James Swartz; phony Special Forces and needless embellishment

Honestly, I’m getting real tired of these clowns. Scotty sends us the work of his crew over at his place on this ass-monkey James Swartz who claims that he was a POW, wounded three times and Special Forces in Vietnam;

Well, he enlisted during the Vietnam War, but he was a corrections officer through the war, never left the Continental United States and then he changed his MOS to air defense artillery and he continued to serve for 23 years until he retired.

No Combat Infantry Badge, no jump school or jump wings, no Bronze or Silver Stars, no Purple Hearts. He served during Vietnam and he deployed to Desert Storm, he has a Meritorious Service Medal, 5 ARCOMs, 4 Army Achievement Medals. WTAF?
Category: Phony soldiers
SHIT. For. Brains. I’ll never understand why critters like this one do what they do. Oh well, he’s gonna get some recognition and attention now!
a great career, trashed for nothing.
Exactly. It has to be a psychological issue, because I cannot fathom taking a legit career like that and flushing it.
This maggot can “Schwartz” my nuts.
A special turd, indeed.
How about a medal that says “POSER, Never been in the Military”. What’s the cost to have them made in a big batch? DON, JOHN pin it into the chest after you out him when he’s finished with his/her speech. WARNING! Implants can leak
Well I’ll be a son of a bitch, I did know this asshole because I was assigned to the 11th ADA Brigade at the same time. I had to deal with him a time or two and I never saw him with any thing special on his BDU’s. FUCK, make him famous.
SAD– Honorable service and great things he did and he was not satisfied with that.
Wow; small world indeed. Perfectly good career trashed. Very sad.
I wonder if any other folks have seen people they served with, doing the stolen valor thing.
Another Air Defender Pretender.
I told all you people that the 16P/16R ADA community was rampant with this type of tomfoolery. They wanna try to be Combat Arms, but they just aren’t.
He spent too many years at Ft. Bliss pulling a desk and sucking up to the ARCOM God.
I wonder how many of his ARCOMs came from his being a great swallower?
Nah, they’re for all of the Cream of Sum Yung Guy he slurped down while a POW in “the shit”…
But, ADA is just like infantry….or so they claim.
And flush!
Three combat jumps also. Beat him with a picket ponder.
Another shit for brains that pissed away a perfect career to be “RICE PADDY DADDY”. Well, Jimbo… you are gonna be Google famous now, BYTCH!
There is a link to a video that this assclown did… Schwartz is so full of shit.
Sad. Just freaking sad.
He had a damned fine career, and served in a combat theater during wartime. And yet he still had to pretend to be the 2nd coming of Audie Murphy – and sell his integrity for a few unearned scraps of cloth and undeserved pats on the back.
What is it Hondo about Gun monkeys telling tall tells ???? I think this makes two or three the past 4 or 5 weeks ????
God that pisses me off. He had a successful career and honorable. Why’d he have to dick it up?
Look – I get it. I can’t watch ANY shows about conflict in Bosnia, iraq or a’stan because I feel like a slug who never REALLY gave anything. My only deployment was as a DA Civ.
But I would NEVER fake the funk in an attempt to capture glory and sacrifice I’ve never earned. Slap in the face to those who were there.
I was in for 23 years and I never deployed. I am kind of sad I didn’t. I was on a rapid deployment team for 15 of it and I volunteered for Somolia and for DS/DS and got to Dover AFB and to Norfolk NAS. I did travel all over during my career around the world but never “In Theater”. My best friend and buddy who retired as a CMSgt/E-9 said, “Chip, you can’t change, what didn’t happen. Those that deployed and were able to do their job well and safely and come home, did so because you effectively supervised and trained many of them.”
That helped me and sticks with me every day.
I can’t even *FATHOM* why or how someone would pull this shit. I had a great career but I feel like I would be pissing all over my friends and co-workers who DID deploy, whom I trained and each and every one of them would want to come back and kick my ASS. Particularly the women. LOL. I know some that have PTS now and many of my brothers and sisters are some % of disabled as am I because of the sheer physical toll of our career field. I know of one kid who was crushed and was medically discharged. Another active duty kid at the 89th at Andrews AFB was killed just doing his job, albeit was the victim of an unfortunate accident. What we do is inherently dangerous and I was just a cargo puke, bag tosser and and passenger herder. Still, you fuck up on the job and you can die.
I can’t even imagine talking shit and making up stories about stuff I never did because it JUST DOESN’T MAKE ANY SENSE TO ME!
/*shakes my head* I just don’t get it, I guess I never will. 🙁 🙄
In a little over 300 words, you defined the difference between you and that scumbag described above and you also clearly defined the differences between Honor and dishonor. You, of course, are the Honorable one.
After getting to know you a little around here, I’m not at all surprised.
I’m not the only one. There are quite q few other folks that have expressed the same thing.
