Weekend Open Thread

There was some discussion a few weeks ago about the AT&T commercial and the woman who plays the store manager. Well this is the woman who plays that same role in the Spanish-language commercials, and I think she’s much cuter. Just saying.
If you’re in no hurry for the weekend to finish, here’s a little pick me up for Monday morning. This is scheduled for 0930 PST Monday;

Mr Bernath will be attending by telephone, you know, because he’s not in Vietnam where, for whatever reason, there is less gravity.
Category: Open thread
This is a sad story. Former Ranger. Thoughts and prayers to the officer and his family.
So, Stepbrothers is on TV for the umpteenth time and, although the scene hasn’t come up yet, I recalled the bit where one of the stepbrothers is forced to lick white dog shit. Well, I wondered, what the heck ever happened to white dog shit anyway? I used to see it frequently years ago. So, I turned to Al Gore’s invention and Googled that very question. And I learned that not only am I not the only one with that question but that someone has an answer! If you, too, ever wondered whatever happened to the once common pearly turds, here’s the link to end the mystery.
Nic. One more reason to go to Belize someday.
60 Minutes. Can’t believe I, a knuckle dragging right winger, is writing this: I like 60 Minutes. Hadn’t watched it in years…right there with any Heinz product and Jane Fonda and was banned. Now have watched it for many weeks and am impressed. Now I wonder if in my senile state I’m getting soft or have they changed? Hmmm.
I really can’t say, but this did come to mind, SJ.
And another one’s crossed the great divide. My best friend’s father, a US Army veteran, passed yesterday morning in Texas. He’ll be missed, not only but especially not least by his daughters.
For all of you playing the TAH board game version at home, 3 hours and 45 minutes ’til meltdown!
I am gitty with excitement.
That is all!
I sure hope he doesn’t see TSO’s post prior to the hearing… it could shiver his timbers. Wouldn’t be prudent.
Any news?
This is a tragic accident, but it clearly demonstrates why GPS systems are crap.
It also shows why you should pay attention to ‘ROAD CLOSED’ signs and not try to go around barriers.
Holy Crap! What other clues did he need not to do this?!?! A glowing angel holding a flaming sword and a stop sign???
Where I work we had a customer call in and say that he was going to sue our company because he followed his phone’s GPS and drove his car into a lake.
How the hell can you miss a lake?