Draw Muhammad in Arizona

| May 31, 2015



I guess things were pretty tense in Phoenix yesterday where two equally sized groups of dumbasses faced off at the Islamic Community Center mosque. It attracted loudmouths from both sides of the discussion, according to AFP;

About 200 demonstrators from each group stood outside the mosque in Phoenix, Arizona, where a biker crew had said they would hold a Mohammed cartoon contest.

Dozens of officers lined up between the two sets of protesters, using yellow police tape to separate them near the gates of the Islamic Community Center mosque in north Phoenix.

“Stop Islam” was among the slogans on placards held by bearded bikers, one of whom wore a T-shirt reading “Support Your Local White Boy” and had a shouting match with rival demonstrators across the police lines.


I don’t know what they intend to “stop Islam” from doing, or what being a “white boy” has to do with the whole thing. Yeah, I get the whole “free expression” thing and it’s distasteful to me that there are those in the Muslim community who want to dictate to Americans what we can do or say, but by the same token to wag your finger in someone’s face only encourages them to bite it off.

Why are the fat, slovenly, dorky fellows the only ones who want to stand up for my rights by openly carrying their camouflaged AK-47s to protests. That was meant to intimidate, not to offer protection. Protection could have been accomplished by discreetly carrying a handgun with several extra magazines. And, me, I was intimated by the Captain bars – he must’ve been Captain of all the s’mores. That’s why he had the earbud on – so he didn’t miss the call for the campfire cookout later.

Thanks, fellas, I feel like all of my rights are more secure now.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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A Proud Infidel®™

‘Ol “CPT Bubba AK” looks like he never met a jelly doughnut he didn’t like. I wonder if he wasn’t some wonderful, wild wompus badass of a SooperdooperseekritskwirrelscoutsniperSEALranger?


Meal Team Six!

A Proud Infidel®™

I bet he started off as a Black Ops Rear Door gunner at the Mess Hall keeping the leftovers safe from still-hungry marauding Soldiers!


I am stealing that line for future use when/where apropos.


M ega
E normous
A sshole
L earning

T o
E mbarrass
A nd
M ingle
S imilar
I ncompetent
X mensa members

John "Faker 6" Giduck

They need to do what I do and suck cock to build self-esteem. My throat (much like my self esteem) has taken a real beating lately.


John “Faker 6” Giduck

JarHead Pat

Hahahaha, awesome reply, just look at those fucktards, they are almost as retarded as those code pink cunts.

The Other Whitey

That’s one battle-hardened airsoft warrior right there!

A Proud Infidel®™

Q: What do you do when someone like that is coming toward you in a threatening manner?

A: throw a jelly doughnut and yell “FETCH”!


I think you’re partially wrong. Up to this point, the ragheads are the ones threatening violence. These guys,(looks notwithstanding) threw the threat right back in their face. Nothing wrong with that, is there? Or should we all lay down & kiss their ass?


Ha…ya big wussy.

Real men wear camo gear for Omar the tent maker (Former muslim by the way).
Dew rags on das head.
Cool guy sunglasses even at night.
Ear bud (attached to nothing).
High ranking insignia.
Mandatory goat (facial hair, not the type muslims have for girlfriends).
Rolled up sleeves to intimidate those of less girth, with black gloves no less.
And the piece da la residence A CAMO AK!

Maybe someday John, maybe someday…


Hard to take the high road when both sides stoop to each other’s level.

Old Trooper

Sometimes, you don’t have the luxury of taking the high road. Sometimes you have to get down in the mud and duke it out.


API, looks like he ATE a SooperdooperseekritskwirrelscoutsniperSEALranger!

A Proud Infidel®™

I wouldn’t be surprised if he ate a squad of them at a time and then threw himself mouth-first onto a box of leftover jelly doughnuts to absorb the calories that would otherwise hit his fellow wonder-wompus Commandos!

Big Steve

As for the “captain” everyone is ripping in here, don’t be too quick too judge a book by it’s cover and take the cheap shots about his apparent size/weight.
I work with some guys that look roughly like him, and they are some big, strong guys, some vets, who you would never want to f*** with.

I understand the frustration of people over radical Islam, a compliant government and media, but I too think overall this little thing in Phoenix didn’t accomplish anything that helps us American patriots.


My thoughts, too. My cousin is about that size & can pick up the front end of a medium size car.

John S.

The “captain” looks like he’d do okay at the highland games.

