Just When You Think You’ve Seen It All . . .
. . . you get your nose rubbed in the fact that you haven’t.
Well, ladies – you’d best get on-board and start supporting those restrictions on carbon dioxide.
Why? It’s causing global warming – right? And according to Rep. Barbara Lee, D-CA, global warming is especially bad for women.
Per a resolution introduced by Rep. Lee two days ago, one of the effects of global warming will be to force women into the sex trade to obtain basic necessities. So you ladies had best start protesting against global warming to protect your virtue!
I wish I was joking above. But, sadly – I’m not joking. The “esteemed” Congressditz really did introduce a resolution to that effect.
Sheesh. And she’s allowed not only to walk around without supervision – she also votes on bills being considered by Congress to become law.
Only in America.
Category: "Teh Stoopid", Global Warming, Liberals suck
Well, to be fair, she’s no Cynthia McKinney.
Well looks like Maria Harf just got knocked out of the stupid comments of the quarter.
We should start awarding blunt trauma awards every quarter or something. You can’t make this up.
“You can’t make this up.”
Why not, apparently “they” do all the time.
Ohhh, sorry, offtopic, but do all HTML tags work here, or just some?
On topic, what a ditz. She really believes that huh? She wasn’t doing it for let’s say, a lobbyist?
And here all this time I thought women involved in “The sex trade” were just trying to put themselves thru medical school while maintaining a 4.0 GPA. All this time it was due to Global Warming? I guess you do learn something new everyday, not that that means it is useful.
“Cutest Little Communist in Congress!”
I beg to differ, Hondo.
Bernie Sanders is the cutest.
(yeah, I almost threw up writing that!)
Interestingly enough, I read this morning that Sander’s wife is facing federal and state fraud charges, and a real chance of a bunch of others.
She was president of some small Vermont College and lied through her teeth to the state and feds to get many millions in loans to expand the campus. She made up financial documents and income, and came extremely close to bankrupting the college in the process too.
Gonna be fun to watch over the next few months.
And, much like Monica Conyers and her hubbie, John, Bernie knew nothing, nothing! about it.
Well, Mr. Chip “So called” NASA…
I knew Cynthia McKinney,
and you Sir are no…
Cynthia McKinney.
So there!
I weep for the folks that put this moron in office.
I don’t. In my book they fully deserve her.
She represents the East Bay area in CA (Berkeley, Oakland, Alameda). She’s been serving there since 1998. They keep electing her.
The rest of us don’t deserve to have to put up with her idiocy, but unfortunately we don’t have a say in the matter.
Good point.
I believe that a Congresscum can be refused admittance to the House, but it takes a 2/3 vote to refuse.
So yeah, it’s OUR fault that OUR Congresscreatures allow this ditz admittance.
What’s that headline? “WORLD ENDS. Women, Minorities Hit Hardest.” :rolleyes:
I think you meant 🙄
At least they have something they can trade for their daily subsistence. As an old, broken down man, I don’t have that option. I guess I could trade ammo for food and water, at least for a while. Come to think of it, women have been trading sex for food from the beginning of human history.
Rep. Lee’s value for such a transaction is probably next to nil as well, hence her need to sound the alarm. 🙂
I completely understand your plight Roger, I myself discovered upon turn 45 years old that I had suddenly developed a superpower that renders me completely invisible to beautiful women under the age of 35. Now not unlike Superman I too have my “kryptonite” in the from of Womens public Restrooms and Female Lockerrooms.
You have that backwards, Roger.
It is MEN who have been silly enough to trade food for sex from the beginning of human history.
Seriously, how’s that meatloaf coming along? Made any peasant bread lately? Want some ice cream with that apple pie?
That is a win!
Well I tend to get numerous proposals for marriage whenever I make desserts for Post dinners really annoys my wife
I will say that my wife makes me all kinds of promises if I make her cheesecake.
Thank God cheesecake takes a while to do right otherwise I might not survive!
Nobody is gonna want me for sex, but there will be fist fights to get in line for my cooking.
