned golf game to go have bootlickers kiss his ass and tell him that he’s the best pResident in history? You know that they won’t give him any actual information.

Who cares that ISIS how has the land, manpower, and funding of a small country. He said they were the JV team and nobody has the balls to tell him otherwise, because they know they would get canned 5 minutes after… or called a racist and canned.


What didn’t surprise me was, “President Barack Obama is making a rare visit to the Pentagon to get an update from military leaders…”

He’s the first President to NOT make regular visits to the Pentagon. Rare is f’ing RIGHT! He’ll come out with the same Muslim apologist rhetoric he always does, just spun in over the right side of the plate instead of the left.

Pinto Nag

Does Obama know where the Pentagon is? We wouldn’t want him to get lost and end up on a golf course somewhere…


He’s got Marine 1 to get him there, they know the way. And, there’s room for his clubs, if the meeting goes fast.

2/17 Air Cav

He got his update and says that ISIS is global (Hello. Knock-knock. anybody in there? Hello.) Oh, and he says that “we” will prevail. When he says “we” does he mean…no, I guess not.


‘we’ means he has a mouse in his pocket, Air Cav.


Coming through the tunnels via Mexico big enough for a 18 wheeler that pulls three containers. Are we just a bit concerned about them coming. I know people with bunkers way down low with everything that is needed to survive underground for 100 people for ten years. We started this after 9-11 and each person is a specialist in certain areas.
People who are not concerned should be. I wouldn’t want to be out there when they come. Our we paranoid OR prepared?

2/17 Air Cav

Gosh. I’d give anything just to hear him say Pock-E-stan one more time.


Anything? Gosh you’re easy…


ISIS aka ISIL are beyond crazy, nuts, murdering scum. On a Christian site a video was smuggled out showing men being took to admit they were spies. Then four put in a cage and drowned. Ten sat in a row as a asshole wrapped their necks with wire attached to bombs. They watched laughing at the INNOCENTS as each head was blown off one by one. How can anyone be so shitty against anyone who doesn’t believe in their God or rules of the hated of AMERICANS. My God, send in the BEST AND BLOW THEM STRAIGHT TO HELL. I have a strong stomach but this was….


I keep telling myself ‘This, too, shall pass’.

It’s like paying off a bill. You know the last day is coming. You can see it on the horizon. It isn’t as distant as you thought it was… and then, the elections came up and I was SO disappointed.


Him getting this update is like me getting an update on what my wife is making for dinner tonight.

It’s great info, but I ain’t going to do sh!t with it except eat it,


Well, HE is right. HE defeated ISIL….because there is, and has never been, no fucking ISIL. It is ISIS!!! Everyone in the world…including ISIS (and the tolleybon) but shit-for-brains and his toadies know this.

I’d like to sing Barry a Hymn. Hondo knows the words.