Brady Center to pay expenses of Lucky Gunner

| June 29, 2015

The Washington Times reports that in their case against Lucky Gunner, the Brady Center has been ordered by the judge in the case to pay the ammo dealer’s legal expenses. Lucky Gunner was the company that sold ammo to the Aurora theater murderer;

The Brady Center had argued in their suit that the way Lucky Gunner sells ammunition is “unreasonably dangerous and create a public nuisance.” “A crazed, homicidal killer should not be able to amass a military arsenal, without showing his face or answering a single question, with the simple click of a mouse,” Brady Center’s Legal Action Project Director Jonathan Lowy said at the time.

The judge, Richard P. Matsch, dismissed the case against a legitimate business, selling legal products to the public, accusing the Brady Center of propagandizing the issue;

“It is apparent that this case was filed to pursue the political purposes of the Brady Center and, given the failure to present any cognizable legal claim, bringing these defendants into the Colorado court where the prosecution of James Holmes was proceeding appears to be more of an opportunity to propagandize the public and stigmatize the defendants than to obtain a court order,” he said in his order.

I’m sure this won’t slow down the Brady Center and their attempts to disarm the law-abiding public, though. They’re not playing with their own money, so it doesn’t matter.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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AW1 Tim


I read this earlier. I know it’s only 1 win over those gun-grabbing morons, but these days I’ll celebrate every one that comes along.


Next time that Idiot Sarah Brady and the rest of her babboons can sue the miners that mined the copper, and maybe the lead miners…how about the chemists that made the gunpowder? These people are out of their ever loving minds and need to be put away in a nice quiet padded room imho!

Drag Racing Maniac

“Next time that Idiot Sarah Brady and the rest of her babboons can sue the miners”

She ain’t suing anyone… she is currently pushing up daisies.


Desert, you really do need to spend more time on TAH, perusing the articles about attention whoring. The Brainless Bunch is a group of attention whores who will seize a straw floating in a pond to make their point.
It’s all about grabbing the spotlight, and not much else.

B Woodman

Anything to throw a wrench in the Brady’s gears is a plus.
Just go back to your original name, HCI, Handgun Control Inc. Makes more sense, and shows your true colors.


I beg to differ, B Woodman.

If they were trying to show their true colors, they’d call themselves “Confiscators Anonymous”.

A Proud Infidel®™

Confiscators UNANIMOUS would be a much more truthful name!


The bias of the Brainless Bunch seems to lean toward the misconception that the ‘right to own a gun’ means ‘must own a gun’, which we all know is not true.

Brady’s job actually was to take a bullet aimed at the President, which he did. No one forced him to take that job, which was a dangerous one from the get-go. Blaming a piece of machined metal instead of its user for what happened to him was and still is a despicable way to take advantage of someone who could barely speak for himself.

I don’t doubt for even one second that his widow ever had any other thought in her pointy little head than how to capitalize on that attempt on Reagan, who caught a bullet, too.


Um, Ex-PH2 . . . Brady was Reagan’s Press Secretary. I don’t belive that job generally is thought to include “take a bullet for the POTUS if and when required” in its description.

You’re probably thinking of Secret Service agent Timothy McCarthy – who did indeed shield Reagan with his body during the attack. He was struck in the abdomen, but recovered fully. He’s now the Chief of Police for Orland Park, IL.


Sorry, my bad, Hondo. For some reason, I thought Brady was secret squirrel. I don’t know why I got that mixed up with Delaharty.


But I will add that being around any President was then and stiil is a dangerous job where all those around him are in harm’s way.


Agreed – as is being pretty much any public figure these days. Publicity and public figures seem to attract whackjobs.

We all goof. Hell, I had to look up the USSS agent’s name (I thought I remembered there had been one wounded) – and I’d forgotten about Delaharty entirely.


Re: Delaharty: ditto.

I knew there was a third one, but could not remember who.


Addendum: a DC Police Officer – Thomas Delahanty – was also shot that day. He was struck in the neck with Hinckley’s second shot. Delahanty was reacting to the first shot, apparently turning towards the shooter to protect Reagan.

Delahanty wasn’t as lucky as McCarthy. He suffered permanent damage to the nerves controlling his left arm (the bullet had grazed his spinal cord) and was later forced to retire from the DC police force due to the injury.


Geez, for a second I thought BERNATH was the Plaintiff


They’ll probably be hiring him soon as their chief legal adviser.

He can’t be any worse than whoever they have now.

Silentium Est Aureum

Not to mention he likes suing people every time he gets sandy mangina, which I hear can be a bitch to unclog from his catheters.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder who or what entity that fercockt SHMENDRICK will sue next? If there was an “Idiotic Lawsuit Hall Of Fame” I’m sure most of his filings would make it in there!


He just sent another “clog” into the judicial drain:

Motion: Interlocutory Review (Rule 5.150/300) by Respondent

I cannot find Rule 5.150 … perhaps it is renamed to 5.300:

Current Rules

Rules of Professional Conduct

Rule 5-300 Contact With Officials

(A) A member shall not directly or indirectly give or lend anything of value to a judge, official, or employee of a tribunal unless the personal or family relationship between the member and the judge, official, or employee is such that gifts are customarily given and exchanged. Nothing contained in this rule shall prohibit a member from contributing to the campaign fund of a judge running for election or confirmation pursuant to applicable law pertaining to such contributions.

(B) A member shall not directly or indirectly communicate with or argue to a judge or judicial officer upon the merits of a contested matter pending before such judge or judicial officer, except:

(1) In open court; or

(2) With the consent of all other counsel in such matter; or

(3) In the presence of all other counsel in such matter; or

(4) In writing with a copy thereof furnished to such other counsel; or

(5) In ex parte matters.