Don’t down on yourself like that, I’m probably the most butt-ugly half-bred mutt in the Air Force and I’ve got people throwing themselves at me.
What is it with waterheaded Congresswomen named Lee? Our particular cross to bear in Houston is the legendary Sheila Jackson-Lee, in whom Teh Stoopid very strong is.
My thoughts exactly. They are in competition with one another.
IDK, Hank Johnson, D-CA is worried that Guam will capsize if troops are moved around. He is in the running as most idiotic Congressman.
Sounds like a new tournament to me.
NEVER underestimate a liberal’s capacity of 24k weapons grade idiocy!
Pinto Nag?
Ducks for cover……
Global Warming is America’s fault, and only we can fix it.
Global Warming is targeting women, and we must stop it.
I’m surprised nobody said it was also targeting Blacks, but I’ll give them time.
CO2, huh?
Well, we could start the process of lowering those levels by sewing the congressthingie’s mouth shut.
Isn’t it just a shame that the dunking chair went out of style?
Hondo, that link you provided only leads back to this thread.
Thanks for alerting me – the link didn’t transfer properly when I uploaded the article. It should be fixed now.
…My God, these are the people in government. Can we crib a page from the French book and start rolling out guillotines?
Stupid should be painful. Real painful.
Apparently it’s not in CA’s Bay Area.
It never will be painful for them as long as we have welfare etc.
The way I sometimes look at it is that if the East Bay didn’t have a nitwit like Barbara Lee in office introducing pointless resolutions, they might instead elect somebody who could do some real damage.
So Global Warming is what caused the Secret Service to hire the prostitute girls and it is what caused the DEA to have sex parties in Columbia? All Bush’s fault, yep. Damn Republicans.
// might want to make the DEA agents watch the human trafficking powerpoint and get the cert.
DEA had to go DEEP Undercover. What did you expect?
But can she park a car in DC? Inquiring minds want to know.
Truly frightening. Looks like it’s coming down to this…..
Yes, indeed. Women and minorities aside, the *worst* thing that the coming global warming disaster has in store for the world, is the costume I’ll have to wear as the clear front-runner in the race to become the ‘Ayatollah of Rocknrolla.’
Does anyone else remember when we didn’t close the borders AND we didn’t all catch ebola? Remember all those drummed up predictions, including Hondo’s “Epidemic Spreadsheet”? 584,000 people should have died by now right? Then why is the number more like 5,000?
Does anyone else remember the last time DrKnow went off topic? Something about how he likes to don a jockstrap made of prairie grass and then walk into his weed wacker
I just haven’t heard anything on the topic in a while and was wondering if anyone wanted to talk about accountability, or if, like how I feel this global warming conversation is going, Hondo is just going to ring the alarm bell and then goes off onto a different subject next week.
The latest number is about 10,000.
The disease was contained because the countries with the outbreaks turned to the traditional way of dealing with them: quarantine, with food donations, instead of having people take taxis to overloaded, inadequate hospitals.
They also gathered the dead and incinerated their highly infectious bodies, and sanitized the dwellings of the ill and the deceased.
Incidently, ebola is not gone from Liberia.
Worst case scenarios can and do happen. The calculations that reflect them are not erroneous. Failure to take appropriate action in the face of a serious disease outbreak will result in catastrophe.
10K is still a lot smaller number than 584K
Well, Dr. Know, if you want to spend your entire life expecting doom and gloom, that’s up to you. Just because someone predicts disaster doesn’t mean it will happen that way, nor does the opposite always happen. Chaos is what runs the universe – unpredictable variables.
A few observations, “DrKnow”.
1. To quote the first sentence of the article you referenced: “People wonder just how bad the Ebola outbreak could get.” I presume you are capable of comprehending the difference between the terms “could get” and “will be”. If not, I’ll be happy to attempt to explain it to you using only short words.
Anyone with reasonable intellect reading the article would know that it is discussing a worst-case possibility. Indeed, I said as much later in the same article:
We know from your past comments that you are mathematically-challenged, but I’d expect you to be able to comprehend the phrases “until herd immunity . . . ” and “or something else intervenes”. Here, obviously something else did intervene, preventing “worst-case” from occur occurring – thankfully. My guess is it was largely due to the reasons valerie states below.
