Karen Nettleton wants her ISIS daughter brought home

| June 24, 2015

In 2013, Australian Karen Nettleton helped her daughter and five grandchildren leave Australia to join her daughter’s husband in Syria where he was fighting on the side of ISIS. last year, one of those grandchildren, who was born and raised in Australia, was pictured on Twitter holding the severed heads of Syrian soldiers. Well, now the elder Ms. Nettleton says that her daughter made a mistake and she wants the Australian government to correct the younger’s mistake for her, according to the Brisbane Times;

“They want to come home,” she said. “My daughter made the mistake of a lifetime. Today she is a parent alone in a foreign and vicious land looking after a widowed 14-year-old and four other young children.”

Yeah, you read that right, a fourteen-year-old girl, one of the grandchildren, is already widowed. I guess that marriage wasn’t warning enough for them to come back to Australia before the wedding.

From AFP;

She implored Prime Minister Tony Abbott to help bring them home.

“Mr Abbott, I beg you, please help bring my child and grandchildren home.”

Well, that’s the job of government in this day and age, isn’t it? Compensate people for their bad life choices. Government is supposed to pay for abortions, drug and alcohol treatment programs, smoking cessation, unemployment insurance for the Art History majors, forgive their student loans when they’re underemployed, bail out their underwater mortgages and rescue the spouses of terrorists, apparently.

If Ms. Nettleton was so smart that she could get the family out of Australia, you’d think she’d be smart enough to bring them back, wouldn’t you?

For the Prime Minister’s part, he warns the family that Mom faces “significant consequences” upon her return.

Category: Terror War

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Pinto Nag

“Mr Abbott, I beg you, please help bring my child and grandchildren home.”

Sure — as long as they’re in a box.


You would think the idiot would have known what kind of disease ISIS is in the first place! Why in hell would she help send her kids and grandkids there, this broad needs a keeper imho

NR Pax

Let me guess; the recruiter lied to your family and things aren’t as noble as you thought they would be?

Hack Stone

She says that the base housing at the ISIS compound sucks, and the commissary always runs out of goat and hummus.


An ISIS dependapotomus?


Ain’t life a bitch? No food, a daughter already a widow? You made your bed now sleep in it with FEAR


The recruiter lied to me and next thing I knew it was O’Dark Thirty and I was stepping out of the door.

Ok, Sgt. Brochu didn’t lie. Everything he told me was spot on. That this idiot woman believed whatever ISIS was spewing and shipped her family out ignoring every news outlet on the planet shows she should never be let near them again

Hack Stone

Used to sleep ’til afternoon,
Waking up to an easy tune.
My, my, how things have changed,
How things have changed.

CB Senior

Used to Drive a Cadillac
Now I hump it on my back
Hey Hey hey


Screw her, and all those like her.

Green Thumb




Joe Mama


Climb to Glory

Yep. Fuck her. What, did she think it was gonna be a fucking vacation. By the way, if we start “rescuing” western family members that went there to fight for ISIS what do we tell the families of innocent westerners that were captured by ISIS and had their heads off.

Climb to Glory

Yep. Fuck her. Did she think it was gonna be a vacation. By the way, if we go and “rescue” western family members that went willfully to fight for ISIS what do we tell western families that had loved ones captured by ISIS and had their heads sawed off.


I’m sure the “widow” has already been married off for $20 or a pack of cigarettes.


Well, her eyes are open now. Finally.

Unfortunately it’s a bit late in the game, and very possibly too late.

Too bad her brain isn’t yet engaged. It certainly wasn’t before when she was helping her daughter and granddaughters go abroad to provide support to terrorists.

Bed. You made it. Sleep in it.


I do feel sorry for the grandkids, who had no say in the stupid actions of their mother and grandmother.



Then, again, those grandchildren may be more committed to ISIS than their mom, or grandmother.


So this 14-year old granddaughter is a widow and the daughter is married to a man fighting for ISIS. Going to Syria to fight on the side of ISIS is not exactly like the Peace Corps or doing religious work.