Old Trooper

Yeah, I have no time for all the tacti-cool bs that these types show up wearing. I don’t give a pass to the po-po for running around wearing it for their badass photo op, so I’m not going to cut these guys any slack, either. I am wondering why there weren’t any photos of the smelly hippies, on the other side, though.


Something tells me the protesters on the other side were mainly young and white… showing them would only make the whole thing look sillier than it already does.


I like what you are saying we use to call them PX rangers because every thing was overkill LMAO! ! ! ! !

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m a blue collar man, and I know what you’re talking about. However, when one shows up looking like a “Geardo” thinking they belong on the cover of “Soldier of Fortune”, it’s GAME ON!


The po-po created a neutral zone? Why didn’t someone tell me? I could have called some friends.

We could have all showed up, sat right smack dab in the middle, spent a half hour meditating on what we wanted on our pizza, ordered the pizza and something to imbibe, and then had a drum jam, right in the middle of it all.

I coulda had a good time protesting the protests, and I missed it.

2/17 Air Cav

Odd that the negative portrayals go to the worst among only one of the two groups. The members of the other group are given a pass. This is what Big Media did to the Tea Party, too. There might be 100 signs and the one that some moron holds is the one that is plastered everywhere, as representative of the cause. The Boston Globe was an exception and did present a photo of a few counter protestors. For some reason, the one next to the honey in the blankets who wants to end certain speech (How? Her sign doesn’t say.) seems a tad angry with a police officer. Probably, he was just asking directions.


Green Thumb

These bikers are idiots.

Just simple-minded morons.

I wonder if the “Big Turd” Riley Keeton was among them?

Old Trooper

I don’t think they’re simple-minded morons. I think they’re just fed up with how everyone is intimidated by the jihadi show of force every time someone says or does anything to upset their fragile sensibilities and this time they turned the tables on them. Do I think it was a good idea? No, I don’t, because it gives the commie media more ammunition (pardon the pun) to show our side in a bad light, due to the one sided reporting and pictures. I just believe they have the right to do it.

Green Thumb

Good post.

It is not so much the issue about “their rights”, in my opinion, and I agree with you on that point.

Just why show up “armed to the teeth”, personifying an unfortunate stereotype held by many and then poke the “bear in the teeth”?

Old Trooper

I agree that they didn’t need to show up armed and looking all billy badass about it and that gave the media all the excuse they needed to add to an already sensationalized event. I believe it was done for dramatic effect more than anything else. Kinda like when the NBPP shows up armed.

I am glad the police showed restraint with those that were armed and held things in check, because tensions were high and the smelly hippies always count on the police to protect them, until there is no threat to their health and well being, then they go back to hating cops.


Why armed? Have you forgotten Garland, already?

Dave Hardin

I do not understand why it is not obvious why they did it. The last cartoon event has several people from the ‘community center’ show up with guns and were shot.

If you give the tree a little shake the rotten fruit tends to drop first. Anyone that believes that a bronze aged war lord suffering from epileptic seizures actually climbed on a winged horse with a human head and flew into the heavens is deluded. If they follow his written word they are dangerous.

Plain and simple.


But it’s crazy. CRAY-ZEE to think they were armed in prep for an attack. They had no commander. No organization. Did they expect to shoot wilding towards the sounds of explosions or other gunshots? Upon whose torso would they draw-down? Chaos. There’s nothing there for them other than a chance to carry a rifle and play dress-up. ACUs (or whatever they are called now) and all that – they were participating in a costume party. AND…I bet at least half of those guys are a little sad they didn’t get to shoot anyone.

My message to the guys in dress-up? Calm the FOCK down – for a couple reasons…firstly, off the top of my head – when you dress up like that you become a priority target. You’re putting everyone around you in danger because even if bad guys miss you, those just hanging out cuz they want to chant and stuff – those guys get caught in cross fire. Honestly had the worst happened – beyond whatever a terrorist wanted to do – would have been a bloodbath with no winners.


Green Thumb.. the rezone ! ! for all the Guns was simple the last 6 years here in Arizona and for that matter all over the UA of A, their has been a LOT of Hat crimes being committed by these Peaceful Muslim nuts,
not the otherside in numbers that they have done ! ! …
the old saying of Frog in the water, I think applies here, it slowly gets hot but nobody notices what’s going on, or you are told that it was a isolated incident,
well people are getting FED UP.
We had the opportunity to do a drive by with a buddy in a unmarked car
the ani’t outnumberd (aka) lost bikers, the goat fakers…
what caught my eye was about 15 or 20 of them wearing green a few taking pics. And it hit me finally I’m seeing what I needed to see. In Irag and Afghanistan you knew shit was hit when there call to prayer was a different chat, and all of a sudden the fuckers all had green shits socks what ever it may have Been the color signifies Death. They make it easy to see if you know what’s up, these people are not dumb, the people staging the rally are moronic dumb asses they don’t have a clue as to what the third group was pulling and then the politicly correct media well they had a heyday making a bunch of people look like dumb asses and blaming us Vets for what happened


They could have showed up with 100 cases of PBR and conducted a drink fest with 2400 beer can to cranium crushes.

