Justin Gourley; sailor catches the PTSD

| June 5, 2015

Justin Gourley

The folks at Military Phonies send us their work on this fellow, Justin Gourley, who is the President and CEO of Military with PTSD. He wrote a book detailing his deployments to the war on terror and his training. Apparently he caught the PTSD while he was in some sort of terrorism orientation course;

Justin Gourley catches the PTSD

Justin Gourley catches the PTSD2

Justin Gourley claims

Justin Gourley claims 2

I’ve been looking in the USS George Washington logs.

Justin Gourley life on the GW

No mention of any fishing boat rescue. In fact, in February, while Justin was rescuing fishermen and recovering dead bodies, the rest of his ship was at Norfolk Naval Shipyard in Portsmouth, Virginia, for a scheduled six-month Planned Incremental Availability period.

According to the logs, the only plane crash was this one in 2003;

September 11, An F/A-18D, assigned to Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 106, crashed into sea, off Virginia Capes, after the #4 arresting wire broke during lading aboard the GW. Lt. Rich Rivera ejected safely. Seven members of flight deck crew were injured.

There was a fire on the GW but four years after he left the Navy.

There was indeed an airman was killed in November, according to the logs, but I’m not sure how friendly Justin would have been with a deck ape, though;

November 21, Airman David M. Wilson is killed in an accident aboard the George Washington, at approximately 4 a.m. EST, when the aircraft tow tractor he was operating was involved in an accident in the ship’s hangar bay, during which he sustained severe head injuries.

Oddly enough, there’s also no record of Justin’s sniper, police or terrorism training in his DD214;


Justin Gourley assignments

He was an OS2, an Operations Specialist, a radar watcher in the bowels of the ship. The only traumatic event he would have witnessed was the day that the refrigerator didn’t work and he had to drink a warm Coke.

Category: Phony soldiers

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AW1 Tim

OS’s were notorious fr using up the ship’s bandwidth playing WoW while on duty.

Just sayin’. 🙂

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Maybe losing his character on the quest to save the princess caused his PTSD…he saw all of his late night efforts lost in a single ill-conceived computer based fantasy world.

He got the fantasy PTSD, only makes sense it was from a fantasy game.


“Oddly enough, there’s also no record of Justin’s sniper, police or terrorism training in his DD214;”

Come on Jonn! Surely you know about the fire that destroyed all the military records. Even his NDSM award signed by the President was there. Geeeze.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

He’s using the “Armed Sentry Course” on his 214 as proof of his “sniper, police and terrorism training”. Kind of like a HM making the claim that they are “surgeons” because they may have thrown a few stitches in someone’s scalp or hand.

Got to wonder how many people have really been help by his little charity…

Airdale USN

When I was in VAW-120, VAW-126 we all got that terrorism training, it on your page 13, and that was in 1997-2004 when I retired, wasn’t that serious as he made it to be. USS Enterprise in 98 and USS Harry S. Truman 2000. That training was standard and it’s not on your DD-214 but your page 13. Thanks AD1(AW) USN ret.


Good God, you have to go to the “about” link on this guy’s web-site, specifically “Meet the Founders.”

It really tugs at the heart strings as he starts the page with:

“It has been a long hard road to get to this point. We have endured the hell PTSD unexpectedly unleashed on our lives, and at times I really didn’t think we would make it because of PTSD.”

Kinda makes me sick to my stomach.


Crappy sentence structure in his writing too.

yeah, fuck him


Fuck him, a lot, repeatedly.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Justin caught “the PTSD” due to his FTS (Fractured Taint Syndrome) from losing at WoW while deployed. This allows the VA to give him a disability rating of 127% and collect $2,300 per month due to his disability.





That guy, FUCK THAT GUY!!!

I was on the Nimitz when we had a deck fire that destroyed nine airplanes and killed three guys, one of them was in my shop. I was up on the deck when it happened and was close enough for the blast to knock me over.

For this little fuck stain to go on about getting PTSD from a dead body makes me want to kick the living crap out of him. Hey, Justin! How bout looking at a someone with 3rd degree burns over 98% of his body and realizing he’s your friend only because the corpsman tells you that’s who it is!

So yeah, FUCK YOU, you lying piece of shit!


We need an old fashioned “blanket party” for this scumbag – – I claim first whack at the mellon.


