Mugged by reality

| December 5, 2008

A few weeks ago, the barren hags of Code Pink were celebrating the win of their candidate, Barack Obama, as the end of all war. Today, they’re not so sure;

While Obama is busy trying to convince us that a cabinet made up of the Reagan/Bush/Clinton/Bush administrations is really change, the anti-US crowd is beginning to wonder if they’ll really have a voice. The Boston Globe‘s Joan Vennochi  wrote yesterday that in order to be a FOO (Friend of Obama), you had to have been an enemy first;

John Kerry’s fate illustrates the new political order under President-elect Barack Obama: Reward your enemies, not necessarily your friends.

Hillary Clinton, Obama’s tough primary opponent, became Obama’s choice for secretary of state; Kerry, an avid Obama ally, was passed over. Obama’s vice president, Joe Biden, is also a former rival. Yesterday, Obama named Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico, another primary challenger, as his pick for commerce secretary.

What’s next, Dennis Kucinich as secretary of labor?

Before that, Obama stood behind Senator Joseph Lieberman, a Democrat turned Independent who campaigned hard for Republican John McCain. With Obama’s blessing, Lieberman retained a prestigious committee chairmanship.

If you’re Kerry, you’ve got to be feeling a bit like the Rev. Jeremiah Wright – thrown under the Obama bus, while ex-rivals climb merrily aboard.

Apparently, there’s room under that bus for all of those gullible jackasses on the Left who thought that Obama was serious about change.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Code Pink, Politics

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Fox News Zombie

Jackasses is right!!!! Run all those bastards over!!!!!!!!!

Thus Spake Ortner

I wonder if I am going to be asked to be Secretary of the Army.


If this entire episode doesn’t put the world’s largest spotlight on the abject insanity and naivete of the Code Pinko types, nothing does. Think about this: They are appealing to a guy in Obama (may peace and blessings be upon Him) who has already thrown them under the bus. And they are asking him to notice their commitment to peace by showing how they are the 21st Century version of useful idiots. “Hey, we met with female Iranian legislators who assure us they want peace and an open dialogue.”

Really? Do these women in Iran set nuclear policy, you complete fools?! Fear not, Americans, we met the nuke-seeking Holocaust deniers and they really, really like us!

Eddie Willers

The news that Obama is packing his cabinet with warmed-over know nothings from the Bush/Reagan/Clinton/Bush administrations has got to bring a smile to today’s conservative. From Bill Kristol to David Brooks to Andrew Sullivan to Joe Lieberman they’re all lining up to sing Obama’s praises.

Obama’s already balking on his “anti-war” stance (let’s be honest, if you truly believed Obama was going to end ANY war you are hopelessly naive), now he’s packing his administration with hawks and career bureaucrats. One is forced to wonder if by voting for McCain or Obama one was merely expressing their opinion of which hood ordinate should go on the hood of the country’s automobile… that will soon careen wildly off of its path, I might add.

The Who said it best: “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.”

Given the makeup of Obama’s potential cabinet, it appears today’s conservative will not be provided with much wiggle room from which to launch complaints. Tell me again where the differences are between the two parties?


Wright must be the one with the eagles on the burqa collar.


I believe a retired military officer has some legal liability when associating with the enemy. Maybe she already has a ‘bad’ discharge and doesn’t have to worry about being recalled to active duty and subjected to a general court martial.
By his appointments Hussein O has finally admitted he doesn’t know which way the earth turns or what makes this country run. He’s now in the CYA mode.

509th Bob

Read IMAO’s “National Security Team” entry. It’s freaking hilarious.


The general opinion on Clinton’s appointment has best been expressed by the Daily Mash, a British version of Onion.