2. The actual number of deaths predicted using the crude unconstrained growth model for today’s date was considerably higher than you quote – over 931k, to be precise. However, my model’s predictions were actually conservative; they were considerably lower than the CDC was predicting at the time I put the model together. CDC was predicting considerably more deaths on the same dates.
Perhaps you should ask them why they were even farther off. Of course, their model was also a worst-case prediction – so there’s not really any big mystery.
Feel free to come and comment again in the future. Just be prepared to be called a fool if future comments demonstrate that’s the case, as they have here.
To start, you state that you believed the numbers would be close to what you’re spreadsheet shows, in that you say “I think this should be relatively close.” Otherwise, why write the post.
You also close the post with “THIS is why we need to do everything possible to keep this sh!t out of the United States. Period.”
In multiple other posts you argued that we needed to close the borders, or it would spread across America, and ravage us.
My point is, you were wrong. Own up to it.
The “I think this should be relatively close” relates to the crudeness of the model mathematically. I used average time-scales and did not attempt to account for variation in incubation period, duration of symptomatic period, etc . . . , which a more detailed model would have done. As I said in the article, it was a quick and dirty model; I didn’t have time to develop a more detailed one. Presumably the CDC did – and they were predicting more worse-case deaths than I did.
Someone with a normal level of ability in comprehending written English would have understood that, particularly if they knew a damn thing about the math underlying processes involving exponential growth. That’s particularly true in light of the fact that I also identified that the last few generations of the model were suspect for other reasons.
Sorry, but I don’t have a damn thing to apologize for. Worst case projections are exactly that: worst-case projections. They may or may not come to pass.
Are you really so dense that you (1) don’t comprehend the concept of a worst-case scenario, and (2) also fail to comprehend the concept of erring on the side of caution when dealing with a deadly threat? Sheesh.
What I did in the articles you reference was to point out the possible worst-case scenario, and recommend we err on the side of caution. The CDC pointed out much the same in terms of potential future fatalities, and actually predicted a worse scenario than did I. You got a problem with the numbers, take it up with them.
Mankind was lucky, and the worst-case scenario didn’t come to pass. The current Administration was both lucky and stupid. It took a risk with US public health that that simply wasn’t necessary. Taking an unnecessary risk that could conceivably result in the death of tens to thousands is IMO manifestly bad public policy, and is also sheer stupidity.
So, if we are always suppose to be prepared for the very worst-case scenario, I would love to hear your thoughts on planning for Global Climate Change? I know you believe the jury is still out on this whole concept, and that we need to “follow the money” but there are a lot of people out there that believe there is something going on. The World’s Oceans are rising in temperature (http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/science/indicators/oceans/sea-surface-temp.html) and level, and the ice sheets/packs are melting (http://climate.nasa.gov/interactives/global_ice_viewer). What should be done to prepare for the worst case scenario in this instance? Should we stop burning fossil fuels for power? Should we look into more sustainable energy sources? Should we cut back on CO2 and other “greenhouse gas” emissions, or is this just a bunch of whoey and liberals just ringing an alarm bell for political reasons?
Sure, DrKnow, the world could just stop using fossil fuels of any type tomorrow. The various enviro-whackos in the Green movement that hate humanity and worship Gaia/Mother Earth/whatever would simply love that.
Then we could all stand back and watch 3/4 or more of the earth’s human population starve or die of exposure as technology grinds to a halt and human society regresses back to the 1500s or so – if not farther back. I guess you’re OK with that, since you seem to suggest that course of action above.
Obviously, that would be a far worse scenario than continuing to monitor what’s going on until we, you know, might actually have a freaking clue as to what is actually going on with the Earth’s climate. It’s probably not the truly “worst-case” scenario – something like an asteroid strike similar to the one that hit off the Yucatan approx 65M years ago – but I still think I’ll pass.
My position on man-made global warming is well known. Dig around on this site and you’ll find it. Let’s just say that the term “skeptic” – in the accurate, non-pejorative sense of the word – is the short version.