From an orientation? What a lame ass excuse. I didn’t go over to his site to read his bullshit.

OIF '06-'07-'08

The anti-terrorism briefings I attended put me in a coma, just as boring as the yearly Op-Sec briefings.


Death by power point ! ! ! Then the crazy stupid online training


Jonn, I’ve been tracking this Clown for a while and the PTS he has is from laughing his ass off every night knowing they are screwing people out of there money. LMAO ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Stick Stickly

Who WOULDN’T get the PTS from all those Powerpoint slides?

Airdale USN

I was on the Enterprise in 1998 when a EA-6B hit a S-3 at night, he’s a joke. Shit I should have PSTD after that night.


Is he holding a hamburger in that picture ??? . I am forwarding it to McDonalds HQ. I am sure the Hamburglar will not be amused for someone trying to steal his valor as well.


OS’s are creepy little pasty faced fucks that, in my day, played games with 12 sided dice on the mess decks.


No real problem with that, Atkron. Not everyone’s thing, but it’s IMO not a problem.

Lying about your military career so you can ride the freaking gravy train based on those lies, on the other hand . . . .


It was a sorry attempt at humor…


Which is why we airdales played games with 12 sided dice in our shops. Cause we aren’t weird at all.

nope, not one bit.


Let me guess…you were an AT.

Airdale USN

As a mech we didn’t have time to play games, must be a AT or AE, PR.


Nope…I was a PC, Airframer, and Trouble-Shooter for A-7’s and F/A-18’s.


HAH, Atkron, you would be WRONG!!!

I was an AQ. Oh, sure, they rolled us into AT right when I got out but my dress blues still have the flying barstool on them 😀

I did the same thing you did though – troubleshooter for A-7s and then went shore duty on F-18s before getting out.


Looking at his records, it appears that this guy was a reservist. He’s got a whopping 15 days at sea. Looks like the Navy’s version of reserve summer camp.

Time to go to his website and make him famous.


Don’t think so, nbcguy54ACTUAL.

1. His DD214 says USN, not USNR.
2. It shows 3 yrs 11 mo 29 days active service this period.
3. It also shows a SSDR, which I believe requires substantial time at sea (min 6 mo?). And if I’m reading it correctly, it shows 2 of those. I’m thus pretty sure the 15 days sea duty on his DD214 is a typo he should have caught during outprocessing and had corrected then.
4. His record of assignments shows transfer of records to NOLA and his DD214 states that he’s subject to recall. That’s routine for anyone released from active duty with the USN who has a remaining MSO.

I think he was Active Navy for 4 years less a day.


Yep. My second glance caused me to question my post too. The Sea Service Ribbon and 15 days of Sea Service has me perplexed though. The 214 really doesn’t seem right.


About the 214…. legit or not, it is NOT showing 3 deployments in any way shape or form (even if you want to be devil’s advocate and say that the Navy or DOD completely missed over 300 “sea days” on his 214…. I know dd214s can get messed up, but over 300 days is quite a bit to be “off” by, even for the DOD…. they are, by my understanding, still only showing two “sea service deployment” ribbons, which means only two deployments, IF any…. NOT the 3 deployments the Gourleys have claimed in numerous places, including their book that they are making money off of). AND to claim he was a “sniper”…. did he go to SEAL training now? And he couldn’t have been an “MP” since the Navy doesn’t have any. So, it appears they have, minimally, embellished for profit anyway.
BTW…. what type of person who has served would use a term NOT associated with the branch they are so proud of serving with? Shawn has said in the past once or twice that they used the terminology of “MP” because people wouldn’t know what a Navy “master at arms” was and they were “the same thing”… and I believe Justin has used it as well in “his” writings, but I seriously don’t know anyone who has served, and is remotely proud of their chosen branch of service who would ever choose to use another branches job description like that…. they just don’t do that.


As a retired Master-at-Arms, I know full well that the majority of people in the other branches of the military havie no earthly idea what a Navy Master-at-Arms is let alone what their duties entail. But, if I were writing a bio or being interviewed I would only use my official job title of “Master-at-Arms”

On the flip side, when I’m at work jaw-jacking with other vets especially non-Navy types I almost always have to explain what my job title meant and the easiest and quickest way is to say something like “It’s kinda’ like being an MP”.

