Dempsey; Iraqis weren’t driven out of Ramadi, they drove themselves

| May 21, 2015

Hardy-Har-Har. According to Stars & Stripes, General Martin Dempsey makes light of the loss of the Iraqi city of Ramadi claiming that the Iraqis weren’t driven out of Ramadi, they drove themselves;

Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters Wednesday on a trip to Brussels that Iraqi security forces commanders made a tactical decision to withdraw from Ramadi last weekend because sandstorms prevented U.S. coalition aircraft from mounting airstrikes against Islamic State fighters who swarmed into the city, capital of Anbar province.

It was the most significant setback in the war against the Islamic State since the militants seized Mosul during last summer’s offensive that overran about a third of Iraqi territory.

Yeah, there was sand involved, I’m sure. The problem with Dempsey’s analysis is that we’ve been expecting Ramadi to crumble to ISIS for a month now. While sandstorm may have used for cover the last couple of days, where were the aircraft, the ass-kickings, for the 28 days prior to this last weekend? Yeah, it was the worst loss since Mosul, which was the worse since Fallujah, six months before that. The problem with this administration and the way it’s managing this war is that they aren’t pro-active enough.

It’s almost as if they aren’t paying any attention to the enemy at all – they have a strategy and they won’t allow changes in the battlefield to detract them from that, no matter how dire the circumstances. It’s not so much that they’re slow to act, they just don’t act.

I’m sure that Dempsey doesn’t envy his successor having to take back Ramadi.

Category: Terror War

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Old Trooper

Who says they’re going to take back Ramadi? The candy asses in this administration don’t have the stomach for it. They’re too busy trying to intimidate Americans to be concerned about that.

2/17 Air Cav

How in the world has no one come up with a weekly sitcom show called “The Pentagon?” The material is endless and writes itself. Dumper also said that the Iraqi commander (oxymoron) “made what appears to be a unilateral decision to move to what he perceived to be a more defensible position…” Well, with all of that equipment abandoned as they went assholes and elbows, afraid to fight ground troops with ground troops, what are they going to use to hold that “more defensible position?”

A Proud Infidel

They ought to play circus music in the background whenever they have these asinine propaganda briefings.

Pinto Nag

Managing WHAT war?! This administration couldn’t manage to make a sandwich without screwing it up.


Okay, you win the internet today!


I didn’t realize that Comical Ali was writing Dempseys answers.


Say John is “hope” still a feassble plan fore anything?


‘Hope’ that Iraq wouldn’t be taken over by extremists, and accept the ‘Change’ when they do is the mantra in the White House.


Well according to Obama’s latest, the biggest threat to world security, national security and the furue best use of our military is…Climate Change. Not worldwide and at home terrorism or ISIS or AQ or the Taliban. No, none of them, it’s rising sea water levels. What an absolutely worthless, anti American, Muslim loving apologist nimrod! No doubt to me, ISIS will have control of all of Iraq in a year or two, certainly before the loser in chief is out of office. I’ve said it before. Their goal post is Baghdad and the U.S. Embassy. Then, it will be Tehran 1979 all over again except with no mercy given and video recorded, beheadings, burnings alive of non essential personnel and the rest held hostage for who knows how long. In the end, added to what he has already failed at, Obama will cost this nation more than we can every imagine.


While at the commencement ceremony at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy the other day, Barry went on and on about climate change and didn’t say anything inspirational.


ISIS? Pish, not even on the radar. Climate Change is the REAL threat!


Veritas Omnia Vincit

Is it just me or does the Iraqi strategic plan look a lot like Gamelin’s plan in 1940?


Very close. I think the Iraqi army even adopted the French battle ensign.

Dave Allison

During Vietnam there was a daily press briefing in USARV Hq’s at 1700 hours daily, it was called the 5:00 follies..

B Woodman

“Yeah, there was sand involved, I’m sure. ”

Yeah, in their collective manginas. Normally I’d say, “wash it out”, but with the collective (see what I did there) lack of both water and hygiene, I consider that nigh unto impossible.

We need to be out there. All of it. All of us. STAT!


When I was in boot camp so very long ago, someone kept referring to the trash dumpster as the dempsey dumpster. I kid you not. I think I will revive that.

What war? Does sand really matter, if it replaces brains?

What makes anyone think the idea is to take BACK Ramadi? Seriously.

The only way this will be stopped is two big, fat nukes on those two cities that have already fallen, and no one will do that because we’re too humane… aren’t we?


Where’s Baghdad Bob when we need him?


Seems to be working in this Administration in PR these days.


I see he got his hat from Shinseki & Co. Haberdashery . . . .


It’s bad enough when you know that the president is lying in his teeth, but when it keeps coming and coming and coming, it’s like being in the path of a broken sewer – the shit just keeps on rolling.

Nice poster, Jonn. I need to make a print of that somehow, for comic relief.


Glad to know all of the Marines and their brother servicemen that shed their blood there can now be made light of by this administration. I hate to say it, but I would damned near sell my soul for this administration’s time to be complete. And that a four star general officer made light of the loss of a city where so much American blood was spilled makes me sick to my stomach.


TankBoy, bodaprez da partiboi just does not give a shit about anythng, including where his own library is going to go, so why would he give a shit about the truth? Why?

Herbert J Messkit

Someone should ask him how the fight to retake Mosul is going. Wasn’t it supposed to be done in April?


Yeah, ISIS owns it now. I think they have since late last year. Where’ve you been?

Herbert J Messkit

I am aware that Mosul belongs to ISIS, my post is a reference to the claim by a pentagon briefer several months ago that there was a plan to RETAKE Mosul in April

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe there WAS a plan and they never bothered to execute it. Maybe for the better, I’m sure they would have botched it like they do everything else!

Mike Kozlowski

…Laugh it up, GEN Dempsey. Not too many living US flag officers can say they helped f*ck up a war beyond recovery.
