About Those “JV” and “We Were Taken By Surprise” Claims . . .
Remember back in January 2014 when the POTUS said that ISIS was “JV” (short for “junior varsity”)? And those claims that the rise of ISIS “caught the intel community by surprise”?
Well you probably know where this is going. Yeah, your leg’s wet again. And you haven’t been outside, so it’s not rain.
Those claims appear to be bull. According to a news report yesterday, apparently US military intelligence reports predicted the rise of an ISIS-like group in Iraq in August 2012 – or 17 months before the POTUS denigrated them as being “JV”. It also seems to me that predicting something 17 months in advance kinda negates the “taken by surprise” claim, too.
And it gets even better. Remember that little unpleasantness in a place called Benghazi – in September 2012? Want to guess when arms shipments from former Libyan military stocks to Syria, likely for radical Islamic rebel use, started?
If you guessed “about a month later” – give yourself a star.
Oh, and the reports aren’t just based on rumor and innuendo, or on “anonymous sources”. These reports appear to be backed by documents (in redacted form, of course). They were obtained by Judicial Watch via FOIA request.
Yeah, it looks like the current DC clown krewe Administration lied to us. Again. Twice.
Surprised? Me neither.
Sheesh. This bunch makes Nixon and LBJ look like paragons of honesty and forthrightness by comparison.
Category: Foreign Policy, Military issues, Politics, Terror War
Everything that comes out of Obama’s mouth or the mouth of a member of this administration is either a lie, is some liberal fantasy that won’t work or has an expiration date. EVERYTHING!!
“…is either a lie or has a long pastexpiration date.”
Fixed it for you.
Thank you sir!
Other than his vacations and fundraisers, has B. Hussein 0bama touched anything without turning it to SH!T?
No, but I do have one question.
Here it is: since shrillary wants to keep her State Dept e-mails secret until January, is this another ploy for attention by her? Is she maybe ‘altering’ them?
OK, that’s two questions.
Three questions; get the comfy chair.
How many bad democraps will it take for the GOP to field a candidate who is NOT just a mouthpiece for political correctness?
I can make this a Spanish Inquisition, if you like.
No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
PI: IMO, no. This Administration certainly seems to have the Σκατά αφής – AKA the “Skata touch”.
Hondo, would that be Greek for an “everything turns to sh*t” touch?
Yesiree, PT. Literally, the “Sh!t touch”. “Skata” is the Roman alphabet version of the Greek term for dung.
Worst part is, nobody will really care. We have so many functional, voting idiots all they require is their emporer to say “I did NOT say that, or if I did, I didn’t mean it” (see also: if you like your healthcare…). Honestly we have NO-information voters. While the Emporer is the mouthpiece, politicians all around lie about stuff and get away with it. From something I wrote months ago – Here’s an example of how weak-minded voters enable our “leaders” Politican A presents a bill Called “Save our Children!” Contained in the bill is a provision to execute impoverished kids by age 3, thus ‘saving them’ for a childhood of want and maybe hunger. Politician B does not likethe bill and voices opposition. Politican A gets on TV andsays “Politician B HATES CHILDREN! I mean, HOW could he oppose a bill thathelps end the suffering of kids! Politician B is a Childophobe!! He would rather a kid STARVE” Here’s where we, society, come into the picture… Now social media blows up accusing Politician B of being a child-hating right-wing nut job! Popular network and cable media companies broadcast Politician B’s photo with the label “He hates children” Rallies take place. Demonstrations. “Social Justice Experts” stir up the population calling for IMMEDIATE implimentation ofthe “Save our Children!” law. Then…the law gets enacted. Kids start dying. When the kids start dying people protest MORE. Politician A stands up and tells the screaming horde – “The kids are dying ONLY BECAUSE we do not have enough funding. Every citizen with a conscious must support raising taxes by 10%! Do it for the children!” And…then taxes get raised because, after all, who doesn’t want to SAVE our children! Low information Voters. Not just Ignorant; WILLFULLY so. People who do not care enough to take the time to understand a couple important facts: #1 “Society” is not to blame for problems because “WE” are society. WE are to blame for our bad laws, policies,and unrest. Us. Blaming society psychologically removes US from blame. #2 The government works for US; not the otherway around. “The… Read more »
You left out the part about leaking the entire bill to the press and the backlash on Politician A. Politician B comes out looking like a hero.