The Armed Pier Sentry Course is no joke………..couple that with Level 1 AT/FP Training on NKO and you have a recipient for a BAD case of the PTSD.

Yes, the GW was stationed in Yoko and yes, you do get a Sea Service ribbon every year as well as an Overseas Serivce Ribbon regardless of how much time you spent at sea during the Fiscal Year.

For example, when I was stationed on the USS Curts (FFG-38) in Yoko, we did 1 WESTPAC (6 month deployment to Gulf) and did multiple 90-day or more stints away from home port during 1 FY and still only qualified for 1 Sea Service Ribbon.


Amen Brother!

Let’s trade quals some day.

Jonn has my info.

Dave Hardin

“Now muster all restricted men on the mess deck with the duty master at arms”

I just naturally rolled out of the rack of course. I was that jarhead that had an allergy to liberty ports, I always broke out in a fight.

Semper Fi.

Silentium Est Aureum

IIRC, GW was in Yokosuka at the time, and if on a ship homeported overseas, you could get an SSDR for each year on board, regardless of whether you went to sea or not.


This person is a seagoing PUSSY!

Back in the ole’ days, he would have recieved a blanket party!

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Or as the French would say, he iz le POOOOSAY!

Combat Historian

A special little snowflake who’s also a lying piece of shit…how very wonderful !

Just an Old Dog

Looks like him and his dependasauraus have figuured out a wat tio bilk people, those cloew to hiom habe akiwnated bexausae the aske rto mamy quesiots

Just an Old Dog

Christ on a cracker!!! I need to stop trying to post at 603 AM (PST) when I haven’t slept and my sleep meds are kicking in.. That was supposed to read
” It looks like him and his dependasaurus have figured out a way to bilk people, those close to him have been questioning where the money has went for a long time.”

Mona Sue

I understood that first post perfectly Old Dog–made sense to me.


Old Dog, it’s obvious that you were receiving a transmitted code from LB247, which interfered with your typology. It’s quite all right. Just pass it on to the people at Area 53A.

Sgt Elle

I understood your first comment perfectly fine too!! Haha


I knew this guy’s page was full of shit! I pissed off him and his fat fuck wife after I called out their page for promoting whiny cry baby little bitches that have never seen combat but we’re claiming PTSD. Apparently it’s not ok to call these people weak like they are.

Green Thumb

“Justin Gourley, who is the President and CEO of Military with PTSD.”

A very “Phildoesque” dude, indeed.

Green Thumb

I could totally see this maggot running the new hire orientation course at All-Points logistics.

It would appear that the False Commander Commander Phil Monkress, the CEO of All-Points Logistics, and his sidekick, the “less-than-honorable” COL W II, have found a diamond in the rough, so to speak.

Guard Bum

My wife will also confirm I was quiet and looked pained after one of my counter terrorism breifings prior to my deployment to OIF. Even years latet she recalls that day. This is deeply personal and I still get emotional over it but we ate curry at break and it was epic. She clearly recalls the tears and horror of that night!

2/17 Air Cav

Holy bullshit! I visited the page and read through many of the feedback comments. Curiously, the lion’s share are from females and are very poorly written. In fact, the comments are so poorly written I can’t help but wonder how many were written by the same illiterate people. Here are what I consider to be representative samplings:

“Sometimes members ask questions in a discreet manner that is something in dealing with myself and I find a lot of resourceful tips and help throughout the responses. There are times I can simply relate because I’ve come to a spot on that particular issue that through therapy is become manageable. This is a great page whether you have issues or help to give.” Sven DV Pacot

“This sight it great had given me a better understanding of what my girlfriend is dealing with.” Telicia Staton Lawhorn
“This is an excellent source for Veterans and their families like me. I continue to learn more about how my own life has been effected because of the PTSD my Dad has from Vietnam where he was highly decorated meaning he saw a lot of action as well as my ex who is a 2 tour Iraq Veteran.” Rhiannon Cooper

And now for the heart of the matter: money for signs that show fireworks exploding, with the caption, “Please learn about fireworks and PTSD.”
$10.00 will provide a free sign to 2 veterans
$25.00 will provide a free sign to 6 veterans
$50.00 will provide a free sign to 12 veterans

Okay, the signs are free. Everybody contact Helen ‘Gourley’ Brown and request one. If a donation is required, it’s his ass.