This would have sent a better message.

A wee bit of blood, bad language and no one gets shot!

Mr. Blue

A few BBQ smokers and a lot of yummy pork would go well with that idea.

Old Trooper

PBR??? I use that to clean car parts! That stuff was nasty when it was popular back in the 60’s/70’s and it ain’t improved! Now, some hipster decided to drink it to be different and all the other hipsters followed their lead. Now, you go to a hipster club and they proudly advertise that they serve that solvent and are proud to charge you a premium price for it, too.

Also, along with the blood and bad language, you forgot the shits, which you will get from that stuff.

Former 11B

I don’t know about that OT. I live in Brooklyn which is the hipster doofus Mecca and PBR is beloved by that crowd for it’s cheapness. A couple bars I’ve been in have had $2 or $3PBR nights. I used to buy it when I didn’t have a ton a money, and every time I did I found that I couldn’t shit right for a week.

Bud Mud’s got nothing what PBR does to your intestines.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

“Support Your Local White Boy” – must be a member of Team Haplo Group, ran b a certain “businesssman” in the DC area.


Dammit! Who won the drawing contest?


Very tacticool…….though mixing camo patterns is a fashion faux pas

charles w

Everyone knows you match the giraffe with the giraffe and the hippo with the hippo.


^^^^^That’s how my dad explained sex to me. I’m still unsure I understand how that works…

Silentium Est Aureum

Yeah, I’ll stick to expressing my own opinions, rather than having these clowns proport to do it for me.

I’ve no love for the jihadist type, but neither do I have any love for the people trying to pick a fight with them just because they have nothing better to do.


I don’t often carry my AK to a cartoon contest, but when I do, I wear my Mechanix®™ gloves!

A Proud Infidel®™

The choice of Geardos!


Well he may have been a Walmart super-center Ranger LMAO ! ! !

Dave Hardin

When I see large groups of Muslim protesters denouncing acts of violence I will be more critical of these people.

I am tired of people pointing to some small handful of Muslims that speak at some press conference as if that shows the Muslim community does not condone violence.

They will not stand up and speak out in mass against violence in the name of Muhammad because that is what he preached. If they do they will become the primary target of Muslim violence. It has always been that way.

“Islam was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Qur’an, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman [Muslim] who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.” – Thomas Jefferson 1786

I don’t care if the only people standing up to this twisted dogma are inbred fat and filthy, they got my support.


This. If we’re in a fight, I want the guys who are prepared to fight on my side.

Never can go wrong quoting TJ either.

Big Steve

Very good points, Dave.


…but the standing-up-for doesn’t DO anything. It’s self-serving at best. It doesn’t ‘send any messages’. Doing things like some of those protesters / cartoonists? whatever? were doing will not give a social nor tactical advantage against those who wish to kill others in the name of Islam. Doing ‘something’ isn’t always better than doing nothing.


Ritzheimer is going into “hiding” now. Claiming death threats.

Play stupid games – win stupid prizes.

He clearly didn’t think this one through…

Dave Hardin

He is staying at my place. We are wallpapering the house with pictures of Muhammad we drew. All are welcome, we are smoking some pork over a pile of burning Qurans. Please respect the house rules, the is to be no facing east during the event. I don’t allow carpets, rugs, or towels of any kind on the property and please don’t feed the goat.


“…and please don’t fuck the goat.”



Add a bunch of scantily clad women and I’m in.

B Woodman

“Thanks, fellas, I feel like all of my rights are more secure now.”

Jonn, you forgot the (/sarc) tag at the end.



Citizens sick and tired of the enemy and enemy lovers doing everything possible to make citizens afraid.

Citizens standing up against the shitheads, both foreign and domestic.

And we mock.

And we wonder why we, as a people, are constantly bent over a bench and punked bloody by that same domestic enemy.

Fucking idiots.




This among many other reasons is why I love you Jonn.