Lighten up, will you, 14S? As bodaprez continues with his asinine give-a-shit, it just sends the democraps further into the sewer. Not everyone is as braindead as you think they are.
Thanks – I try to have faith. I really do. Some parts of my cynicism stem from environment – I grew up just south of Seattle (what a cess pool of bullshit that place has become), and now live in Big-Labor-Dominated Detroit metro area. I see it so strongly because I live it. With my ties to the feds I feel some harsh impacts of the foolish decisions of those in charge.
Okay – first step: “Today is a good day. Truth will prevail”. I’ll try faking it until I feel it.
Well, you have to remember that the media loves bullshit and swallows it the way you and I would swallow hot cocoa with whipped cream on a cold winter day: eyes wide open, happy to have somethign ‘nice’.
But you have to remember that they are nothing but a bunch of stick-puppets, ventriloquists’ dummies who parrot what someone else says, and will defend it to the end until – ooops! They actually see that the emperor has no clothes. THEY are the morons who got this jackass elected, and now they have to swallow their own bullshit.
I have no sympathy at all for anyone who is NOW saying ‘the WH chose to ignore’, because the paycheck was so much more important than the truth. Hondo is right: these jackasses in the Oval Office really do make Nixon look attractive… okay, not a snake, anyway. The whole point to the Watergate fiasco was to get to Nixon’s corrupt behavior, and the democraps having been waving the White Flag of Virtue ever since.
If there were any way to get rid of Lyndon Johnson’s welfare programs, I’d be on that like hot maple syrup and butter on pancakes.
Just don’t give up.
Ex-Ph2, I try like crazy not to give up, but it’s harder all the time.
The 2014 elections gave us control of two houses. Two house with spineless leadership that has given ol’ jugears all he wants.
I like some of the contenders in the ’16 race, but there ain’t no Ronnie among them.
Half the country is on food stamps, over half the country is on the dole at the local, state or federal level.
Real unemployment is closer to 14% and the middle class has LOST about $2500.00 a year in pay since Barry took office.
Like I said, I try ….
It’s not reasonably possible for me to argue against anything that you wrote. Obama has won. He has transformed the country. Can we get it back? Can we return to co-equal branches of government and a Supreme Court that actually looks at the Constitution as it is without reading in (i.e., creating) new provisions where there are none? It is all about the Constitution, when all is said and done. People suck, by and large, and cannot be depended upon to do what is right and good for other than themselves. Interestingly, those negative characteristics that are poison to the republic are what makes capitalism work. When people have opportunity to increase their wealth, to acquire whatever it is they want to acquire–to be selfish–jobs are created, more taxes are paid by more people, and the economy rolls. I have never subscribed to Obama’s being incompetent, any more than I believe that John Roberts ever truly regarded obamcare as a tax. I have no idea where all of this will go but I know that Jeb, Rand, and Lindsey–or that pig from Jersey–aren’t the answer, individually or collectively.
A Modest Proposal was satire (albeit dark satire) when it was published.
Now we call it the political process.
Former DIA CO Flynn said yesterday, “the White House chose not to …consider (listen to) the intelleigence provided”.
Anyone here surprized?
The former senior leaders are lining up: Military, Democrat and Republican … They are all saying the same thing.
He does not listen to his counsel, seems to believe he knows better and has no strategy.
B. Hussein 0bama, THE MOST arrogant and conceited (among other things) POTUS in our Nation’s history.
Remember, Master Chief, that this is an asshole so arrogant that he refuses to attend his own daily security briefings yet insists on making all strategic, even tactical, military decisions.
Picture a submarine captain who sits in his cabin refusing to listen to any briefings but who insists on making all decisions regarding course, depth, speed and targets.
If the peepholes at the 5-sided nuthouse across from what used to be Quarters K had any intestinal fortitude, they’d all apply for retirement right now and walk off the job or go hold an independent press conference, tell the real truth and then say ‘Fuck it. I quit.’
Oh, Hondo, Hondo, Hondo.
You think bodaprez lied ONLY twice?
Do you really believe that?? Seriously??
I don’t think that whole ‘transforming’ thing is working out quite the way that jackass expected it to go, you know. At least, people are finally coming out of their comas about it. I just hope it’s not too late.
Well, Ex-PH2 – in the two statements I referenced, IMO he only lied twice.