(C) As used in this rule, “judge” and “judicial officer” shall include law clerks, research attorneys, or other court personnel who participate in the decision-making process. (Amended by order of Supreme Court, operative September 14, 1992.)

So, what is he wanting an independant review of? Just guessing he’s shooting at Paragraph (B)? Could he be thinking that the CA Bar lawyers are colluding with the judge?


RGR1480, I think what he is doing is politely called grasping at straws. Whatever, it definitely smacks of his usual attention whoring behavior. Let’s hope something of his gets smacked, but good.


Silentium Est Aureum

Looking at the calendar (Status Conference today), Bernath is trying the old legal tactic referred to by its Latin name, Shittiflingus Stickuswallus.

Tick tock, tick tock, Bernath. Time’s getting short.


Looks like his usual projection of his own actions upon others. Seems he seriously expects to be allowed all manner of illegal, immoral, irrational, and various other antisocial behaviors while having others be forced to quit being honest in their words and other legal actions.

His predictability is so boring.


I am actually looking forward to the day when bernitwit files suits in different legal venues for appearances on exactly the same day and the same time.

I think it’s a possibility. ‘Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished.


I see that John Kasich might run for president. Those of us with long memories… that love to hold on to grudges, remember than Kasich voted for the Brady bill in 1993.


Kasich is reportedly announcing his candidacy on July 21.

Green Thumb

I met this guy and I was not impressed.

I do not think he gives a shit about Vets. He also said MacDonald is a close personal friend.

When asked several questions about MacDonald’s impact, he defended him to the end.

Plus he appeared drunk at roughly 1000 am.

Not a fan.


Does this automatically go to appeal?

‘accusing the Brady Center of propagandizing the issue’ – gee, whaddaya know! A statement that does not use politically correct terminology. Good.

I’m less concerned about losing a gun to the Brainless Bunch than I am about being labeled in anyway because I am unafraid of weapons in general, and guns in particular. These people want to stigmatize everyone who isn’t just like them, or doesn’t agree with them, which is unacceptable in a free society. If I’m willing to respect their wishes, meaning not requiring that any of them get a gun, why should they not respect mine?

Pinto Nag


*Gasp* *snort*

You said “free society”!



Well, it used to be….


Did the Brady Center actually think they could get away with Bernathing a company?


This is actually a very common tactic in the Clinton administration – tie gun companies up with frivolous lawsuits (“you sold a gun to a guy who had it stolen by a guy who traded it to his crack dealer who sold it to a guy who shot someone – so you are liable”) in the ’90s. Congress passed a law protecting the legal commerce if gun companies from such suits… and has been excoriated by the anti-gun bunnies for being in the gun-companies’ pockets ever since.


“Nice business you got there. Be a shame if anything happens to it”


I needed this news. I had all but lost hope recently that our judicial system was a sick joke of nonsensical unconstitutional logic.


Unfortunately a lot of our judicial system IS a sick joke, but it is nice to see that some parts of it still operate using that silly Constitution thingy. Too bad that when it is done, it is news instead of being the normal course of events. Then again, maybe it is, but with the media bias operating here, how would we know?

2/17 Air Cav

I hate to be the one to tell you this, FC0311, but you can go back to feeling like shit. The judge is one of a dying breed. He’s 85-years old and was nominated to the bench by Nixon–yes, THAT Nixon. In this case, as others, he spoke his mind and called a spade a spade because, well, he doesn’t have to ingratiate himself with any of the political beasties and is not concerned with higher office. In short, he is one in a million. By the way, he is also an Army Veteran (1953-55)


Oh, lighten up, AirCav! Not all current judges are political beasts, and not all of them are corrupt. Remember, more than one has found against bernutsless now, and the HAGS (Hippies Against Guns) can easily fall into his lane of frivolous and vexatious litigation.
I’ve seen stuff that just floors me, too.
Most recently, someone who had been convicted of murder was found not guilty in an appeal, and another man was arrested, tried and found guilty of it, even though the evidence pointed to the other guy.
The 1st guy got out of jail. The 2nd guy was left with the task of getting his name cleared, and succeeded.
Shortly after that happened a few months ago, the 1st guy admitted he really had done the deed and the evidence showed that he was actually the murderer. But he could not be retried for it, and the 2nd guy sued the courts and police for wrongful conviction.
The double jeopardy thing got in the way of true justice.
But karma and justice both use double-edged swords, you know.


Ex-Ph2: All I wanna know is, what’s the name of the guy on second?




Hondo, are you sure?

I thought Who’s on second.

A Proud Infidel®™

Well then WHO’S ON FIRST?!!


That’s what I’m tryin’ ta find out!

Pinto Nag


Tennis, anyone?


I’m surprised more people don’t see the danger of a lawsuit of this type. If it succeeds all internet commerce is at risk. Mail order knives? Tires for a car that was used to run someone down? Online wine sales where someone gets drunk and kills themselves?
How about the wonderful tort opened. Buy a car, commit a crime and sue GM. Hey, they made it.

Very dangerous stuff


Bring your own meat and a dish to pass. BYOB, or go thirsty.

You can’t even have a birthday party without taking out a liability rider in case some guest or his kid gets stupid in some way.

A Proud Infidel®™

I can see it now, cut a fart in an elevator, and at least four other people in there are suing Taco Bell before the damned door even opens!


OK, API wins!!!

Old Nam doc

Would that lead to the fart tart?

Old Trooper

Nah, Taco Hell is bush league. White Castle, baby!!! After washing the sliders down with a few Special Export coldies, of course.

Yeah, I know, I can be an evil bastard.