The freckled faced dumbass (me) in the faded over sized blue and gold politely (concealed) packing a 357 without liberal soccer mom or the 18 year world changer having a clue is a most bestest option.

When I see fuchtsticks (like above) I grab and go in opposite direction of their potential fire pattern (which is no doubt unpredictable).


Morons LMAO ! ! ! ! !

OIF '06-'07-'08

Grimmy, (Citizens sick and tired of the enemy and enemy lovers doing everything possible to make citizens afraid.

Citizens standing up against the shitheads, both foreign and domestic.) this I completely agree with, but as Jonn has stated up top, showing up in just plain street clothes and a legally concealed handgun with extra spare mags does a lot more sense than showing up in “FULL BATTLE RETARD” which makes us all look like fucking RETARDS to the rest of the country.


I’m certain that well meaning do gooders in Europe express the same desire to turn the other cheek on Islam. I don’t think it’s turning out to well for them.

While I fully agree that some of the atire and rhetoric is a little over the top. I’m glad to see not everyone is rolling over and show info their respective bellies. Until such times when it’s to late.

As an observer of the world. Generally speaking. The muslims don’t seem to play nice with others.


Noticed the screen name – which I think may have recently changed. But I’m not sure.

Are congrats in order?


We’re not turning the other cheek. Just not a fan of those who expose their’s just to stir up more shit.


nbcguy54ACTUAL. I don’t think there is anything wrong with what they did it’s about damn time someone says enough the BS the media feeds us, go hang out in Europe it’s a mess a really big mess. Denmark is right at 58 percent Muslim and they have sharia law in a lot of the country, a friend said he is not welcome in about a 1/3 of his own country these people Won’t assimilate and now a big chunk of Europe is the Middle East and the piper is knocking on the door NOT GOOD ! ! !


Did we get a promotion????


No we did not, we are retired!


Where is Darwin when you need him? He should have been calling for some indirect fire on both sides.


So I wonder what CPT (or Lt) Meal Team Six’s FOIA is going to look like? I am betting less than 4 years service…

A Proud Infidel®™

That or he turns out to be either a Boot Camp washout or someone with a number of years exiting as an E3 or lower.


Yep. Read that earlier.

All I got to say is that if ya can’t finish it, don’t start it. Sometimes that 15 minutes of fame has a price tag.

BTW, who won the contest?


The think about this dude is saying he is doing it for the marine core was a no no and I find it a little funny after see all these bass store rangers yesterday how many have really been in the military for real and how many were washouts

Old Trooper

Yeah, that’s an interesting turn; eh? If you’re gonna run your suck, be a fucking man and stand tall. Don’t be a bitch and run and hide. Death threats are to be expected, since that’s the usual MO from the religion of peace. It’s kinda hard to intimidate people when you head for the foxhole at the first threat from outside the AO.

Pinto Nag

Just like standing on a train track and then being shocked when the train comes along. Idiots-R-Us!

2/17 Air Cav

So, let’s assume for a moment that he is killed and his head is placed on the small of his back for the photo op. What then? Who would say he had it coming, that he looked for trouble and found it, that he has no one to blame but himself? Is that what this is about? Personally, I see this guy as neither a hero nor villain. Unfortunately, his message—or my twofold understanding of it, anyway—one, that America is kowtowing to Muslims, fearful of offending them and provoking them, and; two, that Americans can express their views publicly, in accordance with law, at the risk of unsettling others, is being lost.

A Proud Infidel®™

Look at what radical muslims did on 9/11 and since then, and liberals demand that we do all we can to avoid offending them? It sounds like they want to hand radical muzzies what they want on a silver platter, liberalism is not only a mental disorder, it’s a symptom of pure cowardice!

“An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile hoping it will eat him last.” – Winston Churchill


Let’s see him try this in a Black neighborhood.

I think the point some of us are trying to make is just cuz you can doesn’t mean you should.
What supposedly separates us from the sand savages is (was) our tiny remnant of civility. It’s hard to claim the righteous card when you’re looking for trouble. Lately, here in the States, I’ve seen and read about many more blacks wanting to take down cops and “whitey” than I have about the muzzies. Where’s the gun-toting protesters when that happens? I feel much more threatened by those thugs and the Mexican Mafia types than I do by a bunch of goat fuckers a half a world away. Let’s get off of the “Hypocrisy Train” and show some nuts and handle the threats we already have.
We already have a target rich environment that for the most part we’re ignoring. We’ll handle the ragheads in due time.

