Chad Ward; phony LTC, Ranger
Scotty sends us his work on this Chad Ward fellow who claims “22 tours” in the Army rising to the lofty rank of Lieutenant Colonel, a Ranger and earning himself a Purple Heart, a Silver Star and a Bronze Star along with Good Conduct Medals. Some how he thinks that will help him in his business setting up entertainment centers.
Well, as you can guess that’s not exactly true – in fact, it’s not true at all. The National Personnel Records Center says “Who?”
Category: Phony soldiers
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Boy am I loser. I was an O5 but never got any Good Conduct medals. You would think that there would be a record of him since he as a “BSN” from West Point (not the USMA). Or maybe he got that from a school in a town named West Point?
SJ, since we’re both retired O-5s, may be we can return the favor by setting up a fake compamy and posing as phony home theater set-up specialists…///
Well, I was Signal and got my ass chewed more when PA systems didn’t work than I did when commo sucked. Maybe that would be a good line of work.
Haha. I too am a SIGO, and have been in CUBs where the only interest they had in me was to get the projector working properly for the power point presentation.
Maybe there’s a small town elsewhere named “West Point” and he either graduated from their high school, got his GED there, or it’s home to some diploma mill! Either way, he’s just another snotsucking candyassed Smurf-humping creampuff of a junk food-guzzling LSoS in my book!
West Point, Alabama, population 350. Nah, they’d probably run his ass out of town on a rail.
Or West Point, GA. It backs up to Valley were 85 hits the state line.
The gayness is strong in this one.
Or West Point, VA- home of….. well, the only thing I can remember being there was the paper mill.
IIRC the home of Chesty Puller
I had forgotten that. I knew he was buried in the nearby town of Christchurch, but only because I went to high school there
I have been there. Used to be Chesapeake back in the day.
Damn, you would have to remind me of the paper mill in West Point, VA. Used to have to go through there about once a week. Now I got a damn smell flashback. LOL
You think that was bad? Try going to a school located halfway between the paper mill at West Point, and a fish processing plant
Proud – I bet you can’t say that 3 times real fast.
I dood it, TRUST ME!!
west point , KY…right outside Ft.Knox , KY
Isn’t a “BSN” a Nursing degree?
I don’t know what a BSN in Engineering is. Maybe BullShitting Noodnik?
Yep, BSN – Bachelor of Science in Nursing, my youngest Sister has that. In Chad Ward’s case, I’m sure it means “Bumfuck Shitheaded Nincompoop”! If he had a BSN in Nursing he wouldn’t be baving to set up home theaters for a living.
Jeebus, it’s Friday Phony Fucktard Day…
I’ll just leave this here for him….
CW Logic has a Facebook page and lists other ways to share with this worthy person the error of his ways.
Just sent his CW Logic FB page a link to this. Wonder if he will respond. Cedar Park, Tx is right down the road from me.
In news that will surprise nobody, he also boasts having “published” 13 patents. A quick review of a very reliable patent database shows that a Chad Ward is credited over the last 10 years of being part of a team that was granted four patents. There is no need to verify whether it is the same person (and really, he was moonlighting with teams of inventors while on 22 deployments?) because even if this were the same guy, four patents doesn’t magically become 13.
BTW: there is no Chad Ward in the USMA list of Grads ( There is a Charles B., Christine, and Conan.
I am shocked.
We can be even a bit more definitive than that, sj.
His “resume” lists his Army service as 1992-2012. That means he would have graduated in 1992.
The only two individuals with the last name “Ward” to graduate in 1992 were named “James E. Ward” and “Kermit D. Ward”.
An alternate possibility would be that he graduated in 1996 and received a medical retirement in 2012, and is counting his time at West Point as “Army Service” (it doesn’t if he receives a commission). There were no 1996 West Point graduates with the last name of “Ward”.
Unless he’s changed his name, this guy is blowing smoke. I’m shocked, shocked too.
Is it only me that is wildly amused by a retired Army Officer from West Point that has a graduate degree and works as a home theatre installer?
Not that it can’t be a good job – but one would think that he would be a contractor for the government and make boatloads of money?
this is the internship program for All Points.
He needs some seasoning first.
I have no more fucks to give today.
I look at this stain on society and wonder….why he wussied out.
I mean he could have gone much furhter with his lie and frankly he should have. A couple bullet points on a resume is all being a ranger and a light colonel is worth?
gawd. thanks for trying but damn he’s even a poor phony.
I had a spare fuck around here yesterday, but I think I must have used it up.
Well, here’s a substitute (possibly NSFW):
Hmmm 22 tours, average tour is 12 months so I guess he was there long before the GWOT even started ! My HERO… NOT Fuckin Poser
you misunderstood.
those were tours around the block.