Mona Sue

If you notice, the “reviews and testimonials” are all in a favorable light-nothing negative. Why? Because all reviews/testimonials have to be approved by the admin of the page. I wouldn’t think that they would want anything negative about them to show up and discredit their empire.
Go to their page-there is not a single post by others regarding these new findings. Why? Because they delete them quick, then block or ban the person from posting and commenting. I am one of those that has been blocked from posting on their page.
As for the fireworks signs-they have a place where you can purchase them. $10 per sign plus $5 for shipping for each sign (even if they are going to the same address). Do the math folks-look close and see that it doesn’t add up.
They boast in their subcategory on the page that they are Mental Health and Counseling but consistently tell their “followers” that they have no doctors, therapist or counselors on the page. Why the subcategory? It isn’t needed and can be changed (despite what they have told people).
I will leave you with this–they have been accused of creating fake veteran accounts and faking suicide attempts in order for Shawn to come in a be the savior–while in the process triggering real veterans. These “veterans” have since disappeared (along with any comments or posts to the page) and have not even tried to defend the organization that they say “saved their lives and their marriages”. I know that if someone accused me of not being who or what I say, I would not just disappear/delete any and all comments/deactivate accounts–I would come out fighting and prove the allegations false.


That is exactly what happened to me. I called them out on their page and they immediatly deleted all my comments prior to calling me out and asking me questions I can’t reply to since I’m banned. These guys are frauds and I’ve known it for at least 4 or 5 months now. This needs to go up higher to the folks at Stolen Valor.


In case anybody was wondering, the 501c3 nonprofit “Military with PTSD” is a legal entity. It is current with its registration with the IN Sec. of State’s office and is current with its filings with the IRS.

They can legally request donations and say the donations are tax deductible according to the IRS guidelines.

However, if the origins of the nonprofit were based on lies about military service, I’d be leery of donating unless I saw their books and followed the money.


They may be legal, but it looks like their founder is a douchecanoe…

A Proud Infidel®™

So just what gave this poor little twinkle-toed snotweasel of a candyassed little Rudy-Poo Sparkle Pony his PTSD, did he have to sit inside the barrel below deck once too often?


Ok Proud, I’m finally going to ask….can I borrow your thesaurus sometime? You have definitely come up with more words for pussy shitbird than I ever can.

A Proud Infidel®™

It only takes a little bit of practice and drinking every now and then with a salty old CPO that could cuss a brand new tugboat in two before I could even chip the paint on the bow!


they have stated his mental health provider declared his OTSD is from firing weapons he was not trained to use! The wifey also has PTSD…from him cheating on her!


What in the everloving fuck. If this sack of nuts caught the PTSD while underway on a carrier, then maybe I need to re-evaluate my traumatic experiences as a young seaman.
I once saw a drunk-as-fuck sailor lean his bare ass out the side of his top rack and take a shit on the tile. 6 foot drop, it flattened like a pancake. A minute later an old OS2 walks into the aisle, thinks some dirtbag left a cookie from home on the deck, and tries to pick it up. Sticky fingers.
On second thought, that old OS2 might be the one with the PTSD, because having warm shit on your fingers has to be traumatizing.
True story.




OK everybody in the shop thinks I’ve finally snapped, I can’t stop laughing at that!


Oh, shit, Chief, if you’re going to post sea stories like that, could you PLEASE post a SPEW ALERT?

Have a little pity on the rest of us.


Sorry about that. I guess I got confused with sack o’ nuts’ PTSD and what I have, PDSS (pronounced ‘penis’), which is Post Deployment Sea Story syndrome.




No big surprise here. someone was going to do it, to much money involved, or should I say to be made.
A few years ago I saw this site and my gut said bullshit, the questions being asked and the answers did not smell legit. Later on a out processing trip to Lewis hanging around the new WTB barracks, is what put the nail in the door for me. It was like a show or bad move, everybody in one platoon was claiming to have PTS and nobody had ever deployed seen combat let alone a high stress environment, during one episode of high jinks the CSM entered a area, it was a epic game of look how crazy I am ! ! ! !
the minute he left. it was back to being barracks rats and lawyers trying to figure out how to screw the system … It made me sick as hell if you spoke anything about it then you were a insensitive asshole awesome I’ll take being a ass hole

Green Thumb


I used to call them the WTU and the DCU.