Exactly why would the Australian people want this bunch of malcontents back on their own soil? And that widowed granddaughter – how many good people did her husband kill before being whacked?

Life has consequences. Think before doing something that any ordinary person would recognize as bone-headed and then live with your choices. I feel bad for the grandchildren – they had no choice in this but their mom? If she was old enough to have 5 kids then she is old enough to know better. I wouldn’t let mom back under any circumstances. If the grandkids come back to Australia, who is going to take care of them? Dare I say, “probably the Australian people”?

The Other Whitey

Yeah, bring her back to face the noose as a terrorist. Don’t the Aussies still hang their scumbags?


Apparently not. According to Wikipedia, capital punishment has been abolished there. Last execution was approaching 50 years ago (1967).



The Other Whitey

Really? Damn it.

Oh well, they’re surrounded by shark-infested waters, you never know when the plane might suffer an in-flight emergency…

2/17 Air Cav

Anyone know what the Australian PM could do? I mean, aside from paying the murdering bastards to release the kids, I wonder what he could do. It’s not as if it would be a matter between diplomats.


I’m thinking that Granny can go fetch them herself. She helped them get there – just follow the instructions in reverse.


Tough shit granny…


It may be mean-spirited of me, but I simply cannot muster up any sympathy for this very stupid bunch. I just can’t. It was their choice, they got what they wanted, and now they don’t like it any more.

Tough bananas. You made your bed. Lie in it.



Life is tough, its tougher when you’re stupid.

Sgt Stryker


Thank you.

The Other Whitey



The only ones I have any sympathy for are the children who were too young to know better, Ex-PH2. And for any of them older than about 12 at the time they left, I’m not even positive about that.


I don’t know, Hondo. I think if my mother had told me to go live some place where the news reports were that people were being slaughtered by the thousands, I would have gone to the police and ratted her out or hid myself some place.

It’s not because I was a disobedient kid. I wasn’t. I just had better sense than to swallow crap like that. I wouldn’t have gone.

This ‘mother’ is a malignant imbecile and I don’t feel sorry for her or for her children. They wanted to go there. She helped them do so. They got what they wanted and now they don’t like it?

I simply can’t stir up any sympathy for this, or for those Brit teens who ran away from home to find ISIS and now they want to come home. This is the REAL world, not some Disney fantasy.


Word, Sista!! Couldn’t have ever phrased it better”. Found chorizo, btw.


Chorizo! Glad you found it!


There’s an assumption of geopolitical awareness in your argument I doubt – that 14 year old widow would have been 11-12 when they moved. If she was a typical 12 year old, she and the younger siblings probably thought “Syria? Why is Mom pronouncing Sydney like that?”


David, my response to you is that not all children are unaware of world events by the age of 11. Especially with access to the internet, the hideous brutality meted out to prisoners by ISIS has been and still is available to anyone who looks for it, including 7th graders. The information is there. If the mother of that 12 year old girl refused to tell her the truth, or was in complete denial about it, the brutal truth is right in her face now.
Don’t tell me kids do not know what is going on in the world. I know better. There is far more information available now than there was when I was 12, but I still know what was going on because we discussed it in classes in school.


Not sure all kids are raised as astutely as you were. I see some of my grandkids’ friends in that age bracket and most of ’em are not that informed or concerened with life outside a pretty narrow focus.


I knew kids like that, too. They never made more than $19,000/yr. 🙂


So if they come back home, are they going to bring their terrorist ideology with them?


I’m thinking about the Tsarnaev brothers’ momma, who gives every indication of being the source of their radicalization.


And, of course, once they are “repatriated” to Australia it will be up to the Australian government to support all of them.