Or tours to the spunk shack.
Rides on the Tour Bus
Maybe he licked all 22windows every time he hopped aboard the”Short Bus” and counts that as tours?
Of the three magazines he lists as being published in, only 1 is a legit magazine title, Home and Garden out of England. Home Theaters really isn’t their thing.
I doubt he even plays the guitar.
And leads to (say it out loud)
The only thing this turd plays with is his balls.
Like u don’t play with yours
You sound like a jailhouse bitchboy posting under a girl’s name that has held and played with plenty of ballsacks!
No I’m a real ass woman who stumbled on to this page…and thought these grown ass men are like 6th grade little girls picking on the new kid.Get a life
A big surprise that the Texas Board of Professional Engineers has not heard of this clown either.
Texas Board of Professional Engineers says “Who?”
A rump-ridin’ ranger that practices the ancient art of buttsekks warfare.
Fucking loser…
Wonder if he’s also trained in the use of a combat shovel?
Here is my shovel course!
This dude has that “I want your balls in my face” look.
Your all about some balls…..are u gay
Nice going in resurrecting a dormant thread you imbecilic moron! Whose little Swamp Donkey queef are you, or are you CHAD WARD (Google hit! :D) posing under the name “judy”?
Either way, YOU’RE AN IDIOT, and you lose!!
No I’m a real ass woman who stumbled on to this page…and thought these grown ass men are like 6th grade little girls picking on the new kid.Get a life
Officer + Good Conduct Medals = TOTALLY LEGIT!
Well, it is possible if he was a Maverick.
And had served….
Possible but unlikely if he’s a USMA grad as claimed, given the timing he also claims.
He claims to have served 20 years (1992-2012) and left service, presumably via retirement, as a LTC. O5 and above requires 3 years TIG to retire at that grade (can be waived to 2 yrs by the Service Secretary concerned; I think it can be waived to as little as 1 day for a medical retirement). Making LTC and qualifying to retire at that grade is generally doable in 20 years or so commissioned service.
However: if someone attends one of the service academies and accepts a commission after graduation, the time spent at the service academy does not count as credible military service. (If they don’t accept a commission, it does count – but they then get ordered to active duty for a number of years in an enlisted status to fulfill their service commitment. I believe the general practice is that they enter active duty as an E4.) If he enlisted in 1992, attending USMA and getting a commission would thus make his maximum credible service by 2012 about 16 years – not 20.
That in turn means he would have (1) served prior to attending USMA; (2) attended USMA, which he can’t count as service time if he accepts a commission, (3) accepted a commission, and (4) then made LTC before leaving service in 2012. Even if he only had a bit over 1 year of enlisted service (say, to attend IET and the USMA Prep School), since he can’t count the 4 yrs at West Point that only leaves him around 15 years commissioned time to go from 2LT to LTC.
Seeing an officer go from commissioning to LTC in 15 years is not exactly common, and wasn’t in 2012 either – not outright impossible, but VERY uncommon. I’m guessing this guy didn’t. (smile)
You know, just when I think I won’t ever again be surprised by the antics of one of these LSoS Posers, I am. This guy brings a new and extra definition to stupidity. I mean, he’s not even trying to be a passable poser. Hey, Chad in the future, which now looks pretty bleak for you, a little research and homework will do you wonders in the fabrication of your lies. But alas, it is too, too late for you now. Thankfully, this site and the internet are…FOREVER! Right now, your name, linked to this page, is on page 2, half way down, of a Google search of you and it is only going to climb to page 1, number 1. So guess what? You wanted to be famous and recognized, well now you will be.
Chad Ward Chad Ward Chad Ward Chad Ward Chad Ward Chad Ward Chad Ward Chad Ward Chad Ward Chad Ward Chad Ward Chad Ward Chad Ward Chad Ward Chad Ward Chad Ward Chad Ward Chad Ward Chad Ward Chad Ward Chad Ward Chad Ward Chad Ward Chad Ward Chad Ward
There you go Chad, 25 more Google hit references to your name. Good luck in making it to Numero Uno!
Chad Ward are you listening Chad Ward? I think that Chad Ward is a big assed sack of shit, right Chad Ward? I mean if I had a dog namaed Chad Ward, I’d shave his ass and make him walk backwards. I know a gang that needs a new member Chad Ward. When you look up Chad Ward on the internet you see a shit pile. I mean your MOM Chad Ward should have swallowed, Chad Ward. When I hear Chad Ward in my head when I read Chad Ward I think that it’s the name of a new STD Chad Ward.
If Obama had a son with Hitler his name would be Chad Ward. Ebola is afraid that it may catch Chad Ward.
