Saturday morning feel good stories

| June 20, 2015

The first story this morning comes from Hope Mills, North Carolina where a homeowner met with three enterprising young men who only wanted to take possession of his cash and his vehicle while the homeowner was in his own driveway. As enterprising as they were, they brought along the tools of their trade – a firearm. The homeowner brought along the tools of his trade, too, another firearm which he employed against the three. One was DRT (Dead Right There) and the other two beat feet. Unfortunately the homeowner was injured, too, but he’s expected to recover.

In Fort Walton Beach, Florida, two gentlemen who were only trying to turn their lives around, and they decided that Timothy Acoff’s home and property would be the best way to do that. Acoff had different ideas, though and plugged them both. They are recovering in the hospital while more appropriate accommodations are being prepared for them at taxpayers’ expense.

In Miami Beach, Florida, 22-year-old Jesus Varela was just turning his life around when he forced his way into the home of a 72-year-old man while he was cooking his meal and feeding his dog. The old-timer fired a shot from his .22 caliber weapon which missed, but startled Mister Varela so badly that he took cover under the man’s bed. The old fellow’s neighbors helped him subdue Varela and held him until police arrived.

In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a man was trying to liberate a car stereo from it’s evil capitalist owner, when the capitalist came on the scene. The man tried to continue his work while he pulled out a gun and pointed it at the owner of the stereo. The capitalist also owned a gun and fired first, striking the liberator who un-assed the AO but showed up an area hospital to treat his wounds where the police found him.

Thanks to Chief Tango for the links.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Hack Stone

I bet most of those evil racist homeowners were inspired from watching Fox News.


4 of 7 perps with new body piercings, 4 of 7 perps in custody – plus one in the morgue and two on the run. Not too shabby.

Too bad about the injured homeowner, though. Hope he makes a speedy and complete recovery.

B Woodman

I hate this “alleged” BS the media feeds out all the time. I could see it if there were ANY doubt, if the perp were going to trial.

But to have a body, in the driveway, where is the “alleged”?
Damned MSM

Commissioner Wretched

As a radio news director for the past 40 years, I can tell you why we say “alleged.” It protects us from lawsuits in the rare cases where charges either don’t get filed or a jury finds other than guilty. The perp can go back and sue for defamation of character or libel/slander if we say “he did it” and a jury says he didn’t. That’s why we say “alleged” – so we don’t get sued by the lowlife scum who somehow managed to beat the system.

B Woodman

Oh. Sorry, I got caught up in my rant. Almost forgot the mantra.
For the dead perp. . . .

“And the world is a more peaceful place, beginning now.”


Whew, thanks B Woodman! If you had left out your mantra, it would have thrown my whole day off brother.