Those were the only two statements by the POTUS I directly addressed. I don’t have the time or patience to address all of his “creative rhetoric”.
This is one of those gigglesnort moments.
I could do a WHOLE lotta research on it and dig up the doublespeak, but frankly, I’d rather go count the grass plants in my lawn as a research project.
Better yet, JUST HOW MANY TIMES have B. Hussein 0bama & Company been truthful about anything?
Ask why are shrillary’s SecyState e-mails being kept ‘secret’ until January.
And this one:
If my kids lied to me like he did they would have had some splaining to do.
They did the same thing with the bloods and crips of los angeles back in the 1960’s. That was just a rehearsal. Not surprised.
So if ISIS is the “JV” team as President Obama stated it’s quite clear that in spite of our best efforts to train the fucking morons in Iraq they remain the “elementary school” team because the “JV” team keeps beating the living shit out of them every time they meet.
In fact one might argue based on recent performance that the ISIS “JV” team appears to have wandered in to the Iraqi “special olympics” competition. We watch incompetence and inability along with blatant cowardice on the part of the Iraqis we are allied with and one begins to wonder what’s the point of trying to help the Iraqis? They don’t fight any better than their South Vietnamese forebears who couldn’t maintain their nation’s defense either.
Fuck Iraq, what do we care which group of shitheads runs that fucking miserable shitbag piece of geography? Oh right we care because of the resources and location of that geography….otherwise we’d give it all the attention we gave the Rwandans a couple of decades back.
Veritas Omnia Vincit, thank you and well said. I have always maintained no more American lives for those cowardly fuckers. Let them have a Caliphate of Sharia Law if they want and tell them clearly, “If you export your shit beyond your borders, you will not even hear us coming. Our answer will be from high in the sky and so relentless, you will be living back in the century you love so much. Now carry on and you have been forewarned.” Then of course, have a President and Congress with the balls to carry through with that promise.
So what you’re saying here Sparks is that we should do a partial Le May on them? Instead of bombing them back to the Stone Age, we just bomb them back to the Middle Ages where they’ll feel at home again?
Has possibilities…
Except for the accommodations they’re pretty much still living in the middle ages…and judging by some of those accommodations the middle ages could be an improvement…
It would not be hard to get the napalm factories cranked up and producing product again…
“apparently US military intelligence reports predicted the rise of an ISIS-like group in Iraq in August 2012 – or 17 months before the POTUS denigrated them as being “JV”. It also seems to me that predicting something 17 months in advance kinda negates the “taken by surprise” claim, too.”
You forgot, Hondo, that this President is so fricken smart, much smarter than all of us, that he doesn’t need to attend his morning security briefings. He can just walk by and look at the cover of the briefing and know exactly what’s in it.
At least that’s what the commies claimed way back in 2009 when it was revealed he seldom takes time for the morning security briefing.
So what eles is new????????
Google the word Integrity. You will not find a picture of anyone who has ever served in this administration.
In order to get the government out of our shorts we have to take responsibility for ourselves. “We” means more than 50% of the voters. I don’t enjoy being cynical but I don’t see it happening. And if we do not take responsibility for ourselves, it won’t matter which party we elect. In order to get elected, a political party cannot threaten to reduce the money given to the voters so more big government and high taxes. I think that Johnson was much worse for the country that Nixon – his micro-management of the Vietnam war made it impossible to win and I think that his domestic policy was world-class bad. I have a lot more to say but, in short, he sucked. Nixon had some bad days but he had some good ones too – China for example. The Republicans have been running with Tricky Dick and Watergate on their shoulder like a second head ever since 1974 and if he falls off, the Democrats nail his ass right back on there. Except for Watergate, as presidents go we have had a lot worse. I know about “one aw shit…” but the Republicans have not succeeded in doing the same thing with Johnson and Carter and Clinton and Obama and they should. Obama has cured me forever of first term senators. If the Republicans nominate a first term senator, I don’t know what I will do. If both parties nominate someone without executive experience, I may just stay home and move somewhere where I can grow my own food. Has anyone else noticed that we have had about 5% per year inflation for the past 6 years or so? How much was gas in 2007? Groceries? I made 1.5 times as many dollars in 2008 as I did last year that was probably two times the value. Quality IT work is harder to find because of the competition from places like India where the cost of living is 10% of what it is here. Everything costs more and I am getting paid less and I am getting very cranky… Read more »