2/17 Air Cav

The quick answer is that the crime you mentioned is as American as apple pie. Violence in cities is damn near a tradition, isn’t it? That, plus the truth that few want to admit: inner-city killings are largely thugs killing thugs and that’s okay. As for protests against police as wanton targets, I’m not sure what to do with that. Police are well armed, trained, and organized. And a protest against harming them, staged by private citizens, will mean what?

A Proud Infidel®™

I came across a link on Drudge about an Arabic Baptist Church in Tennessee today (I posted the link on the Weekend Open Thread) and just Googled the same, apparently there are a number of them here in the States and in Canada, very interesting, and I wonder if any big news outlets will ever pick up on that? As for the “Draw Mohammed” contests, I wonder how big of a shooting would occur at one in say, Chicago, DC, LA, MD, or NJ, where draconian Gun Control Laws keep the criminals safe?


I am holding a rational protest in my head:

Sounds like this …

“Stop Islam … NO”.

“Kill all radical Isalmists … YES”.

I won’t attend any of these rallies … they are harmful for all good people.


Seems to me the ragheads are bent on taking over this country and forcing us to accept their theology which includes killing “infidels”. Most of us who have been there and worn the T shirt don’t go looking for trouble. If it comes, we are ready and prepared. BTW, Big Boy must SURELY be a badass.
You can tell by the flashlight he had hanging on his right leg.

A Proud Infidel®™

Correct me if I’m wrong, but a lot of times, don’t the biggest shit-talkers and “Hey, look at me!” types like that usually become the first ones to “shit and run” when the SHTF?


A Proud Infidel: Absolutely correct. You and I have not been the only ones to have some overmouthed and undercapable spew their shit…..until they realized elephant mouth too big for gnat ass. A real can of ass whoop lets THEM do the talking until they realize “Oops, I’ve just bit off more than I can chew and shit my britches at the same time!”

A Proud Infidel®™

Like a Mentor once told me, “DON’T go through this life with an alligator mouth and a hummingbird’s ass, you’ll get your ass kicked up between your ears!”.


More than the terrorists and their apologists, WE (our society) is hell-bent on destroying goodness wherever we can in the name of ‘kindness’. If WE (society…us) think a particular group is (god forbid) suffering hurt-feelings we (that’s you and me and everyone else) we bend over backwards to soothe them. Our media and our educators begin teaching our kids and our less-strong-minded about how BAD it is to do anyting that hurts the feelings of anyone who isn’t supposedly in power (Anyone female, and if they have more pigment than others). Then we start to believe it and then we create special rights and protections.

Our (The nation’s) problem is ‘us’.


Fourteen Sierra. Excellent point of view. And the end result by those who would do our country harm is the following: “Kindness is taken for weakness”.


Welp Jarhead – when the faces of our nation (political and social) projects weakness it’s probably understandable.

I hold out hope, however.


All of a sudden I noticed something I had missed earlier. The guy wearing the red shirt and white hat was apparently disliked by the fashion police even in his own crowd. Judging by the sign his neighbor had pointing at him, that attire must be some symbol of failed GED guy who was in the wrong crowd.


Organizer was on Fund-me or some crowd sourcing site asking for $10 million to upgrade his house and protect his family. Dude, really?

2/17 Air Cav

“An Iranian artist was sentenced to more than 12 years in prison for drawing a cartoon disparaging members of parliament over their decision to restrict birth control for women. […} Last August, Revolutionary Guards raided Farghadani’s home and blindfolded her, confiscated her personal belongings and imprisoned her, according to Amnesty International.”

Yeah, well I guess she had it coming for provoking them.

2/17 Air Cav

Other countries recognize and prohibit hate speech. We are on that road, as I see it. The Left likes to accuse others of being haters, as if hating is all ready a crime. And, of course, we have had so-called hate crimes for some years now. It’s not enough that A illegally batters B. There’s a bonus (enhanced penalty) if A uses racial epithets in doing so. How long will it be before the speech alone is punishable? I guess that depends, in large part, on who is sitting on the Supreme Court when the timing is right and the issue is ripe for the court to carve out a hate-speech exception or to ‘read one’ into the 1st Amendment, just as it has read so many things into other Constitutional provisions that simply aren’t there. It may take 50 another years or more but I can see it happening. As I said in an earlier comment, I don’t personally give a damn about this guy what’s-his-name. What I do care about is that we do not mistake him for the issue: whether through self-censorship or government’s gag, we fear saying whatever it is we want to say—publicly—so long as we do so in accordance with law (e.g., obtain a permit.)