More Secret Service News
Well, it looks like the Secret Service Director Joseph Clancy will be testifying in Congress again tomorrow about the latest Secret Service troubles. Since his last appearance went just oh so “swimmingly” that was pretty much a foregone conclusion.
But it also looks like he’ll be going alone. That’s in spite of the fact that the Congressional Committee before which he’ll be giving testimony has requested that four other individuals also testify.
Predictably, neither ranking member of the Committee is exactly happy about this. I can’t say that I really blame them, either.
I said earlier when surveillance footage possibly related to the incident couldn’t be located that this looked pretty bad. Now I’m really scratching my head and wondering what’s going on.
With this stunt, IMO Clancy has just made this thing look a whole lot worse. A cynic might even start muttering about the possibility of a cover-up.
Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Government Incompetence
I’ll believe Kongress and all its “Kommittees” are serious when they start issuing bench arrest warrants and start making the bureaucrats do the perp walk in front of media cameras. Even if it never makes the LSDM news, it will DEFINITELY make the blogsites.
They only have that power if the DOJ decided to enforce them. Otherwise, Congress is just a useless branch under the new Emperor’s pen and telephone.