Trust; our most valuable commodity

| August 30, 2007

Ya know what, I’m an old-fashioned kind of guy. In my world, although I surround myself with modern luxuries and gadgets, it’s still the 1950s. My friends are all people who say what they mean – no matter whose feelings are hurt. Our discussions revolve around truthfulness and realities, not around polite niceties. There’s no sugarcoating in my world – things are what they are. If someone lies to me once, I never trust them again. If we’re in the middle of a job and a coworker flakes off on me, they never work with me again. That’s the world I grew up in and the way I know things really work successfully.

So why that paragraph? To illustrate a principle; that being trust. I’ve found that people who lie to someone else, will usually lie to me. People who behave badly, reflect on me when I associate with them.

The reason I held Bill Clinton in such low esteem was because his family couldn’t count on him to be there – ultimately, the country couldn’t count on him to be there when he was getting gratification from a fat chick while his duties in the Rose Garden suffered.

I used to like Newt Gingrich alot – before the 1994 Republican Revolution - but his personal exploits while he was Speaker soured me on him – eternally. I’ve crossed the room to avoid him.

I met Dick Morris socially one time and we talked for a few minutes, but I heard hardly a word he said because that voice in my head kept repeating “Toe sucker! Toe sucker!”

And now, there’s Larry “Wide Stance” Craig. What he was doing was pretty disgusting all by itself – but the fact that he did it while he was a US Senator makes me question his judgement. He was bold enough to make all of the gestures so common in men’s rooms across the country, that I have to believe that this wasn’t his first time. And he was fairly persistent.

I don’t care what his politics are, how valuable his occupation of his Senate seat is to Republicans, or even how staunchly he supports every one of my issues – I don’t trust him because he has poor judgement.

That’s what separates us from the Democrats – they’re willing to continue to put their trust in morally bankrupt, corrupt, murdering, racist, lying, raping thieves (I know my readers can name a Democrat to fit in each category I’ve listed so I won’t) – but we Republicans have principles.

We need to send a message to all of the other Republicans who might have a wide stance that we don’t tolerate deviant behavior in our party (public bathroom sex is deviant, I don’t care who you’re doing it with). Craig has to go. Now. No discussion, no statements, no apologies. Just. Go.

Wall Street Journal’s Washington Wire reports that Craig has lost his committee positions, but that’s not quite enough – get gone, Lar. Crotchety Old Bastard lists other dastardly deeds committed by Democrats for whom we’re still waiting letters to resign. But it’s only a partial list – trust me.

Category: Politics, Society

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Sheeeeeeit. Barney Frank ran a male prostitution ring from his office, Bubba lied under oath during the civil suit for sexual harassment, Teddy Kennedy committed negligent homicide during a tryst, Gerry Studds had sex with a 17 year old male page, and every one of them stayed in office. ‘What separates us from the Democrats’ notwithstanding, I’m frickin’ sick to death of the double standards.


Jonn Lilyea wrote: I’m sick of the double standard, too, but that doesn’t change my personal standards – Larry must go. I’m not going to “define deviancy down”.

Bob Agard

I happened to hear Rush Limbaugh on this subject today. Rush was lamenting the fact that Republicans cowered before the press and the Democrats, which Rush views as a bad sign for the fights that lie ahead.

I find your argument much more persuasive than Rush’s, although I admire him for never allowing the libs to get a leg up.