Warrior Transition Unit and Dirtbag Collection Unit.


That’s it we had 4 companies in the battalion I was in Medvac HHT then there was B C D. I don’t remember if it was C or D but it was full of shitbags galore the cadre you could tell was fed up but you couldn’t say anyting


I have seen the exact same thing. So many claiming PTSD without hearing a shot fired or even being deployed. I think a month long stay at 7 west at Walter Reed would scare the PTSD right out of them. Ive seen PTSD claimed for a NTC rotation, being harassed at basic training, and being in a Guard unit in the 70s that might have to deploy. It makes me sick. I had one Soldier with multiple COMBAT deployments under his belt, went to the VA for help and was “cured”. He killed himself a week later. This turd could not even shine that Soldiers shoes.
And for the crazies that that are just scamming the government I have seen three “klingers” (MASH) to include one who stated a IED explosion turned him into a transvestite. They all sit around trying to screw the system and take away from the true wounded warriors.

Green Thumb

“IED explosion turned him into a transvestite.”

That is a new one.

I like it!

Green Thumb

And I am sure the VA has no issue paying it as they screw deserving Vets.


And I just caught the PDST reading the above comment.

You see, it can really happen.


I get the PSTD every time I spend a few minutes on TAH.

Green Thumb

IVAW = Losers.


I was in a Huey crash in 1988. PTSD wasn’t contagious back then-guess that’s why I didn’t catch it…

Dammit! I could’ve been a millionaire by now.


Originally posted by Jonn Lilyea:

He was an OS2, an Operations Specialist, a radar watcher in the bowels of the ship.

He did more than just “watch radars.” He stood watch in the Ship’s Combat Information Center, which is the ship’s counterpart to the Tactical Operations Center in the FOB/COB/FB/PB. Except, you’re capable of doing much more hooah stuff from the CIC. It’s like “Star Wars,” the new ones, sans 3D laser displays.

The guy had plenty to be proud of for his service… no need for embellishment.


Another interesting thing I noticed when looking at the dd214 here… IF J. Gourley was on the George Washington, as he says, from JAN 2004, to end of JUNE 2004, that is at least 5 months. Last I checked, you don’t use actual leave for “shore leave” days (shore leave doesn’t usually charge your actual leave time). SO… IF he was on that ship for that last five months, and went straight from the ship to signing out (discharge) and going home on or about JUNE 28th, 2004, then he should have at least 12+ “accrued leave” days listed (active duty SMs accrue 2.5 days of leave per 30 days of active duty), because he would have had no opportunity to use them while on board ship those last five months. HOWEVER, his 214 shows only 2 days accrued leave at discharge. Anyone else catch that or have clarification? I’m just thinking this may be yet another indicator that he wasn’t on that ship, as they said he was, in 2004.

2/17 Air Cav

“They share about the verbal abuse, the violent tendencies, the impatience, the nightmares, the inability for Jason to hold down a job, and the fear that became normal for their household.”

Gee, that’s flattering. It’s from a review of Shawn Gourley’s book, “The War At Home: One Family’s Fight Against PTSD,” to which Shawn responded, “Thank for the awesome review. One thing, my husband’s name is Justin not Jason. Just thought you should know. But thank you. Very awesome.”

Yes, very awesome. What would really be awesome is if there was an audit of that nonprofit Indiana Corporation to see exactly how much, if any, donations are received and how they are spent. I’d really be interested in learning an auditor’s view of the interplay between Military with PTSD, Incorporated’s “co-founder and Executive Director” and her book, listed first on the website’s list of recommended books. Could be a sticky wicket, as the Brits say. And I’m not at all certain why a private residence is listed with the state as the corporate address but the website lists an entirely different one. Probably, the state hasn’t caught up with the address change yet. Yeah, that’s probably it.


Well, as Don Henley put it in one of his songs: “Lawyers dwell on small details . . . .” (smile)

Wonder if anyone we might know in the State of Indiana might be a lawyer and have any “ins” with veterans groups and/or the folks there who regulate charities?


Rough translation of that: Justin’s a slacker and can’t hold down a job. He also has a short fuse and likes to pick fights over nothing as does his dependapotamus. Many dishes have been broken and ended up in the trash because violence met them in an argument.


Are you certain this is not an article about Stolen Value Meal? At least he appears happy. Must have received the Elmo toy with articulated limbs for his meal prize.