Damn good, Chip! 🙂
Wow dude get a life…or at least make one up like Chad did…….geeze man. Take a walk
WAY TO GO in resurrecting a dead thread, shit-for-brains, enjoy the increased Google hits!
Shit for brains I may be …but you my friend are a King….KING NOTHING.WHO ARE YOU TO FUCKING JUDGE ANYBODY…OH YA THE King….lol get a life you assclown
Stupid is as stupid does. This is one of those phonies who doesn’t even do decent homework, and come up with halfway believable military fakery.
Just absurd claims that even a sensible, non-veteran civilian should have a hard time believing.
Chad “I’m a maggot and oh crap, I’m busted” Ward.
Even Kim Kardashian would know he is a POS, lying phoney.
At his facebook page there is a photo of him in a vehicle with a little boy sitting behind him. In this photo, the iris of his left eye is outside his eyelid. My photoshop skills say he pasted a blue eyed Iris onto his photo.
I guess that he wanted to be a pretty, blue-eyed LTC with a chest full of GCMs.
This is the photo that I am discussing. Looking closely, I can see a bit of his natural iris, just to our left of the blue iris.
With a little time on my hands this morning, waiting on a phone call; I put the photo in my photoshop to show just how poor a job he did in changing his eye color:
Nice job, Frankie. This dude’s a wannabe even with regard to his eye color.
Hey Chad… I’m a natural blue-eyed guy.
And a real vet with some pretty good awards.
Sucks to be you, in numerous ways don’t it?
Wow you guys are losers with nothing better to do….wow LOOOSSSEERRR..HE ACTUALLY DOES HAVE BLUE EYES
Are you a sockpuppet or one of his poodle fart-brained myrmidons?
Poodle fart.ya that’s what I am..but you my friend are no better than the people you judge…you have nothing better to do than sit around and gossip like a Lil bitch….. lol now that funny Lil bitch Bwhaaaaaaaaaaa
Wipe the poser smegma off your chin Judy, way to revive a dead thread.
Way to look like a Lil house bitch with nothing better to do….gossip with al the other Lil bitches……Bwhaaaaaaaaaaa. lol
Hey Judy, GFY.
Well I just did thank you….now go put your big girl panties on and go play with the other Lil bitches on here
Judy,Judy,Judy. These slash and run techniques don’t go over well with us. C’mon back, we want to talk to you.
You’re obviously some new cheeka that ole blues eyes Chad is running his suck at or else you would have been here five months ago playing sockpuppet.
So, c’mon back. We haven’t had a chewtoy in quite a while and some of the lionesses need to floss their fangs.
Sorry took so long to come back…but I unlike ur self have a guys just sound like a bunch of Somebody’s when in fact your nobodys……just Lil bitches talking smack against so ebony you don’t even know dudes get a life.dont cry pull your big girl panties up and move on loooooosers
Oh, look! A new sockpuppet chew toy! A genuine fawning, claybrained flax-wench!
Wow just copy words from other chew toy sock puppet..u can’t even come up with your own shit….. what a total ASSCLOWN…LOL LOL LOL BWaaaaHHaaaaa
Judy, Judy, Judy…
You were so much more fun before the operation Chad.
Need a snickers bar buddy?
Snickers Bars have more nuts than CHAD WARD PHONEY.
😀 😀 😀
Way to revive a dead zombie thread Chad, you FUCKTARD SHITBAG.
Hey Judy, may I suggest that you take some remedial English and grammar lessons? That way you won’t look like a fifth grade dropout when you post! I see you as the type that would endlessly stare at a can of orange juice because it says “CONCENTRATE” on the label! You should also sell the moment your IQ reaches 50, just sayin’…
“Judy”, I think this possibly NSFW photo sums how most TAH reader’s feel about you and your opinions.
(Hat tip to TAH regular reader “Dave Hardin” for the link to the photo – it’s a keeper!)
Is there anything this guy doesn’t suck at?
BSN from West Point=Bullshit Nobody from West Point Kansas
I know this jerk. He does meth and everything out his mouth is a lie. He hasn’t paid a cent in child support to the mother of his two children ever. It’s been over a year since my friend divorced him. He can’t even see his kids unsupervised. If you see him, show him what real valor looks like close up. Please.
A real deal, two-hole taint tickler and master of the buttsekks warfare
Chad? Hey, Chad! We feel all warm and fuzzy that you still care enough to send your very best.
(Not sure how the rest of you guys are doing out there, but warm and fuzzy big girl panties are just the ticket on this cool morning.)
Hey Chump Ward,
You know something? Caitlyn Jenner is more of a MAN than YOU are.
Pee Wee Herman has more game than YOU do.
Chad Ward will never even remotely be as much of a man as his Momma was.