Doesn’t she trust the “religion of peace’ she once supported to care for the widows and orphans of martyrs?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu

Adieu, adieu, to yieu and yieu and yieu


Ah, “The Sound Of Music”, one of my favorites VOV. Maybe we could send an MP3 player with this to the wife in Syria. She’d love it. In fact I’m sure by now she’d love a copy of the most vulgar hip-hop RAP we could find. I mean, compared to the “verbal noises” called “calls to prayer”, emanating from those early 20th century PA systems at EVERY prayer time. Or those wonderful, heart warming, makes ya want to just SHOOT ’em, “tongue noises” the Arabic women make when they are, let’s see, sad, happy, pregnant, want to be pregnant, at a funeral, at a wedding, supper is ready, supper is burned, the husband screws her good one night, the husband gives her a fresh one across the chops one night, the kids are bitching, the kids are happy, I could go on but you get the picture.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Indeed, I am unable to muster any sympathy here for this moron or her progeny.

I feel the same for her that I do for the antelope momma who brings herself and her babies too close to the lion pride…time to get the dumbass genes out of the pool.


Hmmm, something about sowing the wind and reaping the whirlwind comes to mind.


So glad to meet somebody who knows how to spell the word “sow” as used in that quotation!


just like toeing the line… it ain’t towing


Thanks V. Mom was a journalist and Aunty was a librarian- I was doomed to be a Grammar Nazi.
Guess who gets first proof read on the test plans the engineers write where I work? Painful…


Y’all should follow the link to the article. At the bottom of the article is a poll regarding this matter. If you vote in the poll, Allah will reward you by showing you the current poll data…which is not friendly to granny’s cause. She needs a hashtag.


Personally, GDC, I think granny needs a smack upside the head.

Pinto Nag

With a shovel.


Hell nah. With a machete. Freshly sharpened. That’s what she sent her kids to, right?

Veritas Omnia Vincit


Perry Gaskill

Maybe it’s just me, but doesn’t Karen Nettleton look remarkably like Jeff Daniels in drag?


Too bad, so sad.
Tell my mom, tell my dad.
That’s the way it goes.
First your money,
Then your clothes!

Hack Stone

Maybe she can hire Prudential Associates of Rockville MD to rescue them. I hear that Jared Stern is an expert on the Middle East.

Slick Goodlin

Like my old Army CW4 Section Chief used to say:

“If your looking for sympathy…it’s in the dictionary…between shit and syphilis.”


They must teach that in WO school. I had a W4 that said it all the time.


Slick, sj: “between sh!t and syphilis” is now considered too harsh. Today’s DC-approved, PC version is “between manure and venereal disease”. (smile)

FWIW: had a 1SG who seemed to love that phrase too, so it wasn’t unique to WOs.

Carlton G. Long

Aren’t most WO’s former NCO’s ? It’s probably a BNCOC (or whatever they’re calling it this week) lesson.

Roger in Republic

Any offspring from that Grandmother are too stupid to further pollute the Australian gene pool. Three generations of morons are enough.

19D2OR4 - Smitty

Can we add a definition to ‘rescuing’ to include the following:


1) To Rescue

2) To visit with MOAB


Unlike some of you, I can muster up a bit of sympathy and attempt to help poor granny with some suggestions. 1. Why not offer ISIS idiots a pound of pork Barbeque for the daughter and two each for the young’uns.
2. Consider trading yourself in. At your age you’d probably work in to the special ISIS offer “Two for the price of one, plus a roll of toilet paper”. 3. Send daughter and company some of the new ISIS douche…..goat’s ass delight! On second thought, that might not work to your advantage. 4. If all else fails, get a shrink to examine you and give the reports to ISIS. Once they know how f_____g stupid adults from your blood line become, they’d rather have a head of lettuce for a wife.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Ouch if this is sympathy, I’d hate to see when you don’t care at all…hehehehehe


They left out a major part of this. The 14 yr old is not only widowed, she’s knocked up! The 7 year old brother had his photo taken with a Syrian soldiers decapitated head in his hands. The entire family is radicalized. They are inbred losers that got what they diserved. The grandmother is at fault. She let her daughter marry a terrorist at 15. She was quoted a saying she did not stop it because she did not want to spoil her relationship with the daughter. The grandmother should be jailed for her actions. POS!!