WHOA! HOLD THE PHONES! I just caught PTSD from reading this crap…and of the other crap just like it! Thank goodness ahz already has me a “PTSD” dog..Pittie That Sleeps all Day.


I was reviewing some of the bio’s this guy wrote about himself and On the Hubpages write-up, it says that he “left boot camp and was assigned to the GW as a Machinist Mate or in civilian terms, a firefighter”

#1 – Machinist Mate (MM) isn’t a fire fighter in civilian terms.

#2 – If he left boot camp and went to the fleet without “A” School, which his record indicates, he wasn’t an MM but was an undesignated “Fireman” who went through two-weeks of “Fireman Apprenticeship Training” which basically familiarized the sailor with engine room operations & propulsion operations. A “Fireman” is a sailor that hasn’t had any formal schooling but is assigned to the engineering department onboard. It doesn’t mean he’s a firefighter by trade. If he were, his job title would be Damage Controlman (DC)

#3 – If he left service as an Operations Specialist (OS) it’s because he “struck” out of engineering and became an OS through OJT. Not unusual but most of our “strikers” stayed within their departments. So, a Fireman would usually “strike” another job like; Hull Technician (HT), Engineman (EN) or something within the Engineering Department.

#4 – For better understanding of how the Navy trains it’s sailors, consider that every Soldier is a rifleman, right? Well, every sailor is a firefighter (at some level) especially on the smaller ships like cruisers & destroyers. EVERY sailor has a place on the Inport Fire Party and most serve some function underway unless the crap really hits the fan then it’s an all hands evolution to save the ship. Think: USS Stark, USS Samuel B. Roberts and USS Cole.

Silentium Est Aureum

Amen, Chief. My exposure to the surface Navy is (thankfully) limited, but IIRC, a good chunk of the DC parties are made up of DC’s and HT’s (Damage Controlmen and Hull Techs) supplemented a lot by the Engineering rates.

On boats, it’s pretty much everyone not on watch. And yes, fires on a boat (in port or underway) are a real ass-puckering experience.


Found this kind of interesting…..Did a little search on “Justin Gourley” (seeing as how he lives about 1h 45m south of me) and found this on Slideshare.com. It’s 28 slides worth of financial discrepancies in reference to their “Military with PTSD” group as well as personal bankruptcy. If you look on the right hand side you’ll see all sorts of other info ranging from criminal information to IRS letters. Enjoy!


Mona Sue

MAC(SW)-that link that you shared is from a page that I, and many former admins of MWPTSD, support.
All of this information can be found on this page and some on a Weebly website.
There is so much that they have done since starting their organization and we have been working very hard to make people aware. If you would like to visit the page, please let me know and I will link it to you (if I am permitted by this page).
Admins of this page: I do not wish to disrespect you or this page, so please let me know if I have permission to post a link. Thank you

HMCS(FMF) ret.

Looks like the shitbird Gourley’s are pulling a scam with the courts pertaining to their bankruptcy – and the Mrs. it probably the “brains” of the operation.

Time to turn up the heat on them…

Friend S. Wilkins

This little snowflake just blew my “skirt” 😉 up!!! He got PTSD from a counter-terrorism orientation??? Oh for Christ’s sake, I’d like to see this Gourley go through Basic Enlisted Submarine School. All the way through. Then hop on a plane and meet up with a REAL fast attack submarine in some strange foreign land. Then receive a crash course in submarine duty right there at sea when you don’t know nothing about nothing. When you’re Flippin’ New Guy and no one’s gonna hold your hand and walk you through it. When it’s all up to you and only you. When they put you at the steering and diving controls for the first time and the last goddamn thing you want to do is fuck up. And then the drills. Drills. Drills. Drills. When you don an EBA, half blind from the mesh thing placed over the mask to simulate the effects of thick smoke. Then you and 4 or 5 other guys RUN back to the Engine Room. Engine Room Lower Level. And you’re so flippin’ lost and confused the first time, you just freeze up like a dummy. Jesus. Like I said, I’d really like to see this Justin Gourley try doing any of the above. I still can’t believe the guy is running a flippin’ 501c3 non profit corporation! I can’t believe he’s the flippin’ President and CEO! Jesus and God Almighty, I need a drink!!

