Sunday morning feel good stories

| May 10, 2015

SJ sends us our first story this morning from North Carolina;

Winterville Police responded to Ashley Meadows Drive at 10:40 Friday night. Police said they discovered signs of forced entry at a home there. Residents of the home told police an estranged husband had broken into the home with a handgun. A person living at the home shot the man several times.

The suspect was taken to Vidant Hospital, but died because of his injuries.

More effective than a restraining order, I suppose.

In California, 79-year-old veteran, Richard is on guard for his neighbors;

e saw the man scoping out his neighbor’s home in the 14000 block of Willow Street when no one was home.

The Hesperia hero confronted the suspect: “I said, ‘What are you doing?’

“He said, ‘Well, my stuff is here.’

“I said, ‘No, it’s not here.’

“He said, Well, Steve lives here.’

“I said, ‘No, he doesn’t. You just better be on your way.’

“He said, ‘Well, you wouldn’t shoot me.’

“I said, ‘Well, test me.’”

Richard told the suspect to put his hands up on the the fence or lay down on the ground.

But he says the would-be burglar didn’t go down without a fight.

He allegedly punched Richard in the nose, knocking him to the ground and his glasses off his face: “Rather than swing at him, I just protected myself like this and he beat on my back for nine or 10 times. And then I took my gun out and hit him on the foot with it, and then he backed off.

“And he said, ‘If I run are you going to shoot me or kill me?’ I said, ‘Go for it.’ It was his choice, not mine.”

The one-time military man says he always has a gun on him for safety reasons./

The burglar was apprehended by police for assaulting Richard, who says that he’s pressing charges.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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A Proud Infidel®™

The second story came from The Peoples’ Republik of Kalifornia, I wonder if they would have prosecuted the old man for defending himself had he shot the goblin attacking him?


Quite possible. Not only is it virtually impossible to get a CCW permit, open carry has been outlawed by Governor Moonbeam.

Couple that with the fact it wasn’t even his house (IIRC, CA does not allow deadly force unless they’re breaking into your home) but his neighbor’s, some overzealous dickhead prosecutors might indeed try to file charges.

Just one more reason I left CA.