You’re aware that the NASA data you cite above has been “adjusted” on the quiet? And that pre-adjustment data was quite different – right? And that current models can reliably reproduce neither the Roman/Medieval warm periods or the “Little Ice Age” associated with the Maunder Minimum?
At this point, I wouldn’t trust either the models or the data. Let me “adjust the data” quietly without explanation of how or why, and I can take any raw data set you give me and support any conclusion someone wants – true or not. Plus, a model that can’t accurately predict known past occurrences is, bluntly, generally not one you want to count on being accurate when applied to projecting the future.
Hells bells – one of the co-founders of Greenpeace now calls the manmade global warming thesis a crock and publicly has come out as a skeptic. That should tell you something.
You can not trust all the generally accepted scientific truths you want (heck I know people that don’t believe dinosaurs existed) but it doesn’t change the fact that some of these things are happening. I am not saying it’s man made or anything of those sorts, just that the ice is melting, the ocean is getting warmer and the sea level is rising. I asked you for what your plan would be in a worst-case scenario for this situation. Maybe these trends are perfectly natural, but as it stands, a hell of a lot of people are going to be underwater if we don’t do anything. The question I posed to you was what should we do. You evaded the question. Again.
No, I didn’t evade the question. A question with an obvious answer doesn’t really need an one, particularly when it’s being asked by someone who is merely trying to provoke and/or argue pointlessly. That’s precisely what you’re doing here. You and I both know that.
However, I’ll give you an answer anyway.
The answer – which is obvious to anyone who isn’t thick as the proverbial brick – is that mankind will do precisely what it has done before when the Earth’s climate changed markedly since Man’s arrival on this planet. Man will adapt to the changed climate. Witness the last Ice Age.
Will there be winners and losers? Yes. Who wins and who loses depends on whether we’re entering a cooling period, a warming period, or staying about the same. Any of the three is possible.
That answer is the same whether or not the climate change is caused by man. My best guess is that it’s not – the past says Earth’s climate is hugely variable. Sooner or later, it will oscillate hot or cold again. It may or may not be beginning to do so now. Or the climate may simply be in another short-term fluctuation around the norms established over the last few millenia.
From actual, raw data, we can’t say. We just don’t know with any certainty.
Then again, neither do the current global warming crowd. They just refuse to admit it, claim the “science is settled”, and refuse to discuss the matter further when data says otherwise.
THAT is my beef with the global warming crowd. They haven’t proven their point – so they’ve resorted to politics and scare tactics instead.
I would say…YGBFSM! But, I am not surprised so, I won’t. I will NEVER, understand how people like her can even remember to breath in and out regularly.
Just because Rep Lee gets the urge every summer to don a micro-mini and fishnets and stand on the corner peddling male gratification doesn’t mean all women are so inclined. Now I need brain bleach to get the afore mentioned vision out of my head
Nucsnipe…Thank you. I too am now headed to the garage for a full bath in eye and brain bleach. 😀
This was floated a couple of years ago. It was stupid then and everyone laughed enough that it was dropped. It is just as stupid now
What did people do when the southwestern United States turned into a desert?
According to the people who studied the Pueblo indians, they moved. Their progeny are still with us.
Are we less capable of making intelligent decisions than the Pueblo?
Based on the representatives Lee etc: Yes, FAR less capable
Shit does that mean if the thermometer hits 100 degrees I can break out my pimp suit? You know my double breasted purple get up with the yellow hat and ostrich feather,,, and my platform shoes?
I’m not an attorney or a legal expert, but if this resolution was to pass into law, wouldn’t that give everyone charged with prostitution, child molestation, sex trade, whatever, etc. a defense for their charges?
Maybe I’m completely unable to grasp Governmentese, but I can’t seem to find where the Representative advocated forcing women into the sex trade? That thing is almost impossible to read.
Follow the link, then do a text search for “sex work” or “transactional”. That’s the section of the resolution that says, in legalese, that global warming will cause to women to be forced into the sex trade to obtain basic necessities like food and clean water.