Silentium Est Aureum

Great, now I have the PTSD too.

Thanks for triggering all those “rubber sucker” memories. Especially the ones where your buddy just unplugged you from the EAB manifold.

John Doe

I personally work with this guy at Indiana Tube Co. I can verify that he is deserving of every single name this site labels him as. He uses the bullshit PTSD label for FMLA and only shows up to work when he doesn’t have a camping trip or some other non legitimate plan for the day. He has said numerous times that “this is the best part time job i ever had”. He pisses so many people of here they are ready to kill him! Everyone is sick and tired of covering for his absences. Ironically, he is off today under the safety of his PTSD FMLA blanket. He is a true shit bag and I can only pray that SOMEONE out there sees all of this information and starts an investigation.

A Proud Infidel®™

It sounds like he doesn’t care about pissing people off wherever he goes as long as it benefits him. Shit happens to people like that, it’s only a matter of time. I just hope I get to hear and laugh about it when something happens to him!

mona sue

John Doe-what you see here is just a piece of the information about the Gourley’s–check out this page!!!

Mona Sue

John Doe–you said that Justin was off today for PTSD/FMLA, thought you would like to see exactly what the Gourley’s were doing last night!! Sounds like they were having a party while he was suppose to be working!!
This post was taken directly from their page–which is public.
comment image%3Foh%3Df4feb0cba01a69737c7ba3b489e32a83%26oe%3D562F3663&size=720%2C960&fbid=883243351723152

John Doe

Oh, and by the way, it’s called SPOUSAL ABUSE, not PTSD you piece of shit!


So are you saying he’s a wife/girlfriend beater, JD?

Perhaps he needs to spend some quality time in the company of women who have zero tolerance for that.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

To rephrase a line from the movie “Jonh Q” – I get it, he’s a member of the slapaho tribe.


I’m an OS that got diagnosed with PTSD. Why you ask? I was fucking raped by one of my supervisors in Dubai and my chain did jack shit about it except send me cranking.

Just an Old Dog

Sorry to hear that. Your case is entirely different that this shitbag. As far as I know you are trying to deal with it as best as you can, and not trying to make a buck off of it.
Gourley is claiming that he “Caught the PTSD” from attending security traing and watching a film on the attack on the USS Stark.
If you put it in context of your situation it would be like another female telling you she had PTSD from watching “50 shades of Gray” and felt she was sexually assaulted from seeing it.
The Gourleys have been selling “PTSD Fireworks Awareness” signs for $90 bucks a pop.
When asked where the money went the tried to say the signs were not sold, they were free with donations.
The OS MOS is about he ONLY thing you share with this dirtbag.

Outside looking in

I don’t think anyone asked why u had PTS? I think what people are wondering is why u would use that as an excuse to sodomize the rest of society until your hearts content?? Why are there so many discrepancies in your story? Where are the donations going? Financials are all right here to see and none of it adds up?? THOSE are the questions being asked. I’m assuming that “JG” is Mr. Gourly, correct?

Just an Old Dog

No, I think JG is someone who read the thread and wanted to point out that there are exceptions to the rules that only certain MOSs should be considered Legit for PTSD. That and that PTSD wasnt neccessarily a result of Combat.


Can someone please inform me how this twatwaffle was awarded the armed forces expeditionary medal being at sea for 15 days? Plus, no overseas time awarded on his 214? I’m no fucking sailor but that 214 looks shady as Shit!


Fox has a segment on this group. And interviewed a female USAF vet with PTSD who says fireworks remind her of an artillery Strike when she was in South Korea in 1990. And Im like WTF when was this Since Osan and Kunsan havent seen NKPA activity since 1951.



There is a link at the bottom of the article that you can click to report errors in the article. I did but after I clicked “Send” a notice appeared saying that my submission appeared to be “Spam”.
It was long, but I not that long. But I did include a link to TAH. Because of the link there spam filter might of thought it was spam. I cannot send another, but some of you can. This needs to be challenged and a retraction asked for.

So please go to the article and report this false story.

Keep it short and no links and maybe your comments will get thru where mind did not.

Hack Stone

Maybe he caught the PTSD from from the burger joint not holding the lettuce.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

He caught the PTSD from the wife switching to a different brand of toilet paper… the new stuff chafes his taint


What a pussy cat!


Thumbs in the eye all around!