Besides the honorable and conscience thing getting in the way, I just can’t logically get how much you can try to Bullshit like this?
As was said to be in my youth by men older and wiser…. “Hey, stop right there…Yoooooouu can’t Bullshit an Old Bullshitter”
That’s why all the good and mostly true (with a tiny bit of alcohol fueled embellishment) stores star with “So No Shit, there I was…. 😀 😀 😀
Sounds like my Dad way back when….”you can’t bullshit a bullshitter.” I swear, I can still hear him.
Looks like we hung around with (mostly) good people in our youth.
*fistbump* right back at you.
Chip, you went where they told ya to go. If’n they would’ve sent you in theater, you would have gone. That simple.
Same with me, only I didn’t make a career out of it, like you did. I was in during VN, but went to Korea, and I think what I’ve experienced is “survivors remorse” – why my brothers and not me.
Bingo. Last time I checked, reporting to the place your orders said to report wasn’t optional.
Thanks Chip – I was in for a little over 6 years w/ a couple in the national Guard between 3 +/- year enlistments.
Only lately can I really feel good about it. When I read stories like this one I get more-proud of my service because I get a little angry that The asshat in this story felt HIS wasn’t good enough.
Dude you were in the Air Force!
An ardous deployment for you guys is having to walk across the base from your cushy barracks to the PX just to purchase a fresh 6 pack of tube socks … and then have to walk ALL the way back!
Careful there MCPO, after all, you yourself were a swabby! Smile!
Air Farcers probably get extra hardship pay for stuff like that!
I still remember flying and looking down and seeing the Air Force buildings at Bien Hoa, with the air conditioning units sticking out of the side walls. A real hardship tour as we called it. Smile
When I see these cases I am reminded of the Spanish Jesuit Philosopher Baltazar Gracian who famously said, “A single lie destroys a whole reputation of integrity.”
There was no need for this lie, and now there can no longer be any integrity or honor associated Mr. Schwartz.
Very well stated Veritas, I will use that on the promotion on TV and newspaper I am working getting here.
Thank you!!
I am always astonished by the people who had honorable and long term careers who still feel the need to embellish that career with falsehood.
I was no super secret, high speed, low drag trooper but I was an 11B/11C who served honorably. My paperwork says so and the lack of lies post service continue to maintain that honorable legacy of service. Both my son and daughter have served honorably and their paperwork proves it. They’ve no need to lie either.
This isn’t difficult stuff, just stick to the truth and it’s actually quite easy.
I’m no choir boy to be certain, I’ve had some moments I regret as we all have in our past. But to dishonor those who did the high speed, low drag work has never crossed my mind. Their efforts deserve a high degree of honor and respect and those who would cheapen that with lies deserve the utmost scorn of honorable men and women.
First off, sorry, I hit “report comment” instead of “reply.” Doof. Please disregard.
What I meant to say was that the modern version of the good Jesuit philosopher’s quote is something like: “You can build a thousand bridges, and suck one cock, and you will be remembered not as a bridge-builder, but as a cocksucker.”
This Schwartz guy is a cocksucker.
Your updated version adds a bit of color to the concept, perhaps I will remember that color commentary moving forward!! hehe
VOV: Ranger-Up also had a variant on this theme, updated with verbal imagery from recent conflicts. Google their “The Damn Few” episode titled “Tom the Bridgebuilder”. (smile)
My dad (LtCol D) phrased it as “one aw shit removes all attaboys”. This asshat is into negative numbers
Damn, beat me to the punch.
Put another way V.O.V., one “AWSH*T” cancels 100 “AttaBoys!”
Yet another classic example of wanting a CIB but not wanting to bother with that “whole Infantry thing” first.
Word. I want to strangle someone every time I see or hear the phrase “we’re just like Infantry”.
GT…. Everyone wanted to be like us, just not be with us!
…furhter…if the guy wants to embelish – write a F’in NOVEL. That way he can be the hero of his dreams.
The moderator had no clue, but is a great honorable patriotic man. He was just getting the stories for history in the schools.
I remember a PL I had during my AD days, an OCS grad who told us “Whatever you do DON’T LIE TO ME. You only have to lie to me once, and after that your word will never mean SHIT to me.” I feel the same way about anyone, once they lie to me their word doesn’t mean jack sh!t to me from there on.
Just another embellishing shitbag. I call it after the fact syndrome. During the Vietnam war he prob. Thanked his lucky stars he did not deploy to Vietnam. After the fact he decided he wanted to be a Vietnam vet. He prob. Thanked his lucky stars he was not a 11B. After the fact, he decided he wanted that CIB he sporting. He just did not want to do that whole infantry thing.
Well after the fact, jimmy boy, you’ve made the stolen valor hall of fame! I hope you enjoy it. Because it’s forever dumb ass!
For the record, his name is spelled “SWARTZ” on the DD-214, not “SCHWARTZ”.
I’d hate for the Google algorithm to go hungry on this douchebag, James Swartz.
