OPM lies
This morning, we find out from Fox News that the folks at the Office of Personnel Management knew about the extent of the breach of our personal information back in April, but when they finally announced the hack, for some stupid reason, they wouldn’t admit the extent of the damage to our privacy.
The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that the day after the White House admitted that hackers had breached personnel files, OPM publicly denied that the security clearance forms had been compromised despite receiving information to the contrary from the FBI. The administration did not say that security clearance forms had likely been accessed by the intruders until more than a week had passed.
A OPM spokeswoman denied the claims, telling the Journal the agency had been “completely consistent” in its reporting of the data breach.
Sounds a little like their attempts to cover up their failures to respond to the attack on the consulate in Benghazi, doesn’t it? It also sounds like the cover up of the extent of the damage to the Veterans’ health care system. This administration couldn’t tell the truth about the weather. Lucky for them that most of American is preoccupied with Bruce Jenner, Rachel Dolezal and the Confederate flag.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
Benghazi. IRS. Hillary and her private e-mail servers. And now OPM. It’s just the way the ghettofabulous preezy of the 57 steezy and his minions roll.
It all started with Baghdad Bob. Therefore, it is all Bush’s fault. Let’s start the day off right.
We knew the extent of the leak weeks ago when we were first told that SF-86s were compromised and OPM didn’t respond. This is becoming a systemic failure by the leadership in all of the government agencies and organizations. We had the IRS who lied about hard drive failures that prevented access to e-mail, the VA who tried to build a lie about records being lost in Sandy, and the SecState who refused to use her .gov domain e-mail address. At this point, if anyone believes anything that comes out of any part of the federal government, they are a fool.
“Доверяй, но проверяй.” (“Trust, but verify.”)
Good advice when Reagan’s speechwriter made it popular during his second term. Under this
gang of “truth challenged” dillettaintsAdministration, it’s essential.And yes, the spelling error above is intentional.
This is the government we’re supposed to trust to run our lives, according to the leftists??? Yeah, no.
Why lie about it? I know it sounds trite but what difference did a week make? When there was a breach they looked incompetent but partly like victims. Now they look like liars who are not victims.
Having waited at least 2 months to reveal the breach, two months to think about this, they would have been far better to ‘fess up and take their lumps in one go instead of looking self-centered, tone-deaf, completely indifferent to the national security implications, and deceptive.
Not a little better, FAR better.
Who will, like Diogenes, light a lantern and walk the halls of government looking for an honest man?
“At this point, what difference does it make?” – H. Clinton
OPM lied? No! Really?
And it appears in the news after the horse has been stolen.
I guess it’s much more important to know about 80 places in the world to see before you turn senile than it is to finally grasp the idea that the current lack of administration just doesn’t give a flying fart in space about national security or anything else.
When is this generation of FUs going to evaporate?
I’m one of those eebil double dipping tax dollar leeching government contractors. The company that was contracted to do background investigations / security clearances for DHS was hacked 1 YEAR AGO, with the resultant compromise of a metric shitload of PII. I bet you never heard about that little problem. My bank sure did. Twice.
Excerpt, link to full article below:
It’s like the town folk in the valley town, miles below the big dam. The government says, in April, “Well we have a few leaks but we’re working on them”. In truth, the dam has a crack at the base and they know it is growing. In June the government says, “Okay it’s worse than we thought, we’re not at fault though, but all of you could be effected, possibly. We’ll let you know the measures to take to help in the future”. As they hasten to their choppers and leave the town with 10 gross of 12 man inflatable rubber rafts.
By the way, this is not just the OPM covering it’s ass. This has Obama’s finger prints all over it. His usual routine of hide the truth, deny accountability, minimize the true nature of damage, keep his numbers up. After all, as he said at a recent fund raiser, he’s tired of regularly getting letters calling him, “An idiot”. Even from those who voted for him twice. (His paraphrased words)
Our ancestors would be shooting by now.
No surprises here.
Long before they tell us anything, they’ve already gamed the problem with their lawyers and PR agents.
well, I think OPM is telling the truth and they are absolutely correct – they have responded completely consistently. Lie, lie, lie, and lie some more…
OPM lied, credit scores died
Get a rope! Hell, get lots of ropes!