Well another story teller. What a way to F Bomb a great service record
Yes – let’s be sure when writing any comments about James Swartz, that we spell the name: James Swartz correctly, that is, spelled as James Swartz, not Schwartz, but James Swartz.
Did I make that clear enough? James Swartz.
“Use the Swartz Luke, use the Swartz…”
Sorry – I’m one of the few who watched Spaceballs.
“Look at that! My Swartz is bigger than yours!”
I’d give this guy a badge. The new CEB. Combat-Embellisher-Badge. Maybe shaped like a toilet seat because he’s full of crap?
How ’bout a roll of toilet paper with a toilet seat as a wreath?
Sounds perfect. Although – thinking aloud…
I never want it to seem it’s all fun and games when somebody does what this tool did. Talking about / Making little ‘awards’ to place on their photos, etc, might betray how serious it can become in terms of damage to real Soldiers, etc?
Still…yeah. Maybe?
With plunger device, dripping in shit.
Put it atop a miniature body, and THERE, The Extreme Shithead Badge! 😉
Well at least he is not from Oh Canada.
I would have never thought a Sergeant first class would have done this!!!
He’s just following the example of those Sergeants Major and Field Grades who have done it while on active duty.
He just waited until after his retirement and he had the time to get his story down pat before going full retard.
This is what happens when you homestead the last 10 years of your career in a Advanced Individual Training Brigade at the same duty station.
As evidenced by the 2-1 assignments, he was all fat and happy to be in a place where you didn’t even have field gear (TA-50) issued to you and he certainly didn’t seek out further assignments of responsibility away from the schoolhouse.
It’s too bad that the Enlisted Evaluation Reports aren’t releasable as part of the FOIA. I’m betting his would make for some good reading.
Oops, sorry. Not 10 years at Ft. Bliss, only eight years. It was that 10 years Time in Grade on E-7 that confused my numbers.
He was E-8 for a while also.. Come on, that is hard work! Just because he retired E-7 does not mean he was not a hard charger! Just couldn’t keep up to get the pay! 🙂
Nat, he was never an E-8. He was an E-7 holding down an E-8 slot for two years until he retired.
I did the same thing for four years. I was a SFC 76Y40 in a MSG 76Z50 slot as a Brigade S-4 NCO.
But I was in a Mechanized Infantry Brigade of the 4th Infantry Division, not a AIT Training Brigade S-3 Operations shop at the schoolhouse of Ft. Bliss.
When I was AD Army we referred to assignments like that as “ROAD”, Retired On Active Duty, Army slang for a cushy assignments taken many times by asskissers and political lackeys.
Yeah, he spent six years altogether in that schoolhouse S-3 Ops shop.
So he went ROAD fairly early.( or so he thought until that whole DS/DS thing showed up).
HUH? Join the US Army and be expected to GO TO WAR at any time? Gee whiz!!! 😉
Another TYFY (pronounced tie-fie): Thank You for your service and Fuck You for lying about it. The video depicts an open posture, indicative of one who is not in the least uncomfortable with lying. His face works overtime, however, when he has to concoct a bullshit answer. Mission was to rescue three CIA pilots? Surrounded? Captured. Got the soles of his feet beaten daily until he couldn’t feel the pain. Wait! That’s not right! he realizes. Quick! Think fast! Oh, the dogs hurt again when they were beaten but the OTHER times the nerves were dead. Cripes. He’s either a first-class moron or believed his bullshit would be heard only by gullible kids.
Man, what is it with these fakers???
If *I* had a rack like that, I’d be a porn star.
well except that and I have a penis, other than that.
He had the German head Start program why embellish after that.
You also have to love the Navy Salvage Diver’s Badge in his “I Love Me” shadow box.
I’m sure there’s a good story behind that one.
I’ve also noticed the ADA brass in the box but no sign of Infantry crossed rifles brass.
I’m going to guess he joined the Army to stay out of Vietnam. There’s nothing wrong with that. After it became cool to be a boots on the ground Vietnam vet, he decided he wanted to get with the in crowd and claim it as his own!
The three things that piss me off about this guy are: claiming to be POW; claiming a Purple Heart; claiming he earned CIB. It’s so disrespectful to all of those who earned those designations.
James Swartz is a consummate Shitbird! Enjoy the fame asshole!
As we have discussed here many times – we who served with honor did so for a whole lot of reasons, but the thing that commands respect among us is not so much what any of us did but what we were prepared to do. We were all prepared to defend some amount of territory, even if it was only a small office. That is what sets us apart from all those who were never prepared to defend anything.
We who were never exposed to life threatening situations are grateful, even when we ponder why we made it through while others did not.
The ultimate shame a veteran can bring upon himself or herself is to pretend to have done more, been places, seen things beyond his or her actual military experience. Being prepared to give all, knowing that most of us will not pay that price, is all that is required of us. That is where the honor originates.
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